How to hide stateProvider url displayed in Address bar using Angular JS? - angularjs

I am using Angular JS 1.3.0 stateProvider URL for URL routing.
During run time whenever state is being redirected to particular URL , it displayed on the Address bar and it exposes the information about Employee id. Like in this image.
Is it possible to hide those potential information using Angular JS 1.3.0?

The personId is displayed in the url, because its defined as URL parameter.
But we can avoid that, by defining it with params notation:
.state("peopleDetail", {
url : "/",
params : { personId : null },
Check the doc:
A map which optionally configures parameters declared in the url, or defines additional non-url parameters. For each parameter being configured, add a configuration object keyed to the name of the parameter.
Each parameter configuration object may contain the following properties:
squash -- (see more in that resource)
For similar stuff and some more details, please check:
Angular ui router passing data between states without URL


Page Editing - How to populate scope variable from url parameter?

I have a page for editing existing pages by populating input forms and creating a JSON file for the page template/partial.
Essentially, it consists of: <input ng-model="model.page_title" /> and $'edit_json_file.php', JSON.stringify(model))
However, to edit a page I need to load its (existing) JSON first, so that I can populate those models for input forms. I'm doing that with another input:
<input ng-model="url_of_page_to_edit" />
This clearly requires the user to manually type the URL of existing page (to load corresponding JSON file) for its modification. I want to change that.
It would be better to have an Edit button on each page that I want to edit. After clicking the button it should redirect me to my page editor, which will load the required JSON and fill in the inputs as usual. For that I need to know which JSON to load (if the page is /page.html, JSON will be page.json). That's why I'm thinking of passing URL as a parameter to my page editor, for example as:
or as
Assuming I have these links, what is the best practice to retrieve those URLs?
I am using ui.router and so my config has something like this:
state("editPages", {
title: "Edit",
url: "/edit_pages",
templateUrl: "/partials/edit_pages.html",
controller: "editPagesCtrl"
I still want to edit pages by manually typing their URLs
If I need to use $stateParams with a link in form of /edit_pages/page_to_edit then how do I handle an empty case /edit_pages/?
If I need to pass URLs as parameters (like in PHP) in a form /edit_pages?url=page_to_edit/ then what do I need to change in my config for this to work?
Getting the Page Link
var url = $state.href($, $state.params, {absolute: true})
This will give the absolute url of the current page. Then you can do a $location("edit_pages?url="+url).
Passing URL as Query String
For passing in query string format (PHP format) you cause something like this:
.state('editPages', {
url: "/edit_pages?url",
Then /edit_pages?url=page_to_edit will work as expected.
After clicking a button make use of $state.go();
put a mapping(if required) and depends on the input entered change the state.

Dynamic parameters with ui-router

I'm developing a search app with angular using ui-router.
The search form has too many fields and all have to be optional.
Users should share with another users the URL that display the page with the result list. (So I need to use querystring)
So I could have urls like
And endless combinations. I know that I can use $ to get all params in json format. That is great! but the question is How can I define the url state with ui-router? Define explicitly all params in the url is not an option. I have read many post but I didn't find a concrete answers.
If you're getting parameters from $location you don't need to define them in state explicitly.
I think, the best way is to use 'resolve' property of $stateProvider configuration:
$stateProvider.state('mystate', {
// Some code here
resolve: {
queryData: ['$location', ($location) => {
$location.absUrl(); // Contains your full URI
return true;
It's kind of initialization. After that, ui-router will cut URI, but you will store needed data. This case also works fine, when user passing URI directly in browser address input.
Also you can try to set $urlRouterProvider with $urlMatcher for this purposes, but it will be more difficult.

AngularJS: get url path without routeParams

Take this route for exmaple
when('/coordinator/editApplications/:appId', {
templateUrl: 'assets/app/templates/coordinator/editApplications.tpl.html',
module: "/coordinator",
Without using regular expressions, is there a property/method available in Angular that will allow me to get the path value with the parameters stripped off?
The value I would want for this example would be /coordinator/editApplications
This needs to be be universal because there could be multiple params or differently named params. I can't find anyway on the $route or $location to get this value as they all seem to contain the params.
Again, I know i can use regExp to do this but I want to avoid that. I also don't want to just add another property to the route w/ the non-param url value.

