Basically the program is suppose to input floating point numbers from the user, then get the sum of them, the average of them (from 0.0 to 100.0), anything above is not counted and anything below isn't counted as well. A negative number will not just not be counted but also exit the loop/program. The sum is outputted, number of valid numbers inputted is also outputted, and finally the average of the floating point numbers ROUNDED to nearest integer is outputted. I think I am close right now, my program thus far is below. Please, I could use some help finding the bug/(error in reasoning, if it exists) in my code below. Note I am using NASM.
Update: When it runs and input just the simple 1,2,3,4 it should output 3(rounded to nearest integer) is the average, but it outputs 100, which means it is running all the way through that loop or something similar is going wrong.
Update: I found the problem(s) there should have been a couple more comparisons and should have had more ffree st0 to free up st0, that kept creating a problem. Anyways got it working.
; Declare needed external functions
extern printf ; the C function, to be called
extern scanf ; the C function, to be called
SECTION .data ; Data section, initialized variables
three: dq 3.0
erroro: db "Did not work as intended...", 10, 0
zero: dq 0.0
half: dq 0.5
max_val: dq 100.0 ; max value is 100
min_val: dq 0.0 ; min value is 0
input: db "%lf", 0 ; input format
intro: db "Program title is Average and programmer is Joe", 10, 0 ; introduction format
iname: db "Enter your full name", 10, 0 ; get name instructions from user format
gname: db "%s %s", 0 ; get first and lats name
inst: db "Enter a number between 0.0 and 100.0, negative number to exit", 10, 0 ; instruction format
countout: db "The number of valid numbers entered: %d", 10, 0 ; counter output format
sumoutput: db "The sum is: %f", 10, 0 ; sum output format
avgoutput: db "The average is: %d", 10, 0 ; average output format
specialbye: db "You didn't enter any numbers, something wrong %s %s?", 10, 0 ; special goodbye format (if user did not input any valid numbers)
bye: db "Thanks for using this program, %s %s", 10, 0 ; goodbye output format
SECTION .bss ; BSS, uninitialized variables
x: resq 1 ; number entered by user, set to 0
sum: resq 1 ; sum variable is set to 0
avgc: resq 1 ; average used to compare (not what is outputted)
avg: resd 101 ; an array that is used for lookup value of average (it is how it outputs an integer)
count: resd 1 ; counter set to 0
avga: resq 201 ; an array of values from .5 to 100 (by increments of .5) used for comparing avg
fn: resw 10 ; first name set to 0, with a size of 10 words
ln: resw 10 ; last name set to 0, with a size of 10 words
SECTION .text ; Code section.
global main ; the standard gcc entry point
main: ; the program label for the entry point
push ebp ; set up stack frame
mov ebp,esp
mov eax, 0
mov ebx, 0
mov ecx, 101
.setavg: ;average array set up (used to output)
mov [avg+ebx], eax
push eax
mov eax, ebx
add eax, 4
mov ebx, eax
pop eax
add eax, 1
loop .setavg
; get the first one taken care of...
