Windows Phone 8.1 Silverlight Secondary Tile isostore error - silverlight

I'm trying to render a UserControl as an image, and then assign it to a secondary tile and pin it. The resulting URI is
However, I get the following error:
ExceptionObject = {System.ArgumentException: Value does not fall within the expected range.
Windows.UI.StartScreen.SecondaryTileVisualElements.put_Square150x150Logo(Uri value)
at NestWP.ActionTiles.d__1.MoveNext()
I have this piece of code
var customTile = new ActionTileControl();
customTile.Measure(new Size(150, 150));
customTile.Arrange(new Rect(0, 0, 150, 150));
var bmp = new WriteableBitmap(150, 150);
bmp.Render(customTile, null);
const string filename = "/Shared/ShellContent/CustomTile.jpg";
using (var isf = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication())
if (!isf.DirectoryExists("/CustomLiveTiles"))
using (var stream = isf.OpenFile(filename, System.IO.FileMode.OpenOrCreate))
bmp.SaveJpeg(stream, 336, 366, 0, 100);
bool ex = isf.FileExists(filename);
ex = ex;
string urilink = "isostore:" + filename;
SecondaryTile secondaryTile = new SecondaryTile()
TileId = "tileid",
DisplayName = "title",
Arguments = "args"
//Error on the line below
secondaryTile.VisualElements.Square150x150Logo = new Uri(urilink, UriKind.Absolute);
secondaryTile.VisualElements.ShowNameOnSquare150x150Logo = false;
bool isPinned = await secondaryTile.RequestCreateAsync();
I checked FileExists and the bool returns true.
How can I get the image to be set as secondary tile?

Hi maybe this source will help you


WPF Canvas to word documents using OpenXML

I'm currently working on a project that requires importing the image drawn on a WPF Canvas (Mostly Geometries like lines and ellipses inside Path) into a Word Document. I'm using Openxml to do the job. Here's what I did
I convert read the content of the Canvas into a memory stream
I used the guide provided my Microsoft on how to insert image into Word files How to: Insert a picture into a word processing document (Open XML SDK)
Here's what I've got so far,
Canvas is converted into memory stream by the following piece of code
public static Stream CreateJPGStream(this Canvas canvas)
RenderTargetBitmap renderBitmap = new RenderTargetBitmap((int)canvas.ActualWidth, (int)canvas.ActualHeight, 96d, 96d, PixelFormats.Pbgra32);
canvas.Measure(new Size((int)canvas.ActualWidth, (int)canvas.ActualHeight));
canvas.Arrange(new Rect(new Size((int)canvas.ActualWidth, (int)canvas.ActualHeight)));
var stream = new MemoryStream();
var encoder = new JpgBitmapEncoder();
return stream;
I believe this was not the cause of the problem since I have been using this code for a while now and I haven't had any issues so far
Then I just modified code from Microsoft Guide
public static void InsertPicture(this WordprocessingDocument word, Stream stream)
MainDocumentPart mainPart = word.MainDocumentPart;
if (mainPart == null)
mainPart = word.AddMainDocumentPart();
mainPart.Document = new Document() { Body = new Body() };
ImagePart imagePart = mainPart.AddImagePart(ImagePartType.Jpeg);
AddImageToBody(word, mainPart.GetIdOfPart(imagePart));
private static void AddImageToBody(WordprocessingDocument wordDoc, string relationshipId)
var element =
new Drawing(
new DW.Inline(
new DW.Extent() { Cx = 990000L, Cy = 792000L },
new DW.EffectExtent()
LeftEdge = 0L,
TopEdge = 0L,
RightEdge = 0L,
BottomEdge = 0L
new DW.DocProperties()
Id = 1U,
Name = "Picture 1"
new DW.NonVisualGraphicFrameDrawingProperties(
new A.GraphicFrameLocks() { NoChangeAspect = true }),
new A.Graphic(
new A.GraphicData(
new PIC.Picture(
new PIC.NonVisualPictureProperties(
new PIC.NonVisualDrawingProperties()
Id = (UInt32Value)0U,
Name = "New Bitmap Image.jpg"
new PIC.NonVisualPictureDrawingProperties()),
new PIC.BlipFill(
new A.Blip(
new A.BlipExtensionList(
new A.BlipExtension()
Uri =
Embed = relationshipId,
CompressionState =
new A.Stretch(
new A.FillRectangle())),
new PIC.ShapeProperties(
new A.Transform2D(
new A.Offset() { X = 0L, Y = 0L },
new A.Extents() { Cx = 990000L, Cy = 792000L }),
new A.PresetGeometry(
new A.AdjustValueList()
{ Preset = A.ShapeTypeValues.Rectangle }))
{ Uri = "" })
DistanceFromTop = 0U,
DistanceFromBottom = 0U,
DistanceFromLeft = 0U,
DistanceFromRight = 0U,
EditId = "50D07946"
wordDoc.MainDocumentPart.Document.Body.AppendChild(new Paragraph(new Run(element)));
Now to join this two methods together
public void InsertPicture(Canvas c)
using (var word = OpenXmlHelper.Create(filePath))
var stream = c.CreateJPGStream();
But when I open the document, I get this
Am I doing something wrong with the memorysteam or on the openxml side? Can someone enlighten me please.
PS: I have looked at similar questions already like Inserting Image into DocX using OpenXML and setting the size
After writing to a stream, the stream's position will be at the end of the stream. You must rewind the stream to the beginning before you read from it.
stream.Position = 0;
stream.Seek(0, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);

