Fetch the max column count present in a file using batch (.BAT) programming - batch-file

I have a test.csv file which has data something like this.
I want to fetch the maximum number of columns in this file (i,e 6 in this case) and then store this in a variable.
I'm aware that this can be acheived in scripting as I have some basic knowledge about scripting. But I have zero programming knowledge in .BAT.
Please help me regarding this

#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set variable=0
for /F "delims=" %%a in (test.csv) do (
set count=0
for %%b in (%%a) do set /A count=+1
if !count! gtr !variable! set variable=!count!
echo Variable=%variable%
This solution use the fact that strings enclosed in quotes in a FOR set are treated as individual items, so count they is very easy. For this reason, this method fail if there are wild-card characters ("*" or "?") in the lines.

If comma is your delimiter, maybe you could try to count the number of commas in every line and remember the biggest one (and increase it by one). (I assume, that commas are not in the strings)
count instances of a character in file per line : https://stackoverflow.com/a/7988661/2282321
I came up with following solution, please try it (assuming input file name with data to be 'a.txt'):
#echo off
set biggest_len=0
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in (a.txt) do call :processline %%a
echo %biggest_len%
goto :eof
set len=0
for %%b in (%*) do set /A len+=1
if %len% gtr %biggest_len% set /A biggest_len=len
goto :eof
sources I used to create solution:
Batch Script - Count instances of a character in a file
If greater than batch files
batch script - read line by line

SET /a maxcols=0
SET /a mincols=999999
FOR /f "delims=" %%a IN (q28540735.txt) DO SET /a total=0&CALL :count %%a
ECHO maximum columns=%maxcols%
ECHO minimum columns=%mincols%
SET "$1=%~1"
IF DEFINED $1 SET /a total+=1&shift&GOTO count
IF %total% gtr %maxcols% SET /a maxcols=total
IF %total% lss %mincols% SET /a mincols=total
I used a file named q28540735.txt containing your data for my testing.
Each line is presented to the subroutine count as comma-separated parameters, so if you set the total found to zero before each call, then it's a simple matter of counting the parameters. If the parameter presented is enclosed in quotes, then any commas and spaces within the quotes are processed as being part of the token, not separators in their own right.


Formatting generated numbers in a .bat file

Forgive me if there is a simple answer to this, I'm new to all of this.
The below .bat script generates a list of numbers depending on how many numbers you want.
However what I would like is to format the numbers it generate.
For example, if I input 20, instead of it coming out 1, 2, 3 etc. I would like it to come out as 001, 002... 020.
Is this possible? Am I missing something obvious?
Many Thanks.
#echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions
set /p loopcount= How Many Users?:
set "x="0"
set /a "x+=1"
echo %x%
set /a loopcount=loopcount-1
if %loopcount%==0 goto exitloop
goto loop
goto start
just implementing SomethingDark's suggestion (and a minor change in the logic of the loop):
set /p "loopcount= How Many Users?: "
set "x=1000"
set /a x+=1
echo %x:~-3%
set /a loopcount-=1
if %loopcount% gtr 0 goto :loop
echo loop finished.
(btw: your set "x="0" has a quote too much (probably a typo)
Here's a quick example batch file which uses powershell for your leading zeroes.
I have used a for loop as the looping mechanism.
#Echo Off
SetLocal EnableExtensions
Set "num=1"
Set /P "num=how many users?"
Set num | findstr.exe /RX "^num=[123456789][0123456789]*$" 1>NUL || GoTo AskNum
For /F %%G In ('powershell.exe "1..%num% | %% ToString User000"') Do Echo %%G
This script will not continue unless the end user inputs an integer, without a leading 0, and which is a minimum value of 1. Here you can modify the Echo command in Do to an alternative, for example net.exe User %%G /Add, or if you wish, to a parenthesized sequence of commands. In each case %%G will contain the returned string with the incremented three digits.This version prepends each three digit number sequence with an additional string, (User), but that can simply be deleted or replaced if/as required.
SETLOCAL enabledelayedexpansion
SET /p "lastnum= How many numbers? "
SET /a lastnum+=1000
FOR /L %%e IN (1001,1,%lastnum%) DO SET /a num=%%e&ECHO !num:~-3!
No need for complication

