I want to use a subfunction to copy a char array. it is like this:
void NSV_String_Copy (char *Source, char *Destination)
int len = strlen(Source);
if (*Destination != NULL)
Destination = malloc(len + 1);
memmove(*Destination, Source, len);
Destination[len] = '\0'; //null terminate
that way, I can call it from the main function and perform the operation this way:
char *MySource = "abcd";
char *MyDestination;
NSV_String_Copy (MySource, MyDestination);
However, it does not work as intended. please help!
C passes arguments by value, which means that you can't change the caller's MyDestination using the function prototype in the question. Here are two ways to update the caller's copy of MyDestination.
Option a) pass the address of MyDestination
void NSV_String_Copy (char *Source, char **Destination)
int len = strlen(Source);
if (*Destination != NULL)
*Destination = malloc(len + 1);
memmove(*Destination, Source, len);
(*Destination)[len] = '\0'; //null terminate
int main( void )
char *MySource = "abcd";
char *MyDestination = NULL;
NSV_String_Copy(MySource, &MyDestination);
printf("%s\n", MyDestination);
Option b) return Destination from the function, and assign it to MyDestination
char *NSV_String_Copy (char *Source, char *Destination)
if (Destination != NULL)
int len = strlen(Source);
Destination = malloc(len + 1);
memmove(Destination, Source, len);
Destination[len] = '\0'; //null terminate
return Destination;
int main( void )
char *MySource = "abcd";
char *MyDestination = NULL;
MyDestination = NSV_String_Copy(MySource, MyDestination);
printf("%s\n", MyDestination);
char * deleteChars = "\"\'.“”‘’?:;-,—*($%)! \t\n\x0A\r"
I have this and i'm trying to remove any of these from a given char*. I'm not sure how I would go about comparing a char* to it.
For example if the char* is equal to "hello," how would I go about removing that comma with my deleteChars?
So far I have
void removeChar(char*p, char*delim){
char*holder = p;
*holder = '\0';
A simple one-by-one approach:
You can use strchr to decide if the character is present in the deletion set. You then assign back into the buffer at the next unassigned position, only if not a filtered character.
It might be easier to understand this using two indices, instead of using pointer arithmetic.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
void remove_characters(char *from, const char *set)
size_t i = 0, j = 0;
while (from[i]) {
if (!strchr(set, from[i]))
from[j++] = from[i];
from[j] = 0;
int main(void) {
const char *del = "\"\'.“”‘’?:;-,—*($%)! \t\n\x0A\r";
char buf[] = "hello, world!";
remove_characters(buf, del);
hello world
If you've several delimiters/characters to ignore, it's better to use a look-up table.
void remove_chars (char* str, const char* delims)
if (!str || !delims) return;
char* ans = str;
int dlt[256] = {0};
while (*delims)
dlt[(unsigned char)*delims++] = 1;
while (*str) {
if (dlt[(unsigned char)*str])
++str; // skip it
else //if (str != ans)
*ans++ = *str++;
*ans = '\0';
You could do a double loop, but depending on what you want to treat, it might not be ideal. And since you are FOR SURE shrinking the string you don't need to malloc (provided it was already malloced). I'd initialize a table like this.
#include <string.h>
char del[256];
memset(del, 0, 256 * sizeof(char));
for (int i = 0; deleteChars[i]; i++) del[deleteChars[i]] = 1;
Then in a function:
void delChars(char *del, char *string) {
int i, offset;
for (i = 0, offset = 0; string[i]; i++) {
string[i - offset] = string[i];
if (del[string[i]]) offset++;
string[i - offset] = 0;
This will not work on string literals (that you initialize with char* x = "") though because you'd end up writing in program memory, and probably segfault. I'm sure you can tweak it if that's your need. (Just do something like char *newString = malloc(strlen(string) + 1); newString[i - offset] = string[i])
Apply strchr(delim, p[i]) to each element in p[].
