Problems in my simple chat program - batch-file

I made a simple batch chat that write the message to an txt file.
I need help with print the file every time it changed and with hidding output.
I used the type, delay and cls to print the file but it didnt work, it didnt printed the file.
start cmd /k
call room.bat
call chat.bat
using the launcher photo
room.bat(the problem):
TYPE room.txt
timeout /t 0.5
goto chat1
chat.bat(working but show extra info about the os and the file):
#echo off
set D=%Date%
echo enter your name
SET /P name=[name]
SET /P chatpublic=[everyone]
echo %name%: %chatpublic% |%D%|>> room.txt
goto room
without the launcher photo

Here's the culprit:
echo %name%: %chatpublic% |%D%|>> room.txt
That's because the | vertical line has a special meaning in Windows command line interpreter: commandA | commandB: pipe the output from commandA into commandB.
If you do want use a | vertical line in another sense (e.g. display it with an echo command), then you should escape it as follows:
echo %name%: %chatpublic% ^|%D%^|>> room.txt


Why Are All My Programs Opening When I Call One Function That's Supposed To Start One Program?

I'm tryng to write a batch file which starts programs, but two problems arise:
If I use one command, it opens the others (i.e. If I open the calculator, it also opens the curler
Here is the code for my program:
#echo off
title Console
set /p prompt=:
goto %prompt%
echo Commands
echo ---------------
echo help........................Shows this list
echo calc........................Starts the CMD Calculator
echo retaskbar...................Starts the Taskbar Fixer
echo curler......................Starts the Curler
echo webping.....................Starts Website Pinger
goto prompt
start calc.exe
start retaskbar.exe
start curler.exe
start webping.exe
I'm planning to turn this into a single exe file for more convenience.

Read webs from a file and ping them with a loop (?)

im making an script to ping different websites. I want to read addresses from a file, ping them one time, and write the results on another text file.
echo off
echo "TEST" > %cd%\out.txt
time >> %cd%\out.txt
ping -n 1>> %cd%\out.txt
I dont know how to make the loop for pinging and also, how to read line by line from the file. Can anyone help me?
Something along the lines of the following should be what you want:
#echo off& setlocal
set cd=.
for /f %%w in (sites.txt) do call :NextSite %%w
exit /b
echo. >>%cd%\out.txt
echo. >>%cd%\out.txt
echo. | time | find "current" >>%cd%\out.txt
ping -n 1 %1 >>%cd%\out.txt
The logic starts at the line with the "for" statement; the preceding lines merely set up a test environment. You will have your own %cd% setting and filename to replace "sites.txt"

Reading a Text File and Reacting (Batch)

I looked for quite a while and couldn't find a good solution to my problem. I want a batch program to "look" in a .txt file for the command "" and if that word is in it, then to execute a different command. If the command existed, I would want to do something like set %textfile%=text.txt and if that worked I would then do if %textfile%==update goto update which would be an easy way to start an automatic update if this was in a loop. So basically, is there a command that sets a text file in %text%? This is the code that I am trying to add this into:
#echo off
color 0f
echo Welcome to Master control pannel
ping 127.1 -n 4 >nul
echo What would you like to do first? (Type the number of the operation you want to start)
ping 127.1 -n 2 >nul
echo 1. Run a command off of all computers
::(I want to run a command by sending a message to a text file but want recieving computor to be able to read it and execute it, how could I read the command and then do what it say, for example, if the command says "echo Hello" I would want recieving computor to say "Hello" )
echo 2. Stops the current command
echo 3. List all computers
echo 4. Open remote shutdown program
echo 5. Delete a computor (in progress)
echo 6. (Unfinished)
echo 7. (Unfinished)
echo 8. (Unfinished)
echo 9. (Unfinished)
echo 10. Exit
set /p choose=(1-9):
if %choose%==1 goto o1
if %choose%==2 goto o2
if %choose%==3 goto o3
if %choose%==4 goto o4
if %choose%==5 goto o5
if %choose%==6 goto close
if %choose%==7 goto close
if %choose%==8 goto close
if %choose%==9 goto close
if %choose%==10 goto o10
goto options
goto start
echo Stopping current command
del command.txt
echo. 2>command.txt
echo Command stopped!
goto start
I would greatly appreciate some help or comments to what I could do or add to this. Thanks!
Not an answer but several hints.
a variable can hold only single lines not a whole file.
if you want to get the first line of a file into a var use `Set /P "var="
set %textfile%=text.txt would store test.txt literally into a var whose name is the content of the var textfile.
you are mixing goto o1 and :01 with the label

