How define array to fit negative indexes? - c

I am trying to write function which will return correct string when I will pass error in its argument. But it's not clear to me how to assign negative indexes to strings (corresponding to enum FILE_ERRORS_t), can you clarify?
typedef enum {
#define printErr (const char*[5]){"Cannot open file", "Cannot read file", "Cannot write file", "fseek fail", "fclose fail" }

You cannot make an array that takes negative indexes, but you can make a pointer to the middle of an array so that when you combine it with a negative index, you get a valid element of a "regular" C array. Here is how:
static char * real_errors[] = {
"fclose fail" // -5
, "fseek fail" // -4
, "Cannot write file" // -3
, "Cannot read file" // -2
, "Cannot open file" // -1
static char **errors = &real_errors[5]; // Point one element past the end
Now you can write this:
printf("%s\n", errors[FCLOSE_ERROR]);
and it would work, because it is equivalent to
printf("%s\n", real_errors[5+FCLOSE_ERROR]);
Note: This is only well-defined if errors is pointing inside the array or one past the end. Otherwise, it would be undefined behavior.

Try taking the absolute value as described here and then subtracting one. Then -1 will become 0, -2 will become 1, etc. That should map as you want it to. So the function might looks something like this:
int errorCodeToIndex(FILE_ERRORS_t errorCode) {
return abs(errorCode) - 1
You may need to convert errorCode to an int and remember to #include <stdlib.h>.

You can use a negative index reversing the order of strings:
#include <stdio.h>
typedef enum {
#define sup ((const char *[]){"fclose fail", "fseek fail", "Cannot write file" ,"Cannot read file", "Cannot open file", ""} + 5)
int main(void)
return 0;
fseek fail

Just use a function-like macro and designated initializers
#define printErr(E) (const char*const[]){[-FOPEN_ERROR] = "Cannot open file", ... }[-E]
This makes the array as large as needed and ensures that each string is place at the correct position in it.


SWIG convert C-Pointer stringvalue to tcl string

because of my limited knowledge in C and SWIG i couldn't manage to adopt any public example for converting c-pointer chars to tcl strings ....
I always get stuck at the problem that my tcl variable just doesn't get dereferenced
like this :
tcl_str = _30e84c05ef550000_p_stringout2
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "string_pointer.h"
stringout2 Itla_Get_Model_Version (int laser, char * mv_string)
stringout2 * pointer2;
char *mod_ver ="PPCL600";
pointer2 = malloc( sizeof(stringout2) );
pointer2-> modelvers= *mod_ver;
printf ( "Itla_Get_Model_Version : read %s \n", mod_ver );
return *pointer2 ;
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
typedef struct {
char * modelvers;
} stringout2;
stringout2 Itla_Get_Model_Version (int laser, char * mv_string) ;
/* File : string_pointer.swig */
%module string_pointer
#include "string_pointer.h"
%include "typemaps.i"
%include "cpointer.i"
%include "cstring.i"
%typemap(argout) char* (char tmp) %{
$1 = &tmp;
stringout2 Itla_Get_Model_Version (int laser, char *OUTPUT) ;
%include "string_pointer.h"
load ./
proc test { laser } {
scan [Itla_Get_Model_Version $laser ] %s a
puts "$a "
return $a
set name [test 1 ]
puts "Itla_Get_Model_Version= $name"
when executing the tcl-script you get :
Itla_Get_Model_Version : read PPCL600
Itla_Get_Model_Version= _f0a759f8d9550000_p_stringout2
so i finally need to dereference the Pointer to its value ...
But i don't know how to succeed.....
The C-function is given and can't be modified !
Anybody out there, knowing how to do it ?
If your strings are basically ASCII or UTF-8, all you need to do is to tell SWIG that your function has allocated the string it is returning. For details see, the SWIG docs on C strings.
char *Itla_Get_Model_Version (int laser, char * mv_string) {
// I assume this is a proxy for something more complicated...
const char *mod_ver ="PPCL600";
size_t len = strlen(mod_ver) + 1;
char *output = malloc(len);
memcpy(output, mod_ver, len);
printf ( "Itla_Get_Model_Version : read %s \n", mod_ver );
return output;
char *Itla_Get_Model_Version(int laser, char * mv_string);
/* Tell SWIG that this function returns something to be freed */
%newobject Itla_Get_Model_Version
/* And now we can use the standard C header */
%include "yourcode.h"
If the above simple solution doesn't work…
Things get a lot more complicated if you are using a different encoding for your strings or if you wrap them inside a structure (as you did in your question). That's when you need a typemap, particularly ones of the Tcl variety. Correctly writing a typemap depends on understanding the semantics of the values that you are producing and/or consuming and the semantics of the language that you're using. Assuming you want the wrapping, here's a very simple output typemap that might work:
%typemap(out) stringout2* {
Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj($1->modelvers, -1));
Your function also needs to be modified to return a stringout2* by doing return pointer2;, and not a stringout2 since otherwise you will be leaking memory on every call. You can return a stringout2, but if you are doing that then you should not allocate it with malloc, but rather keep it as a structure directly in a local variable.
In that case, the typemap you'd use is:
%typemap(out) stringout2 {
Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj($1.modelvers, -1));
(Note the different type, different access to the field, and lack of free.)
And your structure should be declared as containing a const char * if it really is that.
If you have strings in a different encoding (and it isn't ISO 8859-1, for which you can cheat and use a binary string using Tcl_NewByteArrayObj; that's also what you want for slabbing a chunk of binary data over) then you'll need to write a typemap using Tcl_ExternalToUtfDString, and the amount of boilerplate code goes up. Tcl insists that its internal strings are in (almost) UTF-8, and ASCII is OK too as that's a strict subset; everything else must be converted.
Ask another question if that's what you need. You probably are either dealing with ASCII or binary data, so I'll leave (quite a bit more complex!) encoding conversion alone until requested.