Let us take advantage that strchr(delim, 0) always returns a non-NULL pointer to eliminate the the null character test for every interrelation.
void removeChar(char *p, char *delim) {
size_t out = 0;
for (size_t in; /* empty */; in++) {
// p[in] in the delim set?
if (strchr(delim, p[in])) {
if (p[in] == '\0') {
} else {
p[out++] = p[in];
p[out] = '\0';
Variation on #Oka good answer.
it is better way - return the string without needless characters
#include <string.h>
char * remove_chars(char * str, const char * delim) {
for ( char * p = strpbrk(str, delim); p; p = strpbrk(p, delim) )
memmove(p, p + 1, strlen(p));
return str;
This is my code
char function(char *dst)
int i;
char *arr;
i = 0;
while(dst[i] != '\0')
arr[i] = dst[i];
dst[i] != '\0'
int main(void)
char a[] ="asdf"
printf("%s", function(a);
I want to copy *dst to empty *arr but my code didn't work.
I can't understand.
How can I copy array without inner function in C(ex_strcpy, memspy....)
Thank you
Apart from missing ; and making sure that the string being passed to the function is always a '\0' terminated one ( else the program will run into side effects strcpy causes ). and returning char* instead of char, you missed allocating memory for arr
// return char * instead of char
char* function(char *dst)
// Note - sizeof(dst) wont work
// Neither does sizeof(dst)/sizeof(char)
// allocate one extra for '\0'
size_t size_to_alloc = (strlen(dst) + 1) * (sizeof *arr);
char *arr = malloc( size_to_alloc );
char *p = arr;
for ( ; *dst ; p++, dst++)
*p = *dst;
*p = '\0';
If you want to dynamically copy an array, you'll need to allocate memory for the char array using malloc or other equivalent. Make sure you free the memory once you're done with it. I would suggest reading some posts on malloc and allocating memory in c.
This is probably a good place to start.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
char* function(char *dst, size_t length) {
int i;
// Allocating the memory needed for the char array.
char *arr = (char*) malloc (sizeof(char) * length);
i = 0;
while(dst[i] != '\0') {
arr[i] = dst[i];
arr[length - 1] = '\0';
int main(void) {
char a[] ="asdf";
// Getting length of the array
size_t length = sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0]);
char* val = function(a, length);
printf("%s", val);
You are missing the memory allocation and basically attempting to recode strdup. See below:
char *ft_strdup(const char *src)
char *dst;
int len;
len = 0;
while (src[len]) // no inner function
if (!(dst = malloc(sizeof(char) * (len + 1)))) // need 1 extra char to NULL terminate.
return NULL;
dst[len] = '\0';
while (--len > -1)
dst[len] = src[len];
return dst;
Note that it makes sense to code your own version of strdup and include it in your program library as this function is not part of the C Standard.
If there is a possibility of copying strings without using c functions, perhaps it can be done by doing what c functions do.
it may be interesting to see what strcpy does:
char *
STRCPY (char *dest, const char *src)
return memcpy (dest, src, strlen (src) + 1);
infact it uses memcpy: https://code.woboq.org/gcc/libgcc/memcpy.c.html
and here the magic...
void *
memcpy (void *dest, const void *src, size_t len)
char *d = dest;
const char *s = src;
while (len--)
*d++ = *s++;
return dest;
and strlen: https://code.woboq.org/userspace/glibc/string/strlen.c.html
You can use memcpy() to copy memory directly, like in Memcpy, string and terminator and https://www.gnu.org/software/libc/manual/html_node/Copying-Strings-and-Arrays.html In C any string has to be terminated by \0 (sentinel value)
int main()
char source[] = "World";
char destination[] = "Hello ";
/* Printing destination string before memcpy */
printf("Original String: %s\n", destination);
/* Copies contents of source to destination */
memcpy (destination, source, sizeof(source));
/* Printing destination string after memcpy */
printf("Modified String: %s\n", destination);
return 0;
source : https://www.educative.io/edpresso/c-copying-data-using-the-memcpy-function-in-c
I'm trying to get my own version of memcpy to copy a character array from one pointer to another. However, this gives an error. It seems like there is an issue with printf.
