Stable reactid for server-side rendering - reactjs

When using React to render components on the server, I notice that the data-reactid attributes are effectively random. I understand that's expected. (!topic/reactjs/ewTN-WOP1w8)
However it's a little surprising that this otherwise functional framework introduces such non-determinism in the view output. It means that successive renderings of a view with identical state will create different HTML, preventing, for instance, the view engine from returning a '304 Not Modified' or generating a reliable ETag. (I appreciate such caching could be handled at a higher infrastructure layer as well.)
Is there a way to seed the generation of the identifier so that the reactids are deterministic? Or is the reason that's a bad idea explained somewhere else?

In the final comment on the Google Group thread Ben Alpert says:
For server rendering, it's important that different rendered components don't have colliding IDs (even if they're rendered on different servers, for instance) so we pick them at random.

Also recently thought about it(just started to use reactjs),
Possible solution is quite simple - there is no requirement for ETag to be generated from real html... - it can be generated from displayed data.
So you can generate it from virtual dom - just use React.renderComponentToStaticMarkup(…) and generate ETag from it...
Or you can remove all reactid's from rendered html with regexp before hashing it(likely faster then separate render)...
In case if you are using express, this would be something like:
var virtualDom = React.createFactory(Handler)({});
var html = React.renderToString(virtualDom);
var etag = app.get('etag fn');
if (etag) {
etag = etag(React.renderComponentToStaticMarkup(virtualDom), 'utf8');
etag && res.set('ETag', etag);
res.render( ... );

This was bugging me too, so I did some digging to see what would happen if I made the root reactid deterministic.
It is possible override this in React 0.14.x if you're willing to put up with the following hack. In your server-side file where you call ReactDOM.renderToString, place this at the top:
// Override the ServerReactRootIndex.createReactRootIndex function
var ServerReactRootIndex = require('react/lib/ServerReactRootIndex');
ServerReactRootIndex.createReactRootIndex = function(){
return "x"; // Results in an attribute like data-reactid=".x"
// Use React as usual
// NB: require('react') must come AFTER overriding ServerReactRootIndex.createReactRootIndex
var React = require('react');
This isn't part of the React API, so this may break in the near future. However, this works for now if you absolutely need it. It also makes the data-react-checksum attribute stable for the same rendered DOM.
If you have multiple root React components in the one page, they MUST have different root ids, so you will need to modify this function to account for this.


The role of storybook when testing of React application is conducted

I am new to React and recently I found out there is the tool called storybook which basically helps to test our React components in isolated manner. However, I also found out that storybook is used when we test our React application, that is, there happens the comparison of snapshots. The question is what is the reason for testing the difference of snapshots? I mean, is it like we create a certain component and create a snapshot for it to ensure that other developers do not change that component accidentally, that is, snapshot in storybook helps us ensure there is no accidental change of components that we created. Is it true?
You create snapshot tests to ensure that your Components renders correctly given a certain input.
This is a way to make sure your code still behaves the way it was intended to. It's to ensure you don't accidentally break something in your code base, but also to alert you when anything changes.
An example:
Say I have a component called ProfileLink that generates a link to a user account:
function ProfileLink(props) {
return <a href ={get_url(}>{props.user.profileName}</a>;
and somewhere else I have a function called get_url:
function get_url(id) {
return "" + id;
Now, to ensure that my ProfileLink is always working, I can create snapshot, and everytime my tests run, the snapshot will be compared to the current rendered component.
Say someone were to change the get_url function, they might not be aware that it's used in ProfileLink, but as soon as the tests are run, you'll know that something has changed in the ProfileLink component as well.

