Does the className attribute take on the role of the id attribute in Reactjs? - reactjs

Since id attributes are rarely used in Reactjs components due to the fact that id attributes imply that the component will not be reused, then are className attributes used instead of id's? If this is the case, then what is the Reactjs equivalent of the class attribute in HTML?

className is used for class names for CSS styling, just as elsewhere.
You can give something a unique className for styling purposes the same way you might give otherwise give it an id, sure, but that doesn't really imply anything else for other className usage, which can never really be a direct equivalent to id because className can contain multiple class names, none of which have to be unique. (There are also pretty good reasons not to use id for styling, regardless of React).
A more usual reason not to give something an id with React is that you rarely need to add hooks to go and look up an element from the real DOM, as you can use state or props to control rendering changes which do whatever dynamic stuff you need to do, and if you do need to go grab an element, you can give it a ref name and use getDOMNode() on it.

To add to insin's answer, ids do have practical uses, but styling is not one of them.
The two cases are fragment identifiers, and input/label pairing. In that case, you usually want to generate ids that are guaranteed to be globally unique (but consistent across renders). For that, use a mixin like unique-id-mixin.

First of all, ids are used with React, and they don't necessarily prevent re-use. For instance, if you'd want to use a element then you'd have to give it an ID (so it can be referenced from the "list" attribute of its tag). In that case, I usually auto-generate an ID using a counter variable. Hence, IDs and re-use don't have to rule each other out.
To answer your question, the className attribute is used instead and works just like the class attribute. The "react/addons" module provides a utility for easily creating className values.

ID's are for single use (in React and in general) or one-time instances.
classNames are for multiple usage (in React and in general) or for many-time instances - the same way that classes are used in traditional CSS.


Why can't React use a CONTENT to automatically generate keys?

That's obvious that for the diffing algorithm in React keys are essential. But I was wandering, why React just can't automatically generate keys based on the content we iterate over?
I also assume that items can share some similarity, or cab be identical in terms of content, but isn't it possible to generate keys once user open a page and somehow attach them to the items, so it is stable?
Or maybe there where attempts to solve the problem, if so, I would be grateful if you share it to me.
Thank you guys for your answers, I've learnt a lot!
Also a thing I had in mind: what we developers do when there is no stable id (e.g. user added an item which is not yet saved into DB). In the cases we just generate id, and attach it to the object, or element in an array, but we do not generate ids on a fly, so it remains stable over time.
What if React just generate ids for all arrays which are involved into rendering process, in other words, arrays which are directly used in render function?
It can be done only once, during phase Commit phase, or whatever. Also I believe, the id can be readonly, or something, so user can't erase the id.
While I was writing p.s. question above, I realized, autogenerating id for arrays wouldn't work, since I've missed two things. All side effect react can do only during the Commit phase, but not Render phase. But that's not the main problem.
The main problem is when we use filtering or sorting on a back-end side. Since we receive a new array, filtered one, we would need to regenerate ids for those elements, but basically, that's the same html elements, in which we can change content to match filtering order. That's the same as Slava Knyazev mentioned.
React can't generate keys, because the entire point of keys is for you to help React track elements during it's tree-diffing stage.
For example, lets say you have the following code, where you naively use content instead of identifiers for your keys:
const people = usePeople(); // [{ id: "1", name: "James"}, {id: "2", name: "William"}]
return <ul>{ => <li key={}>{}</li>}</ul>
The above code will function and behave as you would expect. But what happens if the name of a person changes? To understand it, lets look at the tree it generates:
li(James) James
li(William) William
If James becomes Josh between renders, the new tree will look like this:
li(Josh) Josh
li(William) William
React will compare the two results and conclude the following:
li(James) is to be removed
li(Josh) is to be added
However, if we set our key prop to, then the old and new tree will look as follows, respectively:
li(1) James
li(2) William
li(1) Josh
li(2) William
And when React compares the two, it will identify that James has become Josh, and needs only the text adjusted.
In the first scenario, the <li> component is completely destroyed, and a completely new component takes its place. Both of these actions run a complete React lifecycle for the component. In the second, it remains untouched, and only the text inside changes.
While in this contrived scenario, the performance penalty in the first case in minimal, it may be very significant with complex components.
I believe, unless your data is 100% certainly going to sort in one way and never change, key={index} isn't a good key (which is what I assume you want your auto-generated keys to be). You'd ideally want something that is unique to each item, regardless of the order.
It's explained in more detail in the new beta react docs
I think what you are implying is React could potentially choose to use something like a stable hash (say sha1 on a serialised string or something) on the object to generate a unique key. I think this actually would work in many cases, and even gave me pause for thought for a while! Your question is actually a really good one, and a deep one.
However, it wouldn't work in every case. I think it would work only on a static object which has no methods or anything attached. On a JS object, not all properties are enumerable. Hashing something could only ever happen on the enumerable objects of properties, but the dev may have non-enumerable yet-still-unique methods attached to these objects. In fact, even enumerable methods cant really be serialised reliably and they could be what makes the object unique. Not to mention the complexities of reliably hashing something with prototypical inheritance involved.
I suspect there's also a performance aspect to this. Hashing is cheap, but no that cheap. Most cases can be keyed by just referencing a unique ID in the object, which is vastly cheaper. When enumerating a very large number of objects, these things matter, and so its better to defer to the developer. After all, if you really do want to hash it, its just one function call in userland -- and this saves great confusion on developer side when it doesn't work. The Principle of least astonishment comes to mind.
There's also an aspect of how this would limit the power of how expressive JSX can be due to it basically allowing free-form JS. You would probably have to supply some low level <React.Map> component primitives in order for react to supply this default key handling which implies you are a bit more restrained on what you can and can't do (complex functional chains).

