VBA string array with unknown amount of strings - arrays

First of all let me all congratulate you on a superb forum! it's helped me Loads! so far with getting my little program working... and now I'm finally stuck.
I am attempting to automate Outlook to send tailored Offers to clients through a UserForm.
We offer 5 types of solutions and I don't know if the client will want 1 (DCF) or 2 (Top-Slice) or 3 (Ertragswert) or 4 (Belwert) or the 5 (Sachwert) of them. So I need a way for the code to check how many Checkboxes are ticked and then order them into a string (I've named it ValTyp) and separate them with comas and insert an "and"before the last. Say client wants 1, 3 and 5. The solution would be DCF, Ertragswert and Sachwert. So far I have my checkboxes all checking for values as follows:
Public iSach As String
Private Sub CKSach_Click()
Dim Sach As Boolean
Sach = CKSach.Value
If Sach = True Then
iSach = "Sachwert "
ValCount = ValCount + 1
iSach = ""
ValCount = ValCount - 1
End If
End Sub
I have attempted at building an IF statement for a similar part which has 3 options and one is a must:
If (iRics <> "" And iBelSTD <> "" And iImmo <> "") Then
Standard = (iRics & ", " & iBelSTD & "und " & iImmo)
ElseIf (iBelSTD <> "" Or iImmo <> "") Then
Standard = (iRics & "und " & iImmo & iBelSTD)
Stadard = iRics
End If
I am thinking of creating an array, with the length of ValCount... but I seem to be completely unable t get it to work:
Dim Services() As String
ReDim Services(0 To 4) As String
If iDCF <> "" Then
Services(0) = iDCF
End If
If iDCF <> "" Then
Services(1) = iCore
End If
If iDCF <> "" Then
Services(2) = iErtrag
End If
If iDCF <> "" Then
Services(3) = iSach
End If
If iDCF <> "" Then
Services(4) = iBelVT
End If
Debug.Print Services(0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
I get an runtime-error 9 index outside bounds.
I have no idea what to do and I haven't even got to how to include the commas and "and".
Any help at all will be much appreciated!
Thanks in advance!

I would approach it like this: first, you store your checkboxes in a collection:
Dim cbs As New Collection
cbs.Add checkbox1
cbs.Add checkbox2
cbs.Add checkbox5
Hence, you loop inside it to add the checked values into a new collection:
Dim myStr As String: myStr = ""
Dim cbsCheck As New Collection
'count "true"
For j = 1 To cbs.Count
If cbs(j).Value = True Then
cbsCheck.Add cbs(j)
End If
Next j
'hence you compose the string
If cbsCheck.Count = 0 Then
myStr = "No element selected"
ElseIf cbsCheck.Count = 1 Then
myStr = "You selected " & cbsCheck(1).Caption
k = 1
myStr = "You selected "
While k < cbsCheck.Count
myStr = myStr & cbsCheck(k).Caption & ", "
k = k + 1
myStr = myStr & "and " & cbsCheck(k+1).Caption
End If
NOTE when you want to compose an array of elements of which you do NOT know the size in advance, in 95% of cases the object Collection is better than an object String Array.

You can use a collection instead of an array, which is most of the cases the better solution. If you really need an array for some reason, you can use the redim function to resize an array:
Dim myArray(3) As String
myArray(1) = "a"
myArray(2) = "b"
myArray(3) = "c"
ReDim myArray(4) As String
myArray(4) = "d"
You can also add a Preserve after ReDim to make sure the values won't get lost.


Looping through array and capturing substring between two specific words

I paste data from elsewhere to a userform.
For example (the copied string)
Clinical: history of heart disease
Labs: elevated cholesterol on 8Aug
Meds: just started cholesterol medication
Supplements: none
Allergies: none
Activity: recently started going to YMCA 3x/wk (elliptical and some weight lifting
I want to paste the above string into textbox1.
The string should then be split into appropriate headings on textboxes 2 to 7 on the same userform.
In textbox 2, I want everything between "Clinical:" and "Labs:"
"history of heart disease" without the headings.
