Segmentation error while inserting into binary tree - c

I cannot figure out how to run this correctly, gives segmentation error. A piece of code is below. Can you look at head too , i am not sure if it is right way of initialising head to null in another file , it is run as follows :
Table tb ;
tb= initialise_table (table_size);
tb = insert(text_words,tb);
//these 3 typedef declarations are in a "some.h" file
typedef struct node * tree_ptr;
typedef char* Key_Type;
typedef struct table* Table;
struct node {
Key_Type element;
tree_ptr left;
tree_ptr right;
struct table {
tree_ptr head;
Table init_table() {
Table head = NULL;
Table insert(Key_Type key ,Table temp ) {
tree_ptr t = (tree_ptr)malloc(sizeof(tree_ptr));
t->element = key;
// t->left = t->right = NULL;
if (temp->head==NULL) {
temp = (Table)malloc (sizeof (Table));
temp->head = t;
printf("empty tree ");
else {
temp = insert(t->element,temp);
printf("inserted into ");
return temp;

The primary issue is in the code which, you say, is used to invoke the functions:
Table tb;
tb = insert(text_words, tb);
You have an uninitialized pointer, tb, which you pass to the function. Inside the function, you have:
Table insert(Key_Type key, Table temp)
tree_ptr t = (tree_ptr)malloc(sizeof(*t)); // Fixed size
t->element = key;
// t->left = t->right = NULL;
if (temp->head==NULL)
You're therefore accessing (dereferencing) the undefined pointer, and your program is crashing.
You should, I assume, be initializing your table with table_init(), but that function is actually no help whatsoever. It defines and initializes a local variable, but doesn't return anything even though it promises to do so.
Please see Is it a good idea to typedef pointers? The short answer is 'No, it usually isn't a good idea'.
You still have problems even if you fix the calling code like this (a necessary but not sufficient step):
Table tb = NULL;
tb = insert(text_words, tb);
or maybe:
Table tb = init_table();
tb = insert(text_words, tb);
but you need a seriously upgraded version of init_table(), such as:
Table init_table(void)
Table root = malloc(sizeof(*head));
root->head = NULL;
return root;
Your code in insert() needs to ensure that it does not dereference a null pointer (instead of an indeterminate pointer).
Table insert(Key_Type key, Table root)
tree_ptr t = (tree_ptr)malloc(sizeof(*t)); // Fixed size
t->element = key;
t->left = t->right = NULL;
if (root == NULL)
root = init_table();
root->head = t;
return root;
Given the Key_Type is a char * in disguise, you may need to review how you save the keys in the tree structure; you may need to use strdup() to copy the data. It is impossible to say for sure without seeing how you are managing the strings that you pass to the insert() function. It could be OK to just save the pointer if the calling code ensures that a new pointer is passed each time. OTOH, if the same pointer is passed each time, you definitely need to copy the data, and using strdup() is a sensible way of doing that. Note that strdup() is standard on POSIX; it is not part of standard C.

Here's one major problem:
tree_ptr t = (tree_ptr) malloc(sizeof(tree_ptr));
should be:
tree_ptr t = (tree_ptr) malloc(sizeof(struct node));
Your code doesn't actually do any binary search. Indeed, it just infinitely recurses creating new nodes. Try something more like this:
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct Node
char *element;
struct Node *left;
struct Node *right;
} Node;
typedef struct
Node *root;
size_t size;
} Tree;
void Tree_init(Tree *t);
Node *Tree_insert(Tree *t, const char *key);
void Tree_insert_r(Node *subtree, Node *n, size_t size);
void Tree_pre_order_r(Node *subtree);
void Tree_init(Tree *t)
t->root = NULL;
t->size = 0;
Node *Tree_insert(Tree *t, const char *key)
Node *ret = (Node*) malloc(sizeof(Node));
if (ret)
ret->left = ret->right = NULL;
if ((ret->element = strdup(key))) /* make a copy of key */
if (NULL != t->root)
Tree_insert_r(t->root, ret, t->size);
t->root = ret;
ret = NULL;
return ret;
void Tree_insert_r(Node *subtree, Node *n, size_t size)
int cmp = strcmp(n->element, subtree->element);
if (cmp < 0 || (cmp == 0 && size % 2 == 0))
if (NULL != subtree->left)
subtree = subtree->left;
subtree->left = n;
if (NULL != subtree->right)
subtree = subtree->right;
subtree->right = n;
Tree_insert_r(subtree, n, size);
void Tree_pre_order_r(Node *subtree)
if (NULL == subtree)
fprintf(stdout, "'%s'\n", subtree->element);
int main()
Tree t;
Tree_insert(&t, "Hello");
Tree_insert(&t, "World!");
Tree_insert(&t, "etc.");
return 0;


