I have a React component that toggles a className when the component is clicked
var Foo = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function() {
return {className: ''}
render: function(){
var className = 'bar ' + this.state.className
return React.createElement('div', {className: className, onClick: this.onClick})
onClick: function() {
this.setState({className: 'baz'})
It works fine, but when I am rendering the app server side, I get the following error
Warning: getInitialState was defined on a component, a plain JavaScript class.
This is only supported for classes created using React.createClass.
Did you mean to define a state property instead?
My build step is setup like so
var Foo = require('./Foo');
var factory = React.createFactory(Foo);
module.exports = React.renderToString(factory({}));
Why is what I am doing wrong, and how should it be done?
I am not sure if this helps, but while using fluxible, this is the syntax i used with JSX as part of require component
var app = new Fluxible({
component: React.createFactory(require('./Components/startup.react.jsx'))
Looking at Facebook's react example here, I found this code showing how to use mixins to set intervals. I am confused as to what is happening with this.intervals. I understand that state holds render-altering data, and props handle data handed down from a parent component, ideally. I would have used this.props.intervals instead, but what is the difference between the two?
var SetIntervalMixin = {
componentWillMount: function() {
this.intervals = [];
setInterval: function() {
this.intervals.push(setInterval.apply(null, arguments));
componentWillUnmount: function() {
var TickTock = React.createClass({
mixins: [SetIntervalMixin], // Use the mixin
getInitialState: function() {
return {seconds: 0};
componentDidMount: function() {
this.setInterval(this.tick, 1000); // Call a method on the mixin
tick: function() {
this.setState({seconds: this.state.seconds + 1});
render: function() {
return (
React has been running for {this.state.seconds} seconds.
<TickTock />,
When you use props, you know for 100% certainty the value should will be coming from it's immediate parent component (as a property).
When you see state, you know the value is being born/created within that component it's self.
The key, when state changes, every child below will render if any of their received props change.
Your Mixin is not a normal React class. It is simply an object, so this in the case of this.interval, is a reference to the scope of the object in which the method is being executed - TickTock.
Is there a way to call the methods that a React component defines internally?
I understand generally we want to be passing values around declaratively with props/data etc. However I am using some component libraries that have internal useful methods.
var field = <AutoComplete/>;
field.setValue("ready"); // doesn't work
eg this method
in material-ui AutoComplete component.
You can not do this with virtual dom, since virtual dom is just a description of components to be created(actual component instance will be created or updated only when rendering).
But you can access component instances inside your react component after rendering using refs:
var Test = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function(){
return {value:0};
setValue: function(value){
render: function() {
return <div>Value {this.state.value}</div>;
var App = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return <div>
<Test ref="test"/>
<button onClick={()=>this.refs.test.setValue(1)}>1</button>
<button onClick={()=>this.refs.test.setValue(2)}>2</button>
<button onClick={()=>this.refs.test.setValue(3)}>3</button>
var mountNode = document.getElementById('app');
ReactDOM.render(<App name="John" />, mountNode);
jsbin with code above: http://jsbin.com/kitehujaje/1/edit?js,output
I'm attempting to run the following code:
"use strict";
var React = require('react');
var Router = require('react-router');
var Link = Router.Link;
var Material = require('material-ui');
var ThemeManager = new Material.Styles.ThemeManager();
var Colors = Material.Styles.Colors;
var dropdown = Material.Icons.NavigationArrowDropDown; //This icon cannot be found
var Home = React.createClass({
childContextTypes: {
muiTheme: React.PropTypes.object
getChildContext: function () {
return {
muiTheme: ThemeManager.getCurrentTheme()
componentWillMount: function () {
accent1Color: Colors.cyan500
render: function () {
return (
<Material.AppBar title="Test" showMenuIconButton={false}>
<Material.ListItem primaryText={"Queue"} leftIcon={<Material.Icons.NavigationChevronLeft/>} />
<Material.ListItem primaryText={"Log"} leftIcon={<Material.Icons.NavigationArrowDropDown/>} />
<Material.ListItem primaryText={"Settings"} />
<span>This is some text</span>
<Material.RaisedButton label="Super Secret Password" primary={true}/>
module.exports = Home;
I've included the necessary packages and the code runs fine if I don't include
I've navigated to material-ui (0.11.1) and the file does exist there as an export in the following path:
lib > svg-icons > Navigation > Arrow_drop_down.js and the source code is as follows:
'use strict';
var React = require('react/addons');
var PureRenderMixin = React.addons.PureRenderMixin;
var SvgIcon = require('../../svg-icon');
var NavigationArrowDropDown = React.createClass({
displayName: 'NavigationArrowDropDown',
mixins: [PureRenderMixin],
render: function render() {
return React.createElement(
React.createElement('path', { d: 'M7 10l5 5 5-5z' })
module.exports = NavigationArrowDropDown;
However, when compiling and running the application it cannot find the item and complains it does not exist, yet the other item
Gets found without issue. This file (with the exclusion of my router and app.js) are my entire project.