React redux oop classes

coming from angular i used to have a class for every entity in my DB, such class encapsulated all entity behaviour.
for example users Class can look like
export class User{
static notValid(u){
return !!(( && > 0 && u.fullname && u.fullname.length > 2 && u.picture) === false);
static fromArray(arr){
let pack = [];
for(let i=0;i<arr.length;i++){
pack.push(new User(arr[i]));
return pack;
constructor(u){ = || 0;
this.fullname = u.fullname+'' || 'N/A';
this.picture = u.picture+'' || '/imgs/logo.png';
this.role = u.role || 'N/A';
this.username = u.username+'' || ''; ='' || '';
this.dob = u.dob || 0;
this.gender = u.gender+'' || '';
this.isValid = !User.notValid(this);
this.saved = > 0;
let n = this.fullname;
this.nickname = n.split(' ').shift()+' '+n.split(' ').pop();
if(!this.saved)return $'/user',this.toJson);
return $http.put('user/',this.toJson());
//tojson is defined in prototype;
return {,fullname:this.fullname,picture:this.picture,nickname:this.nickname};
so that my controller doenot know about how to save or update User, all it have is to trigger save() on user object.
Now React world, where every thing inside app is a component;
1. how can i replicate such approach inside react component ?
i read alot that there is presentational components and smart components. but what about Data Model component ?
2. if i port all my current class's to react should i also implement render method ? can i have multiple render functions to return different html based on page.
example above User can appear inside Profile will all details, and as a card in users list, so i should keep html for both inside class prototype ?
You seem to be a bit confused about React and what it is designed to do which is perfectly normal, coming from the Angular world.
The thing is, as far as React is concerned there is no such thing as a data model, only components. These components can have state (or they may not) and these components are rendered to the DOM.
Various types of components seem to have confused you as well. React is only concerned with how data is presented. Presentation and container components are distinguished from each other to make it easier for us to reason about how to manage application state.
To answer your specific questions:
1) If you are really adamant about keeping your existing structure and make it work with React, you don't actually need to do a lot of work. Your data model components are just JavaScript objects. You can pass them around and you can give them to components. When some event happens in the components, you can call the relevant methods in your objects. You will need to make sure that Angular specific methods are ported to pure JavaScript though.
I advise against this approach. It will work at first but you will find yourself in a maintenance hell in no time. Believe me, I'm building large scale React apps in my job and I have been bitten by similar decisions when I first started writing React components.
2) Certainly you could add a couple of React methods to your class definitions and also throw in the presentation code (that is, HTML) and presentation state. Then you would be able to render these components.
But that really is not the way to go about it. React doesn't decide on anything for you whereas Angular is very opinionated about this. First and foremost you should follow some tutorials on React. Looks like you have a sizable application in your hands, so I would advise you to look into Flux and Redux as well.
After that you should sit down and design how your application should work and how your state should look. After that it will be a breeze to go through the actual coding part.
You can NOT have multiple render methods in a React component, that makes absolutely no sense. React is pure JavaScript and JavaScript doesn't have any concept of overriding class members in the sense of classical OOP. Heck, JavaScript doesn't even have the concept of a class, that has been included in ES6 so people coming from class oriented programming languages wouldn't need to properly learn how the prototype chain works.
React components, and JavaScript objects in general, can only have one key. You can try this in your browser's console.
let a = {b: 1, b: 2};
The object a will only have one b key and the value for that key will be 2.
Having said all this, you can delegate the actual rendering of a component to other objects based on some conditions using normal JavaScript coding methods. But this isn't how React is supposed to work. Your render method can be able to decide on what to render based on your conditions.
First of all, let me tell you that I can't answer your question.
It looks like you're new to React. I've never used this approach to create a class for every entity in DB, in React, ever. It's new to me. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn't. But what I'd suggest you is to get your hands dirty first with example projects in react. That'll answer most of your questions.
However, I can answer some of your questions-
Data Model component ?
Obviously, there is no such thing as Data Model component. React is all about unidirectional data flow. You want to use redux for state management in react. The components which are connected to this state are connected/smart components. Smart components pass the state to presentational/dumb components via props (properties). So there is that. All of the state comes from Redux or similar state management mechanism viz. Flux.
can i have multiple render functions to return different html based on
No. One component contains only one render() method. That is precisely why I suggest you to please build some example apps in React.
If you want to learn React, here's what I'd recommend you, in that particular order-
React is not a monolithic framework like Angular. It's just a library. And programmers are meant to throw different libraries together to build their apps.