fld qword [zero]
fstp qword [avga+0]
mov ebx, 0
mov ecx, 200
.setavga: ; average array set up to compare average values and then round to nearest integer (sort of..., actually it uses the average array to set which integer to "round to")
fld qword [avga+ebx]
fld qword [half]
mov eax, ebx
add eax, 8
mov ebx, eax
fstp qword [avga+ebx]
loop .setavga
jmp .start ; skip to .start label, used for testing purposes to reduce user input during testing
; output introduction
push dword intro
call printf
add esp, 4
; output asking for name
push dword iname
call printf
add esp, 4
; get first and last name
push dword ln
push dword fn
push dword gname
call scanf
add esp, 12
; start loop
; output number input instructions to user
push dword inst
call printf
add esp, 4
;get number
push dword x
push dword input
call scanf
add esp, 8
;compare x and minimum value
;mov eax, [x] ; put x in eax
;cmp eax, min_val ; compare x and minimum value
;jl .post_while ; if x is less than minimum value (which means it is a negative), jump to post while
; compare value to minimum value, if minimum is greater than user input, jump to post_while
fld qword [x]
fld qword [min_val]
fcomip st0, st1
ja .post_while
; free up st0
ffree st0
;compare x and max value
;mov eax, [x] ; put x in eax
;cmp eax, max_val ; compare x and max value
;jg .start ; if x is greater than max value, jump up to start (loop to start)
; compare against max value, if max is less than input jump back to .start label without counting it
fld qword [x]
fld qword [max_val]
fcomip st0, st1
jb .start
;free up st0
ffree st0
; else calculate sum
;mov eax, [sum]
;add eax, [x]
;mov [sum], eax
; calculate sum
fld qword [sum]
fld qword [x]
fstp qword [sum]
; update counter
mov eax, [count]
add eax, 1
mov [count], eax
jmp .start ; loop back to start
; after loop
; special check: if count = 0 that means no valid numbers have been received by user, then jump down to .special label
;mov eax, [count]
;mov ebx, 0
;cmp eax, ebx
;je .special
; calculate the average (sum/count)
;mov eax, [sum]
;mov ebx, [count]
;div ebx
;mov [avg], eax
; calculate average
fld qword [sum]
fild dword [count]
fstp qword [avgc]
; calculate rounding (closer to below or above) i.e. 1.3 is closer to 1 so avg is 1
;mov eax, edx
;mov ebx, 2
;mul ebx
;cmp eax, [count]
;jnge .dontadd ; if not greater i.e. 1.3, then jump down to .dontadd label
; else add one to the average
;mov eax, [avg]
;add eax, 1
;mov [avg], eax
; setup counter and index counters
mov ecx, 201
mov esi, 0
mov edi, 0
.roundloop: ; loop that rounds the average to nearest integer
; caluclate if going to increase edi (which is used for avg array *integer array*), if ecx is divisible by 2, then increase it.
mov eax, ecx
mov ebx, 2
div ebx
mov ebx, 0
cmp edx, ebx
jne .dontinc
inc edi
; calculate if avga at index esi is above avgc (average calculate value), if so found where it is and end loop
fld qword [avgc]
fld qword [avga+esi]
;fld qword [three]
fcomip st0, st1
ja .endrloop
; increment esi by 8
mov eax,esi
mov ebx, 8
add eax, ebx
mov esi, eax
loop .roundloop
mov ebx, edi ; save edi index of avg (integer array)
; means it is not closer to next integer
push ebx
; output count
push dword [count]
push dword countout
call printf
add esp, 8
pop ebx
push ebx
; output sum
push dword [sum+4]
push dword [sum]
push dword sumoutput
call printf
add esp, 12
; output average
pop ebx
mov eax, ebx
mov ebx, 4
mul ebx
mov ebx, eax
push dword [avg+ebx]
push dword avgoutput
call printf
add esp, 8
jmp .regular ; output should be normal, since we got to here.
; special case where count == 0, meaning no valid numbers have been inputted
.special: ; not used in testing purposes at the moment
; output special goodbye message
push dword ln
push dword fn
push dword specialbye
call printf
add esp, 12
jmp .small ; now small jump to skip rest of output
; output regular bye message
push dword ln
push dword fn
push dword bye
call printf
add esp, 12
; small jump used only in special case
mov esp, ebp ; takedown stack frame
pop ebp ; same as "leave" op
mov eax,0 ; normal, no error, return value
ret ; return
Glad you found a solution!
Could you tell us why you did the following the hard way?
.setavg: ;average array set up (used to output)
mov [avg+ebx], eax
push eax
mov eax, ebx
add eax, 4
mov ebx, eax
pop eax
add eax, 1
loop .setavg
Usual version
.setavg: ;average array set up (used to output)
mov [avg+ebx], eax
add eax, 1
loop .setavg
I asked for help earlier and thought I was home free but I'm not. My logic was wrong and I've greatly altered it. This program is supposed to return the Max int in the array (which also happens to be the last element). After tracing it with GDB a few times, I see that I get to the 5th (2nd to last) element in the array, "20", when I hit a segmentation fault and the program halts. I set ECX to the array length and subtracted 1 from ECX to avoid this, but my logic is obviously wrong. Am I wrong in depending on the ECX counter to terminate the loop. Any ideas please?
