Dangers of allowing a db_datareader to run any query? - sql-server

On a certain site there is report system. The system is based on running SQL queries that are stored in the database. Those queries are executed through a db_datareader user. Generally those queries are written by the site admin. Assuming an attacker managed to get access to site admin account and can add any query he likes to the report system, are there any dangerous ones that he can execute as a db_datareader user? (By dangerous I mean things that can help the attacker gain control of the server or gain SA access to database.)
If there are such queries are there steps I can take to prevent the report db user (the one with db_datareader role) from executing them?

Users with the db_datareader role can only issue SELECT queries against tables and views in the database, and no other kinds of queries.
So while a malicious user might be able to view some data that you don't want him to see, he can not do anything that is dangerous by your definition.


Windows Authentication - Restrict SQL Server Backend Access

The Problem
Good Morning! I work on an application team that supports a few applications which utilize SQL Server for data storage. Recently, our Database Support team decided that SQL Authentication was no longer permissible (for security and logging reasons) and so my team was forced to convert all connections to Windows Authentication including several dedicated Service IDs that our applications had been utilizing for data retrieval.
First, let me say there most certainly are advantages to moving to Windows Authentication, I am not trying to dispute that. But this change has raised a huge problem for us... by switching our Service IDs to Windows Authentication we have now opened up our back-end databases to every internal business user with front-end application access.
MS Access is pushed out to every user desktop and a few superusers even have access to SSMS. At this point we are relying entirely on user ignorance to prevent internal users from accessing the back-end database directly. And given that certain roles have elevated DML rights, this presents a possibility for some nasty data consequences.
This new enterprise standard has left my team stuck between a rock and a hard place at this point so we looking for any database, account or architecture solution that would allow us to restrict user access to front-end only.
Has anyone else run into this problem? Is there an architectural solution we are missing that would allow us to eliminate SQL Authentication without exposing our databases?
Does anyone know of a way to restrict access to a SQL Server database to only certain connection methods? I'm wondering if there is a way to designate a specific ID (or role) as only allowing a connection through a front end (and eliminate ODBC connections entirely).
Does anyone have any clever workarounds?
A couple people brought up a good point about role access so I wanted to clarify our former and current solution... Previously, all role access was managed on the front-end and data retrieval was handled entirely by private system SQL Authenticated IDs to which end users had no visibility.
When we were forced to eliminate these SQL Auth IDs, we created a similar role-based setup on the back-end database as existed on the front end. Active Directory Groups were created to house different groups of users and these groups were assigned specific role privileges in the database. So currently access is limited by role as much as feasible.
The problem is that even the lowest privileged roles have INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE access to some tables (access which is normally controlled through code). So while we were able to mitigate risk somewhat by utilizing database roles, we still have areas where a user can bypass front end protections by logging directly into the database.
EDIT: Question clarification makes this answer obsolete, but leaving it for reference since some comments discuss it.
Assuming you mean that you have to (based on your architecture) allow access to the DB to each windows user account, one options is to use database roles.
You disable public access to your database, then define a set of database roles, depending on your use cases. Each role is granted permissions such that members of that role are able to manipulate the data they need and or work with the objects they need. Users are then mapped into the roles they require. When connecting to your database, the user will be granted permissions according to the roles they are members of.
For example, we have a role in one of our databases named MyAppUser (our name is actually related to the app which uses the db), which is designed for end users to read and insert data only. These can be created simply as follows:
The role is granted just the permissions it to the relevant schemas or tables (assume all our "public" tables are in dbo schema for now).
Each user who should have this public read-write access is then mapped into the relevant role.
This separates users and roles / permissions within your database and allows you to have a single point of entry to control who has access to what in your databases.
By having the "View Definition" permission denied by default (to end users), they won't be able to "explore" the database / view table definitions etc using access, or even SSMS.
NB: SSMS provides wizards for managing and viewing permissions and memberships which are very handy for getting things initially setup / tested / fiddled around with.

Install SSMS for power-users of business data? Why not?

Question: As a DBA/BI Developer, should we install SSMS on the PCs of power-users of business data? What are the risks with this approach?
Context: I love SSMS. It's ergonomically designed and enables not just the exploration and management of the SQL Server, but also the data within it (e.g. select/edit rows)
Our business users are not interested in the server, just the data. Some of them grasp the data models but are limited in what they can do with the data by the production system interfaces. We are initiating BI projects to improve data access in the medium-term.
In the short-term, a quick install of SSMS 2014, a Windows Authenticated Login and User with minimum required permissions, and some training would appear to satisfy some of our data management requirements. Some of the users can already write basic SQL.
You can do it but you cannot grant the users anything but very limited permissions. Do not grant the dbo privileges or even worse SA. Take the time to really lock down what they can do (except for select) and be very careful about what SQL server groups you put them in (if any).
Even on selects you should think about (i.e. don't do it) putting them in the db_datareader group which will allow them to read any table in the database. You can revoke permissions but you may forget to revoke read from at view they shouldn't see. I would grant them limited permissions and as they complain add, if appropriate, more permissions.