React vs Angular: Slow rendering with React

I was doing a comparison of Angular and React and decided to try out a performance test to see how fast a large(ish) list would render in both frameworks.
When I got done with my React prototype with some basic currency formating, it was taking ~2 seconds to render on my fast laptop. With Angular it was barely noticeable -- only when I switched to my phone did it have a noticeable lag.
This was very surprising because I was told that React was supposed to beat the pants off of Angular for performance, but it appears that the opposite is true in this case.
I distilled my prototype down to a very simple app to try to isolate the issue:
In this sample, it's taking almost 200ms to render this simple list after changing the language, and I'm barely doing anything.
Am I doing something wrong here?
/** #jsx React.DOM */
'use strict';
var React = require('react'),
Numbers = require('./Numbers');
var numbers = []
for(var i = 0; i < 2000; ++i){
var App = React.createClass({
getInitialState: function() {
return { locale: 'en-US' };
_onChangeLocale: function(event) {
render: function() {
var currentLocale = this.state.locale;
return (
<option value="en-US">English</option>
<option value="fr-FR">French</option>
<Numbers numbers={numbers} locales={[currentLocale]} />
module.exports = App;
/** #jsx React.DOM */
'use strict';
var React = require('react'),
ReactIntlMixin = require('react-intl');
var Numbers = React.createClass({
mixins: [ReactIntlMixin],
getInitialState: function() {
return {
numbers: this.props.numbers
render: function() {
var self = this;
var list ={
return <li key={number}>{number} - {self.formatNumber(number, {style: 'currency', currency: 'USD'})}</li>
return <ul>{list}</ul>;
module.exports = Numbers;
PS: Added an angular version:
Edit: I opened an issue with react-intl and we investigated and found that there was not that much overhead with using -- it's simply React itself that is slower here.
This is definitely an interesting test case.
If you take a look at the timelines, you can see that Angular is finished handling the change event in a mere 20ms. The remainder of the time is spent in layout and repaint.
React (using a production build, your repo uses dev by default) takes about 59ms. Again, the rest of the time is spent in layout and repaint.
If you take a look at the CPU flame charts, you can see that Angular appears to be doing a lot less work.
React provides a pretty good optimization hook in the form of shouldComponentUpdate that is especially useful when a single instance of a component out of thousands should update and the others should stay the same; it's a technique I use in this demo (try it out in an incognito window; I've found some Chrome extensions make layout/repaint times much higher—for me, adding/removing single elements once the list is 1000 long takes ~13ms, changing the size/color of an element takes ~1ms). However, it does no good when every element needs to update.
My guess is that Angular will be faster at changing most or all of the elements in your table, and React will be quite proficient at updating select entries when using shouldComponentUpdate.
I'm surprised nobody mentioned PureRenderMixin. It implements shouldComponentUpdate so you don't have to worry about it.
Also, I wonder if React Performance Tools would turn up something useful?
And I'm surprised to hear Angular is faster than React after watching this talk from Ryan Florence.
We have tried to analyze some of the attributes of our frameworks, of course, this is not the whole list. Below there is a table of consolidated and important, in our opinion, of comparing attributes.
Let’s get some more details:
Although Angular vs React differences are many, they can do the same thing, namely to build client interface. Both have their place. For those peoples who like web development above all interesting is innovative AngularJS approach to HTML.
AngularJS really is a full framework and not just a library, as the ReactJS, but ReactJS has better performance than the AngularJS by implementing virtual DOM. In our opinion, you should use AngularJS if:
you plan to carry a lot of unit tests during development,
you want a comprehensive solution for your application.
However, two-way data binding is often touted advantage of using AngularJS, but because it is implemented through a series digest, adding too much complexity for certain functions and expressions can lead to deterioration in performance of your applications.
In this particular case you need to be aware that the state trickles down and so do the DOM updates. What you want to do is create a Price component that stores the locale in its own state and receives a signal (ie channel or flux) to change the locale as opposed to sending the locale prop all the way down. The idea is that you don't need to update the entire Numbers component, just the prices inside. The component might look like:
var Price = React.createClass({
mixins: [ReactIntlMixin],
componentDidMount: function() {
onLocaleChange: function(newLocales) {
this.setState({locales: newLocales});
render: function() {
return <span>this.formatNumber(this.props.number, this.state.locales, {style: 'currency', currency: 'USD'})</span>
In React component, once you call setState, it will trigger the render function immediately. React will mark this component as dirty, and will re-render all the children element inside this component.
It will not render the whole Native DOM elements because of the Virtual DOM, thus it will still create new instances of its children ReactElements, which can lead to extra Javascript memory cost.
To avoid this issue, you need shouldComponentUpdate function which implemented in Component Class. it will executed before Render method. If you find the there is nothing changed right now, for instance in your example, you change the state.locale. You can definitely consider this component need no update. so just return false to prevent the render call.
This is a base solution to solve React performance issues. Try to add "shoudlComponentUpdate" in your Numbers Component to avoid tons of element re-render
This is an example where all that is changing is one data output. It's not impossible that Angular's two way data-binding simply offers a faster re-render when all that is changing is the display of the bound data.
React does not promise that its renders are faster than any other framework under all circumstances. What it does offer is the ability to handle ~arbitrarily complex DOM updates in very efficient manner, and offer a variety of lifecycle methods (e.g. componentWillReceiveProps, componentDidUpdate, in addition to the afore-mentioned shouldComponentUpdate) to let you fire callbacks on those events and control how and if they should happen. Here, there's very little to optimize, because all you are doing is changing 2,000 text displays.
edit: To clarify, React is useful in doing more complex DOM manipulations because it's virtual DOM algorithm allows it to choose the minimal set of DOM operations necessary to update your DOM. That's still a lot of work to do when all that needs to be happening is 2000 instances of some text changing.

