right now i'm working on a batch file that has a simple login and register feature. While I can register a user by creating a .txt file for their username and password, I cant figure out how to convert the contents of the .txt file into a variable that I can then test for to login the user. Here is what I have now. My problem is at :sign .
#echo off
title Login
mode con: lines=10 cols=25
echo _________________________
echo Select Your Choice
echo 1) Login
echo 2) Register
echo _________________________
set /p begi=:
if '%begi%'=='2' goto reg
if '%begi%'=='1' goto sign
set u=
set /p u=Enter Your Username:
set p=
set /p p=Enter your Password:
#echo %u% > user.txt
#echo %p% > pass.txt
goto a
REM write to the file:
echo Username>user.txt
REM read from the file (first line only):
set /p "un="<user.txt
echo %un%
by the way:
your line #echo %u% > user.txt writes the variable plus a space to the file. This space will be part of the new variable (and will make trouble when using the new variable), if you read this file in. To avoid it, write #echo %u%>user.txt
I have sql files in a folder structure like the following :
I want to make a script which reads the path (C:\Users\Peter\Desktop\SQL_FILES),
the name of the file(test.sql) and a text
and then concatenate the text in the end of each test.sql file.
Could you help me please ?
Thanks in advance
:: Hide Command and Set Scope
#echo off
setlocal EnableExtensions
mode 140,50
set /p AbsolutePath="Enter the path of root folder :"
set /p FileName="Enter the filename with it's extension (ie. test.sql):"
echo Enter your inserts
echo Press Enter twice when finished
echo (text may not contain ^<, ^>, ^|, ^&, or un-closed quotes)
ver > NUL
set new_line=""
set /p new_line=">"
if errorlevel 1 echo. >> temp.txt & set /p new_line=">"
if errorlevel 1 echo Sending message. . . & goto done_typing
echo %new_line% >> temp.txt
goto still_typing
echo done
pause >nul
For example :
The file test.sql for example contains initially :
And after the execution of batch supposing I add an empty line and two inserts in the text :
The Batch file below use a different method to do the same, but in a simpler way. This code may be modified in any point you wish; for example, if you want not that the filename must include a wild-card.
#echo off
set /p "AbsolutePath=Enter the path of root folder: "
set /p "FileName=Enter the filename with a wild-card (ie. test*.sql): "
echo Enter your inserts
echo Press Ctrl-Z and Enter when finished
copy CON temp.txt > NUL
echo Typing done
for /R "%AbsolutePath%" %%a in (%FileName%) do type temp.txt >> "%%a"
I want to create a bat file asking for a user input which will ask for some choices:
#echo off
MKDIR D:\BatFiles\File
SET /P Output="D:\BatFiles\File"
ECHO Select Task
ECHO ==========
#echo off
title Task List Creator
Echo 1.) Create Notepad Task File
Echo 2.) Exit
set /p input=Type Choice :
if "%input%"=="1" goto getInfo
if "%input%"=="2" exit
set /p VarOne=Enter Type:
set /p VarTwo=Enter Number:
set /p VarThree=Enter Name:
echo Task Type=%VarOne% >> %Output%\test.txt
echo Task Number=%VarTwo% >> %Output%\test.txt
echo Task Name=%VarThree% >> %Output%\test.txt
echo Entry successfully written
goto finished
echo Do you want to create a new set of entry?
set /p response= Y or N?
if "%response%"=="Y" goto getInfo
if "%response%"=="N" goto homescreen
--The problem with this code is that I want to create more than 2 entries. This code only creates an output file if user has only one set of entries. If user creates 2 or more, the output file is not created and data entered appears only when user runs the bat file again and only enters one set of data. Sorry about the lame question, I'm just a batch file beginner here.