SECTION .data ;data section
msg1: db "Here are the array elements:", 10, 0
msg1Len: equ $-msg1
msg2: db "Here is the sorted array:", 10, 0
msg2Len: equ $-msg2
arr: dd 12, 16, 6, 18, 10, 40, 30
arrLen: equ ($-arr)/4 ;number of elements = array length / 4
max resd 1 ;declare and reserve space for max
global bsort
push ebp ; save old ebp register
mov ebp, esp ; build a new stack
mov ebx, arr ; the base address argument is saved in ebx register
mov ecx, arrLen ; the size argument is saved in exc register
sub ecx, 1 ; Last member has no following element to compare with.
; So we need to reduce the counter by 1
mov eax, [ebx] ;; access first array element. Move its value to eax
cmp eax, [ebx+4] ; compare the value of eax ([ebx]) with [ebx+4]
jle noswap ; if value at eax is less or equal to value of [ebx+4]
; no need to exchang values. Jump to noswap
xchg eax, [ebx+4] ; if value at eax > value [ebx+4], exchange
mov [ebx], eax ; store the new exchanged value at [ebx]
jmp restart ; reset the base address and counter. Start over
add ebx, 4 ; move to the next array element
loop top ; loop back to the top if the register ecx > 0
global main
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
mov ecx, msg1 ;print msg1
mov edx, msg1Len
call PString
;save array base address in ebx and save sizein in ecx
mov ebx, arr
mov ecx, arrLen; store num elements in ecx
;loop to print array
mov eax, [ebx] ;move value [ebx] to eax
call PrintDec
call Println
add ebx, 4
loop PrintArray
;call bubblesort
call bsort
mov ecx, msg2
mov edx, msg2Len
call PString
;save arr base add in sbx and size in ecx
mov ebx, arr
mov ecx, arrLen
mov eax, [ebx]
call PrintDec
call Println
add ebx, 4
loop PrintSortedArray
;exit program and clean stack
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp
PString:; save register values of the called function
mov eax,4 ; use 'write' system call = 4
mov ebx,1 ; file descriptor 1 = STDOUT
int 80h ; call the kernel
; restore the old register values of the called function
;will call PString func
;will change content of ecx and edx
;need to save registers used by the main program
section .data
nl db 10
section .text
mov ecx, nl
mov edx, 1
call PString
;return original register values
;saves all registers so they return unmodified
;build the function to handle dword size
section .bss
decstr resb 10 ; 10 32-bit digits
ct1 resd 1 ;keep track of dec-string size
section .text
pusha; save registers
mov dword[ct1],0 ;initially assume 0
mov edi, decstr ; edi points to dec-string
add edi, 9 ; moved to the last element of string
xor edx, edx ; clear edx for 64-bit div
mov ebx, 10 ; get ready to divide by 10
div ebx ; divide by 10
add edx, '0' ; convert to ascii
mov byte[edi], dl ; put it in string
dec edi ; move to next char in str
inc dword[ct1] ; inc char counter
xor edx, edx ; clear edx
cmp eax, 0 ;is remainder 0?
jne whileNotZero ;if no, keep on looping
inc edi ; conversion finished, bring edi
mov ecx, edi ; back to start of string. make ecx
mov edx, [ct1] ; point to counterm edx gets # chars
mov eax, 4 ; print to stdout
mov ebx, 1
int 0x80 ; call kernel
popa ; restore registers
I'm having trouble understanding how to traverse a 2-d array in x86 assembly language. I am missing a bit of understanding. This is what I have so far.
The issue is the lines with //offset and //moving through array
For the //offset line the error I am getting is "non constant expression in second operand"
and also
"ebx: illegal register in second operand"
For the next line I get the error
"edx: illegal register in second operand"
mov esi, dim
mul esi
mov eax, 0 // row index
mov ebx, 0 // column index
mov ecx, dim
cmp ecx, esi
jge EndFor
lea edi, image;
mov edx, [eax *dim + ebx] // offset
mov dl, byte ptr [edi + esi*edx] // moving through array
mov edx, edi
and edx, 0x80
cmp edx, 0x00
jne OverThreshold
mov edx, 0xFF
mov edx, 0x0
See x86 tag wiki, including the list of addressing modes.
