Sharing data between stored procedures - sql-server

I have a stored procedure called dbo.Match.
It looks like this :
CREATE Procedure [dbo].[MATCH]
#parameterFromUser nvarchar(30),
#checkbool int
select RowId,
from #Matches
This procedure is being called from another stored procedure :
CREATE Procedure MatchMotherFirstName
#MotherFN nvarchar(20) , #checkbool int
As begin
SELECT #constVal = FunctionWeight
FROM dbo.FunctionWeights
WHERE FunctionWeights.FunctionId = 20;
Some code to execute `dbo.Match` procedure in above procedure called `MatchMotherFirstName` , retrieve `RowNumber` and `PercentMatch`,
Insert into #Temp in their respective fields , and calculate `PercentMatch * constVal`,
and insert in corresponding column called `percentage` in `#Temp`
I need to execute dbo.Match stored procedure in above procedure, retrieve RowID and PecrntMatch value, #constval value we have above, multiply #constVal and percentmatch and store it in Percentage column of #Temp and insert results from dbo.Match procedure in a temporary table. dbo.Match returns only RowId and PercentMatch.
Structure of Temporary table:
create table #Temp
Rownumber int not null,
ValFromUser nvarchar(30),
ColumnName nvarchar(30),
ValFromFunc decimal(18, 4),
FuncWeight decimal(18, 4), -- #constVal here
Percentage decimal(18, 4) not null, -- calculated value here i.e (FuncWeight * ValFromFunc)
In #Temp, I need to insert the value of #constVal as well as calculate a column and insert i.e PercentMatch * contVal for rows inserted in this execution call only.
How can I do this in above procedure in most efficient way ?
Edit : For purpose of clarity , here is what I was doing if dbo.Match was a function and not a procedure:
if #MotherFN is not null
SELECT #constVal = FunctionWeight
FROM dbo.FunctionWeights
WHERE FunctionWeights.FunctionId = 20;
#MotherFN ,
PercentMatch * #constVal
FROM dbo.MatchMatch(#MotherFN, 0)
Like I can retrieve value of Percentmatch, #constval and multiply them both to insert in #Temp , how I may do this while I execute the dbo.Match procedure instead of calling dbo.Match function ?

