Kohana 3.3 request and response - request

One tutorial thought me, that I can fill my template with content, by putting:
$this->template->body = $this->response->body();
But, I cant see where the response is being populated. Even dumping the request and response, its just empty.
And secondly, how can I make advantage of the already built in Request class, to get some output from a function, without actually redirecting to that method ? Lets say:
$content = Request::factory('news/latest')->execute();
kind regards.

Using $this->template->body assumes that you are using Controller_Template controller. $this->template is a variable within Controller_Template representing View file application/views/template.php.
Setting something to $this->template->body passes $body variable to template view file. You can than use it (like echo $body;) within template view.
To get output from $content = Request::factory('news/latest')->execute(); your controller which handles news/latest Route must produce some output.
Than you can get this output like:
$response = Request::factory('news/latest')->execute();
$content = $response->body();


Html To PDF in CakePhp Using html2pdf Hangs

I use html2pdf, which is based on TCPDF, in CakePhp to render Views in PDF.
However, sometimes the generation hangs, I mean the browser freezes and never receives data.
There is a way to debug such a behavior? In apache logs I do not see any kind of error...
$view = new View(null, false);
$view->viewPath = 'Quotations';
$view->layout = 'preventivo';
if ($quotation['Quotation']['quotation_type'] == SERVICE)
$content = $view->render('print_s_template');
the print.ctp has
App::import('Vendor', 'HTML2PDF', array('file' => 'html2pdf'.DS.'html2pdf.class.php'));
$html2pdf = new HTML2PDF('P','A4','it');
and the html is in print_s_template.ctp.
I found a solution myself. The problem is that I forgot to pass some variables to the View $view. And I suppose cake throw an error which, next, html2pdf cannot "render".
So: double check that all the variables in the view do exist!

What's the proper way to serve JSONP with CakePHP?

I want to serve JSONP content with CakePHP and was wondering what's the proper way of doing it so.
Currently I'm able to serve JSON content automatically by following this CakePHP guide.
Ok, I found a solution on this site. Basically you override the afterFilter method with:
public function afterFilter() {
if (empty($this->request->query['callback']) || $this->response->type() != 'application/json') {
// jsonp response
App::uses('Sanitize', 'Utility');
$callbackFuncName = Sanitize::clean($this->request->query['callback']);
$out = $this->response->body();
$out = sprintf("%s(%s)", $callbackFuncName, $out);
I hope it helps someone else as well.
I've as yet not found a complete example of how to correctly return JSONP using CakePHP 2, so I'm going to write it down. OP asks for the correct way, but his answer doesn't use the native options available now in 2.4. For 2.4+, this is the correct method, straight from their documentation:
Set up your views to accept/use JSON (documentation):
Add Router::parseExtensions('json'); to your routes.php config file. This tells Cake to accept .json URI extensions
Add RequestHandler to the list of components in the controller you're going to be using
Cake gets smart here, and now offers you different views for normal requests and JSON/XML etc. requests, allowing you flexibility in how to return those results, if needed. You should now be able to access an action in your controller by:
using the URI /controller/action (which would use the view in /view/controller/action.ctp), OR
using the URI /controller/action.json (which would use the view in /view/controller/json/action.ctp)
If you don't want to define those views i.e. you don't need to do any further processing, and the response is ready to go, you can tell CakePHP to ignore the views and return the data immediately using _serialize. Using _serialize will tell Cake to format your response in the correct format (XML, JSON etc.), set the headers and return it as needed without you needing to do anything else (documentation). To take advantage of this magic:
Set the variables you want to return as you would a view variable i.e. $this->set('post', $post);
Tell Cake to serialize it into XML, JSON etc. by calling $this->set('_serialize', array('posts'));, where the parameter is the view variable you just set in the previous line
And that's it. All headers and responses will be taken over by Cake. This just leaves the JSONP to get working (documentation):
Tell Cake to consider the request a JSONP request by setting $this->set('_jsonp', true);, and Cake will go find the callback function name parameter, and format the response to work with that callback function name. Literally, setting that one parameter does all the work for you.
So, assuming you've set up Cake to accept .json requests, this is what your typical action could look like to work with JSONP:
public function getTheFirstPost()
$post = $this->Post->find('first');
'post' => $post, <-- Set the post in the view
'_serialize' => array('post'), <-- Tell cake to use that post
'_jsonp' => true <-- And wrap it in the callback function
And the JS:
url: "/controller/get-the-first-post.json",
context: document.body,
dataType: 'jsonp'
}).done(function (data) {
For CakePHP 2.4 and above, you can do this instead.
So you can simply write:
$this->set('_jsonp', true);
in the relevant action.
Or you can simply write:
* beforeRender method
* #return void
public function beforeRender() {
$this->set('_jsonp', true);

CakePHP Cakemenu plugin fails after global error due to incorrect string encoding

