How to display seconds in DateTime field in MS Dynamics CRM 2013 - datetime-format

I have created an entity and added a DateTime field on the form. When I open the form and manipulate with DateTime field, seconds are not present. In CRM configurations, I can see only HH:MM part and not seconds.
Can anyone please help to resolve the same?

The only way I see is to develop webresource that will display datatime value with seconds.


How to make connector compatible with new Date / Date and Time types

We have a community connector which makes us of Data Studio Advanced Services to run a query on a specific BigQuery dataset.
Since the new Date type was introduced on 15th September 2020, any reports including a date or date and time type will fail.
From the logs, the query that is being executed includes a section like:
PARSE_DATE('%Y%m%d', SAFE_CAST(t0.updated AS STRING)) AS t0_qt_bthq67ilcc
where "updated" is the name of the field of the type DATE.
When this query is executed BigQuery is reporting Failed to parse input string "2020-09-23".
Any data sources that were created before 15th September are using the compatibility mode, which are continuing to work fine.
The community connector includes setUseStandardSql(true) so I don't believe it is using Legacy SQL.
What can we do to add compatibility for this new date type?
Thanks in advance!
I've been able to make the connector compatible.
To resolve this I had to edit the SQL query to FORMAT_DATE("%Y%m%d", fieldName) AS fieldName.
If the field is a timestamp it's FORMAT_TIMESTAMP("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", fieldName) AS fieldName. Just posting in case anyone else comes across this issue.

text column convert to date for visual studio graph

I am writing a clickonce application in I have sql tables linked to a Microsoft Access database, and then my application reads through the OLEDB connection.
My columns in SQL are saved as date however when linked to MS Access they convert to "text" I haven't had any issues with this until I started creating charts on my application. I need the dates on the chart to display as jan 17 feb 17 etc however no matter what formatting I use they come back as '2017-01-01' '2017-02-01'
I have tried
ChartFCR.Series(0).XValueType = DataVisualization.Charting.ChartValueType.DateTime
ChartFCR.ChartAreas(0).AxisX.LabelStyle.Format = "MMMyy"
in various forms and nothing is changing the appearance. any information or suggestion is helpful.
The only way Access will make sense of a SQL date data type is if it is converted into 1) a datetime in SQL or 2) a date in Access.
Of course it depends on your situation, but try creating a query in Access that handles that conversion and base the chart on the query. That would give you the most control for the Access interface.

How to change SQL Server date

We have just put an application into production which is hosted on AWS using their SQL Server RDS.
We have discovered that the database is set to UTC time, where our local development database isn't.
For example. I'm trying to insert a date of 2016-06-27 08:00. This works fine on our local server, but on AWS, the date is set to 2016-06-26 22:00
I'm trying to replicate the problem on our local server, and I changed the server's timezone to UTC, but the date gets inserted as 2016-06-27 08:00, but I should now expect it to be inserted as 2016-06-26 22:00.
Is there some SQL Server setting I need to change to have a date automatically converted to insert UTC?
The Sql Server DateTime datatype doesn't know anything about timezone. The time inserted is determined by the application posting the time. So this issue is going to be in your application, not in the database.
My recommendation would be to either:
Store all DateTime's as UTC converting them in the application before saving
Use the DateTimeOffset type which stores the timezone information as well as the time

SSRS datetime filed is not refreshed event after the data type in SQL Db was changed from DateTime to Date

In my SSRS 2014 Express report designer I am displaying a field that had the datatype as DateTime in SQL Server and was displaying the data as, for example, 2011-12-31 00:00:00.000. As a result, the SSRS report was displaying the data as 11/31/2012 12:00:00 AM. I therefore, changed the datatype in SQL Db from DateTime to Date. Now this column in SQL query designer correctly display the value as 11/31/2012 but in the SSRS report the value is still displayed as 11/31/2012 12:00:00 AM. I've refreshed the fields in the data set.
I've checked that the data source is correct. I do know that we can change the date format of the datetime field item in the report designer using for example =FORMAT(Fields!SellStartDate.Value, "dd/MM/yyyy"). But I would like to have this change come directly from the data source so we don't have keep using expressions everywhere for the datetime fields. Also, I think it's better performance wise if the data is already formatted in the data source.
To refresh the field collection in the Report Data Pane for a shared dataset
In the Report Data pane, right-click the dataset, and then click Query.
Click Refresh Fields.
On the report server, the shared dataset query runs and returns the current field collection and any data type changes. If you change anything on the DB that can effect your query or dataset, you must refresh the metadata.
Hope this helps!
If you are viewing your report in the report builder - it might be cached. Therefore any changes to the Database side doesn't reflect on the report.
To resolve this close your report builder and find the directory where your RDL is stored and delete the .dat file which gets created along with it. Restart report builder and reload the report. It should work.
Good luck 1, sql server, datetime format, select

I am using to load data from SQL Server. I have table for inks and I have another table for tracking the employees been consuming these inks. I have VB.NET form with Datetimepicker control. The date time in SQL server is saved in the format yyyy-mm-dd 00:00:00.000 and the format in Datetimepicker is yyyy-mm-dd 00:00:00.000. When I load the data from the SQL server to my Datagrid in VB.NET I do not get the right data. Would someone please make clear about the Datetime format so I get the right data?