Passing Variable Number of Arguments to an Entry in a Char* Array

I have been using the following link: to enhance the current error logging of a project I am working on.
My end goal is to generate an enum "error type". I would map these error types to a lookup table of char*'s which I could use to log a more detailed explanation of what the error is.
This way, I have all my error codes and corresponding error strings in a central location and can easily modify/lookup a message and errorcode without having to dig through the code.
As a PoC, my header file contains the following:
typedef enum {
ECODE_OK = 0, // OK
} myEcodes;
char * ecodeMap[ECODE_LAST+1];
char * ecodeName(myEcodes err);
My implementation in C of the header is included below:
char * ecodeMap[ECODE_LAST+1] =
"No error to report",
"Example Error Code - Invalid Value",
"Last ecode place holder"
char * ecodeName(myEcodes err)
return (char *) eyescanEcodeMap[err];
My question is, say I have the following code snippet to log an error I encountered:
fprintf(fp, "%s", ecodeName(ECODE_SAMPLE_ERR));
What if I want ECODE_SAMPLE_ERR to actually contain a formatted string like
"Example Error Code - Invalid Values: %d %d", myVarInt1, myVarInt2
instead of just
"Example Error Code - Invalid Value"
What would be the best way to be able to format individual strings in my array of char* such that I can include the value of variables in particular entries?
If the main aim is to add print along with other variable values, let ERROR string be constant. You can just add additional values when you are writing to file fp.
fprintf(fp, "%s: %d %d", ecodeName(ECODE_SAMPLE_ERR), myVarInt1, myVarInt2);

How to compare my string, which is stored in an array, to function names from a complete library in c

