c semaphore sem_post max value to 0 - c

I have a program where one thread runs a task, and when it can no longer run it based on a condition, it waits:
void thread1() {
while(...) {
if(can_do_stuff) {
//do stuff
else {
This thread can be woken up by several other threads (each performing a separate task that can lead to a reason for thread1 to be woken up) by calling sem_post:
void threadx() {
while(...) {
if(need_thread1_to_run) {
else {
//do stuff
However, the problem with this is that whenever thread1 calls sem_wait, it needs to wait, which basically means that the maximum value that the semaphore should have is 0. So ideally, if it was already at 0 and a thread called sem_post, the value would not change. Is there anyway to do this with semaphores in C? If not, is there another synchronization method in C that could do this better? I thought that the threads could call sem_getvalue before calling sem_post to see if the value was already 0, but that would not be thread safe and I think two threads could still both call sem_post at the same time. I also thought that condition variables could be a possibility, but those require a mutex and I don't really need a mutex for this, so I was hoping there was something simpler.


How can I add mutexes and condition variables to guarantee this behavior?

Multiple threads will be “busy waiting” for the next_action variable to be set. Ideally one thread would call perform_action whenever the main sets it to a nonzero.
// choose a time-consuming activity based on action ...
void perform_action(int action);
int next_action = 0;
void* threadfunc(void*)
while (1)
while (next_action == 0);
int my_action = next_action;
next_action = 0;
int main()
// assume we've spawned threads executing threadfunc ...
while (1)
// determine what action should be dispatched to a thread next
next_action = read_action_from_user();
// exit the program
if (next_action == -1) { break; }
For this issue I would use a semaphore.
Using a while loop will waste processor time by constantly checking for changes in variable.
Here we can use synchronization methods that can alert when is available.
A semaphore has two options: acquire and release.
Main thread initially acquires the semaphore, and the thread is enqueued to acquire it. Thread will wait until semaphore becomes available.
When main thread sets it releases the semaphore to signal that a nonzero value has been set to it.
The thread will now wake up, acquire the semaphore, perform requested operation and release the semaphore.
When main thread needs to change the semaphore, it must acquire the semaphore again, set the and release the semaphore.
To acquire the semaphore, main thread must necessarily wait until the thread has finished.
I would not use a mutex because you also need a signaling mechanism to wake up your thread, and not only a protection for a shared variable.
See also Conditional Variable vs Semaphore

C - pthread condition variables

So I have this while-loop that does some work with multiple threads and I want it to work as long as all threads are working, something like:
while(*threads are working*) {
if(stack is not empty) {
*critical work*
else {
I basically want this while-loop to run until ALL threads have checked if the stack is empty and are waiting in the else case. All tips are very welcome, thanks.
Remember that condition variables are simply signalling that some condition in the enclosing program has changed. The most important thing when using condition variables is to realize what that condition is and ensuring that it's modeled correctly. The condition is often also called the predicate.
In your case your threads act as both producers and consumers of work on the shared stack. If a thread runs out of work, it will enter a wait state from which it should only return if one of the following conditions is met:
Some other thread pushes work on the stack. In that case you want your thread to wake up to help with the newly pushed work.
All threads have entered the wait state. In that case, there is no more work left and since all threads are done, no work will be pushed to the stack anymore.
The disjunction of those two conditions form your predicate.
The first condition is already modeled in the program, as you can simply inspect the stack to find out if any new work is available. The second condition however is not. You have no way of checking how many threads are currently in the wait state.
The solution is to model that condition also, which is easily done by introducing a counter:
int threads_waiting = 0;
while(true) {
if(stack is not empty) {
*critical work*
if(i_pushed_some_work_on_the_stack) {
pthread_cond_broadcast // wake up any threads that have gone to sleep
// because the stack ran out of work
} else {
if(threads_sleeping == number_of_threads) {
pthread_cond_broadcast // wake up any threads waiting for
// the last thread to finish
pthread_mutex_unlock // ... and we're done!
while(true) {
if(stack is not empty) {
// there is more work available; continue outer loop
} else if(threads_sleeping == number_of_threads) {
// everybody is done, so let's return
} else {
// spurious wakeup; go back to sleep
Note how we call pthread_cond_broadcast whenever the predicate changes and that after returning from pthread_cond_wait we inspect the enclosing conditions to figure out what to do next.

