What is a good solution for cross datacenter master-master replication? - database

Lets say we have a distributed system where data is sharded by user ids. In most cases each shard is changed by user who owns this shard. There are more then one datacenter and users are balanced between these datacenters using DNS, cookies or somehow else. I.e. in most cases every user is served by one datacenter. This means we can replicate data between datacenters in master-master manner. Of course conflicting writes are possible, but they are rare and could be resolved using, say, CRDTs or vector clocks. And if some datacenter fails users could be just redirected to other datacenters!
Are there any database capable to solve described problem? Maybe some services provided by AWS or Google Cloud offer a solution?

I can't answer the specific use case here, because of the way you may want to shard, but Aerospike has XDR where all clusters are peers.
All clusters will be "eventually consistent" using XDR because of speed-of-light delays, plus we batch the updates between datacenters. Yet within each cluster, the Aerospike DB will be immediately consistent.
Feel free to check out our docs for more answers:


Is it advisable to use cloud redis with noeviction policy to act as persistent database?

I am thinking to use cloud memory store redis database with policy set to noeviction, sort of persistent database to serve the client. Wondering what could be the downside of this?
Of course we will keep instance memory on higher side to make sure incoming keys can accommodate. Are there any chances keys can lost while sort of infra restructuring or failover or patching happen at cloud provider end?
Thanks in advance
There are still chances that keys will be lost in case of unplanned restarts. Failovers only work during instance crashes or scheduled maintenance, and will not work on manual restarts. GCP also has two Redis tier capabilities. Only the Standard tier supports failovers.
Both offers maximum instance size of 300GB and maximum network bandwidth of 12Gbps. The advantage of having Standard tier is that it provides redundancy and availability using replication, cross-zone replication and automatic failover.
noeviction is only a policy that makes sure that all keys are not evicted and not replaced regardless of how old they are. It only returns an error when the Redis instance reaches maxmemory. It still doesn't cover other persistence features like point-in-time snapshot and AOF persistence, which unfortunately Memorystore doesn't support yet.
Since Memorystore does not cover your entire use case, my suggestion is to use Redis open source instead. You can quickly provision and deploy a Redis VM instance from the GCP Markeplace.
You can check out the full features in the documentation.

Writing to many replicas of MongoDB

Let's say I have a distributed application that writes to the database. To decrease latency one of the instances (app + database) is hosted in Australia and another one is hosted in Europe. Both instances of database need to share the same data.
So what we are after here is data locality. The reason for it is obvious: we don't want users in Australia shooting requests to our database in Europe because that would increase latency.
The natural choice would be to deploy both instances of database in a one replica set. But it seems that with MongoDB you can write to only one Mongo instance within replica set.
What are the strategies with MongoDB to have two instances of database, sharing the same data, to which you can write to? Or is the MongoDB just a wrong choice for this requirement?
Huge subject, but i'll try to give you a short and simple answer :
As your two instances must share the same sata, you can't use sharded cluster with zones . But replica set can be your solution :
Create a replica set with at least the following :
a server in a 'neutral' zone. It will be the primary server (set a priority higher). This server, as long as it still primary, will handle your write operations.
your two existing servers with lower priority.
Set in your application Read Preference to 'nearest'. This way, your read operations will be handle by the server having the mower network latency, regardless of the Master/secondary roles of server.
But i highly recommand you to check the documentation, to see how correctly deploy this architecture. Here's a good start
Some consideration about this solution :
This use case is one of the rare use case where it's better to read from secondaries. In general, prefer reading your data from MASTER, since replica set is done for high availability, not for scalability.
If some of your data can be 'located' to be accessed faster, consider sharding collections as a better solution

Solr master-master replication alternatives?