Secondly, the official memcpy function returns the destination pointer. Is that really required? If I modify *dest, it should be reflected in *d anyway. So what is the need to return anything?
#include <stdio.h>
void memcpy2(void *dest, const void *src, size_t n)
char *dp = dest;
const char *sp = src;
while (n--)
*dp++ = *sp++;
int main(void) {
char *c = "Hello";
char *d=NULL;
printf( "%c", *d);
return 0;
You dereference a NULL pointer that's undefined behavior, you should allocate space and point to it with d in order for that to work, do this, instead of
d = NULL
d = malloc(3);
and don't forget
after the printf().
If you want to automagically make d a valid pointer then write memcpy2() this way
void memcpy2(void **dest, const void *src, size_t n)
*dest = NULL;
if ((src == NULL) || (n == 0))
*dest = malloc(n);
if (*dest == NULL)
char *dp = *dest;
const char *sp = src;
while (n--)
*dp++ = *sp++;
and then your main would be
int main(void) {
char *c = "Hello";
char *d = NULL;
memcpy2(&d, c, 3);
/* ^ pass the address of the pointer, so you can change where it points to */
if (d != NULL) /* prevent NULL dereference. */
printf("%c", *d);
return 0;
I'm a bit of a newbie at C, so please bear with me...
I have a function to count char in a string called char strLength, but I have to create a function that uses this function to count the number of characters in a passed string, mallocates a new string with space for a NULL terminator, copies the string and then returns the copy.
Here's what I have:
character counter
int strLength(char* toCount)
int count = 0;
while(*toCount != '\0')
return count;
and here's the beginning of the sought-after function
char* strCopy(char *s)
int length = strLength(s);
Since you are struggling with malloc, here is how the next line should look:
char* strCopy(char *s)
int length = strLength(s);
char *res = malloc(length+1);
// Copy s into res; stop when you reach '\0'
return res;
You want strdup. However, since I suspect this is a learning exercise:
char *strCopy(const char *src)
size_t l = strlen(src) + 1;
char *r = malloc(l);
if (r)
memcpy(r, src, l);
return r;
If you are curious how to copy strings yourself, you could replace the memcpy with something like:
char *dst = r;
while (*src)
*dst++ = *src++;
*dst = 0;
However I would suggest using library functions: if not strdup, then malloc + memcpy.
You can use strdup() clib call.
You can write something like:
char* strCopy(char *s) {
int length = strLength(s);
char *rc = (char *)malloc(length + 1);
return rc? strcpy(rc, s) : NULL;
this is part of a homework assignment using structs and I can't seem to understand this one function. The function is string_t *concat (string_t *s1, string_t *s2) and it returns the new string struct. This is what I have so far, and it crashes the compiler whenever it's reached. The program compiles but, "file".exe has stopped working error comes up when executing. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
typedef struct string{ //String struct (in .h file)
char *line;
int length;
} string_t;
string_t* concat(string_t *s1, string_t *s2) { //actual function (in .c)
int len1, len2;
len1 = length(s1);
len2 = length(s2);
int i, j, s;
string_t *newStr;
newStr = (string_t*)malloc(sizeof(string_t)*2);
for (i = 0; i<len1; i++) {
*((newStr->line)+i) = *((s1->line)+i);
for (j=0; j<len2; j++) {
*((newStr->line)+(i+j)) = *((s2->line)+j);
return newStr;
concat(s1, s2); //tests function
newStr = (string_t*)malloc(sizeof(string_t)*2);
You allocate memory for newStr but you don't allocate memory for newStr->line. Try something like:
newStr = malloc(sizeof *newStr);
newStr->line = malloc(s1->length + s2->length + 1);
Side note: *((newStr->line)+i) can be written as newStr->line[i].
BTW, here's a way to cat without that ugly ptr math syntax:
char* dest = newStr->line;
const char* src = s1->line;
while (*src)
*dest = *src;
src = s2->line;
while (*src)
*dest = *src;
*dest = '\0';