MemoryStream throws System.ObjectDisposedException

I want to resize images for iOS so that I don't have to do it manually all the time. This should be done using WPF but it throws a ObjectDisposedException.
What it does is the user selects a csproj file and then an image which will be resized in 3 sizes. After resizing the file should be safed to disk but it throws an exception.
retrieving the bytes of the original BitmapImage
byte[] data = original.GetByteArray();
The used method:
public static byte[] GetByteArray(this BitmapImage bmi)
byte[] data;
PngBitmapEncoder encoder = new PngBitmapEncoder();
using (Sys.MemoryStream ms = new Sys.MemoryStream())
data = ms.ToArray();
return data;
the resizing:
private BitmapImage ResizeImage(byte[] imageData, double dheight, double dwidth)
int height = (int)dheight;
int width = (int)dwidth;
BitmapImage resizedImage = new BitmapImage();
using (Sys.MemoryStream ms = new Sys.MemoryStream(imageData))
resizedImage.CreateOptions = BitmapCreateOptions.IgnoreColorProfile;
resizedImage.CacheOption = BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad;
resizedImage.DecodePixelHeight = height;
resizedImage.DecodePixelWidth = width;
resizedImage.BeginInit(); // Needed only so we can call EndInit()
resizedImage.StreamSource = ms;
resizedImage.EndInit();// This does the actual loading and resizing
return resizedImage;
then the saving of the files:
public static void Save(this BitmapImage image, string filePath)
//PngBitmapEncoder encoder = new PngBitmapEncoder();
//using (var fileStream = new System.IO.FileStream(filePath, System.IO.FileMode.Create))
// encoder.Save(fileStream);
File.WriteAllBytes(filePath, image.GetByteArray());
how I used it:
var bmi512 = ResizeImage(data, 512, 512);
var bmi256 = ResizeImage(data, 256, 256);
var bmi128 = ResizeImage(data, 128, 128);
bmi512.Save(Sys.Path.Combine(imageFolderPath, String.Format("{0}512{1}", imageName, imageExt)));
bmi256.Save(Sys.Path.Combine(imageFolderPath, String.Format("{0}256{1}", imageName, imageExt)));
bmi128.Save(Sys.Path.Combine(imageFolderPath, String.Format("{0}128{1}", imageName, imageExt)));
it works for retrieving the byte[] of the original but when it try it for bmi512 I get the exception.
Thanks in advance
You have to call BeginInit before you set any of the BitmapImage's properties:
using (var ms = new MemoryStream(imageData))
resizedImage.CreateOptions = BitmapCreateOptions.IgnoreColorProfile;
resizedImage.CacheOption = BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad;
resizedImage.DecodePixelHeight = height;
resizedImage.DecodePixelWidth = width;
resizedImage.StreamSource = ms;

How to Open Files from MemoryStream in C#?

I have saved the files to database. These files may be of type Doc, PDF or Image. Now I'm trying to open these files from a DataGridView Cell_Click event using this code.
private void dgvDocuments_CellClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
if (e.ColumnIndex == dgvDocuments.Columns[0].Index)
int id =Convert.ToInt32(dgvDocuments.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[1].Value);
string query = "SELECT Photo FROM [dbo].[tblHR_Emloyee_Documents] WHERE ID = " + id;
public static MemoryStream databaseFileRead(string query)
MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();
using (var varConnection = new SqlConnection(Utility.Global_Connection.conn))
using (var sqlQuery = new SqlCommand(query, varConnection))
using (var sqlQueryResult = sqlQuery.ExecuteReader())
if (sqlQueryResult != null)
var blob = new Byte[(sqlQueryResult.GetBytes(0, 0, null, 0, int.MaxValue))];
sqlQueryResult.GetBytes(0, 0, blob, 0, blob.Length);
//using (var fs = new MemoryStream(memoryStream, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)) {
memoryStream.Write(blob, 0, blob.Length);
return memoryStream;
During debug it shows me no error. Values are correct. But It is not opening the files. Kindly guide me how can I do this?

