Touch Events not working with Google Maps in Angular - angularjs

I am using Google Maps javascript API within an angular application. When using the app in Google Chrome on a regular desktop machine with a mouse, various navigation features (pan/zoom) work in the google maps part of the application just fine. However, when I try to use touch gestures on a windows 8.1 screen, the maps do not recognize any of the pan or zoom gestures. If I pinch to zoom, nothing happens. If I double tap on the screen like a mouse, then maps will zoom in. If I drag with a finger, the browser window handles the touch events instead of the maps div, so left and right navigates page history and up and down dragging scrolls the whole page instead of panning the maps.
As another experiment, I tried using google maps itself inside of Chrome, and it worked fine. So that means that it can be done somehow....
So, is it a viewport meta tag type of thing? Or does it have to do with sizing the map element? Or is it an angular thing and we need to do something with ngTouch somehow to allow the app to respond to touch events?
Update: the touch events do work on the same page on an iPad. I'm not sure what that says, but it's encouraging that at least it works on mobile safari. It seems that we need to communicate something to Angular to tell it to accept the touch events.
This issue was handled in the bug
and was solved in version 3.27 of Google Maps JavaScript API in December 2016.

Putting the following code before the google maps api script tag helps me. But, unfortunately, it continues to disable mouse events. Please, can we a find a solution for Google Maps API with both touch and mouse support?
This solution in place of setting the application boot flags of '--user-agent chrome' or '--user-agent safari'
navigator = navigator || {};
navigator.msMaxTouchPoints = navigator.msMaxTouchPoints || 2;
//navigator.maxTouchPoints = navigator.maxTouchPoints || 2;
//window.ontouchstart = window.ontouchstart || function() {console.log('this is touchstart!');};
Note that only the first two lines are used, the other two are commented out and were not required.
My inspiration for this solution is from: so thank you to Patrick and Robert.

This is in fact a Google Map bug #6425
The fun fact is that Google Map API is not serving the same content based on the User Agent. So, for some use case, the workaround is to spoof the User Agent, ether by :
Chrome Dev tool > Emulation > Model
a user agent spoofing extension
--user-agent chrome flag
Any android or iOS device will work, changing the default desktop google map app to a mobile like app. Drag and pinch will work again on this mobile like app.
After some testing, the minimal UA that switches to the mobile like app is "Chrome" or "AppleWebKit/537", but it sounds hazardous to use it, as it may very well change in the future.
For my purpose, chrome based kioks, this will do the trick until the bug is fixed.

I used the above solution and modified for it to work with a mouse as well
function MapTouch() {
return true == ("ontouchstart" in window || window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof DocumentTouch);
if (MapTouch() === true) {
navigator = navigator || {};
navigator.msMaxTouchPoints = navigator.msMaxTouchPoints || 2;

I had the same problem.
JJ Stiff's solution enabled the touch events.
Apparently if you also want the mouse to work, you have to add the following line:
navigator.msPointerEnabled = true;