You have several options, ranging from incredibly easy to overly complicated. The easiest (and most efficient) ways of doing what you describe are:
Don't do it: just include that calculation in the query. Why does it need to be in the table definition?
Add a computed column the temp table when it is created. This requires that you also include a field to store the "Constant Value" so that it can be referenced by the computed column. If the calculation is somewhat expensive and/or there will be lots of rows and frequently selected from (and possibly used in WHERE and/or ORDER BY clauses), then you can make the computed column PERSISTED so that it is calculated upon INSERT and any UPDATE that updates the fields referenced in the computed column.
Add a computed column the temp table after the table has been created. This allows for embedding the "Constant Value" into the computed column so that there is no need for a [ConstantValue] column. If the calculation is somewhat expensive and/or there will be lots of rows and frequently selected from (and possibly used in WHERE and/or ORDER BY clauses), then you can make the computed column PERSISTED so that it is calculated upon INSERT and any UPDATE that updates the fields referenced in the computed column.
P.S. Just in case you find yourself asking "why not just create the temp table dynamically in one step instead of two steps?": a local temporary table created in Dynamic SQL will cease to exist after the EXEC of that Dynamic SQL. A global temp table will survive the execution of the Dynamic SQL, but then the table name is shared across all sessions so another session executing this code at the same time would error on the name conflict. In that case you would need to generate a GUID via NEWID() to use as the global temp table name and concatenate that value as well into the Dynamic SQL, but then you are stuck being required to use Dynamic SQL for all references to the global temp table (including for the INSERT...EXEC) and that is just more work for no benefit.
Test Setup
IF (OBJECT_ID(N'tempdb..#InnerProc') IS NOT NULL)
IF (OBJECT_ID(N'tempdb..#TempResults1') IS NOT NULL)
DROP TABLE #TempResults1;
IF (OBJECT_ID(N'tempdb..#TempResults2') IS NOT NULL)
DROP TABLE #TempResults2;
IF (OBJECT_ID(N'tempdb..#TempResults3') IS NOT NULL)
DROP TABLE #TempResults3;
SELECT TOP 20 so.[object_id], so.[modify_date]
FROM [master].[sys].[objects] so
ORDER BY so.[modify_date] DESC;
Option 1
CREATE TABLE #TempResults1
[ObjectId] INT NOT NULL,
DECLARE #ConstantValue1 INT;
SET #ConstantValue1 = 13;
INSERT INTO #TempResults1 ([ObjectId], [ModifyDate])
EXEC #InnerProc;
SELECT 1 AS [Test], *, DATEADD(DAY, #ConstantValue1, [ModifyDate]) AS [SomeCalculation]
FROM #TempResults1;
Option 2
CREATE TABLE #TempResults2
[ObjectId] INT NOT NULL,
[ConstantValue] INT NULL, -- will be added via UPDATE
[SomeCalculation] AS (DATEADD(DAY, [ConstantValue], [ModifyDate])) -- PERSISTED ??
INSERT INTO #TempResults2 ([ObjectId], [ModifyDate])
EXEC #InnerProc;
SELECT 2 AS [Test], * FROM #TempResults2;
UPDATE #TempResults2
SET [ConstantValue] = 13;
SELECT 2 AS [Test], * FROM #TempResults2;
Option 3
DECLARE #ConstantValue3 INT;
SET #ConstantValue3 = 13;
CREATE TABLE #TempResults3
[ObjectId] INT NOT NULL,
INSERT INTO #TempResults3 ([ObjectId], [ModifyDate])
EXEC #InnerProc;
SELECT 3 AS [Test], * FROM #TempResults3;
-- The next 3 lines could be done just after the CREATE TABLE and before the INSERT,
-- but doing it now allows for seeing the "before" and "after" with the data.
SET #SQL = N'ALTER TABLE #TempResults3 ADD [SomeCalculation] AS (DATEADD(DAY, '
+ CONVERT(NVARCHAR(10), #ConstantValue3) + N', [ModifyDate])); --PERSISTED';
SELECT 3 AS [Test], * FROM #TempResults3;

Well, in general terms there is no value on creating complex logics if you just need to do simple stuffs. In the scenario that you described I would tend to think the best approach would be the use of phisical table that can be accessed any time by either the dbo.Match and dbo.MatchMotherFirstName procedures. If you don't want to leave it in the database after logic execution, use the CREATE/DROP sentences to CREATE/DROP the table as per your needs.

You have 3 Easy enough options. One has a decent sized performance hit, One requires a config update on the server and One requires a change to the match stored procedure.
Option 1
In the MatchMotherFirstName procedure declare a table for the Match results.
CREATE TABLE #tmpMatchResults (Col1 , Col2....)
Insert into #tmpMatchResults
EXEC [dbo].[MATCH]
This has a performance hit, but it works without any changes to the Match proc code or server config. If you only expect very few lines, this will work just fine
Option 2
Use OpenRowSet or OpenQuery
Select * FROM OPENROWSET(connection,'Exec database.dbo.MATCH')
This requires a config change to allow data access
Option 3
Update the MATCH Stored Procedure to push the results to a temp table
CREATE Procedure [dbo].[MATCH]
select RowId, PercentMatch from #tmpMatches
Be sure NOT to drop the temp table at the end of the proc
Then In your MatchMotherFirstName procedure, while the session is active, you can call the proc
EXEC dbo.MATCH #param
and the result set with
SELECT * FROM #tmpMatches
Some people would argue that you should clean up (drop table) the temp table at the end of the MATCH proc call. You can include a parameter in the MATCH proc to persist results or do table cleanup.