Add a list on a trie node in C

I'm adding words (character per node) on a trie data structure - that happens correctly based on a implementantion I found on the web -
Although I want to extend this and add a list containing some data based on the words, such term frequency etc.
Right now I'm facing an issue with the pointer of the list when adding the first element on a trie node - in the method append_posting_list - and getting a segmetation fault.
Here is the code so far.
#ifndef TRIE_H
#define TRIE_H
#define CHAR_SIZE 26
typedef struct posting_list {
int doc_id;
int tf;
int df;
struct posting_list *next;
} posting_list_node ;
struct Trie
posting_list_node *p_node; // this will be the head of the posting list for every word;
int isLeaf; // 1 when node is a leaf node
struct Trie* character[CHAR_SIZE];
struct Trie* getNewTrieNode();
void insert(struct Trie* *head, char* str, int doc_id);
int search(struct Trie* head, char* str);
#endif //TRIE_H
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "main.h"
int main(){
struct Trie* head = getNewTrieNode();
insert(&head, "hello", 1);
return 0;
// Function that returns a new Trie node
struct Trie* getNewTrieNode()
struct Trie* node = (struct Trie*)malloc(sizeof(struct Trie));
node->isLeaf = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < CHAR_SIZE; i++)
node->character[i] = NULL;
return node;
posting_list_node* get_mem(){
posting_list_node* p;
p = (posting_list_node *)malloc(sizeof(posting_list_node));
if (p == NULL){
printf("Memory allocation failed\n");
return p;
void append_posting_list(int doc_id, posting_list_node **n){
posting_list_node *new, *q;
new = get_mem();
new->doc_id = doc_id;
new->tf = 1;
new->next = NULL;
// if new is the first element of the list
if(n == NULL) {
*n = new;
} else {
q = *n;
while( q->next!=NULL) {
q = q->next;
q->next = new;
// Iterative function to insert a string in Trie.
void insert(struct Trie* *head, char* str, int doc_id)
// start from root node
struct Trie* curr = *head;
while (*str)
// create a new node if path doesn't exists
if (curr->character[*str - 'a'] == NULL)
curr->character[*str - 'a'] = getNewTrieNode();
// go to next node
curr = curr->character[*str - 'a'];
// move to next character
// already found this word, increase frequency
if(curr->isLeaf) {
curr->p_node->tf += 1;
} else {
append_posting_list(doc_id, curr->p_node);
// mark current node as leaf
curr->isLeaf = 1;
// Iterative function to search a string in Trie. It returns 1
// if the string is found in the Trie, else it returns 0
int search(struct Trie* head, char* str)
// return 0 if Trie is empty
if (head == NULL)
return 0;
struct Trie* curr = head;
while (*str)
// go to next node
curr = curr->character[*str - 'a'];
// if string is invalid (reached end of path in Trie)
if (curr == NULL)
return 0;
// move to next character
// if current node is a leaf and we have reached the
// end of the string, return 1
return curr->isLeaf;
I'm really stuck here.
Any suggestions would be really appreciated.
I found a couple things that when fixed, got rid of your segmentation fault.
In getNewTrieNode() I think you need to set p_node to NULL
struct Trie* getNewTrieNode() {
struct Trie* node = (struct Trie*)malloc(sizeof(struct Trie));
node->isLeaf = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < CHAR_SIZE; i++)
node->character[i] = NULL;
node->p_node = NULL;
return node;
append_posting_list() takes post_list_node **, but in insert(), you are passing just post_list_node *
void append_posting_list(int doc_id, posting_list_node **n)
append_posting_list(doc_id, curr->p_node);
looks like it should be
append_posting_list(doc_id, &(curr->p_node));
In append_posting_list()
if (n == NULL) {
should be
if (*n == NULL) {
in order to see if a pointer to an empty list is being passed in.
You should really have some functions to print out your data structure while you are working on it, so you can test each piece as you develop it. Simply compiling and running code and not getting any errors is no gurantee the code is working correctly with complex data structures like this. Making sure that each piece works perfectly before going on to the next piece will save you hours in trying to track down segmentation faults and other errors like this.

