The file <filename> cannot be opened because there are problems with the contents.In some cases - office-addins

I am copying any document to my office-addin 2010. It gives error for only in some unpredictable cases, when copy the contents of word document and open office-addin -
The file cannot be opened because there are problems with the contents. Details: Microsoft Office can't open this file because some parts are missing or invalid. Location: Part: /word/document.xml, line: 1, column: 0
It ask Do you want to recover the contents of the document?
Then open it in another document.

1) make a backup copy..
2) you can try "OPEN and REPAIR" from "FILE" menu ...
3) if not, you can open file with LIBRE-OFFICE or similar software... you may loose formatting ,but you will get contents at least..
4) if not, try -
5) if not, try google "Word repair software" (like yodot solution, staroffice or etc..)


How do I remove an Error.error file being created and cannot be deleted?

How do I delete/remove the "Error.error" file when the system says it is not there but it is?
The Error.error file was created somehow and I do not know why or how. However, the issue is the system has created this 0 byte file called "Error.error" and it cannot be deleted, even if I try a "permanent" delete command. It also will not allow me to delete any of the folder directory hierarchy in which is resides. When I do try create it, rename it, or create a physical file with the same name and extension, or try to delete this file directly or indirectly I receive the following error message:
"Could not find this item: This is no longer located in C:\maps\test. Verify the items location and try again." Then it list "Error.error" and its information. However, it is there visually.
Any thoughts or suggestions on how to remove or correct?
I had a very similar issue not too long ago where I had a file that was created by another program and whenever I tried to access or delete it, windows would give an error message like "...This is no longer located in...".
If you're having the same problem I was, here's how I got rid of the file. Start a command prompt. In the command prompt, enter a command like del "\\?\<full path to file>". So if your file name is "Error.error" and it is located in the folder "C:\maps\test", the command you would enter is
del "\\?\C:\maps\test\Error.error"
You can delete a folder that windows won't let you access in a similar way by changing the command from "del" to "rd /S".
If you don't know how to start a command prompt, simply click the start button and type "command". The start menu should offer an option named something like "Command Prompt - Desktop app". That's what you need to start.
I found a good explanation of what the "\\?\" means here.

Copy a file from network share system cannot find path specified

I have a seriously weird problem, and I suspect it has something to do with the length of the filename - but I cannot alter it (for now).
I'm trying to copy a file from a network share to the users local %temp% with a logon script. The reason for this, is that each user needs to have an individual copy of the file when opening it so that the next users doesn't get a "file is locked" message.
If I run the command manually in a CMD window, the file gets copied, but if I place it in a login.bat-file on the domains netlogon-folder and tries to run the bat-file, I get "The system cannot find the path specified."
This is the actually command:
COPY /Y "\\SERVER\Felles\Administrasjon\Customer KS-manual\Kvalitetshåndbok\2000 org. kart\2 0 B 01-14 Customer Name Arbeids-Prosess-flyt_NO.odg" %TEMP%\Kvalitetshaandbok.odg
So as I said - if I type that in CMD, the file gets copied. If I place it in \customer.local\NETLOGON\login.bat and run the BAT-file, I get "The system cannot find the path specified."
I also tried earlier to just open the file, and that only worked if I opened \customer.local\NETLOGON\shortcut.lnk and shortcut.lnk pointed to the UNC-path of the file. The problem is that I cannot copy a file using a shortcut.lnk AFAIK.
My main object is to have each user get a unique copy of the file and opened on logon.
Is the problem isolated to the length, or is there something else I miss out on?
Try "%TEMP%\Kvalitetshaandbok.odg" with the double quotes because the username can contain spaces etc, which trickles down to the %temp% path.
There are also non-latin characters in the path and the code page being used may need to be altered to match the character set.