You can scale an index register by a constant, but you can't multiply two registers in an addressing mode. You'll have to do that yourself (e.g. with imul edx, esi, if the number of columns isn't a compile time constant. If it's a power-of-2 constant, you can shift, or even use a scaled addressing mode like [reg + reg*8]).
re: edit: *dim should work if dim is defined with something like dim equ 8. If it's a memory location holding a value, then of course it's not going to work. The scale factor can be 1, 2, 4, or 8. (The machine code format has room for a 2-bit shift count, which is why the options are limited.)
I'd also recommend loading with movzx to zero-extend a byte into edx, instead of only writing dl (the low byte). Actually nvm, your code doesn't need that. In fact, you overwrite the value you loaded with edi. I assume that's a bug.
You can replace
imul edx, esi
mov dl, byte ptr [edi + edx] ; note the different addressing mode
mov edx, edi ; bug? throw away the value you just loaded
and edx, 0x80 ; AND already sets flags according to the result
cmp edx, 0x00 ; so this is redundant
jne OverThreshold
imul edx, esi
test 0x80, byte ptr [edi + edx] ; AND, discard the result and set flags.
Of course, instead of multiplying inside the inner loop, you can just add the columns in the outer loop. This is called Strength Reduction. So you do p+=1 along each row, and p+=cols to go from row to row. Or if you don't need to care about rows and columns, you can just iterate over the flat memory of the 2D array.
A 2-dimensional array is just an interpretation of a sequence of bytes. You'll have to choose in which order to store the items. For example, you might choose "row-major order".
I've written a demo where a buffer is filled with a sequence of numbers. Then the sequence is interpreted as single- and two-dimensional array.
%define ITEM_SIZE 4
extern printf
section .bss
cols: equ 3
rows: equ 4
buf: resd cols * rows
c: resd 1
r: resd 1
section .data
fmt: db "%-4d", 0 ; fmt string, '0'
fmt_nl: db 10, 0 ; "\n", '0'
section .text ; Code section.
global main
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
; fill buf
mov ecx, cols * rows - 1
mov [buf + ITEM_SIZE], ecx
mov [buf + ecx * ITEM_SIZE], ecx
dec ecx
jnz .fill_buf
; buf as 1-dimensional array
; buf[c] = [buf + c * ITEM_SIZE]
xor ecx, ecx
mov [c], ecx
mov ecx, [c]
push dword [buf + ecx * ITEM_SIZE]
push dword fmt
call printf
mov ecx, [c]
inc ecx
mov [c], ecx
cmp ecx, cols * rows
jl .lp1d
; print new line
push dword fmt_nl
call printf
; buf as 2-dimensional array
; buf[r][c] = [buf + (r * cols + c) * ITEM_SIZE]
xor ecx, ecx
mov [r], ecx
xor ecx, ecx
mov [c], ecx
; calculate address
mov eax, [r]
mov edx, cols
mul edx ; eax = r * cols
add eax, [c] ; eax = r * cols + c
; print buf[r][c]
push dword [buf + eax * ITEM_SIZE]
push dword fmt
call printf
; next column
mov ecx, [c]
inc ecx
mov [c], ecx
cmp ecx, cols
jl .lp2
; print new line
push dword fmt_nl
call printf
; next row
mov ecx, [r]
inc ecx
mov [r], ecx
cmp ecx, rows
jl .lp1
mov esp, ebp
pop ebp ; restore stack
xor eax, eax ; normal exit code
Buidling(on Linux)
nasm -f elf32 -l tx86.lst tx86.s
gcc -Wall -g -O0 -m32 -o tx86 tx86.o
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
0 1 2
3 4 5
6 7 8
9 10 11
I'm having trouble figuring out how to do the indexing in my loops. I know esi is used for indexing, so I'm attempting to use that...
