How can i create a navigation panel in extjs - extjs

How can i create a navigation panel like the attached screenshot.
I checked in the sencha kitchen sink, there is no ext component that suits this. Is there a plugin available? if not how can this be done ?

I am not sure if this existed when you originally posted this question; however, a side navigation like this can be accomplished using a tree list using the property micro and some styling.
Modern Framework Example
Classic Framework Example
Someone in the comments asked, where they captured the image from. It's from the Angle template.


Need to build a drag drop form designer in browser - Is AngularJS the right framerwork for this kind of a requirement

My requirement is a build a web form designer in a browser - just like how Zoho Creator (or something similar to other browser based designer tools like, protoshare, gomockingbird, lucidcharts etc).
Have a tool box/palate on one side, a canvas and a properties box that always shows the properties of the selected control.
I definitely don't think that using JQuery and working with DOM elements will give a scalable solution like these (, lucidchart etc.). After numerous trials, I feel that AngularJS is the way to go, but it does not have native support for drag-drop and hence I want inputs from community members like you may have more experience with AngularJS on whether what I am setting out to do, is Angularjs the right framework to use for this kind of a solution?
See screens shots of tools like - something very similar to what I am setting out to build. Just that my palate will contain form controls like textbox, label etc which I will drag and drop on the canvas instead of the shapes that has.
Angular is fine. But the main idea of these kind of frameworks like Angular, Dojo, backbone is to structure your application with a specific designed pattern.Hence getting benefit from that pattern. And Angular will help you construct your app into MV* pattern. i may think what you need now is a graph library that support things with canvas , drag-drop , palettes, templates, overview, etc. Some may be useful are JointJS, MxGraph,Draw2D, Data-driven Documents, gojs, mindfusion.
Draw2D supports Angular as well. The lib has a boilerplate app whichs shows
how to use the draw2d stuff in combination with angluar.
The examples shows how to structure your app with Controller, Factories and two way
data binding.
I think you can use the draw2d boilderplate with any other DragDrop lib. It's just
a pattern how to integrate a third party lib into angular.
Angular has many hooks and pattern which supports any kind of lib

Off canvas with Foundation4

I have been working on Foundation 4 framework.I just want to know whether off canvas layout system is required for this version or not. As per my knowledge its not required because they have added mobile support with 'Mobile First' theme.
Please correct if i am wrong.
Off Canvas Layouts is not required for Foundation 4 because it was written for version 3. But while it was written for V3 it can work with F4. I know, and not only by opinion, but as a matter of fact, as I have played with it already and have a proto using F4 with off canvas layout specifically with the sliding panel similar to this.
For better UI in small devices Off Canvas Layout is awesome. Like if You hit a button and a panel slides in from the left (or depending on how you look at it, the main panel slides out of the way). You should really use it. And Of course, if you have downloaded the latest release from github repo or via website it is already come with Zurb Foundation 4.

Master - Detail Char in Sencha ExtJS 4.0

It is possible to have Master-Detail chart in HighCharts:
And this is very cool. Has anyone ever seen the same in Sencha ExtJS 4.0 or has an example of that?
It's not that difficult. Have a look at!/api/Ext.chart.Mask
In the first code chunk it explains how to get zooming functionality. With a bit of workaround you can get it to reset itself into the newly select zoom level.

How to reuse content with Sencha Touch

I want to build a mobile site in Sencha which showing HTML content on a tablet device, containing many objects/divisions/containers with similar layouts and properties.
Take this example window:
Is there a best practice or recommended way to achieve reusability and DRY for writing those containers in Sencha Touch 2?
What types of objects would you use? Does it make sense to use HTML div objects + CSS?
Also, does it make sense to use Sencha in this case?
Here is how you would achieve that layout using Sencha Touch:
Unfortunately it is pretty hard to explain, but hopefully it makes sense.
I've also created a very simple example of this layout, viewable here: (make sure you press Run).
As for which objects/components; they would all be Ext.Containers. Ideally you would use the MVC structure to create custom classes (which would extend Ext.Container) for each of these items.
This is definitely a great use case for Sencha Touch. It is great for creating rich applications like this.
Best approach to render the list of items in the Orange and Yellow containers is probably with a DataView.
Relying on itemTpl to draw each item as per the official documentation of the Ext.dataview.DataView component or using an item renderer, as per the dive into dataview article. (Note that the code in that article may not work as sencha as changed a lot between the different beta versions - #rdougan's associated demo on github may be more recent).
I did expand on the layout code contributed by #rdougan to add an example of how to implement the Reusable dataviews (gist).
That demo code also contains a quickly baked solution for data injection (applyStore and injectStore), so to make it possible to define an "OrangeContainer" once and only once and pass down different data for the "highlighted" and "list" versions of the views at the top and bottom of the screen, respectively. I have no idea whether this is a good or reliable way to do it. I would be interested in feedback on this.

Silverlight 4.0 Accordion Template

Is their a free template of accordion which behaves like Outlook? When the user adjusted its grid, the accordion item will form an images, stack horizontally?
There is an accordion in the Silverlight toolkit, but it's not quite "Outlook like".
You can customize it, but I found it a bit complex. there are some good examples in the Expression Gallery. eg.[0].Type=SearchText&f[0].Value=accordion&x=0&y=0
and I just found this that might help