Use output of procedure in a new procedure SQL Server [duplicate]

I'm not sure if this is something I should do in T-SQL or not, and I'm pretty sure using the word 'iterate' was wrong in this context, since you should never iterate anything in sql. It should be a set based operation, correct? Anyway, here's the scenario:
I have a stored proc that returns many uniqueidentifiers (single column results). These ids are the primary keys of records in a another table. I need to set a flag on all the corresponding records in that table.
How do I do this without the use of cursors? Should be an easy one for you sql gurus!
This may not be the most efficient, but I would create a temp table to hold the results of the stored proc and then use that in a join against the target table. For example:
CREATE TABLE #t (uniqueid int)
INSERT INTO #t EXEC p_YourStoredProc
UPDATE TargetTable
SET a.FlagColumn = 1
FROM TargetTable a JOIN #t b
ON a.uniqueid = b.uniqueid
You could also change your stored proc to a user-defined function that returns a table with your uniqueidentifiers. You can joing directly to the UDF and treat it like a table which avoids having to create the extra temp table explicitly. Also, you can pass parameters into the function as you're calling it, making this a very flexible solution.
SELECT uniqueid FROM dbo.SomeWhere
UPDATE dbo.TargetTable
SET a.FlagColumn = 1
FROM dbo.TargetTable a INNER JOIN dbo.udfGetUniqueIDs() b
ON a.uniqueid = b.uniqueid
This will work on SQL Server 2000 and up...
Insert the results of the stored proc into a temporary table and join this to the table you want to update:
EXEC usp_WorkResults
UPDATE DataTable
SET Flag = Whatever
FROM DataTable
ON DataTable.Ket = #WorkTable.Key
If you upgrade to SQL 2008 then you can pass table parameters I believe. Otherwise, you're stuck with a global temporary table or creating a permanent table that includes a column for some sort of process ID to identify which call to the stored procedure is relevant.
How much room do you have in changing the stored procedure that generates the IDs? You could add code in there to handle it or have a parameter that lets you optionally flag the rows when it is called.
Use temporary tables or a table variable (you are using SS2005).
Although, that's not nest-able - if a stored proc uses that method then you can't dumpt that output into a temp table.
An ugly solution would be to have your procedure return the "next" id each time it is called by using the other table (or some flag on the existing table) to filter out the rows that it has already returned
You can use a temp table or table variable with an additional column:
Column1 uniqueidentifer,
Checked bit
SELECT [...], 0 FROM MyTable WHERE [...]
DECLARE #Continue bit
SET #Continue = 1
WHILE (#Continue)
SELECT #var1 = Column1,
#var2 = Column2,
FROM #MyTable
WHERE Checked = 1
IF #var1 IS NULL
SET #Continue = 0
UPDATE #MyTable SET Checked = 1 WHERE Column1 = #var1
Edit: Actually, in your situation a join will be better; the code above is a cursorless iteration, which is overkill for your situation.

Trigger AFTER INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE to call stored procedure with table name and primary key