After I enter a string in c and store it in for example char s[100], how can I compare that string to all function names in a math.h? For example, I enter pow and the result will look like this in stored form.
Since my string is the equivalent of pow(), I want my program to recognise that and then call pow() during execution of my program. I know it is not that hard to do string comparison within the code, but that would mean that I would have to do string comparison for every function name in the library. I don't want to do that. How is it possible to compare my string against all names in the library without hard coding every comparison?
Thank you :)
You can't, not without doing work yourself. There are no names of functions present at runtime in general, and certainly not of functions you haven't called.
C is not a dynamic language, names are only used when compiling/linking.
Regular expressions in C
Try parsing the header files using FILE and use aforementioned link as a guide to check whether the function exists or not.
I tried to make a little sample about what I assume the questioner is looking for (eval.c):
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <assert.h>
/* mapping function names to function pointers and number of parameters */
struct Entry {
const char *name; /* function name */
double (*pFunc)(); /* function pointer */
int nArgs; /* number of arguments */
} table[] = {
REGISTER(atan2, 2),
REGISTER(pow, 2),
REGISTER(modf, 2),
REGISTER(sin, 1),
REGISTER(cos, 1)
/* let compiler count the number of entries */
enum { sizeTable = sizeof table / sizeof *table };
void printUsage(const char *argv0)
int i;
" %s FUNC\n"
" where FUNC must be one of:\n", argv0);
for (i = 0; i < sizeTable; ++i) printf(" - %s\n", table[i].name);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
int i;
char *func;
struct Entry *pEntry;
/* read command line argument */
if (argc <= 1) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Missing function argument!\n");
return -1;
func = argv[1];
/* find function by name */
for (i = 0; i < sizeTable && strcmp(func, table[i].name) != 0; ++i);
if (i >= sizeTable) {
fprintf(stderr, "ERROR! Unknown function '%s'!\n", func);
return -1;
/* perform found function on all (standard) input */
pEntry = table + i;
for (;;) { /* endless loop (bail out at EOF or error) */
switch (pEntry->nArgs) {
case 1: {
double arg1, result;
/* get one argument */
if (scanf("%lf", &arg1) != 1) {
int error;
if (error = !feof(stdin)) fprintf(stderr, "Input ERROR!\n");
return error; /* bail out at EOF or error */
/* compute */
result = (*pEntry->pFunc)(arg1);
/* output */
printf("%s(%f): %f\n", pEntry->name, arg1, result);
} break;
case 2: {
double arg1, arg2, result;
/* get two arguments */
if (scanf("%lf %lf", &arg1, &arg2) != 2) {
int error;
if (error = !feof(stdin)) fprintf(stderr, "Input ERROR!\n");
return error; /* bail out at EOF or error */
/* compute */
result = (*pEntry->pFunc)(arg1, arg2);
/* output */
printf("%s(%f, %f): %f\n", pEntry->name, arg1, arg2, result);
} break;
default: /* should never happen */
"ERROR! Functions with %d arguments not yet implemented!\n",
return -1; /* bail out at error */
I compiled and tested this with gcc in cygwin on Windows (64 bit):
$ gcc -std=c11 -o eval eval.c
$ ./eval
ERROR: Missing function argument!
./eval FUNC
where FUNC must be one of:
- atan2
- pow
- modf
- sin
- cos
$ echo "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10" | ./eval pow
pow(1.000000, 2.000000): 1.000000
pow(3.000000, 4.000000): 81.000000
pow(5.000000, 6.000000): 15625.000000
pow(7.000000, 8.000000): 5764801.000000
pow(9.000000, 10.000000): 3486784401.000000
$ echo "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10" | ./eval sin
sin(1.000000): 0.841471
sin(2.000000): 0.909297
sin(3.000000): 0.141120
sin(4.000000): -0.756802
sin(5.000000): -0.958924
sin(6.000000): -0.279415
sin(7.000000): 0.656987
sin(8.000000): 0.989358
sin(9.000000): 0.412118
sin(10.000000): -0.544021
The usage of this application: the name of the function to apply is provided as command line argument. The values (to apply function to) are provided via standard input. In the sample session, I used echo and a pipe (|) to redirect the output of echo to the input of eval. (If eval is called stand-alone the numbers may be typed in by keyboard.)
The table does the actual mapping of strings to function pointers. To solve that issue about the number of parameters, I considered this in struct Entry also.
The REGISTER macro is a trick to use the identifier as string constant also. The #FUNC is a stringize macro-operation (a typical C trick to prevent errors due to typos).
The sizeTable is another trick to prevent redundant definitions. I let the compiler count the number of entries. Thus, new entries may be added and it still will work without any other editing.
The actual trick is to provide a function pointer where the arguments are "left out". When it is called, the correct number of arguments is used and it works. (assuming, of course, the table initialization has been implemented carefully.) However, it would be a pain to do this in C++ because the functions with distinct number of arguments would need an appropriate function pointer with matching signature - horrible casts would be necessary. (Try to compile this with g++ -std=c++11 -c eval.c to see what I mean.)
For a productive solution, I would sort the entries by names (lexicographically) and apply a binary search (or even use hashing to be faster and more sophisticated). For this sample, I wanted to keep it simple.
math.h provides a lot of functions in "float flavor" also. These may not be added to this sample without additional effort. To support other than double arguments
some type info had to been added to the table entries
the type info has to be considered somehow in the switch statement of evaluation.
...not to mention functions where argument types are distinct to each other (or return type). (I cannot remember whether math.h even provides such functions.)
Btw. this will work for non-math.h functions also...