optionPromptMsg byte "Type 1 to continue or -1 to exit: ", 0
scorePromptMsg byte "Enter your numeric score (0-100): ", 0
scoreErrorMsg byte "Score out of range (0-100)!", 0
optionErrorMsg byte "Only 0 or 1 allowed in option specification!", 0
resultMsg byte " scores have been entered.", 0
main proc
mov esi, 0
mov edx, offset optionPromptMsg
call WriteString
call ReadInt
mov ebx, 1
cmp eax, ebx
je L2
mov ebx, -1 //99% sure my main is okay
cmp eax, ebx
je L3
mov ebx, -2
mov ecx, 2
cmp ebx, eax
ja L4
cmp eax, ecx
ja L4
L2: call NextScore
jmp L5
L4: mov edx, offset optionErrorMsg
call WriteString
call Crlf
jmp L5
loop L1
L3 : call WriteScore
main ENDP
WriteScore PROC USES esi //Thought was somehow make esi global?
mov eax, lengthof scores //total number of items added to array
call writeInt
mov edx, offset resultMsg
call WriteString
mov esi,0
mov eax, scores[esi *4]
call writeInt //writes the numbers in the array
inc esi
loop L1
mov eax, 5000
call Delay
WriteScore ENDP
NextScore PROC USES esi
mov edx, offset scorePromptMsg
call WriteString
call ReadInt
mov ebx, 0
mov ecx, 100
cmp ebx, eax
ja L1
cmp eax,ecx
ja L1
jmp L2
mov edx, offset scoreErrorMsg
call WriteString
call Crlf
mov scores[esi*4], eax //gets the next number and puts it in the array
inc esi
NextScore ENDP
When I run it, and add 3 items to the array, it for whatever reason says the lengthof scores is 20, and then when it prints out the array, the numbers aren't even close to what I'm expecting, normally in the millions or just 0.
Any suggestions are much appreciated!
You have a couple issues. One is that you don't seem to understand what the USES directive on a procedure/function is for. If you use USES and list a register(s) then that tells the assembler to save the value of those registers on the stack, and restore them just before the function exits. This means that any change you make to that register in that function will not be seen by the function that called it.
The MASM manual says this about USES:
Syntax: USES reglist
An optional keyword used with PROC. Generates code to push the
value of registers that should be preserved (and that will be
altered by your procedure) on the stack and pop them off when the
procedure returns.
The <reglist> parameter is a list of one or more registers. Separate
multiple registers with spaces.
Since you seem to want changes to ESI made in the function NextScore to be seen by the calling function you will want to remove the USES statement from that procedure. Change:
NextScore PROC USES esi
NextScore PROC
Now when you increment ESI in next score it won't be undone when the function exits.
Another issue is that the lengthof pseudo-opcode does:
lengthof: Returns the number of items in array variable.
It may not be clear but this pseudo-opcode is the number of elements in the array when the code was assembled. You define the array of scores like this:
The scores array will always have a lengthof value of MAXIMUMSCORES. Rather than use lengthof what you should be doing is simply using the ESI register. You already use ESI to keep a count of elements you have added to the array. So this code:
WriteScore PROC USES esi ; Thought was somehow make esi global?
mov eax, lengthof scores ; total number of items added to array
call WriteInt
Can be changed to:
WriteScore PROC USES esi ; Thought was somehow make esi global?
mov eax, esi ; esi = number of items added to array
call WriteInt
Another issue is that it appears you don't know how the loop instruction works. From the [x86 Instruction Set] the loop instruction does:
Performs a loop operation using the ECX or CX register as a counter.
Each time the LOOP instruction is executed, the count register is
decremented, then checked for 0. If the count is 0, the loop is
terminated and program execution continues with the instruction
following the LOOP instruction. If the count is not zero, a near jump
is performed to the destination (target) operand, which is presumably
the instruction at the beginning of the loop.
In your code you never set ECX to the number of times you wish to loop, so it will use whatever value happens to be in ECX . This is why you have a lot of extra numbers printed out. ECX needs to be initialized. Since you want to loop through all the scores entered, you simply move ESI to ECX. Your WriteScore function did:
mov esi,0
mov eax, scores[esi *4]
call WriteInt ; writes the numbers in the array
inc esi
loop L1
We can modify it to be:
mov ecx,esi ; Initialize ECX loop counter to number of scores added
; to the array.
mov esi,0
mov eax, scores[esi *4]
call WriteInt ; writes the numbers in the array
inc esi
loop L1
Now we just loop through the number of scores (ESI) the user actually entered.