How to free memory occupied by a Tree, C?

I'm currently dealing with a generic Tree with this structure:
typedef struct NODE {
//node's keys
unsigned short *transboard;
int depth;
unsigned int i;
unsigned int j;
int player;
int value;
struct NODE *leftchild; //points to the first child from the left
struct NODE *rightbrothers; //linked list of brothers from the current node
static NODE *GameTree = NULL;
While the function that allocates the different nodes is (don't bother too much at the keys' values, basically allocates the children-nodes. If there aren't any the new child goes to leftchild, otherwise it goes at the end of the list "node->leftchild->rightbrothers"):
static int AllocateChildren(NODE **T, int depth, unsigned int i, unsigned int j, int player, unsigned short *transboard) {
NODE *tmp = NULL;
if ((*T)->leftchild == NULL) {
if( (tmp = (NODE*)malloc(sizeof(NODE)) )== NULL) return 0;
else {
tmp->i = i;
tmp->j = j;
tmp->depth = depth;
(player == MAX ) ? (tmp->value = 2 ): (tmp->value = -2);
tmp->player = player;
tmp->transboard = transboard;
tmp->leftchild = NULL;
tmp->rightbrothers = NULL;
(*T)->leftchild = tmp;
else {
NODE *scorri = (*T)->leftchild;
while (scorri->rightbrothers != NULL)
scorri = scorri->rightbrothers;
if( ( tmp = (NODE*)malloc(sizeof(NODE)) )== NULL) return 0;
else {
tmp->i = i;
tmp->j = j;
tmp->depth = depth;
(player == MAX) ? (tmp->value = 2) : (tmp->value = -2);
tmp->player = player;
tmp->transboard = transboard;
tmp->leftchild = NULL;
tmp->rightbrothers = NULL;
scorri->rightbrothers = tmp;
return 1;
I need to come up with a function, possibly recursive, that deallocates the whole tree, so far I've come up with this:
void DeleteTree(NODE **T) {
if((*T) != NULL) {
NODE *tmp;
for(tmp = (*T)->children; tmp->brother != NULL; tmp = tmp->brother) {
But it doesn't seem working, it doesn't even deallocate a single node of memory.
Any ideas of where I am being wrong or how can it be implemented?
P.s. I've gotten the idea of the recursive function from this pseudocode from my teacher. However I'm not sure I've translated it correctly in C with my kind of Tree.
1: function DeleteTree(T)
2: if T != NULL then
3: for c ∈ Children(T) do
4: DeleteTree(c)
5: end for
6: Delete(T)
7: end if
8: end function
One thing I like doing if I'm allocating lots of tree nodes, that are going to go away at the same time, is to allocate them in 'batches'. I malloc then as an array of nodes and dole them out from a special nodealloc function after saving a pointer to the array (in a function like below). To drop the tree I just make sure I'm not keeping any references and then call the free routine (also like below).
This can also reduce the amount of RAM you allocate if you're lucky (or very smart) with your initial malloc or can trust realloc not to move the block when you shrink it.
struct freecell { struct freecell * next; void * memp; } * saved_pointers = 0;
static void
save_ptr_for_free(void * memp)
struct freecell * n = malloc(sizeof*n);
if (!n) {perror("malloc"); return; }
n->next = saved_pointers;
n->memp = memp;
saved_pointers = n;
static void
while(saved_pointers) {
struct freecell * n = saved_pointers;
saved_pointers = saved_pointers->next;
I've just realized my BIG mistake in the code and I'll just answer myself since no one had found the answer.
The error lies in this piece of code:
for(tmp = (*T)->children; tmp->brother != NULL; tmp = tmp->brother) {
First of all Ami Tavory was right about the for condition, i need to continue as long as tmp != NULL
Basically it won't just work because after the DeleteTree(&tmp), I can no longer access the memory in tmp because it's obviously deleted, so after the first cycle of for ends I can't do tmp = tmp->rightbrother to move on the next node to delete because tmp->rightbrother no longer exists as I just deleted it.
In order to fix it I just needed to save the tmp->brother somewhere else:
void DeleteTree(NODE **T) {
if((*T) != NULL) {
NODE *tmp, *deletenode, *nextbrother;
for(tmp = (*T)->children; tmp != NULL; tmp = nextbrother) {
nextbrother = tmp->rightbrother;
canc = (*T);
(*T) = NULL;
Just for the sake of completeness I want to add my version of DeleteTree
void DeleteTree(NODE *T) {
if(T != NULL) {
I think it is much less obscure and much easier to read. Basically it solves the issue in DeleteTree but through eliminating the loop.
Since we free the nodes recursively we might as well do the whole process recursively.

