What is the purpose of Lookup operation in ClusterPoint - database

I've been trying to use ClusterPoint database for my project, but documentation does not explain how "Lookup" can be used. It seems there are already methods to retrieve document by ID so my question is - How does Lookup differ from Retrieve?
Please explain or point to better documentation.

"Lookup" is more lighter and quicker operation comparing to "Retrieve" as it just looks for document id in index and returns it. However with "Lookup" it's also possible to get selected fields from document by using "list" parameter. In this case "Lookup" becomes very similar to "Retrieve".


In Azure Search, can an indexer combine information from different documents to a single index item without them overwritting each other?

My goal is to create a single searchable Azure Index that has all of the relevant information currently stored in many different sql tables.
I'm also using an Azure Cognitive Service to add additional info from related documents. Each document is tied to only a single item in my Index, but each item in the index will be tied to many documents.
According to my understanding, if two documents have the same value for the indexer's Key, then the index will overwrite the extracted information from the first document with the information extracted from the second. I'm hoping there's a way to append the information instead of overwriting it. For example: if two documents relate to the same index item, I want the values mapped to keyphrases for that item to include the keyphrases found in the first document and the keyphrases found in the second document.
Is this possible? Is there a different way I should be approaching this?
If it is possible, can I do it without having duplicate values?
Currently I have multiple indexes and I'm combining the search results from each one, but this seems inefficient and likely messes up the default scoring algorithm.
Every code example I find only has one document for each index item and doesn't address my problem. Admittedly, I haven't tried to set up my index as described above, because it would take a lot of refactoring, and I'm confident it would just overwrite itself.
I am currently creating my indexes and indexers programmatically using dotnet. I'm assuming my code isn't relevant to my question, but I can provide it if need be.
Thank you so much! I'd appreciate any feedback you can give.
Edit: I'm thinking about creating a custom skill to do the aggregation for me, but I don't know how the skill would access access everything it needs. It needs the extracted info from the current document, and it needs the previously aggregated info from previous documents. I guess the custom skill could perform a search on the index and get the item that way, but that sounds dangerously hacky. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Pasting from docs:
Indexing actions: upload, merge, mergeOrUpload, delete
You can control the type of indexing action on a per-document basis, specifying whether the document should be uploaded in full, merged with existing document content, or deleted.
Whether you use the REST API or an SDK, the following document operations are supported for data import:
Upload, similar to an "upsert" where the document is inserted if it is new, and updated or replaced if it exists. If the document is missing values that the index requires, the document field's value is set to null.
merge updates a document that already exists, and fails a document that cannot be found. Merge replaces existing values. For this reason, be sure to check for collection fields that contain multiple values, such as fields of type Collection(Edm.String). For example, if a tags field starts with a value of ["budget"] and you execute a merge with ["economy", "pool"], the final value of the tags field is ["economy", "pool"]. It won't be ["budget", "economy", "pool"].
mergeOrUpload behaves like merge if the document exists, and upload if the document is new.
delete removes the entire document from the index. If you want to remove an individual field, use merge instead, setting the field in question to null.

Is it possible to get a list of similar and/identical documents?

This is a general question that would like to get some input from the search community, so I don't have a piece of code to share just yet.
The objective is for a single document to get a list of similar and/or identical documents indexed by Azure Search - is that possible?
So given a document_id = 1 how do I get a list of the most similar documents to the specified id in the index? Ideally the outcome would be a list of documents order by a match of 0-100 - where 100 (%) would be an identical match.
I considering maybe taking the content of a given document and submitting that as part of the search, but that doesn't seem to be very elegant and it is also error prone in terms of constructing the query and the size of a document can be significant.
Thank you in advance for any suggestions or comments.
You could try using the preview feature "moreLikeThis" -> https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/search/search-more-like-this
I believe that's the closest Azure Search has to offer to what you want.
Edit 1: Be advised that this feature has limitations like non-support for complex types. Make sure it meets your requirements before taking a production dependency.