If “Labs:” is not present, I want everything between Clinical: and Meds (or next heading)
At this point, I think a loop to repeat this process but for the next items
(e.g. texbox 3 = everything between Labs: and Meds – or next heading; Textbox4 = everything between Meds: and Supplements) – or next heading; etc.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim strnames(1 To 6) As String
strnames(1) = "Clinical: "
strnames(2) = "Labs: "
strnames(3) = "Meds: "
strnames(4) = "Supps: "
strnames(5) = "Allergies: "
strnames(6) = "Activity: "
strnames(7) = "NFPE: "
Dim check As Integer
str1 = TextBox1
x = 1
For box = 1 To 6
If InStr(TextBox1.Text, strnames(1)) > 0 Then
str2 = SuperMid(str1, strnames(x), strnames(x + 1))
TextBox2 = str2
End If
If InStr(TextBox1.Text, strnames(1)) = 0 Then
TextBox2 = "none"
End If
Next box
End sub
This is the code that I have been using (from wellsr.com) to capture the data between word1 and word2 of the array. The problem occurs when a word in the array is not present at which point it adds all of the text following the first word.
Public Function SuperMid(ByVal strMain As String, str1 As String, str2 As String,
Optional reverse As Boolean) As String
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, temp As Variant
On Error GoTo errhandler:
If reverse = True Then
i = InStrRev(strMain, str1)
j = InStrRev(strMain, str2)
If Abs(j - i) < Len(str1) Then j = InStrRev(strMain, str2, i)
If i = j Then 'try to search 2nd half of string for unique match
j = InStrRev(strMain, str2, i - 1)
End If
End If
If reverse = False Then
i = InStr(1, strMain, str1)
j = InStr(1, strMain, str2)
If Abs(j - i) < Len(str1) Then j = InStr(i + Len(str1), strMain, str2)
If i = j Then 'try to search 2nd half of string for unique match
j = InStr(i + 1, strMain, str2)
End If
End If
If i = 0 And j = 0 Then GoTo errhandler:
If j = 0 Then j = Len(strMain) + Len(str2) 'just to make it arbitrarily large
If i = 0 Then i = Len(strMain) + Len(str1) 'just to make it arbitrarily large
If i > j And j <> 0 Then 'swap order
temp = j
j = i
i = temp
temp = str2
str2 = str1
str1 = temp
End If
i = i + Len(str1)
SuperMid = Mid(strMain, i, j - i)
Exit Function
MsgBox "Error extracting strings. Check your input" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Aborting", , "Strings not found"
End Function
Sometimes you need to add a little complication to make things easier. The code below may be of interest.
Option Explicit
' This code requires a reference to the Microsoft Scripting Runtime
Public Sub Test()
Dim myHistory As Scripting.Dictionary
Set myHistory = GetHistoryDictionary("Clinical: history of heart disease Labs: elevated cholesterol on 8AugMeds: just started cholesterol medication Supplements: none Allergies: none Activity: recently started going to YMCA 3x/wk (elliptical and some weight lifting)")
Debug.Print VBA.Join(myHistory.keys, vbCrLf)
Debug.Print VBA.Join(myHistory.Items, vbCrLf)
If myHistory.Exists("Labs") Then
Debug.Print "The Lab report was: " & myHistory.Item("Labs")
End If
If myHistory.Exists("Heamatology") Then
Debug.Print "The Heamatolofy report was: " & myHistory.Item("Heamatology")
Debug.Print "The Heamtology report was: " & "Not Present"
End If
End Sub
Public Function GetHistoryDictionary(ByVal ipString As String) As Scripting.Dictionary
' Create an array of the labes in the input strings
Static myLabels As Variant
If VBA.IsEmpty(myLabels) Then
myLabels = Split("Clinical:,Labs:,Meds:,Supps:,Allergies:,Activity:,NFPE:", ",")
End If
' Add a character we can use as a separator with SPlit
Dim myLabel As Variant
For Each myLabel In myLabels
ipString = VBA.Replace(ipString, myLabel, "#" & myLabel)
' remove characters until we have removed the first separator character
Do Until VBA.Left(ipString, 1) = "#"
ipString = VBA.Mid$(ipString, 2)
ipString = VBA.Mid$(ipString, 2)
'Get an array of Label/Message
Dim myItems As Variant
myItems = VBA.Split(ipString, "#")
'Split the label/message and put into a scripting.dictionary
Dim myHistory As Scripting.Dictionary
Set myHistory = New Scripting.Dictionary
Dim myItem As Variant
For Each myItem In myItems
Dim mySPlit As Variant
mySPlit = VBA.Split(myItem, ":")
myHistory.Add mySPlit(0), mySPlit(1)
Set GetHistoryDictionary = myHistory
End Function
Building on your code:
First ensure you have Option Explicit at the top of all your modules as this will help pick out any simple errors.
