Loading an arbitrary file in the Play Framework 2 (Scala) - angularjs

I'm trying to serve an AngularJS application using the Play 2 Framework for Scala and I think I understand, in general, how the routes and the templates work.
In order to serve the angularJS files (which should NOT be available for users publicly), I'm currently placing them under /public and then creating routes for them.
I would like to have a little more flexibility over where my angular js files are. I'm aware of the assets.at() method that creates an action for this purpose but I cannot serve files that live anywhere other than /public, no matter what I do. I will need to intercept the call and only serve the javascript file if the user has the correct permissions.
So I think my question is whether this is the right approach for what I have in mind (selective serving of angular JS files - depending upon permissions and so on ) and whether I'm stuck with having to place my angularJS app under /public - is it not possible to serve files from anywhere else?

You can wrap the built-in Assets controller. Instead of using the router to invoke it directly, as is the default, invoke your own Action, and use Action composition to wrap it with your authorization logic.

I'd like to see what is not working for you. You should be allowed to have assets served from multiple paths
GET /assets/*file controllers.Assets.at(path="/public", file)
GET /secure/*file controllers.Assets.at(path="/secure", file)
Then in your templates.
<script src="#routes.Assets.at("/public", "test.js")"></script>
<script src="#routes.Assets.at("/secure", "test.js")"></script>


How to get a true modular app in AngularJS and their include structure?

I've been messing around with Angular and i wanted to split all the files up according to their role in my app.
I want a folder for each "page" like /home or /products and take care of everything within their respective folder(It sounded like a great idea).
However, now i'm not sure how to approach loading these files in or even where to do it.
This is my current file structure:
Due to certain limitations im not able to use other helpful tools, this needs to happen in the code directly.
What would be the best way to approach this?
1st part of your question:
There's no default way to organise your angular app.
However, there are some guidelines. I keep thanking myself for reading the Angular 1 app-structuring-guidelines by John Pappa which enlightened me on the same question you are asking.
At the moment, I have organised all my apps in a folder-by-functionality apprach rather than a folder-by-type one (i.e. all controllers in a controllers folder, all services in a services folder,etc).
2nd part of your question:
Just use Gulp or Grunt and then import the single file in your index
The Web is getting more and more component oriented, now all the most famous frontend frameworks adopt a reusable component policy (React and Angular 2 relies heavily on it)
If you want your angular app to be as modular as possible, you have to put everything regarding a component in a separate folder (html templates,css styles and js logic),and split the shared logic between services and assets
In Your case an example of project structure could be:
//put here images,fonts and shared styles
etc etc ...
etc etc/...

Sails Angular Frontend

Ok so I have looked around and cannot find the exact answer I am looking for. When developing a Sails app (which I am new to) it appears that by default it creates its own frontend using EJS.
Is this correct?
If this is correct then why is there an npm for sails generate frontend
If I want to use an Angular frontend is sails-generate-frontend-angular the best route to go?
First you need to separate server templating (EJS) from angular.
Just because sails defaults to an EJS template engine does not mean that you can not still put angular is your asset library and create and angular app. EJS is (the default but not the only option) what sails uses as a programming language for building its templates on the server that then get delivered to the client. Angular templates are used once delivered to the client to display information and perform tasks specifically already in the client machine.
1.) See above
2.) Sails-generate-frontend helps to setup your asset pipeline. It creates grunt tasks to copy image files and setup your javascript libraries such as ANGULAR.js, jQuery ect for use in your front-end.
3.) It could be. It depends, what a lot of people do is setup 2 projects. They use Sails as their API and then setup a second project for their Angular app (especially if its a SPA).
If instead your just using angular is specific places in your app (think jQuery style), then you would use a something like generate-front-end to take the angular library from someplace (like bower_compenents) and place it in your assets when you lift your app. It also makes it avaiable so that it can be placed in your html to be included in your app.
I on the other hand, use sails templates (I use Jade instead of EJS) to create and modify my angular templates on the server before they reach the client. This is a slightly advanced practice and can get confusing if you don't understand the difference between generating html on the server vs client.
An alternate method of thinking about this would be creating your index page on the server. This page would include your css and scripts. It would possibly be the only page on your server and everything else would be angular templates rendered on the client asking for JSON calls. In this scenario you would be using SAILS (ejs, or jade or whatever) to render only a single page INDEX.js and that might be the only server template you have.
However, this being said. Sails ships with this stuff already. You don't need sails-generate-frontend. Its is already inside a standard sails app.

