Avoid - ng-repeat to download the file each time in the loop - angularjs

I tried to find the answer for this question but couldn't find any.
I am using bs-popover and i am using the popover code inside an ng-repeat ,
<div ng-repeat="i in [1,2,3,4.....100]">
<a data-title="test popover" data-template="/test/test.html" bs-popover trigger="click" placement="left">Click Me for Test </a>
Problem is since the popover code is in ng-repeat , the file is getting downloaded in for 100 times (n times the loop executes) as seen in the networks tab of the browser
Is there any way to avoid this issue? Is it possible to load the file only on click?
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Perhaps instead of passing in the file in the markup you could do it via JavaScript. So something like:
<div ng-repeat="i in [1,2,3,4.....100]">
<a data-title="test popover" bs-popover ng-click="popover($event)">Click Me for Test </a>
And then from a controller
$scope.popover = function($event){
template: '/test/test.html',
placement: 'left'

you should force your html into the cache get it the first time through $hhtp and then put it in an instance of $cacheFactory.cache so the next $http calls to that url are served from there,


How to evaluate a template from a controller?

I've got this template:
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-12" ng-repeat="product in ad.products">
<a href="{{product.link}}">
<img src="{{product.src}}">
From my controller I need to evaluate this template so that it checks how many products that have been selected and then it interpolates each product's values into the template. After that is done I also need to remove the ng-repeat so it doesn't fire an error in the external pages that will use this where angular is not present. However I'd figure that I'd just use a regex to look up the ng-repeat and everything in the expression and then remove it.
I've been looking at $interpolate and $compile but I can't figure out how to work with them from my controller so that it does what I want. This is because when I use these on my template and then console log the template value it's a function with a whole lot of nonsense in it.
So doing this:
ad.html = $compile(res.data, $scope);
Generates something like this:
function(b,c,d){rb(b,"scope");e&&e.needsNewScope&&(b=b.$parent.$new());d=d||{};var h=d.parentBoundTranscludeFn,k=d.transcludeControllers;d=d.futureParentElement;h&&h.$$boundTransclude&&(h=h.$$boundTr…
Can someone shed some light on how to achieve what I want?
Your are using $compile function in wrong way, you should call $compile(html) function by passing $scope parameter like below.
var compiledDOM = $compile(res.data)($scope);//then do append this DOM to wherever you want
ad.html = compiledDOM.html(); //but this HTML would not make angular binding working.

AngularJS - One controller on two sibling DOM elements

I'm trying to do a very simple thing. I'm displaying a list of values with Edit links beside them. Clicking the edit link reveals a form that lets you update the value.
(I've simplified the question so the items just have one field "name". My actual use case has more fields, but is canonically equivalent.)
I've run into something that looks like a bug in Angular, but given my limited experience with it, I'm not so sure. Here's how I'm trying to do it:
<div ng-repeat-start="item in items" ng-controller="ItemCtrl as ctrl" ng-hide="ctrl.isEditing">
<span>Name: {{item.name}}.</span>
<a href='#' ng-click='ctrl.startEditing()'>Edit</a>
<div ng-repeat-end ng-show="ctrl.isEditing">
<input type='text' ng-model='item.name'/>
<a href='#' ng-click='ctrl.save()'>Save</a>
My controller looks like this:
app.controller('ItemController', function() {
this.isEditing = false;
this.startEditing = function() { this.isEditing = true; }
this.save = function() { this.isEditing = false; }
Clicking on Edit link calls the right controller function, and the first div hides. But the second div does not hide.
When I rearrange the code to look like this (essentially wrapping the two divs with a wrapper element), all is well.
<div ng-repeat="item in items" ng-controller="ItemCtrl as ctrl">
<div ng-hide="ctrl.isEditing">
<span>Name: {{item.name}}.</span>
<a href='#' ng-click='ctrl.startEditing()'>Edit</a>
<div ng-show="ctrl.isEditing">
<input type='text' ng-model='item.name'/>
<a href='#' ng-click='ctrl.save()'>Save</a>
Any idea what is technically wrong with the first version? Note that the <input> boxes do get populated with the right values from item.name.
PS: There's a reason why I'm trying to keep the two divs siblings: in my use case, they are actually implemented as two trs which are supposed to appear right below each other in a table.
It's not a bug from angular but it is quite logical.
<div ng-repeat-start="item in items" ng-controller="ItemCtrl as ctrl" ng-hide="ctrl.isEditing">
<span>Name: {{item.name}}.</span>
<a href='#' ng-click='ctrl.startEditing()'>Edit</a>
<div ng-repeat-end ng-show="ctrl.isEditing">
<input type='text' ng-model='item.name'/>
<a href='#' ng-click='ctrl.save()'>Save</a>
If you see the above code you have injected controller only to the first div so obviously sibling div doesn't know what is ctrl or ItemCtrl until and unless you do as in you second way.
So if you want to achieve it as sibling, if you are using routing then add the controller attribute in your route path.
So that the controller will be active for that entire template and you can achieve what you want.
Hope it helps.
Thats because controller has its own scope. When you placed controller ONLY on your first div controllers' scope is limited to only this one div. When you wrapped both your divs inside another and place controller on wrapper, controllers' scope now is all that inside this wrapper. So in this case this works fine and this is not the angular bug