For a sync process, my SQL Server database should record a list items that have changed - table name and primary key.
The DB already has a table and stored procedure to do this:
EXEC #ErrCode = dbo.SyncQueueItem "tableName", 1234;
I'd like to add triggers to a table to call this stored procedure on INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE. How do I get the key? What's the simplest thing that could possibly work?
CREATE TABLE new_employees
id_num INT IDENTITY(1,1),
fname VARCHAR(20),
minit CHAR(1),
lname VARCHAR(30)
IF OBJECT_ID ('dbo.sync_new_employees','TR') IS NOT NULL
DROP TRIGGER sync_new_employees;
CREATE TRIGGER sync_new_employees
ON new_employees
DECLARE #ErrCode Int;
-- How to get the key???
SELECT #Key = 12345;
EXEC #ErrCode = dbo.SyncQueueItem "new_employees", #key;
The way to access the records changed by the operation is by using the Inserted and Deleted pseudo-tables that are provided to you by SQL Server.
Inserted contains any inserted records, or any updated records with their new values.
Deleted contains any deleted records, or any updated records with their old values.
More Info
When writing a trigger, to be safe, one should always code for the case when multiple records are acted upon. Unfortunately if you need to call a SP that means a loop - which isn't ideal.
The following code shows how this could be done for your example, and includes a method of detecting whether the operation is an Insert/Update/Delete.
declare #Key int, #ErrCode int, #Action varchar(6);
declare #Keys table (id int, [Action] varchar(6));
insert into #Keys (id, [Action])
select coalesce(, D.id_num)
, case when is not null and is not null then 'Update' when is not null then 'Insert' else 'Delete' end
from Inserted I
full join Deleted D on I.id_num = D.id_num;
while exists (select 1 from #Keys) begin
select top 1 #Key = id, #Action = [Action] from #Keys;
exec #ErrCode = dbo.SyncQueueItem 'new_employees', #key;
delete from #Keys where id = #Key;
Further: In addition to solving your specified problem its worth noting a couple of points regarding the bigger picture.
As #Damien_The_Unbeliever points out there are built in mechanisms to accomplish change tracking which will perform much better.
If you still wish to handle your own change tracking, it would perform better if you could arrange it such that you handle the entire recordset in one go as opposed to carrying out a row-by-row operation. There are 2 ways to accomplish this a) Move your change tracking code inside the trigger and don't use a SP. b) Use a "User Defined Table Type" to pass the record-set of changes to the SP.
You should use the Magic Table to get the data.
Usually, inserted and deleted tables are called Magic Tables in the context of a trigger. There are Inserted and Deleted magic tables in SQL Server. These tables are automatically created and managed by SQL Server internally to hold recently inserted, deleted and updated values during DML operations (Insert, Update and Delete) on a database table.
Inserted magic table
The Inserted table holds the recently inserted values, in other words, new data values. Hence recently added records are inserted into the Inserted table.
Deleted magic table
The Deleted table holds the recently deleted or updated values, in other words, old data values. Hence the old updated and deleted records are inserted into the Deleted table.
**You can use the inserted and deleted magic table to get the value of id_num **
SELECT top 1 #Key = id_num from inserted
Note: This code sample will only work for a single record for insert scenario. For Bulk insert/update scenarios you need to fetch records from inserted and deleted table stored in the temp table or variable and then loop through it to pass to your procedure or you can pass a table variable to your procedure and handle the multiple records there.
A DML trigger should operate set data else only one row will be processed. It can be something like this. And of course use magic tables inserted and deleted.
CREATE TRIGGER dbo.tr_employees
ON dbo.employees --the table from Northwind database
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.
declare #tbl table (id int identity(1,1),delId int,insId int)
--Use "magic tables" inserted and deleted
insert #tbl(delId, insId)
select d.EmployeeID, i.EmployeeID
from inserted i --empty when "delete"
full join deleted d --empty when "insert"
on i.EmployeeID=d.EmployeeID
declare #id int,#key int,#action char
select top 1 #id=id, #key=isnull(delId, insId),
when delId is null then 'I'
when insId is null then 'D'
else 'U' end --just in case you need the operation executed
from #tbl
--do something for each row
while #id is not null --instead of cursor
--do the main action
--exec dbo.sync 'employees', #key, #action
--remove processed row
delete #tbl where id=#id
--refill #variables
select top 1 #id=id, #key=isnull(delId, insId),
when delId is null then 'I'
when insId is null then 'D'
else 'U' end --just in case you need the operation executed
from #tbl
Not the best solution, but just a direct answer on the question:
SELECT #Key = COALESCE(deleted.id_num,inserted.id_num);
Also not the best way (if not the worst) (do not try this at home), but at least it will help with multiple values:
FOR SELECT COALESCE(i.id_num,d.id_num) AS [id_num]
FROM inserted i
FULL JOIN deleted d ON d.id_num = i.id_num
OR COALESCE(i.minit,'')<>COALESCE(d.minit,'')
OR COALESCE(i.lname,'')<>COALESCE(d.lname,'')
OPEN triggerCursor;
FETCH NEXT FROM triggerCursor INTO #Key;
EXEC #ErrCode = dbo.SyncQueueItem 'new_employees', #key;
FETCH NEXT FROM triggerCursor INTO #Key;
CLOSE triggerCursor;
DEALLOCATE triggerCursor;
Better way to use trigger based "value-change-tracker":
INSERT INTO [YourTableHistoryName] (id_num, fname, minit, lname, WhenHappened)
SELECT COALESCE(i.id_num,d.id_num) AS [id_num]
,i.fname,i.minit,i.lname,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AS [WhenHeppened]
FROM inserted i
FULL JOIN deleted d ON d.id_num = i.id_num
WHERE ( COALESCE(i.fname,'')<>COALESCE(d.fname,'')
OR COALESCE(i.minit,'')<>COALESCE(d.minit,'')
OR COALESCE(i.lname,'')<>COALESCE(d.lname,'')
The best (in my opinion) way to track changes is to use Temporal tables (SQL Server 2016+)
inserted/deleted in triggers will generate as many rows as touched and calling a stored proc per key would require a cursor or similar approach per row.
You should check timestamp/rowversion in SQL Server. You could add that to the all tables in question (not null, auto increment, unique within database for each table/row etc).
You could add a unique index on that column to all tables you added the column.
##DBTS is the current timestamp, you can store today's ##DBTS and tomorrow you will scan all tables from that to current ##DBTS. timestamp/rowversion will be incremented for all updates and inserts but for deletes it won't track, for deletes you can have a delete only trigger and insert keys into a different table.
Change data capture or change tracking could do this easier, but if there is heavy volumes on the server or large number of data loads, partition switches scanning the transaction log becomes a bottleneck and in some cases you will have to remove change data capture to save the transaction log from growing indefinetely.