With these changes in mind your program could look something like this:
INCLUDELIB Irvine32.lib
INCLUDELIB user32.lib
INCLUDELIB kernel32.lib
optionPromptMsg byte "Type 1 to continue or -1 to exit: ", 0
scorePromptMsg byte "Enter your numeric score (0-100): ", 0
scoreErrorMsg byte "Score out of range (0-100)!", 0
optionErrorMsg byte "Only 0 or 1 allowed in option specification!", 0
resultMsg byte " scores have been entered.", 0
main proc
mov esi, 0
mov edx, offset optionPromptMsg
call WriteString
call ReadInt
mov ebx, 1
cmp eax, ebx
je L2
mov ebx, -1 ; 99% sure my main is okay
cmp eax, ebx
je L3
mov ebx, -2
mov ecx, 2
cmp ebx, eax
ja L4
cmp eax, ecx
ja L4
L2: call NextScore
jmp L5
L4: mov edx, offset optionErrorMsg
call WriteString
call Crlf
jmp L5
loop L1
L3: call WriteScore
main ENDP
WriteScore PROC USES esi ; We make changes to ESI not visible to caller
; since we don't intend to change the number of scores
; with this function. Any change to ESI in this function
; will not appear to the caller of this function
mov eax, esi ; total number of items added to array in ESI
call WriteInt
mov edx, offset resultMsg
call WriteString
mov ecx,esi
mov esi,0
mov eax, scores[esi *4]
call WriteInt ; writes the numbers in the array
inc esi
loop L1
mov eax, 5000
call Delay
WriteScore ENDP
NextScore PROC ; We want changes to ESI to exist after we exit this function. ESI
; will effectively act as a global register.
mov edx, offset scorePromptMsg
call WriteString
call ReadInt
mov ebx, 0
mov ecx, 100
cmp ebx, eax
ja L1
cmp eax,ecx
ja L1
jmp L2
mov edx, offset scoreErrorMsg
call WriteString
call Crlf
mov scores[esi*4], eax ; gets the next number and puts it in the array
inc esi
NextScore ENDP
Sample output of this:
Type 1 to continue or -1 to exit: 1
Enter your numeric score (0-100): 10
Type 1 to continue or -1 to exit: 1
Enter your numeric score (0-100): 20
Type 1 to continue or -1 to exit: 1
Enter your numeric score (0-100): 40
Type 1 to continue or -1 to exit: 1
Enter your numeric score (0-100): 650
Score out of range (0-100)!
Type 1 to continue or -1 to exit: 99
Only 0 or 1 allowed in option specification!
Type 1 to continue or -1 to exit: 1
Enter your numeric score (0-100): 100
Type 1 to continue or -1 to exit: -1
+5 scores have been entered.+10+20+40+650+100
I'm working on an assembly project, where I need to convert a 'Date-formatted' array, to a number representative array, then bubble sort the number array, then convert the array back to Date-format.
I'm currently JUST trying to test my bubble sort macro with a test number array, and see if it can sort them from least to greatest. I'm not getting any compile errors, but when I run the generated .exe file, the CMD crashes and I have no clue why..
Any help would be appreciated.