Angular UI Router with multiple optional parameters

I have a state route as follows :
url: "/hospitals/:categoryName/:providerName",
templateUrl: "app/components/hospital/views/hospitals.html"
In general,hospitals pages have all the hospitals with all categories and all provider(hospital) group. In addition, from home page we can navigate to the hospitals page using the category or provider which will show hospitals based on category and provider group respectively. For these, I navigate using the following directives inside anchor tag.
ui-sref="hospitals({categoryName: category.KeyName})"
ui-sref="hospitals({providerName: provider.KeyName})"
So, this introduces a dirty slash when navigating with providerName.
It is fine with category.
Once inside the hospitals page, I can search using category or providerName and get the list of hospitals. I was thinking of modifying the url in these searches(using ui-sref for the same page) since it makes sense to show the url matching to the search. I land in a trouble here. The search is a common search and can match either providerName or category or even a text as well. In this case, how can I navigate or how to use s-ref. I am fine with not using ui-sref and just going to the api or getting the data and updating the results which is easily achievable. However, I prefer the change of url since it shows what we are looking for.
So, now I understand that the state route which I provided is not suitable.
Please provide me an approach as to how to do it.
I was thinking of adding another state called "search" for this, which makes sense. But the templateUrl for this will be the same. Please suggest if I am in right direction or not.
Check this for detailed explanation and working example
Angular UI-Router more Optional Parameters in one State
we can use so called squash setting of the params : {} object:
url: "/hospitals/:categoryName/:providerName",
templateUrl: "app/components/hospital/views/hospitals.html",
params: {
providerName: { squash: true },
categoryName: { squash: true },
Also check these:
Angular js - route-ui add default parmeter
Option url path UI-Router

Difference between AngularJS UI Router params object specified in state and views

I have just started working on AngularJS and specifically Angular UI Router project. While working on a project I observed that some of team members have specified params option object in view option object of state. when this is the case it doesn't accept optional parameters when passed through ui-sref/state.go.
However I moved this params option object to state instead of view and optional parameters feature started working. I am using AngularJS 1.3.x and AngularJS UI Router version 0.2.13. Here is the sample code to explain more clearly what I want to say :
$stateProvider.state('contacts', {
views: {
'view1': {
....//other options
params :{userId:0,contactId:null}
...//other options including `controller` and `resolve` options.
In above sample code(I have given minimal required information) params object is specified on view1 object instead of on contacts state. Also contactId is the optional non-URL parameter which is passed on one of the use case and not passed in another one. However when I check $stateParams object in the controller specified on state it just shows up userId and not contactId even if I pass it.
I fixed this issue when I moved params option object from view1 object to contacts state object as shown below:
$stateProvider.state('contacts', {
views: {
'view1': {
....//other options
//i have removed the `params` object from here..
...//other options including `controller` and `resolve` options.
params :{userId:0,contactId:null} //and have put it here.
Now I have following questions :
1) What difference does it make by changing where I specify params object. What are the significance if any?
2)Is specifying params object on view altogether wrong configuration? If yes then why UI router doesn't complain and works with parameters specified in URL?
If no then why it doesn't work with optional non-URL parameters?
3) Any specific use cases one would prefer specifying params option object on view object than on state object?
Also another side effect I found when I moved this params option object to state from view object is I am no longer able to bookmark this url or even refresh url in browser. When I do this it redirects me to our home page. Maybe this could be how we are handling this redirection in our project. But just curious to have any pointers why this could be happening?(including how generally this redirection is handled using ui-router) Of course I am going dig deep into our project code to see why this side-effect is happening.
However I would at least like to have answers to my 3 questions(and subquestions) I have asked here.
Neither the guide nor the API documentation say that a named view can have parameters. So I think adding params in the view was just a mistake, and it had no effect whatsoever.
1) What difference does it make by changing where I specify params object. What are the significance if any?
In the views, ui-router doesn't care about it. In the state, it does what is documented in the API documentation.
2) Is specifying params object on view altogether wrong configuration? If yes then why UI router doesn't complain and works with parameters specified in URL? If no then why it doesn't work with optional non-URL parameters?
Yes, it seems to be wrong configuration.
3) Any specific use cases one would prefer specifying params option object on view object than on state object?