Correct Freeing double-linked nodes in C language

I'm pretty new to C world and I don't know how is the correct way to delete this data structure avoiding memory leaks and segmentation faults.
The data structure is this:
typedef struct Node {
int id;
struct Node *parent; /* node's parent */
struct Node *suffix_node;
int first_char_index;
int last_char_index;
bool is_leaf;
struct Node **children; /* node's children */
int children_size; /* size of children structure */
int children_count; /* # of children */
int depth;
typedef struct SuffixTree {
Node *root;
int nodes_count;
char *string;
What I would do is, from a pointer to SuffixTree structure, freeing entirely tree.
I have tried to do this:
void deleteSubTree(Node *nd)
if (nd->is_leaf)
int i = 0;
for(;i < nd->children_count; ++i)
void deleteSuffixTree(SuffixTree *st)
But it is not correct.
This is main:
int main()
{ char *str = "BOOK\0";
SuffixTree *st = createSuffixTree(str);
return 0;
And this is how I allocate tree and nodes:
Node* createNode(){
Node *stn = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
stn->id = node_id++;
stn->parent = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
stn->suffix_node = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
stn->first_char_index = -1;
stn->last_char_index = -1;
stn->children_size = NODE_BASE_DEGREE;
stn->children_count = 0;
stn->children = (Node**)malloc(stn->children_size*sizeof(Node*));
stn->is_leaf = true;
stn->depth = 1;
return stn;
SuffixTree* createSuffixTree(char *str)
SuffixTree *st = (SuffixTree*)malloc(sizeof(SuffixTree));
st->root = createNode();
st->root->parent = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
st->root->parent->id = -1;
st->nodes_count = 1;
st->string = str;
return st;
makeTreeWithUkkonen is correct, I can display correct tree after createSuffixTree() call.
As GeoMad89 said, you malloc already existing nodes in the createNode() method.
If you change your createNode() code into this:
Node* createNode(Node* parent, Node* suffixNode){
Node *stn = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
stn->id = node_id++;
stn->parent = parent; //(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
if(suffixNode != NULL)
stn->suffix_node = suffixNode; //(Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
stn->first_char_index = -1;
stn->last_char_index = -1;
stn->children_size = NODE_BASE_DEGREE;
stn->children_count = 0;
stn->children = (Node**)malloc(stn->children_size*sizeof(Node*));
if(parent != NULL){
parent->children[parent->children_count++] = stn;
parent->is_leaf = false;
stn->is_leaf = true;
stn->depth = 1;
return stn;
And if you try it with valgrind, using this toy main:
main(int argc, char** argv){
Node* root = createNode(NULL, NULL);
Node* node1 = createNode(root, NULL);
Node* node2 = createNode(root, NULL);
Node* node3 = createNode(node1, NULL);
return 0;
You will see that all the malloc'd memory will be freed!
Needless to say, this code works only with NODE_BASE_DEGREE=2, otherwise, if you use a greater NODE_BASE_DEGREE value, you have to realloc the children array.
I have noticed that the leaf nodes have their children array not empty, because children_size is equal to NODE_BASE_DEGREE.
Try to delete the elements of the array in the leaves before eliminating them.
I have noticed two possible memory leaks:
In createNode, i suppose that the parent of the node that you going to create already exist, there is no need to malloc a space for it. But anyway you change the value of the pointer of parent in createSuffixTree, at least in the root of the tree, so this memory that you have allocated in createNode for parent is lost.
I don't know what suffix_node is, if is a node of the tree there is the same problem of the point one. But if is another node and so it is correct allocate memory, you don't freed when deleted the tree.