This is the current code I'm compiling:
.486 ; create 32 bit code
.model flat, stdcall
option casemap:none
include \masm32\include\
include \masm32\macros\macros.asm
includelib \masm32\lib\masm32.lib
includelib \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib
dates BYTE "23-JUL-2010", 0, "23-JAN-2010", 0, "23-JUL-2009", 0, "31-JUL-2012", 0, "05-MAR-2010", 0
testArray DWORD 5 DUP(7, 5, 9, 1, 0)
nDates DWORD 5
; ------------- Macros -------------
; Convert Date formatted string (DD-MMM-YYYY) to Number
;DateToNumber MACRO date, number
; Convert Number to Date formatted string
;NumberToDate MACRO number, date
; Bubble sort an array of integers
BubbleSort MACRO array, length
LOCAL outer
LOCAL inner
LOCAL compare
LOCAL swap
LOCAL done
mov esi, -1
inc esi
mov edi, -1
cmp esi, length
je done
inc edi
cmp edi, length - 1
je outer
mov eax, [array + edi * 4h]
mov ebx, [array + edi * 4h + 4]
cmp eax, ebx
jle inner
mov [array + edi * 4h], ebx
mov [array + edi * 4h + 4], eax
jmp inner
lea EAX, dates ; create pointer to beginning of dates array
mov ECX, nDates ; set up loop counter
BubbleSort testArray, nDates
sub edi, edi
mov edi, -1
inc edi
sub esi, esi
mov esi, [testArray + (4h * edi)]
print str$(esi)
print chr$(" ")
cmp edi, 9
jl printNum_loop
print chr$(13,10)
print chr$(13,10)
push EAX ; save EAX and ECX because print macros change these
push ECX
print EAX ; print date at pointer location
print chr$(13,10)
pop ECX
pop EAX
add EAX, 12 ; increment pointer, note that date has 12
; bytes including null-terminator
loop loop_top ; continue loop
inkey ;Keep the window open
end start
I apologize if it's something extremely obvious.. I'm new to assemble/MASM32..
Having trouble using a string array and getting each character from it and adding a 1 to a frequency table of the corresponding ascii index (frequency table is indexed by ascii value): Example, get character 'a' then add 1 to the frequency table of index of the array ['a']. I was getting segmentation errors and now getting error: invalid combination of opcode and operands, talking about mov ax, al
Any questions about the parameters of the problem please ask. I have working on this for hours and could really use another pair of eyes to check what I am doing wrong (syntax/concept if you see one) Please help.
Update: I have got it print stuff out, so I think it is "working"; however I am now trying to print the characters that each array index corresponds. It won't print the character of the array that I am pointing to (it prints literally nothing for the character).
Latest update: I got it to work. changed some of the code under the label .loopa and now it works fine! :)
Code below:
SECTION .data ; Data section, initialized variables
array5: db "Hello, world...", 0
array5Len: equ $-array5-1
asoutput: db "%s", 0 ; string output
newline: db "", 10, 0 ; format for a new line
acoutput: db "%c: ", 0 ; output format for character output
SECTION .bss ; BSS, uninitialized variables
arrayq: resd 128 ; frequency array of the first 127 ascii values initialized to 0 (none have been counted yet)
global main ; the standard gcc entry point
main: ; the program label for the entry point
push ebp ; set up stack frame
mov ebp,esp
mov esi, array5
mov edi, 0
mov ebx, arrayq
mov ecx, array5Len
; get each character of array5 and add 1 to the frequency table of the corresponding ascii value (which the arrayq is indexed by ascii value).
xor eax, eax
mov al, [esi]
;mov ax, [esi]
;mov ax, al
;mov cx, ax
add edi, eax
mov ebx, 1
add [arrayq+4*edi], ebx
mov edi, 0
add esi, 1
loop .loopf
push dword array2
push dword asoutput
call printf
add esp, 8
push dword newline
call printf
add esp, 4
;pop ebx
mov ebx, arrayq
mov ecx, 128 ; size of arrayq
mov esi, 0 ;start at beginning
mov eax, 0
cmp [ebx+esi], eax
je .skip
mov eax, esi
push ebx
push ecx
mov ebx, 4
div ebx
push eax
push dword acoutput
call printf
add esp, 8
pop ecx
pop ebx
push ebx
push ecx ; make sure to put ecx (counter) on stack so we don't lose it when calling printf)
push dword [ebx + esi] ; put the value of the array at this (esi) index on the stack to be used by printf
push dword aoutput ; put the array output format on the stack for printf to use
call printf ; call the printf command
add esp, 8 ; add 4 bytes * 2
pop ecx ; get ecx back
pop ebx
push ebx
push ecx
push dword newline
call printf
add esp, 4
pop ecx
pop ebx
add esi, 4
loop .loopa
mov esp, ebp ; takedown stack frame
pop ebp ; same as "leave" op
Changed code under .loopa label to make it print the character the index is corresponding to:
mov eax, 0
cmp [ebx+esi], eax
je .skip
mov eax, esi
push ebx
push ecx
mov ebx, 4
div ebx
push eax
push dword acoutput
call printf
add esp, 8
pop ecx
pop ebx