Creating Index in Cloudant

I have a document in the database which has thousands of item in
'productList' as below.
All the object in array 'productList' has the same shape and same fields with different values.
Now I want to search in the following way.
when a user writes 'c' against 'Ingrediants' field, the list will show all 'Ingrediants' start with alphabet 'c'.
when a user write 'A' against 'brandName' field, the list will show
all 'brandName' start with alphabet 'A'.
please give an example using this to search for it, either it is by
creating an index(json,text).
creating a Search index (design document) or
using views etc
Note: I don't want to create an index at run-time(I mean index could be defined by Cloudant dashboard) I just want to query it, by this library in the application.
I have read the documentation's, I got the concepts.
Now, I want to implement it with the best approach.
I will use this approach to handle all such scenarios in future.
Sorry if the question is stupid :)
CouchDB isn't designed to do exactly what you're asking. You'd need one index for Ingredient, and another for Brand Name - and it isn't particularly performant to do both at once. The best approach I think would be to check out the Mango query feature http://docs.couchdb.org/en/2.0.0/api/database/find.html, try the queries you're interested in and then add indexes as required (it has the explain plan to help make this more efficient).

solr auto-suggestion with multible where clauses

Not sure if it is a relevant query to post, but want to understand auto-suggestion is suitable option for location based search as I am looking for specific requirement. The requirement is, from a specified geo location, want to search for providers(be it doctor with specialty or hospitals) using auto suggestion.
As part of suggestion, I need to pass geo location with search key, the search key would be a doctor’s name or doctor’s specialty or hospital name or hospital address, the suggester would provide the results on the basis of geo distance in ascending order.
The weightage option would be calculated on the basis of distance by inverse value.
I posted earlier a query here (solr autosuggestion with tokenization), this post is relevant to my earlier query.
Venkata Madhu
If you want to add more logic to the suggestions that you're going to show is probably a good idea to use normal queries instead of the suggest component.
For instance take a look at this repo is a (bit outdated) example of using a normal solr core to store suggestions and do suggest-like queries. Meaning you can do partial match queries on that index and add the custom scoring logic that you want. Keep in mind that it doesn't need to be a separated core you could just copy data from the fields that you have in a separate field used only for generating the suggestions.
In this case, you'll only need to add/edit the score function used to add your own logic (geodist) or even do a hard sort on the distance.

How does the SETCURRENTKEY() C/AL function in Navision work?

I have the following questions:
What does SETCURRENTKEY actually do?
What is the benefit of SETCURRENTKEY?
Why would I use SETCURRENTKEY?
When would I use SETCURRENTKEY?
What is the advantage of using an index and how do I tie this analogously to the example of an old sorting system of a library?
What type of database querying efficiency problems does this function solve?
I have been searching all over the internet and the 'IT Pro Developer Help' internal Navision documentation for this poorly documented function and I cannot find a right answer to my questions.
The only thing I know is that SETCURRENTKEY sets the current key for a record variable and it sorts the recordset based on it. When SETCURRENTKEY is used with only a few keys, it can improve query performance. I have no idea what is actually happening when a database uses an index versus not using an index.
Someone told me this is how SETCURRENTKEY works:
It is like the old sorting card system in a library: without SETCURRENTKEY you would have to go through each shelf and manually filter out for the book you want. You would find a mix of random books and you would have to say: "No, not this one. Yes, this one". With SETCURRENTKEY you can have an index analogous to the old system where you would just go to a book or music CD based on its 'Author' or 'Artist' etc.
That's all fine, but I still can't properly answer my questions.
With SETCURRENTKEY you declare the key (table index, which can consist of many fields) to be used when querying database with FINDSET/FINDFIRST/FINDLAST statements, and the order of records you will receive while iterating the recordset with NEXT statement.
Performance. The database server uses the selected key (table index) to retrieve the record set. You are always better off explicitly stating SETCURRENTKEY in your code, as it makes you think along about you database structure and indices required.
Performance, and so that you know ahead the order of records you will receive when iterating through a recordset.
When to use:
The typical use is this:
RecordVar.SETRANGE(Field, ...)
RecordVar.SETFILTER(Field, ...)
RecordVar.SETRANGE(Field, ...)
// do something with records
UNTIL RecordVar.NEXT = 0;
SETCURRENTKEY is declarative, and comes into effect only when FINDSET is executed. At the moment FINDSET is executed, the database will be queried on the table represented by RecordVar, using the filters declared by SETRANGE/SETFILTER, and the key/index declared by SETCURRENTKEY.
For 5. and 6. and generally, I would truly reccomend you to familiarize yourself with basic database index theory. This is what it is, pretty well explained by yourself using the library/book analogy.
If modifying key fields (or filtered fields, even if not in the key) in a loop, the standard way to do this in NAV is to declare a second record variable, do a GET on it using the primary key fields from the record variable you are looping through, then change and MODIFY the second record variable.
