What other non-default ports can i use for webserver? - ports

I am using 80(http) and 443(https) default ports for my webserver.
What ther ports other than this can i use for my webserver.
I need this basically to start my webserver using non-default ports.

Any. Look at these for the ones to not use:

You can use whatever ports you want to use, provided no other server on your box is also trying to use it.
This is, of course, subject to any OS-specific issues like needing to run with elevated privileges for binding to ports below 1024.
The IANA (naming authority) and ICANN (assigned names and numbers) is responsible for assigning ports to specific applications but there's nothing requiring you to follow those "rules" at all.
If you use (for example) port 23 for your HTTP server, that will work. It's likely to confuse any telnet programs attempting to connect to that box but, as stated, the box is under your jurisdiction, not that of the IANA. Provided your browsers hook up to the specific port 23, they'll work just fine.
By way of example, many IBM mainframe systems will use port 23 for their 3270-protocol terminal programs and bump "real" telnet up to port 1023.
And, in any case, why should you not use a port because it's "allocated" to the Quake game server, or Dropbox, or Symantec bloatware? :-)


Can a simple PC (windows 10) having TwinCAT XAR be used as a target in host computer having TwinCAT 3 XAE

I want to know if I can use a system(run time pc) with Windows 10 OS which has TwinCAT XAR installed in it as a remote system. In other words can I select it as a target? Do we need any extra settings to make it work or it will work just like any other hardware controller?
Yes, you can select a Windows 10 PC with TwinCAT XAR installed as a remote target, however the performance may not be the same as you would get with purchasing a known hardware configuration from Beckhoff.
As noted in the Beckhoff documentation:
For a reliable, optimized and performant realtime behavior, a
completely aligned system design (hardware, BIOS, OS, drivers,
realtime-runtime) is mandatory. Each single component of the control
system has to be checked and optimized for this type of application -
that is the one and only way for an optimal, reliable and performant
realtime behavior. Beckhoff IPCs are optimized in each detail for this
type of operation. There is no guarantee for proper, reliable realtime
behavior on third-party PCs.
To use any Windows PC as a remote target, you need to ensure that the XAR is installed and that the Windows firewall is open to ADS. See also routing through a firewall. Specifically, you should open port 48898 to incoming TCP traffic and port 48899 to incoming UDP traffic in the Windows firewall. After this, you should be able to create a route normally using the IP address of the target PC through the ADS router on your development system.
You may also want to isolate a CPU core on the target system and dedicate TwinCAT tasks to it to ensure more consistent realtime behavior.
Finally, you need to purchase a license for the PLC if you intend to use it for a purpose other than development. This requires the higher performance level >= P90 and a license dongle, see this note about TwinCAT 3 licenses for non-Beckhoff IPCs.

Recommended port for proxy server

I'm trying to create a proxy server, and am having trouble decide on a trivial thing -- the port number on which it will listen. Is there some kind of convention on which port a proxy server should run on? Or should it just be greater than 1024?
Normally, you just pick a port and make it changeable for the user (or yourself). Simply, if it is already used on the system you run your proxy on, use a different one.
Many free proxy servers even listen (e.g. this) to default ports, like 8080. As long as the port is not in use on your system, it does not matter, as the real port is negotiated after a connection attempt.
For your interest, a list of registered ports can be found on the IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority), which manages stuff like that. That is only a hint. I normaly use a random port like 8888 or so, even if someone somewhere already uses that.

Is it safe to port 80 for the Mobile or embedded device

Let's say I have iPhone, or Android or Embedded system and I want to use Socket programming to establish a connection between them, Mobile to embedded system.
Is it OK to use port 80 of mobile and embedded system to establish the connection?
Can I hardcode port 80 into the code for both Mobile and embedded system?
Generally, ports below 1024 are considered "privileged" on Unix-style systems, from which both Android and iOS inherit much of their basic under-the-covers functional design.
You will not be able to use port 80 on a secured (typical consumer, unhacked) Android device.
While I haven't tried it, I expect you will not be able to on an iphone either - iOS applications which I have seen which create a web server to expose selected data typically use higher port numbers in the unprivileged range.
You have two general options for picking the port number: guess a safe default (possibly already in customary use for the type of function you want - 8080 is a common choice for an unprivileged http server) and allow the user to change it if needed in some configuration menu, or pick a random free port and inform the user what it is so that they can enter that on the other end.
Also note that you will typically only be able to direct traffic to a phone when it is on a wifi network. Putting the two requirements together, access to your embedded server would probably be via a URL something like
Where of course the ip address, port number, and remainder of the URL are correct for you actual run time situation.

how to restrict number of proposed ports by getaddrinfo

One of my stand-alone java applications (no sources available) picks random-available port to listen on.
At this stage I assume it uses getaddrinfo system call to obtain addresses to bind against.
Since I'm maintaining hundreds of various servers with assigned ports, the black app sometimes kicks in and pick one of 'the assigned' ports, which cause my small servers to fail on startup...
I'm wondering is there a way to restrict number of ports proposed by the OS?
Would be mostly interested in system config solutions,
but if there are no other solutions I'm also able to hack bind()/getaddrinfo (this would require some hits as well ... )
You must be able to control it from proc entries - For example, here is a system wide setting :
You can modify them. Or there may be utilities available for the same purpose.
If OS-wide change is not what you had in mind, configure the JVM's Java Security Manager so that SecurityManager.CheckListen(NNN) throws SecurityException for any of the port numbers you want to reserve.
Take a look on:
It's the solution for my problem, than I could limit port ranges

How to find the port number of any PC?

Currently, I'm working on TCP client/server implementation in C. In that, I found that I can give any random number as a port number for my PC. Is it correct procedure? Or is there any standard port number for my PC?
I don't know the standard, but I say it's not. At least, I don't like to do it like that.
You can check occupied ports by parsing the outputs of programs like netstat and avoid using those. You can also use the method that attempts connecting on one port, and upon failure, tries another port. Unless you're really really unlucky, you should get a valid port on second try.
You should use ports within the ranges of 49152–65535. Ports below 49152 are reserved/registered.
Basically, you can use any port (given sufficient access rights). But server and client have to agree on the port, and it should not be already used by another application.
Hence, many ports are already reserved for special applications. 80 is for HTTP, 22 is for SSH and so on. The file /etc/services gives more detailed information.
Port numbers 0-1023 are called Well Known Ports, numbers 1024-49151 are called Registered Ports (not all of them are, but you get the idea).
If your question is whether you can give any port number to have your server listening to,
then you are thinking wrong, TCP/IP port numbers below 1024 are special in that normal users are not allowed to run servers on them, you can use non-privileged ports(ports > 1024). just make sure that any other application is not already using that port (above 1024) using netstat