Rerunning cancelled pthread

My problem is that I cannot reuse cancelled pthread. Sample code:
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_t alg;
pthread_t stop_alg;
int thread_available;
void *stopAlgorithm() {
while (1) {
if (thread_available == 1) {
printf("Now it's dead!\n");
thread_available = 0;
void *algorithm() {
while (1) {
printf("I'm here\n");
int main() {
thread_available = 0;
pthread_create(&stop_alg, NULL, stopAlgorithm, 0);
while (1) {
if (thread_available == 0) {
printf("Starting algorithm\n");
pthread_create(&alg, NULL, algorithm, 0);
thread_available = 1;
This sample should create two threads - one will be created at the program beginning and will try to cancel second as soon it starts, second should be rerunned as soon at it was cancelled and say "I'm here". But when algorithm thread cancelled once it doesn't start once again, it says "Starting algorithm" and does nothing, no "I'm here" messages any more. Could you please tell me the way to start cancelled(immediately stopped) thread once again?
UPD: So, thanks to your help I understood what is the problem. When I rerun algorithm thread it throws error 11:"The system lacked the necessary resources to create another thread, or the system-imposed limit on the total number of threads in a process PTHREAD_THREADS_MAX would be exceeded.". Actually I have 5 threads, but only one is cancelled, others stop by pthread_exit. So after algorithm stopped and program went to standby mode I checked status of all threads with pthread_join - all thread show 0(cancelled shows PTHREAD_CANCELED), as far as I can understand this means, that all threads stopped successfully. But one more try to run algorithm throws error 11 again. So I've checked memory usage. In standby mode before algorithm - 10428, during the algorithm, when all threads used - 2026m, in standby mode after algorithm stopped - 2019m. So even if threads stopped they still use memory, pthread_detach didn't help with this. Are there any other ways to clean-up after threads?
Also, sometimes on pthread_cancel my program crashes with "libgcc_s.so.1 must be installed for pthread_cancel to work"
Several points:
First, this is not safe:
int thread_available;
void *stopAlgorithm() {
while (1) {
if (thread_available == 1) {
printf("Now it's dead!\n");
thread_available = 0;
It's not safe for at least reasons. Firstly, you've not marked thread_available as volatile. This means that the compiler can optimise stopAlgorithm to read the variable once, and never reread it. Secondly, you haven't ensured access to it is atomic, or protected it by a mutex. Either declare it:
volatile sig_atomic_t thread_available;
(or similar), or better, protect it by a mutex.
But for the general case of triggering one thread from another, you are better using a condition variable (and a mutex), using pthread_condwait or pthread_condtimedwait in the listening thread, and pthread_condbroadcast in the triggering thread.
Next, what's the point of the stopAlgorithm thread? All it does is cancel the algorithm thread after an unpredictable amount of time between 0 and 6 seconds? Why not just sent the pthread_cancel from the main thread?
Next, do you care where your algorithm is when it is cancelled? If not, just pthread_cancel it. If so (and anyway, I think it's far nicer), regularly check a flag (either atomic and volatile as above, or protected by a mutex) and pthread_exit if it's set. If your algorithm does big chunks every second or so, then check it then. If it does lots of tiny things, check it (say) every 1,000 operations so taking the mutex doesn't introduce a performance penalty.
Lastly, if you cancel a thread (or if it pthread_exits), the way you start it again is simply to call pthread_create again. It's then a new thread running the same code.