How to add ngClick to an existing element

So I have some HTML that I do not control.
<div id="myDiv">
Stuff inside my div...
I want to add an ngClick to it. If I could control the html, I would just do this
<div id="myDiv" ng-click="doSomething()">
Stuff inside my div...
But like I said, I can't change the html. If this was jQuery, I would just do
How do I do this in Angularjs? Thanks.
Judging from the downvotes, it seems like you guys are not happy with what I am trying to do here, so let me explain.
I am using AngularUI in my app. AngularUI has all these templates that they insert. For example
<div class="panel-heading">
<h4 class="panel-title">
<a href="" class="accordion-toggle" ng-click="toggleOpen()" accordion-transclude="heading">
<span class="ng-binding ng-scope">Heading</span>
I want to add ngClick to "panel-title". I COULD overwrite the template and add it, but I don't want to do that. Coming from jQuery, it makes sense to just listen to a click event on "panel-title". How it is done Angular? Thanks.
You need to find the element, smth like: angular.element(//selector here); then add attribute you need(ng-click), .attr('ng-click', '//whatever should be here'), and then compile it with angular $compile.
But. I feel sad that you have to do this, I hope you'll find a possibility to change html.
Docs for compile

How to: Angular Tree?

Hi all you experts out there.
My testing area: http://plnkr.co/edit/ddJT1e4a8L5NTSIVNTk7
I am trying to visualize hierarchical data in a tree-form with Angular, even though i'm using some samples to aid me in my quest (like http://jsfiddle.net/alalonde/NZum5/ and http://jsfiddle.net/brendanowen/uXbn6/8/) i fail.
As soon as i place the recursive element ng-include inside the ng-repeat in side the template it self, the memory usage of its browser-window goes through the roof and effectively hangs the browser. But the available tree-sample i could find are doing just that.
What am i missing?
You need to use the same variable name in the template. The current node is called node in the controller then child in the template.
This cause the template to render the same node over again.
It works fine if you use the same variable name :
<li ng-repeat="node in node.children" ng-include="'node.html'"></li>
See it in action here : http://plnkr.co/edit/mjfdSEDcMK8kGCRjS6V6?p=preview
If anyone here wants to avoid having the extra ng-repeat outside of the template (where it kind of includes stuff from the template anyway), here's a fiddle showing how to do it:
Also here's a blog post and a 10-15 minutes video on how it works:
Sample Code:
<script type="text/ng-template" id="treeLevel.html">
<li ng-repeat="item in items">
<input type="checkbox"
ng-model="item._Selected" />
<div ng-include=" 'treeLevel.html'"
onload="items = item.children">
<div ng-include=" 'treeLevel.html' "
onload="items = sourceItems">

repeat inside dynamic popover - angularjs and ui-bootstrap

I'm trying to show the user a list of items inside of a popover that is all inside an ng-repeat. I'm using angularjs as well as the ui-bootstrap package (http://angular-ui.github.io/bootstrap/).
<div ng-repeat='session in sessions'>
<p popover="{{session.items}}">view items</p>
This will show the array session.items for each session, which contains the information I want to show. However, this shows the brackets of the array as well.
Does anyone know a clean way to do this?
any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance
From ui-bootstrap site you can read
uib-popover - Takes text only and will escape any HTML provided for the popover body.
So if you provide session.items you will get string '[my array content]'. In my opinion you need to use uib-popover-template where your template would be like
<div ng-repeat='session in sessions'>
<p uib-popover-template="'urlToMyTemplateHere'">view items</p>
------ Template
<div ng-repeat="item in session.items" ng-bind="item"></div>
uib-popover-template takes an url to the template so you have to create file for it to be fetched or try this approach ( I don't really like it but just for testing )
<div ng-repeat='session in sessions'>
<p uib-popover-template="'iamabadapproachtemplate.html'">view items</p>
<script type="text/ng-template" id="iamabadapproachtemplate.html">
<div ng-repeat="item in session.items" ng-bind="item"></div>