Why is it considered bad practice to call trigger: true in the navigate function of backbone.js?

I have read in several places that calling the Backbone.history.navigate function is considered bad practice.
For example Addy Osmani sais in his book "Developing Backbone.js Applications"
It is also possible for Router.navigate() to trigger the route along
with updating the URL fragment by passing the trigger:true option.
Note: This usage is discouraged...
Or Derick Bailey in his blog post even sais:
You shouldn’t be executing the route’s handler from within your application, most of the time.
But I don't really understand the reasoning behind it and what would be a better solution.
In my opinion it is not really bad to call the navigate function with the trigger:true option. The route function could upon calling always check if the considered data is already loaded and show this loaded data instead of doing the whole work all over again...
There seems to be some confusion about what Router#navigate does exactly, I think.
Without any options set it will update the URL to the fragment provided.
E.g. router.navigate('todo/4/edit') will update the URL to #todo/4 AND will create a browser history entry for that URL. No route handlers are run.
However, setting trigger:true will update the URL, but it will also run the handler that was specified for that route (In Addy's example it will call the routers editTodo function) and create a browser history entry.
When passing replace:true the url will be updated, no handler will be called, but it will NOT create a browser history entry.
Then, what I think the answer is:
the reason why the usage of trigger:true is discouraged is simple, navigating from application state to application state to application state requires most of the time different code to be run than when navigating to a specific application state directly.
Let's say you have states A, B and C in your application. But state B builds upon state A and state C builds upon B.
In that case when you navigate from B to C only a specific part of code will need to be executed, while when hitting state C directly will probably execute some state checking and preparation:
has that data been loaded? If not, load it.
is the user logged in? If not redirect.
Let's take an example: State A (#list) shows a list of songs. State B (#login) is about user authentication and state C (#list/edit) allows for editing of the list of songs.
So, when the user lands on state A the list of songs is loaded and stored in a collection. He clicks on a login-button and is redirected to a login form. He successfully authenticates and is redirected back to the song list, but this time with delete-buttons next to the songs.
He bookmarks the last state (#list/edit).
Now, what needs to happen when the user clicks on the bookmark a few days later?
The application needs to load the songs, needs to verify the user is (still) logged in and react accordingly, stuff that in the state transition flow had already been done in the other states.
Now for a note of my own:
I'd never recommend the above approach in a real application as in the example. You should check whether the collection is loaded when going from B to C and not just assume it already is. Likewise you should check whether the user really is logged in. It's just an example.
IMO the router really is a special kind of view (think about it, it displays application state and translates user input into application state/events) and should always be treated as such. You should never ever rely on the router to transition between states, but rather let the router reflect the state transitions.
I have to disagree with #Stephen's answer here. And the main reason why is because the use of router.navigate({trigger : true}) gives the router responsibility to handle the application's state. It should only reflect application state, not control it.
Also, it is not a View's responsibility to change the hash of the window, this is the router's only job! Don't take it away from it! Good modularity and separation of concerns makes for a scalable and maintainable application.
Forwarding a person to a new section within your application
Backbone is an event driven framework, use events to communicate. There is absolutely no need to call router.navigate({ trigger : true }) since functionality should not be in the router. Here is an example of how I use the router and I think promotes good modularity and separation of concerns.
var Router = Backbone.Router.extend({
initialize: function(app) { = app;
routes: {
'videoLibrary' : function() {; }
var Application = _.extend({}, Backbone.Events, {
initialize: function() {
this.router = new Router( this );
this.listenTo( Backbone, 'video:uploaded', function() {
videoLibrary: function() {
//do useful stuff
var uploadView = Backbone.View.extend({
uploadVideo: function() {
success: function() { Backbone.trigger('video:uploaded'); }
Your view does not need or want to know what to do when the user is done uploading, this is somebody else's responsibility. In this example, the router is just an entry point for the application's functionality, an event generated by the uploadView is another. The router always reflects the application state through hash changes and history but does not implement any functionality.
By separating concerns, you are enhancing the testability of your application. It's easy to have a spy on Backbone.trigger and make sure the view is working properly. It's less easy to mock a router.
Modules management
Also, if you use some module management like AMD or CommonJS, you will have to pass around the router's instance everywhere in the application in order to call it. Thus having close coupling in your application an this is not something you want.
In my opinion it's considered bad practice because you should imagine a Backbone application not like a Ruby On Rails application but rather like a Desktop application.
When I say RoR, I'm just saying a framework supporting routing in sense that a route brings you to a specific call to the controller to run a specific action (imagine a CRUD operation).
Backbone.history is intended just as a bookmark for the user so he can, for example, save a specific url, and run it again later. In this case he will find the same situation he left before.
When you say:
In my opinion it is not really bad to call the navigate function with
the trigger:true option. The route function could upon calling always
check if the considered data is already loaded and show this loaded
data instead of doing the whole work all over again...
That to me sounds smelly. If you are triggering a route and you are checking for the data to see if you have it, it means that you actually already had them so you should change your view accordingly without loading again the entire DOM with the same data.
That said trigger:true is there so do we have reason use it? In my opinion it is possible to use it if you are completely swapping a view.
Let's say I have an application with two tabs, one allows me to create a single resource, the other one let me see the list of the created resources. In the second tabs you are actually loading a Collection so data is different between the two. In this case I would use trigger:true.
That said I've been using Backbone for 2 weeks so I'm pretty new to this world but to me it sounds reasonable to discourage the use of this option.
It depends on your context.
If you have done something in your current view that might affect the view you are about to navigate to, for example creating for deleting a customer record, then setting trigger to true is the right thing to do.
Think about it. If you delete a customer record don't to want to refresh the list of customers to reflect that deletion?

