WPF multiple views [duplicate] - wpf

I am working on a an WPF MVVM application where I need to have a Main Window with just a logo and it has to show child views inside it. I don't have any controls in Main Window all the controls reside in child view for example Buttons like Next, Back, Cancel and some text blocks etc. Now If users select Next button on the child view I have to draw or load the next child view inside the Main Window. If Back button is clicked I have to go back to the previous child view. So basically I am changing the child views depending on which button is clicked. Also I am maintaining different view models for every child view. Now the problem is I am not able to figure how should I link the child views to there respective view models. This application is similar to some Installation applications where different dialogs are shown depending on the selection and the button clicked by the user.I am new to this wpf and don't want to use MVVM Light , Prism etc. Any detailed help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

One of the easiest ways to associate any data type with XAML controls is to use a DataTemplate. Therefore, you can simply add something like this into your Application.Resources and as long as you do not set the x:Key properties on the DataTemplates, then they will be explicitly applied by the Framework whenever it comes across instances of your view models:
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type ViewModels:HomeViewModel}">
<Views:HomeView />
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type ViewModels:MainViewModel}">
<Views:MainView />
Then displaying the view is as simple as this:
<ContentControl Content="{Binding YourViewModelProperty"} />
In code behind, or your view model:
YourViewModelProperty = new MainViewModel();
It's often handy to create a base class for your view models and then the YourViewModelProperty can of that type and you will be able to interchange them using the same property and ContentControl.
The general idea is that you have one MainViewModel class with one BaseViewModel property data bound to one ContentControl in MainWindow.xaml... the navigation controls should also be in MainWindow.xaml and not in the views themselves. In this way, the MainViewModel class is responsible for changing the property to the relevant view model instances when it receives navigation Commands from the MainWindow.xaml.


How can I switch Telerik ribbonview elements according to the type of my child viewmodel?

I'm using an MVVM pattern for my WPF application. If the "home" view model, which controls the layout of my application's main window, I have a ChildViewModel property. This holds a viewmodel that can be switched according to what the user is doing. When they select menu items, the child view model switches and the main area of the screen (it's in an Outlook style) switches accordingly.
I do this with a ContentControl and DataTemplate like this: (I'm only showing one of the embeddable views here to keep it short).
<ContentControl Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1" Margin="3"
Content="{Binding ChildViewModel}">
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vm:VersionsViewModel}">
<Embeddable:VersionsView />
I also want to add a ribbon to my main window, using the Telerik RadRibbonView control. I want this to have some fixed tabs and buttons that are always visible. In addition, I want to add and remove entire tabs, and buttons within existing tabs, according to the type of child view model. I'd like this to be done in the view in a similar manner to the way I've done the content control, above.
Is this possible? I've tried lots of things but got nowhere so far. I know I could do it by creating a huge "super ribbon" and binding visibility properties but this seems cludgey. I could also have multiple ribbons, each containing the common controls, but this would cause a maintenance problem.
In the end I went with the "super ribbon" approach, as I couldn't find any other way.

WPF databinding in child control

I am new to WPF. I'm trying to build an application which has a function (call it Initialisation) where a user has to fill in a lot of data and some parts of the form are repeated. We're rewriting a legacy app that has quite a long wizard in although we will probably use collapsible panels in one window rather than next/previous pages. Also some parts are repeated e.g. the user can specify a number of items, if they say 3 they will need to fill in some configuration info for each, so those controls would need to be repeated three times.
I'm using MVVM and am using this example here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/dd419663.aspx
The old wizard had about 4 pages so I'm intending to have one user control (Initialisation) that contains 4 child user controls to break the xaml up a bit.
So far I have the Initialisation (its ViewModel inherits from Workspace ViewModel as in the above example) and it contains one child which is working:
<Expander ExpandDirection="Down" Header="ChildOne">
<view:ChildOne />
I will have separate ViewModels for each child and for Intialisation and this brings me to my problem.
The problem I am having is that ChildOne contains a dropdown which I am trying to bind like so:
<ComboBox x:Name="textMessageTypeCmb" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=TextMessageSelectionOptions, Mode=OneTime}"/>
TextMessageSelectionOptions is a public property in ChildOne's ViewModel. This results in no errors but an empty dropdown - that property getter is never called. If I move that property getter code into the Initialisation's ViewModel instead it works but I'm trying to keep my code in manageable chunks so I'd like to put hat code back in ChildOne's ViewModel. It also works if in my MainWindow I create ChildOne as a workspace instead of Initialisation like this
ChildOneViewModel ws = this.Workspaces.FirstOrDefault(vm => vm is ChildOneViewModel) as ChildOneViewModel;
Can anyone advise whether I am taking the right approach (by dividing it up into several user controls) and what I need to do in the binding to make this work? I don't really understand any of this yet especially binding.
It seems to me that your ChildOne view's DataContext is still this Initialisation vm.
You can bind it the views Datacontext to a ChildOneViewModel object
<view:ChildOne DataContext={Binding PropertyReturnsChildOneViewModellObject/>
or specify the path for the combobox ItemsSource prop.
<ComboBox x:Name="textMessageTypeCmb" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=PropertyReturnsChildOneViewModellObject.TextMessageSelectionOptions, Mode=OneTime}"/>
Note: PropertyReturnsChildOneViewModellObject is a property of the Initialisation vm.