In your UserForm you could have text boxes labeled TextBox1, TextBox2 etc. Then you could use this for the command button code:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim strnames(1 To 7) As String
strnames(1) = "Clinical: "
strnames(2) = "Labs: "
strnames(3) = "Meds: "
strnames(4) = "Supps: "
strnames(5) = "Allergies: "
strnames(6) = "Activity: "
strnames(7) = "NFPE: "
Dim str1 As String
str1 = TextBox1.Text
' It makes the code clearer if you are explicit about what you want
' from your text box - .Text (or .Value), even if VBA will
' give you its value if you don't specify it.
Dim str2 As String
Dim ctlControl As Control
Dim lngTextBoxNumber As Long
' You need to loop through all the controls on the form, and then
' determine which are the ones you want to alter. This assumes each
' textbox you are interested in is named in the form
' TextBox1, TextBox2 etc. To make code maintenance easier, I would
' probably put this kind of identification information on the
' controls' tag properties - that way if you rename the controls or
' you add a text box which is for something else, you won't break
' the code. You would then be reading this information off the
' .Tag property rather than .Name.
For Each ctlControl In Me.Controls
If Mid$(ctlControl.Name, 1, 7) = "TextBox" Then
lngTextBoxNumber = CLng(Mid$(ctlControl.Name, 8))
If lngTextBoxNumber > 1 And lngTextBoxNumber < UBound(strnames) Then
str2 = SuperMid(str1, strnames(lngTextBoxNumber), strnames(lngTextBoxNumber + 1))
If str2 = vbNullString Then
str2 = "none"
End If
ctlControl.Text = str2
End If
End If
Next ctlControl
End Sub
SuperMid seems to be quite an unforgiving function - as you have it, if it can't find the text before and after the text you are looking for, it will fail with an error: it might be better for it to return an empty string - otherwise your code will fail not all the strnames are present in your original string.
I altered the end of that function to look like this:
Exit Function
'MsgBox "Error extracting strings. Check your input" & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Aborting", , "Strings not found"
SuperMid = vbNullString
End Function
As it stands, your code would fail to pick up some of the information if items are left out, or had been entered in a different order: see freeflow's answer to avoid this.
I would skip the array because what you're really looking to do is to extract the phrase following the keyword. The example below shows how you can use a function to isolate the phrase.
Function ExtractByKeyword(ByVal source As String, _
ByVal keyword As String) As String
'--- extracts a phrase (substring) from the given source,
' beginning with the keyword and ending with the next
' (unknown) keyword.
' Keywords are delimited by a preceding space ' ' and
' followed by a colon ":" or EOL
Dim pos1 As Long
pos1 = InStr(1, source, keyword, vbTextCompare)
If pos1 = 0 Then
'--- the keyword was not found, so return a null string
ExtractByKeyword = vbNullString
Exit Function
End If
Dim phrase As String
'--- skip over the keyword and find the next keyword
' (i.e. look for the next colon)
Dim pos2 As Long
pos2 = InStr(pos1 + Len(keyword) + 1, source, ":", vbTextCompare)
If pos2 = 0 Then
'--- this is the last keyword and phrase in the source
phrase = Right$(source, Len(source) - pos1 - Len(keyword) - 1)
'--- now work backwards from the second keyword to find the
' end of the phrase (which is the space just before the
' second keyword
Dim pos3 As Long
pos3 = InStrRev(source, " ", pos2, vbTextCompare)
Dim startsAt As Long
Dim phraseLen As Long
startsAt = pos1 + Len(keyword) + 2
phraseLen = pos3 - startsAt
phrase = Mid$(source, startsAt, phraseLen)
End If
ExtractByKeyword = phrase
End Function
I used the test routine below to check the extraction:
Option Explicit
Sub test()
Const medInfo As String = "Clinical: history of heart disease" & _
" Labs: elevated cholesterol on 8Aug" & _
" Meds: just started cholesterol medication" & _
" Supplements: none" & _
" Allergies: none" & _
" Activity: recently started going to YMCA 3x/wk (elliptical and some weight lifting"
Dim phrase As String
phrase = ExtractByKeyword(medInfo, "Labs")
If phrase <> vbNullString Then
Debug.Print " Labs -> '" & phrase & "'"
Debug.Print "Keyword not found!"