Draw a Path programmatically

I'm learning drawing shapes in WPF. I want draw a Path programmatically, not through XAML. I don't know what can assign to Data property.
Path p = new Path();
p.Data = ???
Look at the sample in the MSDN:
//Add the Path Element
myPath = new Path();
myPath.Stroke = System.Windows.Media.Brushes.Black;
myPath.Fill = System.Windows.Media.Brushes.MediumSlateBlue;
myPath.StrokeThickness = 4;
myPath.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
myPath.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
EllipseGeometry myEllipseGeometry = new EllipseGeometry();
myEllipseGeometry.Center = new System.Windows.Point(50,50);
myEllipseGeometry.RadiusX = 25;
myEllipseGeometry.RadiusY = 25;
myPath.Data = myEllipseGeometry;
It is the line myPath.Data = myEllipseGeometry; that you are looking for. Just assign it a Geometry object.
Here's an example of something I was experimenting with:
using Windows.Foundation;
using Windows.UI;
using Windows.UI.Xaml;
using Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls;
using Windows.UI.Xaml.Shapes;
using Windows.UI.Xaml.Media;
using Windows.UI.Xaml.Data;
namespace GridNineExperiment
public class Hamburger : Button
static GeometryCollection DataHamburger = new GeometryCollection
new RectangleGeometry {Rect = new Rect{X = 0, Y = 0, Width = 20, Height = 5 }},
new RectangleGeometry {Rect = new Rect{X = 0, Y = 10, Width = 20, Height = 5 }},
new RectangleGeometry {Rect = new Rect{X = 0, Y = 20, Width = 20, Height = 5 }},
static Path PathHamburger = new Path
Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White),
Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black),
StrokeThickness = 1.0,
Data = new GeometryGroup { Children = DataHamburger }
public Hamburger()
Content = PathHamburger;

Windows phone 7.1 can I change font size on a shell tile?