All Nodes in a linked list point to same object

The problem is somewhere in here....
char buffer[80];
char *name;
while (1) {
fgets(buffer, 80, inf); //reads in at most 80 char from a line
if (feof(inf)) //this checks to see if the special EOF was read
break; //if so, break out of while and continue with your main
name = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char)*20);
name = strtok(buffer, " ");//get first token up to space
stock = newStock(name,...)
I'm working in C with generic linked lists. I made a list implementation that I've tested and know works with chars. I'm trying to add stocks (I created a stock struct) to the linked list, with each node of the linked list holding a stock struct, but when I finish reading in the stocks all of the nodes point to the same struct and I can't figure out why. Here's some snippets of my code
list *list = malloc(sizeof(list));
newList(list, sizeof(stock_t));
while(1) {
(read from file)
stock_t *stock;
stock = newStock(name, closes, opens, numshares, getPriceF, getTotalDollarAmountF,getPercentChangeF,toStringF);
addToBack(list, stock);
Here's the newStock function:
stock_t *newStock(char *name, float closingSharePrice, float openingSharePrice, int numberOfShares, getPrice getP, getTotalDollarAmount getTotal, getPercentChange getPercent, toString toStr) {
stock_t *stock = malloc(sizeof(stock));
stock->stockSymbol = name;
stock->closingSharePrice = closingSharePrice;
stock->openingSharePrice = openingSharePrice;
stock->numberOfShares = numberOfShares;
stock->getP = getP;
stock->getTotal = getTotal;
stock->getPercent = getPercent;
stock->toStr = toStr;
return stock;
In a way I see what's wrong. newStock returns a new pointer every time, but it always gets stored in the variable 'stock' which is what every node points to, so it's going to be equal to whatever the last pointer newStock returned was...but I don't see the way around this. I tried having newStock return just a stock_t, and doing addToBack(list, &stock), but that didn't solve the problem either.
Any help would be appreciated!
Here is some code from the list:
typedef struct node {
void *data;
struct node *next;
typedef struct {
int length;
int elementSize;
node_t *head;
node_t *tail;
} list;
void newList(list *list, int elementSize) {
assert(elementSize > 0);
list->length = 0;
list->elementSize = elementSize;
list->head = list->tail = NULL;
void addToBack(list *list, void *element) {
node_t *node = malloc(sizeof(node_t));
node->data = malloc(list->elementSize);
node->next = NULL; //back node
memcpy(node->data, element, list->elementSize);
if (list->length == 0) { //if first node added
list->head = list->tail = node;
else {
list->tail->next = node;
list->tail = node;
Here's code from the stock struct:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
typedef float (*getPrice)(void *S);
typedef float (*getTotalDollarAmount)(void *S);
typedef float (*getPercentChange)(void *S);
typedef char *(*toString)(void *S);
typedef struct stock{
char *stockSymbol;
float closingSharePrice;
float openingSharePrice;
int numberOfShares;
getPrice getP;
getTotalDollarAmount getTotal;
getPercentChange getPercent;
toString toStr;
The generic functions probably seem like overkill but this is for homework (if you couldn't tell already) so we were asked to specifically use them. I don't think that has anything to do with the problem though.
Here are the definitions for those functions anyway
float getPriceF(void *S) {
stock_t *stock = (stock_t*)S;
return stock->closingSharePrice;
float getTotalDollarAmountF(void *S) {
stock_t *stock = (stock_t*)S;
return ((stock->closingSharePrice) * (stock->numberOfShares));
float getPercentChangeF(void *S) {
stock_t *stock = (stock_t*)S;
return ((stock->closingSharePrice - stock->openingSharePrice)/(stock->openingSharePrice));
char *toStringF(void *S) {
stock_t* stock = (stock_t*)S;
char *name = malloc(20*sizeof(char));
