AngularJS - Dropdown doesn't show selected option - angularjs

I have this select dropdown with "Enbridge Billing" selected.
<select class="form-control required ng-pristine ng-valid" ng-model="finance.payment_method" id="payment_method" name="payment_method">
<option value=""></option>
<option value="EGD" selected="selected">Enbridge Billing</option>
<option value="PAPP">PAD Billing</option>
However, on screen, it's not selected:
I've removed all the stuff from app.js and still the problem presists:
var app = angular.module('portal', []);
app.config(function($interpolateProvider) {
function ($scope) {
I just did this in the controller:
$ = $('#payment_method').find(':selected').val();

The single point of truth in angular is the model. Not the view. You update the model, and the view updates itself to reflect the state of the model.
You configured the select box as
<select ng-model="finance.payment_method" ...>
So that means that the currently selected value is finance.payment_method. That's where angular gets the selected value. Since it's undefined, you have a blank select box.
BTW, you should not set, required, ng-pristine and ng-valid as class of your select box. angular will add and remove this classes by itself, depending on the actual state of the form control.

Simply use ng-selected="true" instead of selected="selected".


angular ng-model is not working as expected

<select id="siteOptions" ng-model="siteVal" ng-change="siteChange()">
<option ng-repeat = "site in sites" ng-selected="{{site == selectedSite}}" value="site">{{site}}</option>
$scope.siteChange = function(){
console.log(" $scope.siteVal--> "+ $scope.siteVal);
I could able to populate values in dropdown properly, but when I try to select value in dropdown I could see "$scope.siteVal--> undefined".
Even when I select the dropdown value multiple time ng-change is triggering only once.
Remove .value attribute from your html markup and your code would work fine!
<select id="siteOptions" ng-model="siteVal" ng-change="siteChange()">
<option ng-repeat = "site in sites" ng-selected="{{site == selectedSite}}">{{site}}</option>
From the DOCS
Note: ngSelected does not interact with the select and ngModel directives, it only sets the selected attribute on the element. If you are using ngModel on the select, you should not use ngSelected on the options, as ngModel will set the select value and selected option
Here is the plunker which demonstrates the same

Select not updating when model is updated in AngularJS

When I update the model, a select box is not getting updated to the value in the model. The select has all the valid options, however, the value from the model is not being selected. In the code below, the value in the model is "FACEBOOK". The mapping to the model is correct because value from the select box saves correctly. The issue is occurring when I load the model on page display.
Here is the html:
ng-options=" for obj in contactchannels track by">
The generated html is:
<select ng-options=" for obj in contactchannels track by">
<option selected="?" value="selected"></option>
<option label="Facebook" value="FACEBOOK">Facebook</option>
<option label="Skype" value="SKYPE">Skype</option>
<option label="Instagram" value="INSTAGRAM">Instagram</option>
thanks in advance,
Use ng-selected instead of selected. You can make it true and false.
And also show how you are doing in JS file with scope.
If it doesn't work like this, then give ng-change="some_func()" and define that function in JS, $scope.some_func = function() {}

Weird behavior ionic in select, ng-model won't update

I'm experiencing something weird, this example works in codepen but won't work in my Ionic app.
When I change the option in the select tag I want to show the selected value, but it won't work, it shows undefined, i've tried in many ways.
This is not the original code, the original one retrieves the values from an external API and populates the options with ngOptions (which works, it populates ok). But it won't update the value in the controller.
So I decided to make it more simple, and it still won't work:
<select ng-model="optionSelected" ng-change="selectUpdated()">
<option value="">Select an option</option>
<option value="h">Hello</option>
<option value="b">Bye</option>
$scope.selectUpdated = function() {
I don't think more code is needed, the HTML is contained in ion-view and ion-content. No errors are shown, only the 'Updated' output and undefined.
When changing the option, I get undefined. But this same code in codepen works just fine..
Can someone tell me what can be happening that triggers this odd behavior?
Thanks in advance.
Found the solution, pass the ngModel property as a parameter in the ngChange.
<select ng-model="optionSelected" ng-change="selectUpdated(optionSelected)">
<option value="">Select an option</option>
<option value="h">Hello</option>
<option value="b">Bye</option>
$scope.selectUpdated = function(optionSelected) {
I was having the same problem today and had to create a workaround to use the select normally.
$scope.updatePreferredLanguageValue = function() {
$scope.PreferredLanguage = this.PreferredLanguage;
<select ng-model="PreferredLanguage" ng-options=" as for Language in LanguageList" id="LanguageListSelect" name="LanguageListSelect" ng-change="updatePreferredLanguageValue()">
So basically I have a method that is called when the value is changed that makes sure the change is set on the $scope variable. Not pretty but it works.
Try to use $parent in your ng-model and call it from your controller.
<select ng-model="$parent.selectedCar">

How to use a select option dropdown in an Angular Directive?

I have 2 forms, a simple and advanced form.
Both have the same options (a lot of options)
Only a couple of differences in the opening select tag which contains
<select ng-show="showSimpleSelect"
class="form-control manage-source-input-tag">
<!-- if advanced then -->
<select ng-show="showAdvanceSelect"
class="form-control manage-source-input-tag">
<option value="brand">Brand</option>
<option value="client">Client</option>
<option value="companies">Companies</option>
</select ng-show="showSimpleSelect">
</select ng-show="showAdvanceSelect">
In my Directives Controller, I'm using vars like this to show and hide the opening select tags:
vs.showSimpleForm = function() {
vs.showSimpleSelect = true,
vs.showAdvanceSelect = false,
However the HTML ends up looking like this, which breaks the design:
How would you go about refactoring this?
Angular overrides the select tag as a custom directive that expects an ng-options attribute instead of option tags. You can just hard-code your options into an array and put that as the ng-option
$scope.options = ["brand", "client", "companies"];
<select ng-show="showAdvanceSelect"
ng-options="option for option in options"
class="form-control manage-source-input-tag">

Angular UI / select2 multiple how to preselect values/options?

using angular-ui with select2 as follows:
<select ui-select2 ng-model="search.categories" multiple style="width:300px" data-placeholder="select category">
<option value="open" >open</option>
<option value="close" >close</option>
Where and how should I preselect options? By default selected option is only first.Somehow in controller?
For a simple <select> list it's easy:
MyController function($scope) {
$ = {
categories: 'close'
For <input> it gets trickier because you may need to add a initSelection option