End If
phrase = ExtractByKeyword(medInfo, "Clinical")
If phrase <> vbNullString Then
Debug.Print " Clinical -> '" & phrase & "'"
Debug.Print "Keyword not found!"
End If
phrase = ExtractByKeyword(medInfo, "Activity")
If phrase <> vbNullString Then
Debug.Print " Activity -> '" & phrase & "'"
Debug.Print "Keyword not found!"
End If
phrase = ExtractByKeyword(medInfo, "Meds")
If phrase <> vbNullString Then
Debug.Print " Meds -> '" & phrase & "'"
Debug.Print "Keyword not found!"
End If
phrase = ExtractByKeyword(medInfo, "Allergies")
If phrase <> vbNullString Then
Debug.Print "Allergies -> '" & phrase & "'"
Debug.Print "Keyword not found!"
End If
End Sub

Efficient way to group objects in an Array

I have an Array of user defined Objects. Lets say the classy, dogs.
Now I need a way to only look at all brown dogs with spots (both attributes of the Object).
I could create a new array "brown dogs" go through the original array take each dog that has brown fur and pack him in the new array. Then do another array "brown, spotted dogs" and so on you get the idea...
Works but isnt really great.
But I actually need to look at all dogs with each possible color, so all brown dogs in a group, all white dogs etc. And then create further sub groups based on further attributes.
It would be easy in an excel sheet, just filter for brown, and the other attribute, then ran the macro you want, then (by hand) filter to another color, ran code again...
I have a construct in mind that could do that in theory (take value of first attribute, create "already done colors" array, put it in their, go through whole original array, find all with the same color and then do this over and over again for all subsequent attributes) But this would be just very complexe, and hard to maintain. Isnt their an easier and quicker option to only a specific subset of values of the array (brown dogs) and repeat it for all permutations of that attribute?
Maybe this picture helps to illustrate the idea:
The basic challange is: find if the the combination of b-z (in column 2 and 3) exists for each group of column 1.
A human sees quiet quickly that for group "1" (blue) in column 1 there are 2 cases of b-z (Rows 5 and 7) but none for group "2" (green).
A programm would need to find all instances where column one is of the first value ("2") and then find all other rows with this value (rows 2,5 and 6) then for this list check column 2 and 3.
Go to the next row and check if attribute 1 was already used (it wasnt, its "1" in line two and was "2" in line one) and then compare again.
This may be doable for the given example but gets burdensome when you have several stages of grouping. So first group for Attribute one, then for ( a hyphotetical) attribute 4 and attribute 5 and then for this sub group check columns 2 an d 3 values.
Iam now looking for a way to do this "grouping" in a more managable way, is there any option for this?
Code example for what I think is a not so great version for grouping/filtering this:
dim ArrayofObjectInstances() as SpecificObject
dim ArrAlreadyUsedIds() as integer
dim ArrayOfObjectsWithSameID() as SpecificObject
For each element in ArrayofObjectInstances
If not IsinArray(elemnt.ID, ArrAlreadyUsedIds) then
For i = 1 to LenghtOfArray
if ArrayofObjectInstances(i).ID Like element.ID then
'In here I would start the for each and the for loop again for a second Attribute I want to group by, and then again for a third, each time needing more arrays
'fill the "ArrayOfObjectsWithSameID" with the current element (and the first one), then lopp through this array and check 2 Attributes if they are spevific values,
'just to then be able to say, yes the grouping for this ID has at least one instance where the reuirment is meet
end if
end if
next element
One way to go:
Test class clsTest:
Option Explicit
Public Id As Long
Public Color As String
Public Weight As String
Public Attitude As String
'added this for Debug output
Public Property Get AsString()
AsString = Join(Array(Me.Id, Me.Color, Me.Weight, Me.Attitude), "~")
End Property
Test code:
Option Explicit
Sub Tester()
Dim i As Long, obj As clsTest, col As New Collection
'create a collection of test objects with randomized property values
For i = 1 To 10
Set obj = New clsTest
obj.Id = i
obj.Color = Array("Blue", "Brown", "Yellow") _
(Application.RandBetween(0, 2))
obj.Weight = Array("Heavy", "Light")(Application.RandBetween(0, 1))
obj.Attitude = Array("Good", "Bad")(Application.RandBetween(0, 1))
col.Add obj
Next i
DumpNestedDict Classify(col, Array("Color"))
DumpNestedDict Classify(col, Array("Color", "Weight"))
DumpNestedDict Classify(col, Array("Weight", "Color", "Attitude"))
End Sub
'Classify a collection of objects according to an array of property names
'Returns a scripting dictionary (nested if >1 property) with objects
' contained in one or more collections
Function Classify(col, arrProps)
Dim dict As Object, pv, i As Long, curr As Object, obj As Object
Set dict = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
For Each obj In col
Set curr = dict 'start at the top level...