Look on this code:
#echo off
title Task List Creator
setlocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion
set "OutputFolder=D:\BatFiles\File"
set FileNumber=0
echo Select Task
echo ===========
echo 1 ... Create Notepad Task File
echo 2 ... Exit
set "Input=2"
set /P "Input=Your choice: "
if "!Input!"=="1" goto PrepareTaskFile
if "!Input!"=="2" endlocal & goto :EOF
goto HomeScreen
set /A FileNumber+=1
set "OutputFile=%OutputFolder%\test%FileNumber%.txt"
if exist "%OutputFile%" del "%OutputFile%"
set "VarOne="
set "VarTwo="
set "VarThree="
set /P "VarOne=Enter type: "
if not defined VarOne goto EnterType
set /P "VarTwo=Enter number: "
if not defined VarTwo goto EnterNumber
set /P "VarThree=Enter name: "
if not defined VarThree goto EnterName
if not exist "%OutputFolder%" mkdir "%OutputFolder%"
echo Task Type=!VarOne!>>"%OutputFile%"
echo Task Number=!VarTwo!>>"%OutputFile%"
echo Task Name=!VarThree!>>"%OutputFile%"
echo Entry successfully written.
echo Do you want to create a new set of entry?
set "Response=N"
set /P "Response=Y or N? "
if /I "!Response!"=="Y" goto GetInfo
goto HomeScreen
The environment variable on prompt keeps its current value if the user just hits RETURN or ENTER. Therefore it is advisable to define a default value or undefine a variable before prompting the user.
The entered strings assigned to the variables are referenced with usage of delayed expansion in case of user enters something not expected which could result in a syntax error and therefore exit of batch processing on referencing the entered strings with immediate expansion. For example a string comparison would fail with a syntax error if the user enters a string with a double quote.
See How to set environment variables with spaces? why using double quotes as it can be seen here on set "variable=string value" and set /P "variable=prompt text".
The space character left of redirection operator >> in code of question would be also written into the file. This should be avoided by removing it and reference the variables with delayed expansion in case of the variable value is a number with value 1, 2, 3, ... to avoid a wrong handle redirection, see the Microsoft article about Using command redirection operators.
On usage of set /P for a menu instead of command choice it must be always taken into account that the user enters something not suggested. So if the user enters on first prompt whether 1 nor 2, there must be code which defines the behavior on the invalid input.
For understanding the used commands and how they work, open a command prompt window, execute there the following commands, and read entirely all help pages displayed for each command very carefully.
cls /?
del /?
echo /?
endlocal /?
goto /?
if /?
mkdir /?
pause /?
set /?
setlocal /?
title /?
See also answer on Single line with multiple commands using Windows batch file for an explanation of & between endlocal and goto :EOF.
I have made a litle batch file,
where you need to insert your account name of your computer.
I'm wondering if you could maybe write the account name to a text file,
so the program could remember it for next time you open it.
and don't have do enter it twice on the same computer.
What about this?
#echo off
echo Prevous value is:
echo %mysetting%
set /p input="Enter new value: "
setx mysetting %input%
Save this as .bat and run twice to see the persistence.
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
if exist username.txt (
REM Read from text file:
set /p "user="<username.txt
) else (
REM Read from keyboard:
set /p "user=Enter your username: "
REM Write to text file:
echo !user!>username.txt
Dear StackOverFlow Members,
Please help me with this batch file. I would like to use the answer given from the "SET /P INPUT=%=%" and have it update another batch file permanently.
This is the first batch file that runs to get an answer from the user
#echo off
echo .................................................................
echo ..... Specify what the name of the Store is, this will send .....
echo ............... alerts to abd#abc.co.za ..............
echo .................................................................
color 5E
echo "............ Press 1 to specify what the store name is......"
echo "............ Press 2 to exit the program ................."