Cannot delete view-private file

In a dynamic ClearCase view on Windows 7, I've got a file with size 0 and name myproject.prj.$$$. I cannot open, delete, rename or modify that file. I'd prefer to delete the file, but when trying to delete it:
Windows Explorer shows the error message “Invalid MS-DOS function”.
cmd.exe’s del: “Incorrect function”.
ClearCase Explorer simply does nothing.
I've created a file with the same name at a different location, and was able to edit and delete that file without any issues - so I guess the file name is not the issue. The file first showed up after the computer had crashed. I'd prefer not to delete and recreate the view.
What can I do to delete this file?
It looks similar to "Delete of view private file fails with error: Cannot find the specified file":
The view-private file has been moved or deleted from the view storage within the .s directory.
The view database is still aware of the file and is out of sync with the source container.
Note: The most common reason of this occurrence is due to Virus Scanning. The Virus Scanner is configured to either move a file suspected of a virus to quarantine or is configured to delete the file.
Solution 1
Remove and recreate the view.
Solution 2
If removal of the view is not an option, then synchronize the view database and the source container
The Example below is quite complete, but the OP Martin mentions in the comments:
It was not necessary to run the commands:
The mvfs log already contained the name of the missing file several times.
After creating an empty file at the "view storage container path", the file in the view could be deleted.
The view storage container 800011174be29f22Paul.txt of the file Paul.txt was deleted.
M:\niewandt_view5\rn-robin>mvfsstorage Paul.txt
This is the expected result although the file is not there anymore.
Now we flush the mvfs cache:
M:\niewandt_view5\rn-robin>mvfscache -f mnode
And run the mvfsstorage command again:
M:\niewandt_view5\rn-robin>mvfsstorage Paul.txt
mvfsstorage: Error: Paul.txt - can't fetch cleartext
Now we have a problem to identify which storage container is missing.
Trying to open the file gives:
Invalid Function.
If we try to delete the file, it is reporting:
Error deleting file or folder
Paul can not be deleted: Invalid MS-DOS function.
To find the view storage container path for that file you need to look in the mvfs log.
The mvfs log is showing:
{89 pid/tid 139400000cf0/883b7838eb6b63d0} cleartext lookup view=niewandt_view5 vob=\rn-robin dbid=0x80001117 - No such file or directory
{90 pid/tid 139400000cf0/883b7838eb6b63d0} cleartext pname= \Device\HarddiskVolume1\ccstg_c\views\niewandt_view5.vws\.s\00007\800011174be29f22Paul.txt
The "\Device\HarddiskVolume1" location can be found on the view properties 'advanced' tab, "Host path" in ClearCase Explorer
I faced this problem recently in windows environment.
(Caution : proceed if you are okay to delete local view-private
file which is corrupted and no data of that file can be retrieved)
My case was similar to above and was getting the following errors -
1. Windows Explorer shows the error message “Invalid MS-DOS function”.
2. cmd.exe’s del: “Incorrect function”.
I found mvfs log path by typing mvfslog in command prompt and that would output following details
Log priority: error
irpops mask: 0x00000000
vops mask: 0x00000000
vfsops mask: 0x00000000
xops mask: 0x00000000
traps mask: 0x00000000
Kernel logfile: "C:\mvfslogs\20191205.log"
Now open the log file from above path
So if you have got incorrect function recently, then that would be the last data logged as error in above log file.
Opening the log file and observe at the end of file, it reads something similar to below-
line #(last-1) - mvfs: Error: ....da..da..da...da... - No such file or directory
line #(last) - mvfs: Error: ....da...da...da...da... \your_container_location\..da..\..da..\..da..your_view_name.vws\.s\00037\800001765bf06476cc3080a
So that last word in above path(800001765bf06476cc3080a) is you actual file reference of your file in your_container_location. (Some times it might read as 800001765bf06476cc3080ayour_file_name.extension).
So now what is happening is
it is looking for your file reference 800001765bf06476cc3080a in
your_container_location path
but it is not found(As data is not synchronized between your local
view and your_container_location).
So now all is required is
Step 1-to create a file named as 800001765bf06476cc3080a (as per your file name) in \your_container_location\..da..\..da..\..da..your_view_name.vws\.s\00037
Step 2-refresh your local view.
Step 3-Delete the file.
Now that the file should be able to delete permanently. And you can reuse your view.

Clearcase issue while "add file to source control"

I am facing a following issue while adding a file to clearcase (UCM)
Rational ClearCase Explorer
Error adding 'M:\Myviename\Myvob\Myproj\Implementation\DataSource\Deployment\BOM\SupportFiles\Service.config' to source control.
Created branch "Tm6-Proj-Dev2" from M:\Myviename\Myvob\Myproj\Implementation\DataSource\Deployment\BOM\SupportFiles\Service.config' version "\main\0".
Type manager "text_file_delta" failed create_version operation.
I tried rebase and deleted and added the file again. But facing the same. Why this occured and how to solve it?
You will find all the know cases for this error message in this technote "Knowledge Collection: Type manager <text_file_delta> failed create_version operation"
Type manager size limitation - File too large
Text files that contain binary data - Contains a '\000'
Line exceeding 8000 bytes
Corrupt source container - not the highest on its branch
The main cause is a content incompatible with a text file (line too long, or binary content).
The OP Samselvaprabu adds:
Our IT guys used the following command "chtype Compressed_file".
After that it allowed to check-in.
As they did it in my collegue system, I was not able to ask what does this mean and how it solved the issue?
It does solve the issue (and it has nothing to do with UCM): since the text_manager doesn't recognized the content of the file as text (as illustrated, for instance, in this technote), you need to instruct ClearCase to treat it as binary content.
cleartool chtype compressed_file <filename>
Pro: it allows for checkin/checkouts
Cons: you won't be able to "compare with previous version" anymore.
You might need to instruct that compressed_file to be always copied over instead of merged (see "Clearcase UCM is trying to merge pdf files")
For certain set of files, you could also modify the magic file to automate that process: see "Check in to ClearCase fails".
Which type of view are you using ? Static(Snapshot) or Dynamic ?
check if file is already there on the main.
If the file is already there on main (which means file is Versioned file) then before editing you should check-out file and then after making changes you need to check in.
If you are using versioned file and you if made changes to this versioned file then it will be a hijacked file, (you will see red+green mark for on the file in clear case explorer).
Try out once.

Colon(:) and number in filename in Visio

I have done some search but nothing same up really.
I have got a visio file, and when I double click and open it up, it open 5 copies of the document in same window and names them as format of filename:1, filename:2 and so on. they seem identical.
any idea Why this happens?
thanks for the help.
All the windows are showing the same file. When this file was saved there were multiple windows open. This workspace is saved with the file. When you reopen the file the same views are opened. To stop this close all but one window and then save the file.