Batch with Echo messages and then normal CMD

I have a simple batch file:
ECHO Launching your app...
What I would like is to return to a default CMD state where the user can type commands, I mean, this state: C:[path][path].....>
I want to give to the user the possibility to continue to type anything he wants after the echo "Launching your app..."
So visually it would give this:
Launching your app...
C:[path][path][path]> _
#echo off
rem check if started from own process (use our own parameter)
rem and if not, spawn a new cmd with correct parameters and
rem keep it open
if not "%~1"=="__startcmd__" (
"%comspec%" /k "%~f0" __startcmd__ %*
rem eliminate custom parameter of parameter list
rem your custom screen
title "command window"
prompt $p$g
echo Launching your app ...

Update a batch file from another batch file

Dear StackOverFlow Members,
Please help me with this batch file. I would like to use the answer given from the "SET /P INPUT=%=%" and have it update another batch file permanently.
This is the first batch file that runs to get an answer from the user
#echo off
echo .................................................................
echo ..... Specify what the name of the Store is, this will send .....
echo ............... alerts to ..............
echo .................................................................
color 5E
echo "............ Press 1 to specify what the store name is......"
echo "............ Press 2 to exit the program ................."
SET /P M=Type from the menu above 1 or 2 then press ENTER:
color 0A
set INPUT=
set /P INPUT=Enter Store Name: %=%
if "%INPUT%"=="" goto input
echo "You said that the store name is: %INPUT%"
:: Have the user confirm his/her choice
SET /P ANSWER=Is the name correct (Y/N)?
echo You chose: %ANSWER%
if /i {%ANSWER%}=={y} (goto :yes)
if /i {%ANSWER%}=={yes} (goto :yes)
goto :no
echo You pressed YES!... The name is updating
goto name
echo You pressed NO!... The program will exit
goto eof
::set /A store=%INPUT%
echo %INPUT% >> notify_support.bat
::Terminate the program
As you can see I am struggling to specify where I should "echo %INPUT% >> notify_support.bat". This is code taken from the second batch file
#echo off
call senditquiet -s -port 587 -u -protocol ssl -p access -f -t -subject "Store ABC" -body "Hello there, There is an issue logged at the store.<br>Best regards."
When the first batch file runs, it updates the second one but just dumps it at the end of the file.
I need the INPUT ECHOed to replace "Store ABC" in the second batch file.
Please assist, I'm rather rusty with batch files.
echo %INPUT% >> notify_support.bat
That line contains >> which means 'dump at the end of the file'. You can use a single > to overwrite the existing file contents. That way, you can re-generate the whole file (which is only 2 lines anyway).
A different solution is to actually parse the exising file and replace that text. You can do that by using for /F ..., which allows you to traverse through the lines of a file. You can then generate a new file, based on the (altered) contents of the existing file. Disadvantage is that this file-parsing method is especially suitable for data files in which each line has the same format with fields and delimiters (like a CSV file). It is less suited for parsing 'complex' files like a batch file or program source file.
try the code:
#echo off
echo Welcome
echo > echo #echo off >> batchfilename.bat
echo > echo echo hello >> batchfilename.bat
echo > echo pause >> batchfilename.bat
it will input the code into the batch file and when you run batchfilename.bat you will get something like:
press any key to continue . . .