I am using CakePHP 2.1.2 with PHP 5.3.5 and a plugin called 'Cakemenu' which normally works fine. The plugin stores menus in a db table with the menu link stored as text like
The helper in the plugin gets those values, then executes this code to convert that text to an array:
//Try to evaluate the link (if starts with array)
if (eregi('^array', $value['Menu']['link'])) {
$code = "\$parse = " . $value['Menu']['link'] . ";";
$result = eval($code);
if (is_array($parse)) {
$value['Menu']['link'] = $parse;
Everything works fine unless CakePHP is handling an error. For example if I mistype the name of a controller in the browser I should get a menu and then the missing controller message. Instead I get a page full "Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in..." messages pointing to the line with the eval statement. If I printout the variable that is getting eval'ed I see that it has been (incorrectly) encoded with Html entities when it normally does not.
Good string to be eval'ed:
$parse = array('plugin'=>null,'controller'=>'assets','action'=>'index');
Bad string to be eval'ed:
$parse = array('plugin'=>null,'controller'=>'Parts','action'=>'add');
To temporarily fix the problem I added two statements to just replace the offending characters
$value['Menu']['link'] = str_replace( ''','\'',$value['Menu']['link']);
$value['Menu']['link'] = str_replace( '>','>',$value['Menu']['link']);
and everything works great again. Some other pieces of information that might be helpful is that the array of data used to generate the menu is read during the beforeFilter of the app and saved in a view variable and then the menu is generated as an element in the view.
I'm thinking that the error causes CakePHP (or PHP) to skip some loading or configuration process and that causes the string to be mishandled. Any help would be appreciated, thanks
Your beforeFilter() method won't be executed on error pages. You'll have to handle your errors yourself and manually call beforeFilter(). I wrote a blog post on how to use custom error pages - pay close attention to the Controller Callbacks section.

Setting the header to be content image in CakePHP

I am writing an action in a controller where in a certain case, I want to output raw image data directly, and want to set the header content-type appropriate. However I think the header is already being set earlier by CakePHP (I am setting render to be false).
Is there a way to get around this? Thanks!
As said before, CakePHP does not send headers when render is false. Beware though, that any code doing an 'echo' will send headers (except you are using output-buffering). This includes messages from PHP (warnings etc.).
Sending the file can be done in numerous ways, but there are two basic ways:
Send the file using plain PHP
function send_file_using_plain_php($filename) {
// Avoids hard to understand error-messages
if (!file_exists($filename)) {
throw RuntimeException("File $filename not found");
$fileinfo = new finfo(FILEINFO_MIME);
$mime_type = $fileinfo->file($filename);
// The function above also returns the charset, if you don't want that:
$mime_type = reset(explode(";", $mime_type));
// gets last element of an array
header("Content-Type: $mime_type");
header("Content-Length: ".filesize($filename));
Use X-Sendfile and have the Webserver serve the file
// This was only tested with nginx
function send_file_using_x_sendfile($filename) {
// Avoids hard to understand error-messages
if (!file_exists($filename)) {
throw RuntimeException("File $filename not found");
$fileinfo = new finfo(FILEINFO_MIME);
$mime_type = $fileinfo->file($filename);
// The function above also returns the charset, if you don't want that:
$mime_type = reset(explode(";", $mime_type));
// gets last element of an array
header("Content-Type: $mime_type");
// The slash makes it absolute (to the document root of your server)
// For apache and lighttp use:
header("X-Sendfile: /$filename");
// or for nginx: header("X-Accel-Redirect: /$filename");
The first function occupies one PHP-process / thread while the data is being send and supports no Range-Requests or other advanced HTTP-features. This should therefore only be used with small files, or on very small sites.
Using X-Sendfile you get all that, but you need to know which webserver is running and maybe even a change to the configuration is needed. Especially when using lighttp or nginx this really pays off performance-wise, because these webservers are extremly good at serving static files from disk.
Both functions support files not in the document-root of the webserver. In nginx there are so called "internal locations" (http://wiki.nginx.org/HttpCoreModule#internal). These can be used with the X-Accel-Redirect-Header. Even rate-throtteling is possible, have a look at http://wiki.nginx.org/XSendfile.
If you use apache, there is mod_xsendfile, which implements the feature needed by the second function.
It's not $this->render(false), it's $this->autoRender=false; The header is not sent in the controller action unless you echo something out.
If render is false, cake will not send a header.
You can rely on plain ol' php here.
header('Content-Type: image/gif');
header('Content-Type: image/jpeg');
header('Content-Type: image/png');

CakePHP - spitting out XML for webservice

What is the best way to spit out XML for webservice in CakePHP?
I have it like the following but it's displaying an empty page.
Sample call /service/config.xml
In Controller
var $helpers = array('Xml');
function config() {
$this->autoRender = false;
$obj = array("response" => array("config" => array(...)));
$objXmlHelper = new XmlHelper();
$objXml = $objXmlHelper->header();
$objXml .= $objXmlHelper->serilize($obj);
echo $objXml;
That gives empty page. However, if I echo json_encode($obj); that actually prints out json.
You probably have an error in your code. My guess is you are not including the XML helper.
Check you CakePHP (app/tmp/logs/) and PHP logs. In addition you may need to set the DEBUG flag to a higher level ( i.e. > 0).
I'd also recommend considering moving such things to a model. Web Services are typically data access layers and that belongs in the Model.