Can I execute entity framework queries as database roles?

I've done a piece of work using Entity Framework. However, my manager asked me to use Stored Procedures instead. He said at the moment, the database security structure in the company is built on database roles.
For example, we have a roleA which includes the AD users that will access the database, and roleA has only been given Execution rights to relavent Stored Procedures. If I use Entity Framework, queries will be run as the actual users instead of the database role, and therefore those users could potentially connect to the database directly and do something with it.
I'm not too familiar with the database security. Can anyone please explain whether what my manager said is valid?
If so, is there any workaround so that I can still use Entity Framework while not breaking the company's database security structure?(i.e. use role to execute the queries instead of actual AD users)
Database role is database level object. User account used to run your application must first log in to the server. Then the permissions for this account are evaluated based on database users or database roles. If your application account will be member of roleA it should have permissions "to access the database" but if the access means only that members of roleA can execute SP you can forget about any linq or ESQL queries because database security will simply not allow you calling them (it will throw security exception).
The only advantage of EF in such case is automatic mapping of SP's result set to entity / complex type / custom type. No linq-to-entities can be used and entities can be modified only through mapped stored procedures.

SQL Server 2008 data protection

I have a client-server application where a .NET client accesses all the data and stored procedures in a SQL Server 2008 database.
Is there any way to protect all this data so that only the users I create and authorize can access this specific database? Especially the user 'sa' comes to mind. I don't like him to access all my data.
You cannot prevent the system admin from accessing data, nor should you.
However, no one except the designated dba should have the password for the sa account. If sa doesn't have a password or if lots of people have the password, change that now. If the application accesses through sa, change that immediately.
Other than that way you can best limit access is remove access to all other accounts from the tables and views (including select access) and only allow exec access through the stored procs. That way anyone except the designated admin can only do waht the stored procs do and nothing else. You cannot do this however if you have used any dynamic sql either inthe application or the stored procs which is one reason why dynamic sql is a poor idea.
You can't block sa or another system administrator, as access to the full system is integral to their role.
You could try encrypting the data so it's meaningless outside your application, although it might complicate any future reporting needs.

SQL Server Authentication or Integrated Security?

We have some corporate intranet users using a WinForms app to work on a system with SQL server behind. Integrated Security is setup, allowing all users update and delete permissions, where application security limits how and where table updates take place.
However, some users are power users with SQL query tools at their disposal, and access the DB directly for building reports. However, with integrated security, they have default update rights on tables where they should not have, as the application apply rules to the updates.
Is this an example of where it's more appropriate providing the app with a central SQL authenticated login, whilst users get read only rights for integrated security?
As Jon mentioned stored procedures would give you the protection over direct table modifications. There are other options too. You can use SQL Server's "Application Role" (via sp_setapprole proc). This enables you to continue to use a separate ID for everyone but only at application connection time (through the front-end) are the user's rights elevated.
A major downside to using a shared ID is you lose track of who is submitting SQL to the server though if they're all internal you can get to the machine name.
Something else is concerning though. It sounds as if your users can connect to the database and run queries at will. You run a major risk of downtime in the application due to user behavior in the directly connected SQL sessions. If you can pull it off you may want to try to have a reporting database created that is updated at intervals that your business can tolerate, i.e., daily. HTH
I presume from the way that you've worded your question that your app executes sql statements directly. If you could refactor it so that it executes stored procedures, you could grant exec rights on the procedures and deny direct updating of the tables. This might not be possible though, depending on what your app does.
sql authentication is one option. Stored procedures are another. However, building more granular roles for assigning just the appropriate permissions to just the appropriate user types is where you should really be looking.
Additionally, I would really avoid giving these users direct access to the DB at all. Security reasons aside, it doesn't take much for a user who isn't proficient in SQL to accidentally execute a query that will swamp your database server and create an effective denial of service. Even pros can do this accidentally from time to time.
Instead, give them access to a reporting services or analysis services type solution, or use replication to give them access to a clone of the data. This way your production system is protected.
Personally I would do all application data access through stored procedures. I would set Integrated security to only allow users to run the SP's and not manipulate the data directly.
Advanced access can be given to DB admins to manipulate the data directly when needed.
Group based permissions will provide you with much more flexibility for access rights, and less administrative burden when controlling these with integrated security.
