Why is controller reloaded with each navigation - angularjs

I'm trying to create a settings page, which updates some data on the server, and upon success, updates the scope model.
The problem is that with each navigation the controller function executes, thus overriding the changes with some init values.
Is there a way to avoid this re-loading with each navigation?
alternativaley, is there a technique to retain state of data within Angular's tool set?

It's a feature of controllers. What you're looking for is an Angular service.
You should use controllers to manage (ephemeral) UI state; for retaining "business logic" state on the client, services are more suitable.


AngularJS, best practice for data flow between shopping cart and list of products

in my AngularJS app a have 2 controllers: first for list of products and second for shooping cart. What is the best way to resolve data flow when product is added form list of products to shooping cart or removed from shopping cart and status of it changed on a product list item. Whether to send the product which is added/removed during a given event by service to another controller and modify scope in it. Or better to work on one scope for two controllers and update it by service. Or is there a better method?
I would recommend using service as a medium for communication between controllers. The service would ensure that the state of the data remains intact. Hoping that you are using a separate scope for each controller, the optimal way would be using a service to update the data in the scope.
Another way I would suggest is to use some store (Flux pattern), since you are heavily depending on data present in your scope. The implementation might be a bit hard as you are using Angular 1.x but it is worth the effort.
PS: would also recommend using a view model instead of using scope directly in your controllers and refraining from using global scope.

"Synchronise" loading of components in a page

I have an Ionic 1.3 mobile application in which I am using Angular 1.5. Each page is comprised of one or more Angular components and each one of these components may in turn contain other components, thus creating a component tree within the page.
The problem I have is that some of these components might require data from the server, which are loaded in the component's $onInit function. Since this data is retrieved asynchronously (and there might be delays) the result is for the components to appear one after the other in the page (depending on when each one manages to initialise) which doesn't make for a very "native" mobile experience. What I would like to do is find a way to know when all components have finished loading so that I can display the page only after it is really ready (all components are fully rendered).
My original idea was to "register" each component with a service when its controller initialises and then notify the service that the component is ready once the data is loaded. The service can then be responsible for showing the page when all components are ready. My problem with doing this is that components seem to initialise sequentially (ie. component1's controller initialises and then $onInit executes, then component2's controller initialises and $onInit executes, etc.) which means that my service can't really know how many components it is waiting for. Not only that, but also a component's children controllers initialise and their $onInit methods execute after the parent component has finished initialising, which means that the component also can't keep track of whether its children have initialised or not.
An alternative would be to hard-code the number of components somewhere in the page and pass it to the service through the page controller so that it knows how many components to wait for without the components needing to register themselves, but ideally I would like something a bit more maintainable (ie. something that doesn't require me to keep track of components and keep this number up to date myself).
Can anyone think of any other way I can keep track of when my page is ready using either Angular or Ionic? Ideally it would be something that can also be ported to Angular2 / Ionic2 since I expect the app to get upgraded at some point, but any suggestion is welcome.
You can try to use resolve in ui.router or ngRoute:
angular.module('app', ['ui.router'])
.config(['$stateProvider', function($stateProvider) {
$stateProvider.state('mainstate', {
url: 'your-url'
,templateUrl: 'yout_template.html'
,controller: 'YourController'
,resolve: {
yourFirstData: ['serviceDeps', function(serviceDeps){
return serviceDeps.getFirstData();
,yourSecondData: ['serviceDeps', 'yourFistData', function(serviceDeps, yourSecondData){
return serviceDeps.getSecondData(yourFirstData);
The resolve will get the data and resolve promises before loading controller.
This is an ideia.

Angular app lifetime in a browser

I tried to google the following question, but nothing came up (which is super weird I need to).
What is an Agular app lifetime in a browser?
Or to rephrase when a user opens an Angular website, the app instances in the browser and stays live until the user leaves the website or closes the browser or?
On the separate note is it better to use a service for holding global variables (e.g. logged user name) or $rootScope?
What is an Agular app lifetime in a browser?
The angular app persists while that particular tab/site is open. If you navigate away from it and then back to it, for all intents and purposes, that's a fresh instance of the application. You could mimic a persistent session but that would entail a custom implementation on your part.
Here is a post on preserving data on a refresh of the application that you might be interested in - AngualrJS: sustaining data on html refresh
On the separate note is it better to use a service for holding global variables (e.g. logged user name) or $rootScope?
This is well documented and you can find myriad sources both here on SO as well as the internet, but it's better to use an angular service to share data among various controllers. It's not recommended that you pollute the $rootScope if you can avoid it.
Here is the same question asked on SO with solutions:
angular set a variable accessible to any scope
How to use variables from a controller in another controller in AngularJS
If you use angular's routing or another way to load views that doesn't reload a page, then an angular application will stay active until you leave the page (closing or refreshing).
Every time you load a page through angular its controller's data is in its initial state so any modification to a controller's data will get lost when you change page (unless you persist it somewhere, that is)
Regarding your second question, the best way should be to get a user's data after every page change (to check if the user is still logged in. Saving a user's data client side without checking if it's still valid might be a security issue). But in any case, a service is a better way to store data than using rootScope

Persisting controller data while switching views in angular

I'm using angular with UI-router and whenever I switch to a different view and then return back to the original, the controller is re instantiated.
I know that I can save the state via a service and to repopulate it afterwards, but is there some sort of option in ui-router that allows me to not reinitialize the controller?
If you have one controller for multiple views then you can uses the nested state feature of ui-router to keep track of states. See the documentation here

Angular UI Router - How to preserve views while switching views

I am I new to Angular and UI Router.
Plunk http://plnkr.co/edit/1wfyrGryfGG5RtXozPFY?p=preview
Setup I have three top level application nav buttons Home, Projects, Help. They load different views home.html, projects.html and help.html using the Angular UI Router ui-view directive. This works good.
The Projects.html view has a tab bar with each tab corresponding to a project: D1, D2 D3 etc., I show the corresponding project tab using url router attributes.
Every time I click the Projects button it is reloading the tab bar completely. I loswe the current tab and hopefully if any nested views inside it. Basically the page contents of Project.html, invoking the controller as well.
I read through the wiki documents and couldnt figure out how to implement my required functionality. I am sure I am missing something. Will it always reload the view?
Question: How to avoid reloading the projects view contents so that I can retain the selected tab and all the contents as-is before switching to Home. Because I would have a lot of nested views and models on each project.
I wanted similar functionality too, but ui-router doesn't yet support it. I forked ui-router to support "parallel states" and submitted it to the project for comment. The gist of the conversation is that ui-router will eventually support some form of parallel states but not yet. In the meantime, you can try my fork of 0.2.10 which provides the parallel states that you want.
Read the conversation here: https://github.com/angular-ui/ui-router/issues/894
View the sample parallel tabs plunk here: http://plnkr.co/edit/YhQyPV?p=preview
Here is the fork; build it with grunt: https://github.com/christopherthielen/ui-router
One option would be to implement a service that can be used to maintain the previous state. Services persist over controller changes, thus they can be used to maintain the previous page state and updated when the route changes. something similar to this would work.
app.factory('persitDataService', [function(currentStateData){
var stateService = {
//your object data set to passed in data
//other functions here
return stateService
then in the controllers just inject the service and assign to a scope value. When the route changes just reset the data in service to new state and inject into new controller
This should work for the previous page state. If you are wanting to save the states of all previous pages then this becomes a larger problem but should be accomplished in much the same way only with a more complicated service setup.
This could also be combined with local and session storage