How do I navigate from a ViewModel?

I am writing a small contrived WPF application for a university project, and i'm taking the opportunity to learn the MVVM pattern. I've implemented my initial start up window which will be a login page.
I have bound the login button to a command that I have derived from ICommand, which is injected with the LoginViewModel. The LoginViewModel then validates the customer through a WCF service I have created.
My question is, once the viewmodel receives notification that the validation is correct, how should I navigate to the next page/window from the viewmodel? I don't want to create an instance of a new window within the viewmodel. Should I be using pages here instead? I'm keen to understand the best practices from the start, I don't want to be wasting my time learning the bad ways of doing this.
Instead of changing views, you can change viewmodels and use a ContentControl to bind the viewmodels to specific views: create a main view on top of the other views which will manage the view changes via commands (in this example set the CurrentViewModel from your command handler):
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vm:LoginViewModel}">
<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vm:FirstPageViewModel}">
<ContentControl Content="{Binding Path=CurrentViewModel}" />
This way you don't need to mix up the Views and ViewModels, you're not creating views from the VMs. Actually in my case it was the child page which requested the view change with an event.
I've not done pages, but for your login screen I would have my LoginViewModel expose a LoggedInEvent.
You can then have a parent ViewModel create the LoginViewModel and destroy it again when the LoggedInEvent is raised (and create whatever new views you need).

Dynamically bind Views into a ContainerControl with MVVM

I've been learning the MVVM pattern with Josh Smith's article and I want to create a classic layout with some links to the right (managed with commands) so when I click one I can show my view to the right into a tab control (inside it there is a ContentControl).
This is simple when I use a DataTemplate with the specific View and ViewModel I want to show on screen like this.
<!-- this section into my MainWindow's resources file -->
<DataTemplate xmlns:vm='clr-namespace:WpfFramework.ViewModels'
DataType="{x:Type vm:MySpecificViewModel }" >
<vw:MySpecificView />
But, I want something more generic. I mean that my mainWindow should not know a specific View nor a specific ViewModel. It should only know that it binds to some commands and has a tab control which shows "some view". Every sample including Josh Smith's article seems to have limited universe of views and viewmodels, that's great with a sample.
So, how can I tell my ContentControl that some view (with its corresponding viewModel) is gonna be there without being so specific (without "burning" into the mainView the concrete types)?
best regards
PD. I have tryed with base a ViewModel and Base View but it doesn't seem to work.
In your main View, bind a ContentControl to a generic ViewModelBase property
<ContentControl Content="{Binding CurrentPage}" />
CurrentPage would be defined in the main ViewModel as a ViewModelBase object, and to switch pages you simply set CurrentPage to whatever you want.
So when you click on something like the HomePageCommand, the main ViewModel would execute CurrentPage = new HomePageViewModel(); providing that HomePageViewModel inherits from ViewModelBase.
I wrote something a little while ago that shows some samples here if you're interested

Creating multiple instances of a viewmodel in Prism/Silverlight

I have a prism/silverlight view and it is mapped to a tabitem in a tab control of my shell.
It looks like this.
<sdk:TabItem Header="User Portfolio" Regions:RegionManager.RegionName="MainRegion" />
<sdk:TabItem Header="Benchmark Portfolio" Regions:RegionManager.RegionName="BenchRegion" />
The view consists of a datagrid,textbox and a button such that the datagrid maps to an observablecollection in the viewmodel and when the button is clicked, the text in the textbox gets added to the datagrid(and the corresponding collection).
Now, I want to declare multiple instances of this view-viewmodel pair. That is, in tabitem "MainRegion" I want one instance. In tabitem "BenchRegion" I want another instance
How do I do this?
You need to get the container, and for each instance of the view model you need to use IUnityContainer.ResolveType<>() to initialize the instance (Make sure you register your types first IUnityContainer.RegisterType<>()). You can think of ResolveType<>() as Prism's form of a constructor. Then for the each view you need to set the datacontext to your initialized view model for that view.
Edit I should note that this is for Prism 2.0 I know that with Prism 4.0 there are alternatives to unity.
