How to enable SQL Server Agent in SQL Server 2012 Express - sql-server

When I try to start SQL Server Agent from SQL Server Configuration Manager
I get this error
the request failed or the service did not respond in a timely fashion.Consult the error log or other applicable error log for details
So how can I solve it?

Have you checked if your sqlServerAgent is running in windows admin tools / services? If it is stopped,just right click it and start it. Set also start type to automatic in next column.

The agent service is not included in the express editions of SQL Server, so it can't be enabled at all. Even though the error messages are misleading, the actual error is a licensing one. To get the agent you need to upgrade to any other edition. For just developing and testing the developer edition is the best choice.
Other than that, you can try to emulate such functionality by using the Windows task scheduler to run the SQL command line tools.


SQL server doesn't install

What we know / I've tried so far:
It failed during installation. Everything else seems to be installed correctly except for "Database Engine Services" (Ignoring server replication).
The installer sent me here, but this solution doesn't seem to work either.
The SQL Server service doesn't start.
The following screenshot is what I see when I click on the repair:
Looking through the logs, this is the repair error description: The SQL Server feature 'SQL_Engine_Core_Inst' is not in a supported state for repair, as it was never successfully configured. Only features from successful installations can be repaired. To continue, remove the specified SQL Server feature.
Thank you!
I couldn't install SQL Server 2019 Developer as well because of other reason below:
A computer restart is required. Please restart your computer and try
the Basic installation again.
So, I restarted my Windows PC, then I could install SQL Server 2019 Developer.

SQL server can't start to connect?

Sql server reports a service error
Windows could not start the SQl server (SQLEXPRESS) service on Local Computer.
Error 1067: the process terminated unexpectedly
Images which describe the problem from the moment SQL Server was started, as follows:
Thanks in advance
1.Turns out Microsoft dot net framework 2.0 was corrupted. This was only determined while trying to repair the SQL install and received a prompt regarding dot net 2.0. So we cancelled the SQL repair and instead repaired the .Net 2.0 installation. Rebooted and SQL agent started automatically. Hope this helps.
2.Check the windows event viewer.
3.Also check the SQL Error log - if the service stayed up long enough to start writing to that, it may provide some useful information.

The remote procedure call failed with on MSSQL Server 2008

Recently, I have installed MSSQL Server 2008 Express.
Every time I try to enable "SQL Server Agent (SQLEXPRESS)", I got this error message:
WMI Provider Error: "The Remote procedure call failed".
I have tried to search for a solution but I have found some solutions and tried them all but It is still not working. Do you have know a good solution for this?
In addition, what is SQL Server Agent? do we really need it?
This is a bit strange.
One of the restrictions of the free SQL Server Express (compared to the bigger editions) is that it has no SQL Server Agent.
So you shouldn't even be able try to enable SQL Server Agent, because your edition doesn't support it!
However, I have SQL Server 2008 Express installed as well, and I never cared to take a look if the SQL Server Agent service is listed on my machine.
I just looked on my machine: it is there, it's called "SQL Server Agent (SQLEXPRESS)" exactly as yours, and I'm even able to start it.
I didn't expect that!
But it's not visible in SQL Server Management Studio, so I can't create any jobs (and I expected that).
Apparently Microsoft restricted the use of SQL Server Agent in the Express edition not by omitting the service at all, but by making it invisible in Management Studio.
So my actual answer is this:
Don't waste time by trying to start SQL Server Agent.
You don't need it to run the database, and you can't use it anyway even if you can get it to run.
SQL Server Agent is used for Job Scheduling, amongst other things.
If you don't know what it is, you probably don't need it ;) It's not necessary for the standard SQL Server RDBMS functionality.
I can't speak specifically to the error you're seeing.

SQLBrowser not working

Let me explain my situation. So I installed a trial of SQL Server 2008. The trial ran out and I tried to go back the SQL Express install I had been use for 5 months with out an issue. I uninstall the features of Server 2008 and try to install SSMSE. I use SSMSE to change a password. I then get error 26 and trouble shoot. It turns out that SQLBrowser service for this database does not show up. I try creating a new db and I can't start the SQLBrowser for that database. I can access the database locally and run queries on it. I know that you need to start SQLBrowser for SQL Express, I can't do this if there is no service to for the setting to change or on the SQLBrowser that is there I can't start it. So what did I due to SQLBrowser and how do I fix?
Within express is not enabled by default:
Open the SQL Server Surface Area Configuration. On the SQL Server Surface Area Configuration page, click Surface Area Configuration for Services and Connections. then click SQL Server Browser, click Automatic for Startup type, and then click Apply.
Now the service starts automatically every time that you start Microsoft Windows.

Start Sql Server Agent

I just got SQL Server 2008 Enterprise edition, but I can't start the Agent XPS service. I looked over surface area configuration and tried to change the service start mode from Disabled to Automatic (in the SQL Server configuration manager) and there I generated an error message:
The remote procedure cannot be completed.
The error code is 0X800706be, I didn't change any setting and I'm connecting to the server with windows authentication, what do I need to do to fix this?
Make sure that the logon account for the SQL Agent service has the "Logon as a service" rights specified in "Security Settings\Local Policies\User Rights Assignment\"
Do you have 2005 installed also? There are too many common things like DLL(s) that are being used by both 2005 and 2008 to have them both running on the same machine and not have any problems.
