I have one cell array A= {<2x6 double>,<4x6 double>,<43x6 doubl>}. and now I want to calculate the inverse value of each matrix elements inside the cell array. I have written below code but It doesn't work.
C = cellfun(#inv, A, 'Un', false);
can you please guide me how can I write the proper code? e.g the element inside of the cell array is 2 and I want to show the inverse of this value like 1/2
inv is the matrix inverse, which will give you the error Matrix must be square, as it tries to invert the three matrices inside of A. You probably want element-wise division: 1./X
C = cellfun(#(X) 1./X, A, 'Un', false);
I am trying to turn a 3 dimensional array "upside-down" as:
I have tried the inverse function, but if we look at the inverse operation in mathematical terms, it gives us another result. I need to turn without changing the data in the array. How to do that?
To split the 3-dimensional array (A x B x C) into A-sub-array (2d, B x C) I have used squeeze: k=squeeze(array(n,:,:)). Now I have a 2-dimensional array of size B x C. How to put it back together (in 3 dimensional array)?
You can use permute() to change the order of dimensions, which can be used as a multidimensional transpose.
Putting 2D matrices into a 3D one then is a simple indexing operation. Read more in indexing here.
A = rand(10,10,10);
B = permute(A, [ 3 2 1 ]); % Permute he order of dimensions
mat1 = rand(10,10);
mat2 = rand(10,10);
mat_both(:,:,2) = mat2; % Stack 2D matrices along the third dimension
mat_both(:,:,1) = mat1;
mat_both = cat(3,mat1, mat2); % Stacks along the third dimension in a faster way
I have the following cell array
C_Array <5000x1>
And inside C_Array I have
<ix2 single> where i = a changing integer
I only want to look at the first 2000 matrices in my cell array.
My attempt has been
for j = 1:2000
My_Desired_Range = C_Array{j,:}
But this just gives me the matrix for {2000,1} so how do I produce a cell array with just the matrices ranging from {1,1} to {2000,1} ?
Quite simply as mentioned in the comments by #Wauzl
My_Desired_Range = C_Array(1:2000,:)
I want to create 3d arrays that are functions of 2d arrays and apply matrix operations on each of the 2D arrays. Right now I am using for loop to create a series of 2d arrays, as in the code below:
for i=1:50
F = [1 0 0; 0 i/10 0; 0 0 1];
Is there a way to do this without the for loop? I tried things such as:
F(2,2) = 0:0.1:5;
F=[1 0 0; 0 f 0; 0 0 1];
to create them without the loop, but both give errors of dimension inconsistency.
I also want to perform matrix operations on F in my code, such as
and want to plot certain components of F as a function of something else. Is it possible to completely eliminate the for loop in such a case?
If I understand what you want correctly, you want 50 2D matrices stacked into a 3D matrix where the middle entry varies from 1/10 to 50/10 = 5 in steps of 1/10. You almost have it correct. What you would need to do is first create a 3D matrix stack, then assign a 3D vector to the middle entry.
Something like this would do:
N = 50;
F = repmat(eye(3,3), [1 1 N]);
F(2,2,:) = (1:N)/10; %// This is 1/10 to 5 in steps of 1/10... or 0.1:0.1:5
First pre-allocate a matrix F that is the identity matrix for all slices, then replace the middle row and middle column of each slice with i/10 for i = 1, 2, ..., 50.
Therefore, to get the ith slice, simply do:
out = F(:,:,i);
Minor Note
I noticed that what you want to do in the end is a matrix multiplication of the 3D matrices. That operation is not defined in MATLAB nor anywhere in a linear algebra context. If you want to multiply each 2D slice independently, you'd be better off using a for loop. Doing this vectorized with native operations isn't supported in this context.
To do it in a loop, you'd do something like this for each slice:
B = zeros(size(F));
for ii = 1 : size(B,3)
B(:,:,ii) = F(:,:,ii)*F(:,:,ii).';
... however, examining the properties of your matrix, the only thing that varies is the middle entry. If you perform a matrix multiplication, all of the entries per slice are going to be the same... except for the middle, where the entry is simply itself squared. It doesn't matter if you multiple one slice by the transpose of the other. The transpose of the identity is still the identity.
If your matrices are going to be like this, you can just perform an element-wise multiplication with itself:
B = F.*F;
This will not work if F is anything else but what you have above.
Creating the matrix would be easy:
N = 50;
S = cell(1,N);
S(:) = {eye(3,3)};
F = cat(3, S{:});
F(2,2,:) = (1:N)/10;
Another (faster) way would be:
N = 50;
F = zeros(3,3,N);
F(1,1,:) = 1;
F(2,2,:) = (1:N)/10;
F(3,3,:) = 1;
You then can get the 3rd matrix (for example) by:
This is a simplified version of the project I am doing. I can get around this using other methods. I was just wondering, is it possible to do this in matlab ?
I want to store a 1*2 vector [100,100] to the (1,1) entry of a given matrix a. The following is the code.
Then I get Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch error.
I could use cell array instead. But there are not so many handy functions (like tril) for cell array compared with matrix. So, I was just wondering, does anyone know how to handle this situation or this is just a trivial case not need to mention at all. Many thanks for your time and attention.
You can use 3-d matrix instead of 2-d matrix if you already know the length of vector.
a = zeros (2,2,2) ;
a(1,1,:) = [100, 100] ;
a = [];
a (1,1,:) = [100,100];
In above example, you have to take care of indexing by yourself and matrix a can be in arbitrary dimensions.
I'm trying to create a cell array of size N,
where every cell is a randomized Matrix of size M,
I've tried using deal or simple assignments, but the end result is always N identical Matrices of size M
for example:
this yields identical matrices in each cell, iv'e tried writing the assignment like so:
but this yields the following error:
The right hand side of this assignment has too few values to satisfy the left hand side.
the ends results should be a set of transition probability matrices to be used for a model i'm constructing,
there's a currently working version of the model, but it uses loops to create the matrices, and works rather slowly,
i'd be thankful for any help
If you don't want to use loops because you are interested in a low execution time, get rid of the cells.
You can access each slice, which is your intended MxM matrix, using RandomArray(:,:,index)
Use cellfun:
N = 20;
M = 10;
CellArray = cellfun(#(x) rand(M), cell(1,N), 'uni',0)
For every cell it newly calls rand(M) - unlike before, you were assigning the same rand(M) to every cell, which was just computed once.