SET /P M=Type from the menu above 1 or 2 then press ENTER:
color 0A
set INPUT=
set /P INPUT=Enter Store Name: %=%
if "%INPUT%"=="" goto input
echo "You said that the store name is: %INPUT%"
:: Have the user confirm his/her choice
SET /P ANSWER=Is the name correct (Y/N)?
echo You chose: %ANSWER%
if /i {%ANSWER%}=={y} (goto :yes)
if /i {%ANSWER%}=={yes} (goto :yes)
goto :no
echo You pressed YES!... The name is updating
goto name
echo You pressed NO!... The program will exit
goto eof
::set /A store=%INPUT%
echo %INPUT% >> notify_support.bat
::Terminate the program
As you can see I am struggling to specify where I should "echo %INPUT% >> notify_support.bat". This is code taken from the second batch file
#echo off
call senditquiet -s smtp.gmail.com -port 587 -u rsupp0rt#gmail.com -protocol ssl -p access -f rsupp0rt#gmail.com -t 888#gmail.com -subject "Store ABC" -body "Hello there, There is an issue logged at the store.<br>Best regards."
When the first batch file runs, it updates the second one but just dumps it at the end of the file.
I need the INPUT ECHOed to replace "Store ABC" in the second batch file.
Please assist, I'm rather rusty with batch files.
echo %INPUT% >> notify_support.bat
That line contains >> which means 'dump at the end of the file'. You can use a single > to overwrite the existing file contents. That way, you can re-generate the whole file (which is only 2 lines anyway).
A different solution is to actually parse the exising file and replace that text. You can do that by using for /F ..., which allows you to traverse through the lines of a file. You can then generate a new file, based on the (altered) contents of the existing file. Disadvantage is that this file-parsing method is especially suitable for data files in which each line has the same format with fields and delimiters (like a CSV file). It is less suited for parsing 'complex' files like a batch file or program source file.
try the code:
#echo off
echo Welcome
echo > echo #echo off >> batchfilename.bat
echo > echo echo hello >> batchfilename.bat
echo > echo pause >> batchfilename.bat
it will input the code into the batch file and when you run batchfilename.bat you will get something like:
press any key to continue . . .
Okay so heres what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to make a batch file with a user input for a login. I would like to have the ability to create a new account. I have an idea, I just don't know how to go around implementing it. I have the user input his desired username and password and have it save to a text document like so:
#echo off
set /p user=Enter your desired username:
set /p pass=Enter your desired password:
echo %user% >> log.txt
echo %pass% >> log.txt
That works fine for me, but now what I would like to do is call up those two lines so that when they entered the correct username and password it will take them to their menu.
I know for a fact the the call won't work well with this. Is there any way to do what I'm trying to do?
P.S. I am aware that the txt file is not secure. I have ways around that.
You may do this to recover the saved values:
set /P savedUser=
set /P savedPass=
) < log.txt
This way:
if "%user%" == "%savedUser%" if "%pass%" == "%savedPass%" goto accessGranted
Another way to save the values is this:
echo set savedUser=%user%> log.bat
echo set savedPass=%pass%>> log.bat
and to recover the saved values:
call log
I'm decently proud of this :) This is pretty much a complete overhaul of your method.
This has two different files: login.bat which handles the login and login2.bat which handles the registration.
#echo off
choice /c:RL /m "Choose an option: Register (R) or Login (L).:
if errorlevel 2 goto login
if errorlevel 1 goto register
start /wait C:\[path]\login2.bat
goto login
echo Welcome %u%
echo Bla Bla Bla or start "a program"
set /p u=Username
set /p p=Password
and login2.bat:
#echo off
set /p a="Choose a Username"
set /p b="Choose a Password"
choice /m "Are you sure you would like your Username to be %a% and your Password to be %b%?"
if errorlevel 2 goto a
set q="if %%u%% equ %a% if %%p%% equ %b% goto in"
for /f "tokens=*" %%I in (%q%) do set m=%%I
echo %m% >>C:\[path]\login.bat
The reason why :in, the label which handles what happens after you login successfully has to be in the middle instead of at the end of login.bat is so that the username/password combinations could be appended to the :login label. Obviously you could add other embellishments and change the name of the files, but this is my basic design.
Hope this helps!
This is what I do
#echo off
:: some code here
set /p username=please create a username:
set /p password=please create a password:
echo %username%>username.txt
echo %password%>password.txt
This will create a text file for both your username and password
I hope this helped. :)