Why is data-* attributes preferred for element selection over a plain ID attribute?

Cypress and many other posts around testing web applications suggest relying on a data attribute like data-cy or data-test-id for locating elements rather than relying on the id attribute.
My understanding is that for two reasons:
The modern way of re-using the components can lead to having multiple components of the same type and can lead to multiple of those IDs on the same page - But this should also apply to the 'data-cy' or 'data-test-id' attributes.
When IDs are tied to CSS, there's a tendency to change them more often while data-* attributes may be less prone to change.
Can someone please throw more light on the recommendation?
The other thing I am considering is to request my devs to place the data-test* attributes on a div tag that would consume the component - that way the test attribute is actually one level above the component id attribute and may come handy even in cases where multiple instances of the same component are used. But again, I am not sure why the id attribute for that div tag is bad when compared to the data-test* attribute.
From Cypress official docs:
Anti-Pattern: Using highly brittle selectors that are subject to change.
Best Practice: Use data-* attributes to provide context to your selectors and isolate them from CSS or JS changes.
Every test you write will include selectors for elements. To save yourself a lot of headaches, you should write selectors that are resilient to changes.
Oftentimes we see users run into problems targeting their elements because:
Your application may use dynamic classes or ID's that change
Your selectors break from development changes to CSS styles or JS behavior
Luckily, it is possible to avoid both of these problems.
Don't target elements based on CSS attributes such as: id, class, tag
Don't target elements that may change their textContent
Add data-* attributes to make it easier to target elements
The point is that id's and classes can be dynamic (also text-content) so you always want to use a selector that is static like the "data-cy" attribute.