How to INSERT INTO table column with string/variable

This is the data I have pulled from powershell and inserted it into a #temptable:
Location : Leisure Services - Technology Services
Shared : False
ShareName :
JobCountSinceLastReset : 0
PrinterState : 131072
Status : Degraded
Network : False
I'm while looping through the data and have stripped the values from the identifiers. I'd like to use these identifiers to insert the values into a table with identical Column names to the identifiers. So for example, I have a variable called #identifier = "Name" and a temp table #printers with a column name of Name. I'd like to do something like:
SELECT --select statement
INSERT INTO #printers(#identifier)
But This doesn't seem to work, unsurprisingly. Is there a way to accomplish this? (The #identifier variable will be changing to the other identifiers in the data throughout the course of the while loop.)
Any alternate suggestions that don't even involve using this sort of method are welcome. My ultimate goal is just to get this data as a row into a table.
(I'm currently using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio if that matters)
First, it's unlikely you need to loop over anything in this situation. Think set based operations when you think about SQL.
INSERT INTO #temptable (Column1Name, Column2Name, Column3Name)
VALUES (#identifer, #anotherIdentifier, #someOtherIdentifier)
--optional clauses
WHERE Column1Name = 'some value' OR Column1Name = #someIdentifier
Or you can SELECT INTO
INTO #temptable
It's important that you have a value in your SELECT INTO for each column in the table which you are trying to add the data to. So, for example, if there were 4 columns in #temptable and you only had 3 values to insert (columns 1, 2 , and 3) then you'd need to NULL column 4 or set it statically.
INTO #temptable
'static value'
INTO #temptable
If you want to use a varible to speciy the column that you want to insert into, you have to use dynamic sql. Here is an example:
if object_id ('tempdb..#tempTable') is not null drop table #tempTable
create table #tempTable (Column1Name int, Column2Name int, Column3Name int)
declare #columnName varchar(64) = 'Column1Name'
declare #sql varchar(max)
set #sql =
'insert into #tempTable (' + #columnName + ')
select 1'
select * from #tempTable

SQL Server 2008, can I refer to a temporary table in a select statement within a udf?