I'm trying to display a tweet on the backside of a live tile, when I set it as BackContent it's way too big.... Is there any way to lower the font size?
Claus, Now i'm having trouble getting the tile to display and I can't get any info on why it's not working due to the nature of your ImageOpened call, I can't step through it with the debugger....
In my TileGenerator class, this works:
public static void GenerateTestTile(string strTweet, string strScreenName, string tileTitle)
// Define the tile's address. This is where you navigate, when the tile is clicked.
var address = "/MainPage.xaml?TileID=6";
// Check if a tile with the same address already exists
//var tile = ShellTile.ActiveTiles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.NavigationUri.ToString() == address);
var tile = ShellTile.ActiveTiles.First();
// Define our tile data.
var tileData = new StandardTileData
BackTitle = strScreenName,
BackContent = strTweet
// If the file already exists, update it.
if (tile != null)
// Otherwise, create a new tile.
ShellTile.Create(new Uri(address, UriKind.Relative), tileData);
But this doesn't (exact method taken from your example), it doesn't do anything to the tile at all...
public static void GenerateExampleTile(string timeOfDay, string temperature, Uri cloudImagePath, string tileTitle)
// Setup the font style for our tile.
var fontFamily = new FontFamily("Segoe WP");
var fontForeground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White);
var tileSize = new Size(173, 173);
// Create a background rectagle for a custom colour background.
var backgroundRectangle = new Rectangle();
backgroundRectangle.Width = tileSize.Width;
backgroundRectangle.Height = tileSize.Height;
backgroundRectangle.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Blue);
// Load our 'cloud' image.
var source = new BitmapImage(cloudImagePath);
source.CreateOptions = BitmapCreateOptions.None;
source.ImageOpened += (sender, e) => // This is important. The image can't be rendered before it's loaded.
// Create our image as a control, so it can be rendered to the WriteableBitmap.
var cloudImage = new Image();
cloudImage.Source = source;
cloudImage.Width = 100;
cloudImage.Height = 64;
// TextBlock for the time of the day.
TextBlock timeOfDayTextBlock = new TextBlock();
timeOfDayTextBlock.Text = timeOfDay;
timeOfDayTextBlock.FontSize = 20;
timeOfDayTextBlock.Foreground = fontForeground;
timeOfDayTextBlock.FontFamily = fontFamily;
// Temperature TextBlock.
TextBlock temperatureTextBlock = new TextBlock();
temperatureTextBlock.Text = temperature + '°';
temperatureTextBlock.FontSize = 30;
temperatureTextBlock.Foreground = fontForeground;
temperatureTextBlock.FontFamily = fontFamily;
// Define the filename for our tile. Take note that a tile image *must* be saved in /Shared/ShellContent
// or otherwise it won't display.
var tileImage = string.Format("/Shared/ShellContent/{0}.jpg", timeOfDay);
// Define the path to the isolatedstorage, so we can load our generated tile from there.
var isoStoreTileImage = string.Format("isostore:{0}", tileImage);
// Open the ISF store,
using (IsolatedStorageFile store = IsolatedStorageFile.GetUserStoreForApplication())
// Create our bitmap, in our selected dimension.
var bitmap = new WriteableBitmap((int)tileSize.Width, (int)tileSize.Height);
// Render our background. Remember the renders are in the same order as XAML,
// so whatever is rendered first, is rendered behind the next element.
bitmap.Render(backgroundRectangle, new TranslateTransform());
// Render our cloud image
bitmap.Render(cloudImage, new TranslateTransform()
X = 8, // Left margin offset.
Y = 54 // Top margin offset.
// Render the temperature text.
bitmap.Render(temperatureTextBlock, new TranslateTransform()
X = 124,
Y = 63
// Render the time of the day text.
bitmap.Render(timeOfDayTextBlock, new TranslateTransform()
X = 12,
Y = 6
// Create a stream to store our file in.
var stream = store.CreateFile(tileImage);
// Invalidate the bitmap to make it actually render.
// Save it to our stream.
bitmap.SaveJpeg(stream, 173, 173, 0, 100);
// Close the stream, and by that saving the file to the ISF.
// Define the tile's address. This is where you navigate, when the tile is clicked.
var address = "/MainPage.xaml?TileID=" + timeOfDay;
// Check if a tile with the same address already exists
var tile = ShellTile.ActiveTiles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.NavigationUri.ToString() == address);
// Define our tile data.
var tileData = new StandardTileData
BackgroundImage = new Uri(isoStoreTileImage, UriKind.Absolute),
Title = tileTitle,
// If the file already exists, update it.
if (tile != null)
// Otherwise, create a new tile.
ShellTile.Create(new Uri(address, UriKind.Relative), tileData);
Both methods are being called in this way....
public class ScheduledAgent : ScheduledTaskAgent
/// <summary>
/// Agent that runs a scheduled task
/// </summary>
/// <param name="task">
/// The invoked task
/// </param>
/// <remarks>
/// This method is called when a periodic or resource intensive task is invoked
/// </remarks>
protected override void OnInvoke(ScheduledTask task)
private void LoadWatchList()
if (HasConnectivity)
public void GetWatchListTweetsFromTwitter(int list_id)
WebClient wcWatchListTimeline = new WebClient();
wcWatchListTimeline.DownloadStringCompleted += new DownloadStringCompletedEventHandler(wcWatchListTimeline_DownloadStringCompleted);
wcWatchListTimeline.DownloadStringAsync(new System.Uri("" + list_id));
void wcWatchListTimeline_DownloadStringCompleted(object sender, DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs e)
String strTweet = "content";
String strScreenName = "title";
if (e.Error != null)
strScreenName = "error";
strTweet = e.Error.Message;
XElement tweet = XElement.Parse(e.Result);
Tweet thisTweet = GetTweet(tweet);
if (thisTweet != null)
strTweet = thisTweet.text;
strScreenName = thisTweet.screen_name;
string timeOfday = "morning";
string temperature = "99";
string location = "San Antonio";
Uri cloudImagePath = new Uri("Images/tweetEmpty.png", UriKind.Relative);
Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => TileGenerator.GenerateExampleTile(timeOfday, temperature, cloudImagePath, "mainTile"));
//Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => TileGenerator.GenerateTile(strTweet, strScreenName, "mainTile"));
protected Tweet GetTweet(XElement Xdata)
List<Tweet> listTweets = (from tweet in Xdata.Descendants("status")
select new Tweet
screen_name = tweet.Element("user").Element("screen_name").Value,
text = tweet.Element("text").Value
if (listTweets.Count > 0)
return listTweets[0];
return null;
Only by creating a custom image, and using that as the background for the tile.
Updated: How To: Live Tile with Scheduled Agent
