Interpolating nested values from a scope variable in a view - angularjs

So I have the following view:
<p type="text" disabled='true' class="form-control" >
The value of $scope.selected.timerange is:
This works fine, but when I use the following view:
<p type="text" disabled='true' class="form-control">
the interpolation does not happen.
I'm unable to figure out why. Any help please?

Your example works if you correctly set up angular. See fiddle
Make sure that :
The controller that is responsible for the second view is the same instance that the one responsible for the first view. If you instantiated the controller with the ngController directive, the instantiation should be on a common parent for both views.
By the way, please note that boostrap form-control class is usually for input elements, not for paragraphs.
Consider replacing :
<p type="text" disabled='true' class="form-control" >
with :
<input type="text" disabled='true' class="form-control" value="{{selected.timerange}}"/>

Late to the party here but in case anyone else runs into this issue:
Try initializing your timerange variable in the constructor.
this.selected.timerange = {} if that doesn't work go one step deeper
this.selected.timerange.schedule_start_at = "" (keeping the init from above)
Not sure the philosophy behind this, but I guess it has something to do with observables and/or promises if thats how you're getting your variables ( that was the issue in my case at least )


Relative model reference?

I'm writing a few components for a form, these will be included (via Grails <g:include> tags) in multiple places (a registration page, and an account page). The way Angular works, I have to specify the form name in order to get a reference to a particular field. For example:
<form name="myForm">
<input ng-model="username"/>
{{myForm.username}} -- right here
In the example above, I must use myForm in order to access username. This will not work when using the same field in multiple forms, as the form name will change.
Is there a way to access the field relatively, or maybe figure out the enclosing form name and inject that?
You shouldn't have to reference your form's name. Just bind it to a property on your controller's $scope and you should be good to go. Doing it this way, you won't have to care what your form name is, only that the controller has the property you need.
<form ng-controller="yourController">
<input ng-model="username"/>
{{ username }}
angular.controller('yourController', ['$scope', function($scope){
$scope.username = 'keanu reeves';
Here's a code pen.
You have to use some sort of dynamic form name code. e.g.
<div ng-repeat="myForm in forms">
<form name="myForm{{$index}}">
<input ng-model="myForm.username"/>
{{myForm.username}} -- right here
Although it's difficult to solve your exact problem without example code. Create a plunker or codepen that we can analyze.

Form input arrays in angular

I am learning Angular.js and i've come to a problem that should probably be simple, but I can't seem to find an answer on.
I want to create form inputs with the value of "connectedTeams", like this in html:
<input type="text" name="connectedTeam[]">
<input type="text" name="connectedTeam[]">
<input type="text" name="connectedTeam[]">
I have tried the following in angular...
<input type="text" name="connectedTeams[]" class="form-control" ng-model="user.connectedTeams">
...but it is binding the same value to all 3 inputs. I know in my mind that this makes sense, but I can't seem to figure out how to tell it that ng-model is user.connectedTeams.[] (user > connectedTeams > add to an array.
I hope this makes sense enough for someone to provide a quick answer.
ng-model="user.connectedTeams[1]" and so on
You can put it in a ngRepeat, so you don't need to repeat your code like above.
FYI, name is only used for validation in Angularjs.

Angular form.fieldName.$invalid not working inside ng-class attribute

I have already solved this problem, but it took me a while to realize what I did wrong. It's a very simple mistake, but I figured I'd post it here in hopes I can save someone else some work in case they run across the same mistake.
I was trying to use simple Angular validation to set a class on an input field based on whether it was valid. I failed to realize it wasn't working because I specified the name of my form with ng-form. So using $scope.form or the actual value of name attribute of the form did not work. Of course, the examples below are simplified and a much larger form could make this mistake much harder to recognize.
Here is a failed example:
<form name="myForm" ng-form="form1">
<input type="text" name="myField" ng-class="error: myForm.myField.$invalid"/>
Here is a successful example:
<form name="myForm" ng-form="form1">
<input type="text" name="myField" ng-class="error: form1.myField.$invalid"/>

One form element updating multiple pieces of the model?

I am looking at using angular for a project at work but I have a question first. We have a single page application that's pretty intricate. We do have a basic model set up but some fields in the model are redundant. If I couldn't reduce the redundancy, what steps could I take in angular so that one form element changes two variables in the model?
I've put together a bare bones jsfiddle of what I'm hoping to do:
<div ng-app>
<input type="text" ng-model="yourName" placeholder="Enter a name here" /><br/>
<span>Hello {{yourName}}!</span><br/>
<span>Hello {{altName}}!</span>
How could I change this around so that the input would assign it's value to both yourName as well as altName? I've tried what I thought would be obvious such as comma or pipe delimiting the ng-model attribute to no avail. Is it possible?
You could set a $watch on the yourname-Variable within your controller and then change the altName in its callback. Should look like this:
$scope.$watch('yourName', function(){
$scope.altName = $scope.newName;

How do I access the child ngModel from a directive?

Like in this question, I want to add .error on a form field's parent .control-group when scope.$invalid is true.
However, hardcoding the form name like in ng-class="{ error: formName.fieldModel.$invalid }" means that I can't reuse this in different forms, plus I'd rather not repeat this declaration everywhere.
I figured that a directive that looks something like this could work:
<div class="control-group" error-on="model1, model2">
<input ng-model="model1">
<input ng-model="model2">
So when either model1 or model2 is not valid, .control-group gets .error added.
My attempt here. Is it possible to access the models from the directive, given the model names?
If there's a better approach, I'd love to hear it too.
I don't think that writing a custom directive is necessery for this use-case as the ng-form directive was created exactly for situations like those. From the directive's documentation:
It is useful to nest forms, for example if the validity of a sub-group
of controls needs to be determined.
Taking your code as an example one would write:
<div class="control-group" ng-class="{ error: myControlGroup1.$invalid }>
<ng-form name="myControlGroup1">
<input ng-model="model1">
<input ng-model="model2">
By using this technique you don't need to repeat expressions used in ng-model and can reuse this fragment inside any form.
You can also change the markup in the accepted answer to do without the nesting, since ng-form is also a class directive:
<div class="control-group ng-form" name="controlGroup11" ng-class="{ error: controlGroup1.$invalid }>
<input ng-model="model1">
<input ng-model="model2">
Final solution Fiddle
Inside your link function, you can get access to the formController. It has all of the controls. So the following will give your directive access to .$valid:
However, I don't know how to watch that for changes. I tried watching attrs.errorOn (i.e., watch the ng-model property), but the watch doesn't trigger unless a valid value is input (because of the way Angular forms work... unless that value is valid, it is not assigned to the scope property set by ng-model.)
Maybe someone can take this further...