//sprintf(name, "Symbol is: %s. ", (stock->stockSymbol));
return stock->stockSymbol;
void printStock(void *S) {
char *str = toStringF(S);
printf("%s \n", str);
And this is how I'm traversing the list:
typedef void (*iterate)(void *); //this is in the list.h file, just putting it here to avoid confusion
void traverse(list *list, iterate iterator) {
assert(iterator != NULL);
node_t *current = list->head;
while (current != NULL) {
current = current->next;
And then in my main I just called
traverse(list, printStock);
I can't find any problems with your code (that would cause your problem, anyway - there are places where you don't check the return from malloc() and stuff like that, but those are not relevant to this question). You don't supply the definition of stock_t, so I made a new data struct, and a new couple of functions, otherwise I just copied and pasted the code you provided:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
/* Your code starts here */
typedef struct node {
void *data;
struct node *next;
typedef struct {
int length;
int elementSize;
node_t *head;
node_t *tail;
} list;
void newList(list *list, int elementSize) {
assert(elementSize > 0);
list->length = 0;
list->elementSize = elementSize;
list->head = list->tail = NULL;
void addToBack(list *list, void *element) {
node_t *node = malloc(sizeof(node_t));
node->data = malloc(list->elementSize);
node->next = NULL; //back node
memcpy(node->data, element, list->elementSize);
if (list->length == 0) { //if first node added
list->head = list->tail = node;
else {
list->tail->next = node;
list->tail = node;
/* Your code ends here */
/* I made a new struct, rather than stock, since you didn't supply it */
struct mydata {
int num1;
int num2;
/* I use this instead of newStock(), but it works the same way */
struct mydata * newNode(const int a, const int b) {
struct mydata * newdata = malloc(sizeof *newdata);
if ( newdata == NULL ) {
fputs("Error allocating memory", stderr);
newdata->num1 = a;
newdata->num2 = b;
return newdata;
/* I added this function to check the list is good */
void printList(list * list) {
struct node * node = list->head;
int n = 1;
while ( node ) {
struct mydata * data = node->data;
printf("%d: %d %d\n", n++, data->num1, data->num2);
node = node->next;
/* Main function */
int main(void) {
list *list = malloc(sizeof(list));
newList(list, sizeof(struct mydata));
struct mydata * data;
data = newNode(1, 2);
addToBack(list, data);
data = newNode(3, 4);
addToBack(list, data);
data = newNode(5, 6);
addToBack(list, data);
return 0;
which outputs this:
paul#MacBook:~/Documents/src$ ./list
1: 1 2
2: 3 4
3: 5 6
demonstrating that you have a 3 node list, with all nodes different and where you'd expect them to be.
Either there is some other problem in code you're not showing, or for some reason you are thinking each node points to the same struct when it actually doesn't.
One possibility is that you have a char * data member in your stock struct. It's impossible to tell from the code you provided, but it's possible that you really are creating different nodes, but they all end up pointing to the same name, so they just look like they're the same. If you're assigning a pointer to name, you should make sure it's freshly allocated memory each time, and that you're not just, for instance, strcpy()ing into the same memory and assigning the same address to each stock struct.
EDIT: Looks like that was your problem. This:
name = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char)*20);
name = strtok(buffer, " ");
should be:
name = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char)*20);
strcpy(name, strtok(buffer, " "));
Right now, you malloc() new memory and store a reference to it in name, but then you lose that reference and your memory when you overwrite it with the address returned from strtok(). Instead, you need to copy that token into your newly allocated memory, as shown.

