File Management Module for Drupal 7 - drupal-7

The requirement is to develop a file management system with role based access. Suppose, there will be three types of users, User A, User B and User C. User C is under User B, User B is under User A. So, the files and directories assigned to User C, should be accessible by User B and A. Files and directories assigned to User B should be accessible by User A and not by User C.
Drupal 6 has amodule, named WebFM which deals all the requirements very fine. Unfortunately, there is not Drupal 7 version of WebFM. I need all the features a WebFM module has, like drag and drop, ajax uploading etc.
Any help or suggestion will be highly appreciated.

You can check filedepot module which behave like webfm module for Drupal 6.
The module is full featured Document Management module that has a google docs like feel.


Description for each module type in suiteCRM

It seems like such a simple thing, but I can't seem to find it anywhere.
There's a couple of dozen of different module types in suiteCRM (sugarCRM CE), but I can't find an explainer file that lists all of them. Not in official application guide or in source code (for example there's nothing about "Line Items")
Does anyone know if a complete list exists somewhere?
There are 3 types of modules.
1) Admin only modules.
2) Core System modules.
3) User modules.
Admin only modules are only visible by admin of SugarCRM. Core system modules like studio ,module builder are back-bone modules of the application so they are not listed to anyone.
Rest modules are users modules, like leads/accounts etc.
They are visible to everyone depends upon their role and role permissions.
you need to see a complete list of modules in 2 locations.
1) include/modules.php
2) custom/application/Ext/include/
If you want to see the complete list, there is a global variable called $moduleList. just print it somewhere.

Drupal 7 multi-site, multiple database and 1 shared code base

I want to develop drupal multi-site with this structure:
One shared codebase drupal 7 multi-site, each web site has own database.
One master web site that has some tables shared.
Each multi site instances read some tables from master's database, not own database. For example conntent types, fields, views, rules and related configirations read only master's database. So I can develop all sites on one place.
As a result each site must use same content types, views, rules but different contents. I am user 1 of all sites. Sub site editors has create content and user permisions only. I dont want to share users accross sites. So I cant use domain acceess. Is it possible that?
Thanks for your helps.
This module should allow you to accomplish what you are looking for:
As it states in the module description you can share tables with the domain prefix module. You can select which tables will be shared and which ones will not.

Drupal 7 Change of View depending on domain

Is it possible in drupal 7 (and any other drupal versions) to have a SHARED DATABASE for 2 sites and the views would change depending on the subdomain / the URL.
Please see the illustration below.
All I want is to have a shared database for multiple site but with multiple view depending on the sub / domain it is accessed and modules / themes scope such as Captcha module should only be visible in the site2.
I'm stuck with this part. My second option is to have 2 database but only 1 database for accessing my site-specific data but for the segregation of content management data I think it would be best if I would have separate database as well for controlling access for modules. Let me know your thoughts.
Thanks in advance.
Yes. Drupal DB abstraction and configuration setup is flexible enough to do the scenario you are going for. You will have to deal with users, then again here too it is a question of choice as Drupal allows you to share users or have different userland for each site. There is a book out there on this subject, and many sites to assist in the various multi-site scenario options.
By the way, you can always post your D questions in drupal.stackexchange.
This is easily solved with Panels as you can just choose the right Views view from there.
There is no reason not to use panels on any drupal site imo.

How to create common file (available for all users on local machine) in Adobe Air

I need to store some data (strings, dates etc) and these data would be available for all users in local machine. Not depended on Admin or Guest started the application - it would be able to read/write these strings and dates.
SharedObjects are belong only user, which started the program.
They all are user related.
File.applicationDirectory — is read-only.
Please, do not propose to use some thing like C:\settings.txt etc, because i need cross-platform solution and without casual user deletions/rewritings etc.
I need some thing like C:\Users\AllUsers or C:\Users\Public folder, but cross-platform.
Sorry, it isn't possible to do this by current Adobe Air API. EncryptedLocalStore also wouldn't be helpful for you.

Multiple Updates in Drupal

I want:
1. To be able to update multiple sites with one upload
2. News page will now database driven
3. Updates in common elements likes LOGOS, COUNTRIES, ADDRESSES, TELEPHONES, FAX NUMBER and EMAIL ADDRESSES can be done with limited HTML knowledge
Hello guys..Is this possible in Drupal 7?
It is possible.
But you might need to search for right module or write your own. You might need install the features module or the domain access. But what you are asking is quite general question, with Drupal everything is possible. But you might need to write PHP code for matching your special needs.