syscall read acting weird

c lang, ubuntu
so i have a task - write a menu with these 3 options:
1. close program
2. show user id
3. show current working directory
i can only use 3 libraries - unistd.h, sys/syscall.h, sys/sysinfo.h.
so no printf/scanf
i need to use an array of a struct im given, that has a function pointer,
to call the function the user wants to use.
problem is on options 2 & 3;
when i pick 2, on the first time it works fine (i think)
second time i pick 2, it works, but then when going to the third iteration,
it doesn't wait for an input, it takes '\n' as an input for some reason, then it says invalid input. (i checked what it takes as input with printf, i printed index after recalculating it and it because -39, so it means selection[0] = 10 = '\n')
that's the first problem, that i just cant find the solution for.
second problem is on the current working directory function;
the SYS_getcwd returns -1 for some reason, which means there's an error, but i cant figure it out.
any explanations for these things?
(also - slen and __itoa are functions i am given - slen returns the length of a string,
__itoa returns a char*, that was the string representation of an integer)
typedef struct func_desc {
char *name;
void (*func)(void);
} fun_desc;
#include <unistd.h>
#include "helper.h"
#include <sys/syscall.h>
#include <sys/sysinfo.h>
void exitProgram();
void printID();
void currDir();
int main() {
fun_desc arrFuncs[3];
arrFuncs[0].name = "exitProgram";
arrFuncs[0].func = &exitProgram;
arrFuncs[1].name = "printID";
arrFuncs[1].func = &printID;
arrFuncs[2].name = "currDir";
arrFuncs[2].func = &currDir;
char selection[2];
int index;
const char* menu = "Welcome to the menu. Please pick one of the following actions:\n1.Close the program\n2.Print the current user's id\n3.Print the current directory's id\n";
while(1 == 1) {
syscall(SYS_write, 0, menu, slen(menu));
syscall(SYS_write, 0, "Your selection: ", slen("Your selection: "));
syscall(SYS_read, 1, selection, slen(selection)); //might be a problem
selection[1] = '\0';
index = selection[0] - '0' - 1;
if(index > 2)
syscall(SYS_write, 0, "Invalid input\n", slen("Invalid input\n"));
void exitProgram() {
syscall(SYS_write, 0, "The program will close\n", slen("The program will close\n"));
void printID() { //problem
char* uid = __itoa(syscall(SYS_getuid));
syscall(SYS_write, 0, uid, slen(uid));
syscall(SYS_write, 0, "\n", slen("\n"));
void currDir() { //????
char* buf = __itoa(syscall(SYS_getcwd));
syscall(SYS_write, 0, buf, slen(buf));
syscall(SYS_write, 0, "\n", slen("\n"));
You're passing the wrong number of arguments to some of these system calls. In particular:
_exit() takes one argument: the exit code.
char* buf = __itoa(syscall(SYS_getcwd));
getcwd() takes two arguments: a pointer to a buffer to write the string to, and the length of that buffer. In practice, this probably looks something like:
char pathbuf[PATH_MAX];
syscall(SYS_getcwd, pathbuf, sizeof(pathbuf));
If you don't have the header which defines PATH_MAX, define it yourself. 4096 is an appropriate value.
Note that getcwd() writes a string into the buffer passed to it — it does not return a numeric identifier.
As an aside, you may want to save yourself some time by implementing a wrapper to write a string, e.g.
void putstring(const char *str) {
syscall(SYS_write, 0, str, slen(str));
since you seem to be doing that a lot.

Mapping error code to error description

I would have preferred to add a comment to the answer to this question
but didn't have enough points. Consider the following code:
enum _config_error
E_FILE_NOT_FOUND = -2, /* consider some way of returning the OS error too */
/* type to provide in your API */
typedef _config_error error_t;
/* use this to provide a perror style method to help consumers out */
struct _errordesc {
int code;
char *message;
} errordesc[] = {
{ E_SUCCESS, "No error" },
{ E_INVALID_INPUT, "Invalid input" },
{ E_FILE_NOT_FOUND, "File not found" },
How does one lookup the error description from errordesc? I can see two problems with the version I come up with:
/* add E_COUNT = 3 to enum _config_error */
const char *errorstring(error_t errnum)
unsigned int i;
for (i = 0; i < E_COUNT; ++i) {
if (errordesc[i].code == errnum) {
return errordesc[i].message;
return "Can't reach this point";
One does know the enum size and has to manually set E_COUNT to 3.
One cannot reach the return after the for loop, what to do there?
Is there a better solution?
You can calculate E_COUNT from sizeof(errordesc) / sizeof(struct _errordesc).
If you reach the end of the loop, simply return "Unknown error" or something similar.
Since your error codes seems to be consecutive (but negative) you could index directly into the array using -errnum.
A better option is to ensure all your error codes have successive values from 0 up (or down). Then you can use them as indices into errordesc[]. Of course, if they are negative, you would do something like errordesc[-errnum].
As for the number of entries in errordesc[], it's sizeof(errordesc)/sizeof(errordesc[0]). You can store it in a global variable.
There's also bsearch() in C...