Sequence insert at arbitrary index implemented with Linked list

I'm trying to implement sequence_insert_at using the add_to_front function here
Everything before
typedef struct sequence *Sequence;
is pasted from another c file.
void sequence_insert_at(Sequence s, int pos, int item)
struct node* temp = s->lst;
for(; pos > 0; --pos)
temp = temp->rest;
add_to_front(&temp, item);
s->end = temp;
//s->lst = temp;
I don't know why I keep getting a runtime error. if I clone s->lst and traverse the clone, I'm not modifying the pointer to the node in s, but if I change temp, s->lst should have the reflected changes since the nodes are all linked still. Any ideas as to how to fix this? I tried creating another node that is one before the temp after traversal, and then setting it->rest = temp, but that failed as well.
following mistakes a could spot but only so far to get the main function run
new_sequence does not initialize anything in Sequence it creates. lst is not initialized when you access it in sequence_insert_at
struct node* temp = s->lst;
here how it should look like
Sequence new_sequence()
Sequence s = malloc(sizeof(struct sequence));
printf("Out of memory. Can't allocate s\n");
s->lst = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
if(! s->lst) {
printf("Out of memory. Can't allocate lst\n");
s->lst->rest = NULL;
s->length = 0;
return s;
also s->lst->rest has to be set to NULL, this is what tells that the list has no more elements an not end witch turns obsolete.
struct sequence
struct node* lst;
int length;
You should be passing the sequence itself to your functions not a pointer to some internal data in the sequence.
add_to_front(&temp, item);
Your sequence_insert_at function should be the one that can handle any position not add_to_front() so it is easier to call with the position 0 from add_to_front() and your having the the hole work done in one function, not a half here and a half there.
void sequence_insert_at(Sequence s, int pos, int item)
if(s && pos <= s->length) {
struct node *newnode = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
if (newnode == NULL) {
printf("ERROR! add_to_front ran out of memory!\n");
newnode->first = item;
struct node* temp = s->lst;
struct node* prv = NULL;
for(int i = 0; i < pos; i++) {
printf("skip %d\n", temp->first);
prv = temp;
temp = temp->rest;
newnode->rest = temp;
if(pos == 0) {
printf("insert as first\n");
s->lst = newnode;
} else {
printf("insert before %d\n", temp->first);
prv->rest = newnode;
and in add_to_front only one statement is needed
void add_to_front(Sequence s, int item) {
sequence_insert_at(s, 0, item);
as for inserting at the back of the list
void add_to_back(Sequence s, int item) {
sequence_insert_at(s, s->length, item);
A small test with the main function
void print_sequence(Sequence s)
struct node* temp = s->lst;
for(int i = 0; i < s->length; temp = temp->rest) {
printf("%d ", temp->first);
int main()
Sequence derp = new_sequence();
sequence_insert_at(derp, 0, 14);
add_to_front(derp, 16);
sequence_insert_at(derp, 0, 17);
sequence_insert_at(derp, 2, 15);
add_to_back(derp, 13);
return 0;
output is:
17 16 15 14 13
You'll have to go trough the other functions and fix them.
Finally i should note that variable names you have choosen are little bit confusing if not misleading, i would name them this way
typedef struct node {
int data; /* the data that a node holds */
struct node* next; /* the pointer to the next node */
} Node_t;
typedef struct sequence {
struct node* head; /* head or first element of the sequence/list */
int length; /* length is ok but size is better */
} Sequence_t;