Currently we have 2 servers with a load-balancer before them. We want to be able to turn 1 machine off and later on, without the user noticing it.
Our application also uses solr and now i wanted to install & configure solr on both servers and the question is how do i configure a master-master replication?
After my initial research i found out that it's not possible :(
But what are my options here? I want both indices to stay in sync and when a document is commited on one server it should also go to the other.
Thanks for your help!
Not certain of your specific use case (why turn 1 server on and off?), there is no specific "master-master" replication. Solr does however support distributed indexing and querying via SolrCloud. From the documentation for SolrCloud:
Replication ensures redundancy for your data, and enables you to send
an update request to any node in the shard. If that node is a
replica, it will forward the request to the leader, which then
forwards it to all existing replicas, using versioning to make sure
every replica has the most up-to-date version. This architecture
enables you to be certain that your data can be recovered in the event
of a disaster, even if you are using Near Real Time searching.
It's a bit complex so I'd suggest you spend some time going thru the documentation as it's not quite as simple as setting up a couple of masters and load balancing between them. It is a big step up from the previous master/slave replication that Solr used, so even if it's not a perfect fit it will be a lot closer to what you need.
You can just create a simple master - slave replication as described here:
But be sure you send your inserts, deletes, updates directly to the master, but selects can go through the load balancer.
The other alternative is to create a third server as a master, and 2 slaves, and the lode balancer can be in front of the two slaves.

Distributed store with transactions

I currently develop an application hosted at google app engine. However, gae has many disadvantages: it's expensive and is very hard to debug since we can't attach to real instances.
I am considering changing the gae to an open source alternative. Unfortunately, none of the existing NOSQL solutions which satisfy me support transactions similar to gae's transactions (gae support transactions inside of entity groups).
What do you think about solving this problem? I am currently considering a store like Apache Cassandra + some locking service (hazelcast) for transactions. Did anyone has any experience in this area? What can you recommend
There are plans to support entity groups in cassandra in the future, see CASSANDRA-1684.
If your data can't be easily modelled without transactions, is it worth using a non transcational database? Do you need the scalability?
The standard way to do transaction like things in cassandra is described in this presentation, starting at slide 24. Basically you write something similar to a WAL log entry to 1 row, then perform the actual writes on multiple rows, then delete the WAL log row. On failure, simply read and perform actions in the WAL log. Since all cassandra writes have a user supplied time stamp, all writes can be made idempotent, just store the time stamp of your write with the WAL log entry.
This strategy gives you the Atomic and Durable in ACID, but you do not get Consistency and Isolation. If you are working at scale that requires something like cassandra, you probably need to give up full ACID transactions anyway.
You may want to try AppScale or TyphoonAE for hosting applications built for App Engine on your own hardware.
If you are developing under Python, you have very interesting debugging options with the Werkzeug debugger.

Does memcached share across servers in google app engine?

On the memcached website it says that memcached is a distributed memory cache. It implies that it can run across multiple servers and maintain some sort of consistency. When I make a request in google app engine, there is a high probability that request in the same entity group will be serviced by the same server.
My question is, say there were two servers servicing my request, is the view of memcached from these two servers the same? That is, do things I put in memcached in one server reflected in the memcached instance for the other server, or are these two completely separate memcached instances (one for each server)?
Specifically, I want each server to actually run its own instance of memcached (no replication in other memcached instances). If it is the case that these two memcached instances update one another concerning changes made to them, is there a way to disable this?
I apologize if these questions are stupid, as I just started reading about it, but these are initial questions I have run into. Thanks.
App Engine does not really use memcached, but rather an API-compatible reimplementation (chiefly by the same guy, I believe -- in his "20% time";-).
Cached values may disappear at any time (via explicit expiration, a crash in one server, or due to memory scarcity in which case they're evicted in least-recently-used order, etc), but if they don't disappear they are consistent when viewed by different servers.
The memcached server chosen doesn't depend on the entity group that you're using (the entity group is a concept from the datastore, a different beast).
Each server runs its own instance of memcached, and each server will store a percentage of the objects that you store in memcache. The way it works is that when you use the memcached API to store something under a given key, a memcached server is chosen (based on the key).
There is no replication between memcached instances, if one of those boxes goes down, you lose 1/N of your memcached' data (N being the number of memcached instances running in AppEngine).
Typically, memcached does not share data between servers. The application server hashes the key to choose a memcached server, and then communicates with that server to get or set the data.
Based in what I know, there is only ONE instance of Memcache of you entire application, there could be many instance of your code running each one with their memory, and many datastore around the world, but there is only one Memcache server at a time, and keep in mind that this susceptible to failure service, even is no SLA for it.
