optimizing resolution mobile app various devices - mobile

i am developing an app for mobile with corona sdk, i'd like to know if there is a way to optimize the user experience for the whole range of products that use android. I have many doubts because of the wide range of pictures that my app uses. I mean it's an app that navigates through pictures by clicking them and by letting the users insert more of them. As i code i notice that i have to adapt every image to the borders of the device i'm actually testing it on.
Is there a way to make the optimization automatic and quick for all the devices?
ps i am actually developing it for a tablet


Port an OpenLayers application to mobile devices

After making a duration/cost estimation, I'm about to start developing a desktop application using OpenLayers. I've never had experience on it before, but have the support of some coworkers who do.
Now we have to estimate the time and effort it would take the same application to be viewable in mobile devices. I know the existence of openlayers.mobile.js, but nobody in my company has ever worked with it before.
I know it has some advantages over the normal OpenLayers library, such as pinching for zooming, and so. But, does it has any blocked capabilities? I mean, if I write code to draw a line on a layer in the desktop application, change the simbology of a layer, add a buffer arround a polyline, etc.. will it still work with the mobile library?
Is there funcionality in the desktop version that is not in the mobile one?
I'd need to know before estimating what can I offer in the mobile version, and how hard will it be to get so.
See examples tagged with mobile:
The next OpenLayer versions will probably have better mobile support as this is something many users are interested in.

Desktop Browser to Mobile Browser?

I already have a website with huge database which is good for Desktop browser my site is on Joomla base. Now i want to develop for Smartphone (like iphone, android, nokia) and mobile browsers. So how can i achieve this goal what is the best way of doing this.
Mobile Sites like Yahoo, Youtube i want to developed something like this because i'm new to developing mobile sites so any one can suggest me the right way for developing the mobile version for my current Desktop Site.
Thanks in advance
There are extensions for Joomla that style your site for mobile usage here: http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/mobile.
It makes sense to test your site using the emulators for iPhone, Android and Symbian at some stage before you release. Each software development kit includes the ability to use the mobile browser.
Note that this is not the whole story. You'll want to consider:
Mobile users have much smaller displays. You'll need to rework your UI to take account of this.
Mobile users have large fingers. You'll need to rework your buttons and links to take account of this.
Mobile users tend to consume content rather than create it. Optimise accordingly.
Searching for data with e.g. traditional search boxes is tricky; you may need to rework to use scrolling through lists.
Above all: test, test, test!
Have a look at http://www.mobilejoomla.com/

How to mimic the user experience of native application while building for cross mobile?

I'm building an application which I intend to deploy to iphone, android and blackberry. There's a unique characteristic I've noticed about my blackberry bold 9700, which uses an optical track pad for maneuvering around the screen. As an experiment, I deployed a simple phone gap application to my blackberry. I used the optical track pad to move a "small arrow cursor" around the screen to select and click on elements. When I compared my experimental app to some of the other native blackberry applications on my device, I noticed that none of them use this "small arrow cursor". Instead, sliding my thumb across the optical track pad will cause a "hi-light selector" to jump from one available link/button/field/image/list-item/tab etc... to another. This "hi-light selector" is much faster and user-friendly than the "small arrow cursor".
Now I need advice on the best technology to achieve the following:
I would like to write one set of code for an application to deploy to
iOS 4+ , android 2.2+ and Blackberry OS6+
On android and ios devices, you can simply scroll and touch buttons
for call to actions. On blackberry, I would like to replace the
"small arrow cursor" with the "hi-light selector".
I would like to use slide screen effects on android and ios devices.
On the blackberry, I would need a good substitute.
So my question is: Is there a practical way for a solo developer to achieve all the criteria above? If not, then what is the closest I can achieve to the criteria above? And what mobile javascript library would be best for the job[1]? Or do I really have to consider building with native technology (obj c for ios, java for android, java for bbos)?
I've only looked at sencha touch and didn't see anything relevant to the "hi-light selector".
I'd take a look at Appcelerator:
... and ...

Display reports on mobile device

I have a business application which I am going to extend by creating mobile versions of it for the Blackberry and iPhone lines. One of the requirements is for the mobile devices to be able to display reports.
What is the easiest way to do this? Output the report as HTML or something else. Does this also require a crazy amount of scrolling on the device to view things?
in my opinion you had to think the mobile web differente from web. The operation available from mobile must be the operation the user need to do now, he cannot wait for them. Generally viewing a report can be postpone to be done from Desktop pc.
So suppling a mobile version of a web application involve also the choice of which operation supply and wich don't.

Repurposing a site for mobile platform

I have an existing website running. I want this site to be able to be viewed on mobiles smart phones as well. I am ready to shave off some stuff, but would like to know how can I test this and are there any tools/guidelines on how to repurpose the site to be best viewed on mobile phones ? How to detect on the web site whether a mobile phone or a PC is hitting the site and accordingly serve the appropriate content.
There are few factors to consider such as:
- screen size
- touch vs non-touch
To detect whether the mobile phone hitting your site, you can simply verify the user agent.
There is a good article on this at A List Apart which will answer your implementation questions: Put Your Content in My Pocket
You can test by setting the user agent of your browser to that of mobile device. This can be done in safari under the develop settings, or firefox has various plugins.
And a tip, don't use anything that requires hover functionality. Touch screens don't hover.
You will find out it's a strange new world at http://mtld.mobi/
First decision you should make is which mobile platforms you want to support, then start coding...
As some one mentioned http://mtld.mobi/ is the best place to start for resources but for testing I would use http://ready.mobi that will test and debug your site and provide interface to viewing your website in mobile platforms.
First you need to decide what platforms/browsers you are going to support. If it is only smart phones like Android/Iphone/Blackberry it would be a pretty safe bet that as long as the website works in crome and isn't VERY javascript intensive and the site is catered for smaller screens it would be fine.
That is the theory in practise mobile is mobile and real world testing is the only way to go for 100% coverage.