escaping "!" in a for-loop with delayed variable expansion

I need to escape "!" (and other special chars) in a for-loop where delayed variable expansion is enabled
I've tried manually escaping the loop-varible with string substitution ^^! in the loop-variable, %%a but with no luck at all. Is it already too late after the for has read them? If so, how the heck can I even accomplish this?
Below is a short function. The only relevant part here is the for-loop and the echo statement. That is printing out whole lines from a file every X'th line, and those lines are file-paths. They (sometimes) contain characters like "!" and other troublesome special characters. I just want echo here to pass it without interpreting it at all - but instead it ends up deleting my "!" chars.
For my use they need to be exactly correct or they are useless as they must correlate to actual files later on in what I use them for.
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
if [%3] == [] goto :SplitListUsage
set inputfile=%~1
set outputfile=%~2
set splitnumber=%~3
set skipLines=0
set skipLines=%~4
if %skipLines% GTR 0 (
set skip=skip=%skipLines%
) else (
set skip=
#echo off > %outputfile%
set lineNumber=0
for /f "tokens=* %skip% delims= " %%a in (%inputfile%) do (
set /a modulo="!lineNumber! %% !splitnumber!"
if "!modulo!" equ "0" (
echo %%a >> !outputfile!
set /a lineNumber+=1
exit /B 0
Quick solution:
if !modulo! equ 0 (
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
(echo %%a)>> "%outputfile%"
Better solution:
Based on your code sample, there is no need to have delayed expansion enabled for the entire code,in fact you should keep it disabled to not mess with the file names or input strings which may contain !, and enabled it when necessary:
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
REM Rest of the code...
for /f "tokens=* %skip% delims= " %%a in (%inputfile%) do (
set /a "modulo=lineNumber %% splitnumber"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for %%m in (!modulo!) do (
REM %%m is now have the value of modulo
if %%m equ 0 (
(echo %%a)>> "%outputfile%"
set /a lineNumber+=1
Side notes:
There are some other issues with your code which as you might have noticed, some of them are corrected in the above solutions. But to not distract you from main issue you had, I covered them here separately.
There is also room for improving the performance of the code when writing to the outputfile.
Here is the re-written code which covers the rest:
#echo off
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
if "%~3"=="" goto :SplitListUsage
set "inputfile=%~1"
set "outputfile=%~2"
set "splitnumber=%~3"
set "skipLines=0"
set /a "skipLines=%~4 + 0" 2>nul
if %skipLines% GTR 0 (
set "skip=skip=%skipLines%"
) else (
set "skip="
set "lineNumber=0"
for /f "usebackq tokens=* %skip% delims= " %%a in ("%inputfile%") do (
set /a "modulo=lineNumber %% splitnumber"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for %%m in (!modulo!) do (
REM %%m is now have the value of modulo
if %%m equ 0 echo(%%a
set /a lineNumber+=1
You didn't protect the variable assignments with double qoutes " e.g. set inputfile=%~1. If the now naked batch parameter %~1 contains spaces or special characters like & your batch files fails, either fatally with a syntax error or at execution time with incorrect data. The recommended syntax is to use set "var=value" which does not assign the quotes to the variable value but provides protection against special characters. It also protects the assignment against the accidental trailing spaces.
The %inputfile% may contain special characters or spaces, so it should be protected by double quoting it when using in the FOR /F's IN clause. When double quoting the file name in FOR /F the usebackq parameter must also be used.
With SET /A there is no need to expand the variable values: set /a modulo="!lineNumber! %% !splitnumber!". The variable names can be used directly, and it will work correctly with or without delayed expansion.
Using (echo %%a) >> "%outputfile%" inside a FOR loop introduces a severe performance penalty specially with a large number of iterations, because at each iteration the output file will be opened, written to and then closed. To improve the performance The whole FOR loop can redirected once. Any new data will be appended to the already opened file.
The odd looking echo( is to protect against the empty variable values, or when the variable value is /?. Using echo %%a may print the `ECHO is on/off' message if the variable is empty or may print the echo usage help.
In the main solutions, The reason I've used (echo %%a)>> "%outputfile%" instead of echo %%a >> "%outputfile%" is to prevent outputting the extra space between %%a and >>. Now you know the reason for using echo(, it is easy to understand the safer alternative: (echo(%%a)>> "%outputfile%"

How to set and use global array variable in Batch file

Here is my code for storing the words extracted from a log file into an array, which I want to use in the batch file later on.
#echo off
set /a i=0
REM I want to save the words from newlog.txt into an array for later use in batch file.
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
FOR /F "tokens=1,2,3 delims= " %%G IN (newlog.txt) DO ( set a[%i%]=%%H
& set /a i+=1 #echo !a[%i%]! )
#echo %i%
#echo a[%i%]
I just want to use them as global variables.
#echo off
set /a i=0
REM I want to save the words from newlog.txt into an array for later use in batch file.
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
FOR /F "tokens=1,2,3 delims= " %%G IN (q48428047.txt) DO (
set a[!i!]=%%H&set /a i+=1)
SET a[
I used a file named q48428047.txt containing some dummy data for my testing.
Note that %i% will be replaced by the value of i *as it was when the *forwas encountered that is, 0.
Your second set within your parentheses is incorrect. It's missing the & before the #echo. Also, you appear to be attempting to increment i and then show the corresponding array entry, which makes no sense because you haven't yet stored anything in that array-entry, you've attempted to install it in the previous position. It won't work anyway, because %i% will be replaced by 0, not the varying value of i.
And whereas you may get the count-of-lines appearing on the screen, a[numlines] will not be defined.
Use pause to stop the batch for perusal. Preferably, run the command from the prompt, not by clicking.
The modified code reads each line of the file putting the first word in %%G, second in %%H and third in %%I. it then assigns %%H to a[currentlinenumber] and increments the line number in i.
The set a[ will display all environment variables whose names start with a[.
In addition to the answer already provided, if you really have a need to Echo each variable value immediately after it is Set then you would need to invoke a Call command:
#Echo Off
Rem Undefine any existing variables which begin with a[
For /F "Delims==" %%A In ('"(Set a[) 2>Nul"') Do Set "%%A="
Set "i=0"
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
For /F "UseBackQ Tokens=2 Delims= " %%A In ("newlog.txt") Do (
Set "a[!i!]=%%A"
Call Echo "%%a[!i!]%%"
Set /A i+=1
If %i% GEq 1 Echo(&Echo %i% variables were defined&Echo(
(Set a[) 2>Nul
Timeout 200