I'm trying to run a select query on a temporary table within a udf. I can't find documentation stating this isn't allowed, yet the below stored procedure won't compile when I change tblDailyPricingAndVol to #dailyPricingAndVolBySymbol (my temporary table of course. The temp table is created at a higher level (in a stored procedure before the stored procedure that uses this function) if that affects anything... thanks in advance.
The udf is meant to just be a helper for the stored procedure that calls it.. I'm trying to query a temporary table with it due to the fact that it'll get called thousands of times each time it runs. The data that it retrieves and then aggregates is in a table with millions of rows. So I pare down the data into several hundred records, into the temporary table. This will speed the function up dramatically, even though it'll still take a fair bit of time to run.
ALTER FUNCTION dbo.PricingVolDataAvailableToDateProvided
(#Ticker nchar(10),
#StartDate DATE,
#NumberOfDaysBack int)
RETURNS nchar(5)
DECLARE #Result nchar(5)
DECLARE #RecordCount int
SET #RecordCount = (SELECT COUNT(TradeDate) AS Expr1
FROM tblDailyPricingAndVol WHERE (Symbol = #Ticker) AND (TradeDate IN
(SELECT TOP (#NumberOfDaysBack) CAST(TradingDate AS DATE) AS Expr1
FROM tblTradingDays
WHERE (TradingDate <= #StartDate)
ORDER BY TradingDate DESC))
ORDER BY TradeDate DESC) AS TempTable)
IF #RecordCount = #NumberOfDaysBack
SET #Result = 'True'
SET #Result = 'False'
RETURN #Result
As been mentioned by other posters, you can't use a temporary table in an UDF. What you can do is pass a User-Defined Table to your function.
User-Defined Table Types
In SQL Server 2008, a user-defined table type is a user-defined type
that represents the definition of a table structure. You can use a
user-defined table type to declare table-valued parameters for stored
procedures or functions, or to declare table variables that you want
to use in a batch or in the body of a stored procedure or function.
A quick fix for changing your code could be
CREATE TYPE DailyPricingAndVolBySymbolType AS TABLE (<Columns>)
DECLARE #DailyPricingAndVolBySymbol DailyPricingAndVolBySymbolType
INSERT INTO #DailyPricingAndVolBySymbol SELECT * FROM #DailyPricingAndVolBySymbol
ALTER FUNCTION dbo.PricingVolDataAvailableToDateProvided (
#DailyPricingAndVolBySymbol DailyPricingAndVolBySymbolType READONLY
#Ticker nchar(10),
#StartDate DATE,
#NumberOfDaysBack int
) ...
Looks like you're out of luck. I created a quick function below and got an explicit compiler message that says you can't reference temp tables in a function. I'm not sure why you would need to reference temp tables within a UDF, that's not really the spirit of UDF. Could you show how you were planning to call this UDF? Maybe we could help on that refactor.
Temp tables cannot be accessed from within a function. I suggest using a staging table instead. To better organize these in your DB you could create a schema called Staging, a table called Staging.dailyPricingAndVolBySymbol, and call that from your UDF.

Is it possible to use a Stored Procedure as a subquery in SQL Server 2008?

I have two stored procedures, one of which returns a list of payments, while the other returns a summary of those payments, grouped by currency. Right now, I have a duplicated query: the main query of the stored procedure that returns the list of payments is a subquery of the stored procedure that returns the summary of payments by currency. I would like to eliminate this duplicity by making the stored procedure that returns the list of payments a subquery of the stored procedure that returns the summary of payments by currency. Is that possible in SQL Server 2008?
You are better off converting the first proc into a TABLE-VALUED function. If it involves multiple statements, you need to first define the return table structure and populate it.
CREATE proc getRecords #t char(1)
set nocouut on;
-- other statements --
-- final select
select * from master..spt_values where type = #t
-- becomes --
CREATE FUNCTION fn_getRecords(#t char(1))
returns #output table(
name sysname,
number int,
type char(1),
low int,
high int,
status int) as
-- other statements --
-- final select
insert #output
select * from master..spt_values where type = #t
However, if it is a straight select (or can be written as a single statement), then you can use the INLINE tvf form, which is highly optimized
CREATE FUNCTION fn2_getRecords(#t char(1))
returns table as return
-- **NO** other statements; single statement table --
select * from master..spt_values where type = #t
The second proc simply selects from the first proc
create proc getRecordsByStatus #t char(1)
select status, COUNT(*) CountRows from dbo.fn2_getRecords(#t)
group by status
And where you used to call
EXEC firstProc #param
to get a result, you now select from it
SELECT * FROM firstProc(#param)
You can capture the output from a stored procedure in a temp table and then use the table in your main query.
Capture the output of a stored procedure returning columns ID and Name to a table variable.
declare #T table (ID int, Name nvarchar(50))
insert into #T
exec StoredProcedure
Inserting the results of your stored proc into a table variable or temp table will do the trick.
If you're trying to reuse code in SQL Server from one query to the next, you have more flexibility with Table Functions. Views are all right if you don't need to pass parameters or use any kind of flow control logic. These may be used like tables in any other function, procedure, view or t-sql statement.
If you made the procedure that returns the list into a table-valued function, then I believe you could use it in a sub-query.
I would use a view, unless it needs to be parameterized, in which case I would use an inline table-valued function if possible, unless it needs to be a multi-statement operation, where you can still use a table-valued function, but they are usually less efficient.