React Redux - Methods on store objects

One pattern I've seen recommended is to use selectors to where possible to hide the shape of the store. That way if you need to update the shape of the store, you should be able to get away with only updating your selectors, and not other parts of the application.
However the same problem arises with the use of models within the state.
As one of many examples, let's assume I'm building a file system in Redux. I have a list of files which can either be a directory or a file.
My store might have a fileList property which contains an array of file ids as well as a files object which maps fileId to a file object.
Let's say I have a list of files and I want to, depending on whether it's a file or directory, have a different Item component (i.e. DirectoryItem and FileItem).
One way to achieve this is to do something like:
{ => {
file.type = 'directory' ?
<DirectoryItem key={} ...file /> :
<FileItem key={} ...file />
(or I could create a higher-order FileListItem component, for example, that does the check and renders either the DirectoryItem or FileItem)
However this might not be ideal because now my component needs to know the structure of the file object. I might want to add a different type of object (i.e. a shortcut file or shared file) and might decide that a type property isn't how I want to represent my data anymore. As such, I'd need to go and update all my components, etc.
If I were doing this in Backbone, for example, I would've probably chosen to define an isDirectory() function on my model, however that doesn't seem to be the Redux way of doing things.
One possible solution I can think of is creating a FileUtils helper class which exports an isDirectory method and takes a file object as a parameter.
Another option will be creating an isDirectory selector which takes a file id as a prop, doing something like:
(files, props) => state.files[props.fileId].type == 'directory'
If I were to create the selector, I suppose I would need to create a higher-order component to call the selector from.
Just wondering if either approach is recommended in Redux? Am I missing another approach that could help solve this issue?
The functional way of doing things simply prescribes tearing the method off of the object and calling it a function.
The recommended way to call it is to instead of having a this, simply pass a regular parameter. This is not a requirement. You can just use call or apply. That may seem real strange in js, but this may change soon with a new :: operator.
Now, you can give this function anything you like to help it get its data.
In your example
(files, props) => state.files[props.fileId].type == 'directory'
You pass it state (naming mistake there) and props and then use this info to come up with an answer. But you could instead choose to pass it a directory entry object. No need to go fetch it from state.
Note that this makes it very close to a method.
isDirectory = entry => entry.type === 'dir';
Now, because it's not getting state, it isn't selecting anything from state and is therefore not a selector.
However, it's plenty functional in nature. There really is no need or use to make life more complicated than that. Adding a higher order component or trying to shoehorn our problems into a more Redux-y way of doing things is needlessly complicating matters.
Selectors are recommended for selecting state so state usage is not tied to state shape. It's an abstraction layer, separating your mapStateToProps from your reducers.
Selectors are now considered part of the Redux Way, but that wasn't always true. And so, at your discretion, being informed of why something is done the way it is, you can then choose to not use it.
And, at your discretion, you can choose to substitute the current trend with your own version. It is highly recommended to do this, of course after consideration of alternatives.
Often the best solution is the one you come up with yourself. Being the most informed about your problem domain, you are uniquely qualified to formulate a matching solution.
Those who have developed great ideas that all of us feed off of and get inspiration from will probably move on from their viewpoint when something better comes along.
There isn't (and probably shouldn't be) a sacred paradigm. Everything is eligible for reconsideration. Occam's razor dictates that the simplest answer is most likely the right one.
And Redux is very much about simplicity. So to do things the Redux Way is mostly about doing things the straightforward way.

Unique identifiers for ui automation

Our ui automation team is asking for a better way to select elements for their automated tests. My thinking is that we can inject a dedicated attribute (say "ui-auto") for each testable element. This attribute would have a value which is:
persistent (doesn't change across sessions or page loads so as to not break the tests)
predictable (follows some naming convention depending on action type, location, etc.)
My questions are:
Is this a good idea? better ideas are welcome.
Are there existing conventions for this?
What the best way to implement
I should mention that we are using angular and I thought that
using some kind of directive and/or service would help automate
I should also say that I don't want to use the "id" attribute b/c I'd like to have separation between development concerns (ids may be used for javascript), and qa concerns (selection of elements for automated tests)
In our implementation we add to the DOM element a data-awt attribute, the value consists of a context (page and mode) type and unique string. As we use the EXTJS library our type is the xtype and the unique string is components name or text property. The context is developer controlled by placing a unique property on the upper most parent and all children use this as their context.
In practice we end up with data-awt values like devicesListing-button-edit, deviceDetails-displayfield-name, deviceDetailsEditWindow-textfield-name.
We found that relying on css, id, or other attributes aren't reliable and predictable since we don't want to rewrite our tests whenever there is some UI change. Now the test only needs updating if an existing element changes its name (for example the PM says the name field should now use the 'customer' data from the DTO).
You can also use the class of the element and provide a unique identifier prefixed with something like "auto_" or "t_".
The agreement exists that if anyone changes the class name with that prefix, tests will break.
#o4ohel I agree that not using ids is better as devs also depend on them and they need to change sometimes. Identifiers for automation should be isolated. It's nice to have that separation.

Best way to access adjacent components / fields

I am looking for a way to access components / field that are either in the same items array as the accessing one or even only in a same parent items array (the last one is just a option).
In ExtJS3 this was easy by simply defining a ref in the owner container but I didn't found anything like that in ExtJS4.
I know that I can use Ext.ComponentQuery() or the shortcuts up() / down() or even Ext.getCmp() but they are all not what I am looking for, cause they just executes a bunch of code while the ref was such an easy Way to do things.
Yes, I am aware of the fact that using a ComponentQuery is much more fail safe than the use of hard coded references. But I just want to know if there are some other ways to do this.
Alternately, for your case of getting the next element in a container, you can use the nextSibling or prevSibling. All components have these methods. It would be a little less walking around the DOM structure. They also allow for a selector argument.
They are described in the docs here.
Here are some tricks I have used:
//lookup by name
//lookup using nextSibling/prevSibling in a fieldset or fieldcontainer
Here fieldLabel property is used to narrow down field selection but you can use ANY property at all. So if you construct a field with a property ref you can then use it to select your field similar how you would use it in a ComponentQuery .