Preparing views when routing to initial route

I have a question about routing. The thing is, that I have trouble figuring out how to properly instantiate and render views when my app start for the first time on some route.
For example:
If a user accesses the app via the route /?#a/b/c
My app consists of different sections with subsections. This means that for the above route to work I have to render the view for section A before rendering and displaying the view for subsection B and at last render and display the view for subsubsection C.
The thing is, that this results in a bunch of ugly code in the various routing handlers
a: function(){
b: function(){
c: function(){
So I'm thinking that I'm approaching the problem the wrong way.
When introducing other Routers as the app grows this becomes even harder to maintain I would imagine.
A solution would be if there were an event being triggered before the callback for a route is called. But I can't find a such in the docs.
So my question is, how are these situations handled properly? Because my solution doesn't scale. Is there a way for a to always fire when visiting a "subroute"?
I haven't found a good way to do this but I'll share what I've done and it may or may not apply to your situation. What I wanted to do was have separate routers that respond to portions of the route but backbone doesn't work that way. Backbone will stop when it finds the first route that matches.
What I've done to handle it is to set up a router like this--notice the custom regex to define the route--hopefully it won't make your eyes bleed
this.route(/([^\/]*)[\/]?([^\/]*)?[\/]?([^\/]*)?/, "renderViews", this.renderViews);
renderViews: function(mainView, subView, subSubView)
//here you can do something clever--mainView, subView and subSubView may or may not
// have values but they are the names of the views. route of "a/b" will pass
// ["a", "b", undefined] as your arguments
if (mainView)
(new App.Views[mainView]()).render();
if (subView)
(new App.Views[subView]()).render();
if (subSubView)
(new App.Views[subSubView]()).render();
I realize this isn't exactly what you're probably hoping for but it worked well for me in a project.
good luck