Grails Asset Pipeline: URLs within static assets

In Grails Asset Pipeline, I am serving HTML, js, CSS, and image files.
In an HTML asset, if I need to supply a src for an image, how should I write that URL to take into account:
that assets might be served from a different base URL, as specified by grails.assets.url
that assets might be served from the Grails server (in dev mode), but under a potentially variable app context
I can think of the following solutions:
always use relative paths between assets.
The problem with this is that if I ever move an asset, then all of its relative links must change.
Another possible issue would be that, if I somehow made Asset Pipeline route proprietary assets to my own static server, and thrid-party assets to public CDNs (e.g., https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs for angularjs, jquery, etc.), then any static relative URLs wouldn't work.
I assume that I shouldn't ever directly reference js and/or css files outside of Asset Pipeline manifests, so, unless that's wrong, then this problem shouldn't occur for those file types, but, if there's a CDN for common images (does such a thing exist?), then static relative URLs in html files wouldn't work in img src attributes.
angularjs & a javascript variable set via a gsp
Use angularjs in the html file to read a javascript variable that contains the base URL. Set the base URL in a gsp that is referenced by every page.
The problems with this are:
that a separate request for the gsp is necessary (though it should be able to be cached for a long time). Is it possible to compile a gsp at build-time into a js file, and copy the result as an asset, so that it could be included in the Asset Pipeline static bundle rather than served from my Grails server?
that browser cycles are used processing the angularjs code
that certain third-party javascript libraries don't play well with angularjs, so it might be complex to get them working with this setup
from what I know, url() calls in css would still have to be relative, since angularjs wouldn't be able to influence them. Maybe I could use one of the css wrapper languages, like less, but this option is getting much more complicated than option 1...
Are there any other viable options?
Are there any other cons and/or gotchas to either option that I've mentioned above?
I'm using the current version of Asset Pipeline (2.2.5), and the latest version of Grails 2.x (2.5.0).

Sails.js and Angular.js project structure and configuration for non-SPA case

I am starting a side-project based in Sails to try it. Most of the pages are server-side rendered via EJS and don't require javascript on the front-end (my landing page doesn't, my "about" page certainly doesn't etc). However, I have a few pages that have quite a lot client-side functionality and I want to use Angular, because I am mostly familiar with that framework. The routing to these pages is again handled in the server and there's really no meaning in bundling them as a SPA.
So I am trying to wrap my mind around these concerns:
Where to place the Angular app's scripts?
Is /assets/js/dependencies still the proper place? Wouldn't placing them there make the Grunt task inject them in layout.ejs and thus in every page?
How to conditionally load the Angular base and it's components (controllers, services, etc)?
Sails uses views/layout.ejs as a base layout for loading project-wide styles, templates and scripts. Each page's controller handles injecting the body part into this layout according to the view "partial" that has been developed for that page. Is this view "partial" .ejs file the appropriate place to conditionally load the Angular app files in only the pages that require them?
How to add min/conctact/uglify of Angular' script sources in Grunt tasking?
All the Angular related files will need to be concatenated, minified/uglified for production. This will need to be a new js concatenated file to be loaded in appropriate pages apart from the "generic" js file that currently Sails tasks create and is loaded in every page. So we're essentially talking about two concatenated js files for the client side. One that is globally loaded, and the Angular one that only the pages that need it load. Which parts of the build/tasking procedure will require modifications? Some examples or resources to check would be highly useful here.
Where to place the Angular app's scripts?
Is /assets/js/dependencies still the proper place?
No, just put your angular.min.js in your dependencies folder, but not your Angular app's script. You need to put all you Angular app in the assets/js folder ( or in a sub-folder, but not in dependencies )
To be sure that each file of your app will be loaded in the right order (for example you need to load first the Js file which inject your angular app's dependencies), you can modify the tasks/pipeline.js file, and specify the order you want : You need to modify the jsFilesToInject array which contains all the Js files to load in the right order.
For example for your project :
var jsFilesToInject = [
// Load sails.io before everything else
// loading angularJS
// all the rest in dependencies
// loading first AngularModule definition
// all the rest of the angular application
For your other question I think you need to look at the tasks/config/sails-linker.js file, that inject all the Js scripts in the <!--SCRIPTS--> tags in your HTML code.
I hope that it will help you and that I'm not too late !

Change Angularjs existing backend to Play 2

I have a fully developed Angularjs frontend app (with the routes and everything set up) and would like to change the current backend to a Play 2 Java. What is the best approach to display the existing html files from Angular in Play? I have found a few examples of how to connect the routes, but I would rater not create an index.scala.html file as I would like to have the two frameworks separated as much as possible and having Play only working as backend.
If you don't want to dynamically generate views from Play using Twirl and you just want to serve your HTML static files publishing them as assets is the way to go. By default assets are designed to provide resource like CSS or JS files but nothing prevents you from serving ordinary HTML views as well.
Simply put your index.html in the public directory and modify the conf/routes files so it can handle all requests:
GET /*file controllers.Assets.at(path="/public", file)
This way your index.html will be accessible at www.yourdomain.com/index.html. Remember to put this line as the last mapping in the file as it matches all possible URLs. Other services should be declared above it.