Getting Google Apps Scripts to Run on Mobile

I'm trying to get a script that I've made for a google sheet to trigger when the sheet is opened (since I've found you can't trigger them manually through the mobile app). Somehow, I've managed to get half the script to work, while the other half does not. The script is intended for use on both desktop and mobile, and I want it to clear a predetermined set of cell ranges while also hiding a predetermined set of rows and columns (for formatting purposes). The script runs perfectly on desktop, but the clearRanges portion of the script doesn't run on mobile even though the hideRows/Columns portion of the script does. Any ideas on why this might be? The function I'm using can be seen below:
function onOpen() {
//Create custom menu options
.addItem("Clear Data", "clearRange")
.addItem("Submit", "sendEmailWithPdfAttach")
//Clear ranges
var source = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
//Hide rows/columns
var sheets = source.getSheets();
sheets.forEach(function (s, i) {
if (i == sheetNum) {
s.hideRows(45, 400);
s.hideColumns(10, 17);
} else {
The custom menu options are for desktop use and can be ignored. I will also say this is my first time really using Apps Script, and most of this code was taken from elsewhere and modified. If you guys have any clue as to what I can do, I'm all ears. Thanks
There is a simple solution to it, You can create a button on your main
spreadsheet and link it with the script!
Open the same sheet on your Mobile Google Chrome
On the extreme Right Top corner, click on the three dots. A drop-down
menu Opens
Select "View in Desktop Mode".
Notice, the button your Spreadsheet is now clickable, as the sheet
interprets the user to be logged on to a PC
Now, Just Click on the button and let the script do its magic
SpreadsheetApp.getUi() doesn't work on Google Sheets mobile apps. The alternative is to create Android add-ons for Google Sheets. Unfortunately at this time there isn't support for other mobile platform add-ons for Google Sheets.
Related Q&A
Stack Overflow
Executing Google Apps Script Functions from Mobile App
google speadsheet api onOpen does not work on mobile ios
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Add a script trigger to Google Sheet that will work in Android mobile app

Using the webBrowser control to show google map directions

I'm using google maps to show directions inside a web browser control, and suddenly my windows xp users are reporting there is no longer a line following the roads. Also, it draws a shaded shape on the map (showing a territory) and this no longer works. Did google change something? Can I still support this?

reCAPTCHA v2 with wpf webbrowser / frame control

reCAPTCHA has limitation on browser supports however it works on IE without adding any value in compatibility mode. I have been trying multiple things with WPF application which is displaying a webpage hosted inside a Frame (or Web Browser) control. That webpage has Google reCAPTCHA V2 (I'm not a robot). It works fine in all the browsers but inside WPF app it fails to display properly.
Based on following link we need to have specific browser support
I also made sure javascripts are enabled and working fine. Any suggestion?
I ran into this issue as well and the only thing I know how to make it work is go into the recaptcha admin console and slide the security preference to the easiest so the webBrowser control can do the image verification at the very least
Found out basically because the web browser control is IE 7 by default
Use latest version of Internet Explorer in the webbrowser control

What criteria does Facebook use to prevent displaying the send dialog on a mobile device?

With respect to webpages and webapps using Facebook's Javascript and Server side integration...
Facebook documentation notes that the send dialog is not supported on mobile devices, but they don't indicate how they make the determination that the dialog will not be shown or how we can find out.
This makes it difficult to display some alternate functionality in the right cases. For example the iphone is out, but the ipad will display the iframe version. The Nexus 7 with Chrome won't do the popup, but it doesn't have "mobile" in the user agent.
Does anybody know the criteria? ie. Regex on the user agent, or some certain feature detection?
Right now I am using browser sniffing :-(
function isMobile(string) {
return /mobile|android/i.test(string || navigator.userAgent);
Which, for instance, doesn't account for the fact that iPad Safari will display this dialog as an iFrame (but not the popup).

Silverlight Notification API in-browser

I'd like to use the Notification API to create toast notifications for a Silverlight app designed to run both in and out of the browser, but the NotificationWindow class is only available OOB.
Does there exist anything that can replicate the behaviour inside the app? My idea is to have a container in the bottom right of the screen overlaying all other content. Then, create a wrapper which detects OOB-mode, passing params to the Notification API if possible, or populating and showing my own container if not. Is there anything that does this available?
It seems strange that MS chose not to implement something like this, as has been pointed out before.
Displaying a notification in browser is simple. You just need to use a popup and make it appear in the right place. See the following post as an example.
Now the difference with that approach is that the notification will show inside the browser. In OOB it shows outside the window and it's visible even if the windows is minimized. Due to security reasons it's not possible to directly do this.
Out of interest, Chrome Applications like Tweetdeck and Gmail, are able to display notifications outside of the browser. I think this might be a possiblity, but not exactly a Silverlight and cross browser solution.