Batch File Count all occurrences of a character within a string

I have a version number and I would like to know how many entries there are split by a period.
My last piece of code was;
for /F "tokens=1-10 delims=." %%a in ("") do (
set /a "iCount+=1"
echo %%a, !iCount!
I've tried a host of 'For' commands but seem to be getting further away each time.
replace every dot with a space (as a delimiter). Then count number of tokens:
#echo off
set "string="
set count=0
for %%a in (%string:.= %) do set /a count+=1
echo %count%
(May give false results, if there are other spaces, commas or tabs in the string, but should work nice for your example of version strings containing only numbers and dots)
echo off
set "string=1>7.0 9.0&1.04.0!3"
set count=0
set "oldstring=%string%"
set "string=%string:*.=%"
set /a count+=1
if not "%string%" == "%oldstring%" goto :again
echo %count%
For the sample string you provided, Stephan's approach is perfectly sufficient.
However, if the string contains token separators (white-spaces, ,, ;, =), quotation marks ("), wild-cards (*, ?) or other special characters (^, &, (, ), >, <, |) it might probably fail. You could of course replace most of such characters by others in advance, and use delayed expansion rather than immediate one, but this still does not resolve all issues (for instance, you cannot replace all = or * characters due to the sub-string replacement syntax).
The following approach however can deal with every arbitrary combination of all such characters. Basically it replaces every period (.) with a new-line (line-feed) character and lets find /C /V "" count the total number of lines.
#echo off
set "string="
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
if defined string (set ^"strtmp=!string:.=^
%= empty string =%
!^") else set "strtmp="
for /F %%C in ('cmd /V /C echo(^^!strtmp^^!^| find /C /V ""') do set /A "count=%%C-1"
echo "!string!" contains %count% periods.
The periods become replaced by line-feeds in advance, using delayed expansion in order not to fail if any special characters occur. The for /F loop executes the command line cmd /V /C echo(^^!string^^!| find /C /V "" and captures its output in a variable, reduced by one as find /C /V "" actually returns the number of lines, which are separated by one less line-feeds (hence periods), originally. The double-escaped exclamation marks ^^! are needed in order to ensure that the variable strtmp is actually expanded within the explicitly invoked inner-most cmd instance, because otherwise, the contained multi-line string is not correctly transported into the pipe (|).
A different approach comparing strLen before and after replacing the dots with nothing.
#Echo off&SetLocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion
set "string="
set "str2=%string:.=%"
call :strlen string ret
call :strlen str2 ret2
Set /A "Dots=ret-ret2"
echo Number of dots in %string% is %Dots%
goto :Eof
:strLen string len
:$source http://www.dostips.com/?t=Function.strLen
set "str=A!%~1!"
set "len=0"
for /L %%A in (12,-1,0) do (set /a "len|=1<<%%A"
for %%B in (!len!) do if "!str:~%%B,1!"=="" set /a "len&=~1<<%%A")
ENDLOCAL&IF "%~2" NEQ "" SET /a %~2=%len%
Test with strings from comments:
Pass: set "string=Tim says:"There is a cat and a dog""
Fail: set "string=1>7.0% 9.0&1.04.%0!3"
Pass: set "string=Tim says:"There is a cat. And a dog""

Windows Batch: Loop through to echo a set of variables

I have a batch file that contains the code below which assigns a variable for each line in a text file.
So the text file might have:
The batch file sets each line in the text file to var1, var2, var3 with the following code:
#echo off
set vidx=0
for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (sites.txt) do (
SET /A vidx=!vidx! + 1
set var!vidx!=%%A
I need a method to echo all the defined variables. The number of variables will always change. So it might go up to var8 or var10 etc...
I'm pretty certain a for loop would do the trick but not sure what the best approach or how to do it? I was thinking of using vidx as the number of iterations? Thanks for your help!
Very Easy
#echo off
set count=0
for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (sites.txt) do (
SET /A count+= 1
set var!count!=%%A
Rem //:Notice That %count% still stores the last variable, use this in a "for /l" loop:
for /l %%a in (1,1,%count%) do (
Rem Below line is optional and displays variable number
<nul set /p="Variable %%a: "
Echo !var%%a!
That should work fine as long as none of the data contains parenthesis, in which case you'll have to escape them.
Type for /? for help on this. Ask If you want an explanation.
set var|findstr /R "var[0-9]*="
May be the shortest way....