While loop synchronization

I am working on a project with a user defined number of threads I am using 7 at the moment. I have a while loop that runs in each thread but I need all of the threads to wait for each other at the end of the while loop. The tricky thing is that some of the threads do not all end on the same number of times through the loop.
void *entryFunc(void *param)
int *i = (int *)param;
int nextPrime;
int p = latestPrime;
while(latestPrime < testLim)
nextPrime = findNextPrime(latestPrime);
if(nextPrime != -1)
latestPrime = nextPrime;
p = latestPrime;
if(p < 46341)
while(go != 1);
return NULL;
where the chunk of code is commented out is part of my last attempt at solving this problem. That is where the functions all need to wait for each other. I have a feeling I am missing something simple.
If your problem is that on each thread, the while loop has a different numbers of iterations and some threads never reach the synchronization point after exiting the loop, you could use a barrier. Check here for an example.
However you need to decrease the number of threads at the barrier after you exit each thread. Waiting at the barrier will end after count number of threads reached that point.
So you need to update the barrier object each time a thread finishes. And make sure you do this atomically.
As I mentioned in the comments, you should use a barrier instead of a semaphore for this kind of situation, as it should be simpler to implement (barriers have been designed exactly to solve that problem). However, you may still use a semaphore with a little bit of arithmetic
arithmetic: your goal is to have all thread execute the same code path, but somehow the last thread to finish its task should wake all the other threads up. One way to achieve that is to have at the end of the function an atomic counter which each thread would decrement, and if the counter reaches 0, the thread simply calls as many time sem_post as necessary to release all the waiting threads, instead of issuing a sem_wait as the others.
A second method, this time using only a semaphore, is also possible. Since we cannot differentiate the last thread for the others, all the threads must do the same operations with the semaphore, ie try to release everyone, but also wait for the last one. So the idea is to initialize the semaphore to (1-n)*(n+1), so that each of the n-1 first threads would fail at waking up their friends with n+1 calls to sem_post, but still work toward getting the semaphore at exactly 0. Then the last thread would do the same, pushing the semaphore value to n+1, thus releasing the locked threads, and leaving room for it to also perform its sem_wait and be released immediately.
void *entryFunc(void *param)
int *i = (int *)param;
int nextPrime;
int p = latestPrime, j;
while(latestPrime < testLim){
nextPrime = findNextPrime(latestPrime);
if(nextPrime != -1)
latestPrime = nextPrime;
p = latestPrime;
if(p < 46341)
for (j=0;j<=THREAD_COUNT;j++)
return NULL;
The problem with this approach is that it doesn't deal with how the semaphore should be reset in between uses (if your program needs to repeat this mechanism, it will need to reset the semaphore value, since it will end up being 1 after this code has been executed successfully).

Why do we need a condition check before pthread_cond_wait

I am trying to learn basics of pthread_cond_wait. In all the usages, I see either
if(cond is false)
while(cond is false)
My question is, we want to cond_wait only because condition is false. Then why should i take the pain of explicitly putting an if/while loop. I can understand that without any if/while check before cond_wait we will directly hit that and it wont return at all. Is the condition check solely for solving this purpose or does it have anyother significance. If it for solving an unnecessary condition wait, then putting a condition check and avoiding the cond_wait is similar to polling?? I am using cond_wait like this.
void* proc_add(void *name){
struct vars *my_data = (struct vars*)name;
printf("In thread Addition and my id = %d\n",pthread_self());
while(!my_data->ipt){ // If no input get in
pthread_cond_wait(&mutexaddr_add,&mutexattr); // Wait till signalled
my_data->opt = my_data->a + my_data->b;
pthread_exit((void *)0);
The logic is, I am asking the input thread to process the data whenever an input is available and signal the output thread to print it.
You need a while loop because the thread that called pthread_cond_wait might wake up even when the condition you are waiting for isn't reached. This phenomenon is called "spurious wakeup".
This is not a bug, it is the way the conditional variables are implemented.
This can also be found in man pages:
Spurious wakeups from the pthread_cond_timedwait() or
pthread_cond_wait() functions may occur. Since the return from
pthread_cond_timedwait() or pthread_cond_wait() does not imply
anything about the value of this predicate, the predicate should be
re-evaluated upon such return.
Update regarding the actual code:
void* proc_add(void *name)
struct vars *my_data = (struct vars*)name;
printf("In thread Addition and my id = %d\n",pthread_self());
while(1) {
while(!my_data->ipt){ // If no input get in
pthread_cond_wait(&mutexaddr_add,&mutexattr); // Wait till signalled
my_data->opt = my_data->a + my_data->b;
pthread_exit((void *)0);
You must test the condition under the mutex before waiting because signals of the condition variable are not queued (condition variables are not semaphores). That is, if a thread calls pthread_cond_signal() when no threads are blocked in pthread_cond_wait() on that condition variable, then the signal does nothing.
This means that if you had one thread set the condition:
cond = true;
and then another thread unconditionally waited:
pthread_cond_wait(&c, &m);
/* cond now true */
this second thread would block forever. This is avoided by having the second thread check for the condition:
if (!cond)
pthread_cond_wait(&c, &m);
/* cond now true */
Since cond is only modified with the mutex m held, this means that the second thread waits if and only if cond is false.
The reason a while () loop is used in robust code instead of an if () is because pthread_cond_wait() does not guarantee that it will not wake up spuriously. Using a while () also means that signalling the condition variable is always perfectly safe - "extra" signals don't affect the program's correctness, which means that you can do things like move the signal outside of the locked section of code.