Since both files exist in the same folder, I cannot understand why the one reference is found and the other isn't?
The error occurs at runtime and jsLint doesnt pick it up. Additionally, when removing the listItem icon my page renders correctly. The problem appears to be tied directly to this component.
Additional Note: I have removed the var dropdown, it was there merely to demonstrate how the export is not being found from Material UI.
tl;dr : Material UI Icon class in the same folder as another Icon class is not being picked up. Why?
As you can see in src/index.js, NavigationArrowDropDown isn't being set on Material.Icons, while NavigationChevronLeft is. The component is used in other places, but is never publicly exposed through material-ui's main export.
However, you can still require it like you would any other file:
var NavigationArrowDropDown = require('material-ui/lib/svg-icons/navigation/arrow-drop-down');
Looking at the README, it looks like this is the recommended way to reach single components.
Let's say I have 2 components. A parent that contains a child.
The child component is a button like so:
var React = require('react');
var ChildButton = React.createClass({
onSubmitAnswer: function(e) {
render: function() {
return (
<div className={this.props.visibility}>
<button onClick={this.onSubmitAnswer}>Click Me</button>
module.exports = ChildButton;
It lives within it's parent, which looks like this:
var React = require('react'),
ChildButton = require('./face-submit-button');
var ParentComponent = React.createClass({
onButtonSubmit: function() {
//Something happens here
render: function() {
return (
//Some more components
<ChildButton text="Submit" onClick={this.onButtonSubmit} />
module.exports = ParentComponent;
So far so good. Everything works as expected in the UI. But I've encountered some issues in the Jest tests using TestUtils.Simulate.click().
My test for the ChildButton component is straightforward and behaves as I would expect.
describe('ChildButton', function() {
var React = require('react/addons'),
ChildButton = require('./child-button'),
TestUtils = React.addons.TestUtils;
describe('events', function() {
var button,
beforeEach(function() {
onClickStub = jest.genMockFn();
button = TestUtils.renderIntoDocument(
<ChildButton onClick={onClickStub} />
it('should call onSubmitAnswer when the button is clicked', function() {
var buttonTag = TestUtils.findRenderedDOMComponentWithTag(button, 'button');
My test for the parent component started out looking the same:
describe('ParentComponent', function() {
var React = require('react/addons'),
ParentComponent = require('./parent-component'),
ChildButton = require('./child-button'),
TestUtils = React.addons.TestUtils;
describe('events', function() {
var parent,
beforeEach(function() {
onClickStub = jest.genMockFn();
parent = TestUtils.renderIntoDocument(
<ParentComponent onClick={onClickStub} />
it('should call onButtonSubmit when a click is triggered', function() {
var childButton = TestUtils.findRenderedComponentWithType(parent, ChildButton);
But this test fails. The only difference I can see between these two tests is that one uses an HTML tag directly and clicks on it, while the other triggers a click on a React component. Can I not use the click event on React components directly? Is my assumption correct?
And if so, is there a way to trigger a click on React components differently in the tests? I tried using SimulateNative but that had the same effect, the onClickStub doesn't get called on click.
There is currently an open bug for this issue: Let ReactTestUtils.Simulate.click work on non-dom components. So the answer is that due to bugs, you can only use Simulate.click on an actual DOM node. So you can workaround the bug by getting the DOM node until it is fixed.
I have a large ReactJS class which I'd like to clone. The scenario is that the original React class is in one batch of code, which I want to largely re-use in another - just with a few small changes. Ideally I was hoping I could do something like this:
var Element1 = React.createClass({
customMethod1: function() { ... },
customMethod2: function() { ... },
render: function () { ... }
// clone and override whatever we want
var Element2 = React.cloneClass(Component1);
Element2.customMethod1 = function () { ... };
// now we can use <Element2 />
Any idea?
Try using composition over cloning/inheritance. This is recommended approach with React.
Starting from React 0.12 the new API introduced React.createFactory.
var MyComponentClass = React.createClass(...);
var MyComponent = React.createFactory(MyComponentClass);
var MyOtherComponent = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return MyComponent({ prop: 'value' });
Another possible way of composition would be to pass react element into another component via refs: https://stackoverflow.com/a/25723635/540802