For i = LBound(arrProps) To UBound(arrProps)
pv = CallByName(obj, arrProps(i), VbGet) 'get the property value
If Not curr.exists(pv) Then
If i < UBound(arrProps) Then 'at the last property?
'not at last property, so create a nested dictionary
curr.Add pv, CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
'end of the road is a collection of objects
curr.Add pv, New Collection 'end of the road is a collection of objects
End If
End If
If i < UBound(arrProps) Then Set curr = curr(pv) 'one level down in the nesting
'last property, so add the object itself
If i = UBound(arrProps) Then
curr(pv).Add obj
End If
Next i
Next obj
Set Classify = dict
End Function
'create a text output from a nested dictionary containing collections of objects
' object must have an "AsString" property
Sub DumpNestedDict(d As Object, Optional level As Long = 0)
Dim k, v, s, obj
s = String(level * 3, " ")
For Each k In d.Keys
Debug.Print s & "Key:" & k
If TypeName(d(k)) = "Dictionary" Then
DumpNestedDict d(k), level + 1
ElseIf TypeName(d(k)) = "Collection" Then
For Each obj In d(k)
Debug.Print String((level + 1) * 3, " ") & obj.AsString
Next obj
End If
Next k
If level = 0 Then Debug.Print "---------------------------", vbLf
End Sub
Example output:
Please, test the next code. I tried commenting it in a way to be understandable for somebody not familiar with dictionaries handling:
Sub testDictionariyWay()
'it needs a reference to 'Microsoft Scripting Runtime'
'The code may use late binding, but not being experienced in dictionary using, adding this reference
'you will have access to intellisense suggestions. I will also place a piece of code able to put it automatically...
Dim sh As Worksheet, arr, arrOb, dict As New Scripting.Dictionary
Dim i As Long, j As Long, boolExisting As Boolean
Set sh = ActiveSheet
arr = sh.Range("A2:C7").value 'put the range to be processed in an array (only to make the code faster and more compact)
For i = 1 To UBound(arr)
If Not dict.Exists(arr(i, 2)) Then 'if the attribute does not exist like a dictionary key:
dict.Add arr(i, 2), Array(arr(i, 1)) 'a key is created and an array of one element is placed like its value
ReDim arrOb(UBound(dict(arr(i, 2))) + 1) 'redim an array able to keep all precedent array elements, plus one to be added
For j = 0 To UBound(arrOb) - 1 'iterate between the existing array elements:
If dict(arr(i, 2))(j) <> arr(i, 1) Then 'check if the object is not already in the array:
arrOb(j) = dict(arr(i, 2))(j) 'if not, it will be placed in the new array
boolExisting = True: Exit For 'if the object already exists, the loop is exited and a boolean variable becomes True
End If
Next j
If Not boolExisting Then 'if not the object already exist:
arrOb(j) = arr(i, 1) 'place the new object in the last array element
dict(arr(i, 2)) = arrOb 'add the array as dictionary key value
End If
boolExisting = False 'reinitialize he boolean variable
End If
'do the same for the third column:
If Not dict.Exists(arr(i, 3)) Then
dict.Add arr(i, 3), Array(arr(i, 1))
ReDim arrOb(UBound(dict(arr(i, 3))) + 1)
For j = 0 To UBound(arrOb) - 1
If dict(arr(i, 3))(j) <> arr(i, 1) Then
arrOb(j) = dict(arr(i, 3))(j)
boolExisting = True: Exit For
End If
Next j
If Not boolExisting Then
arrOb(j) = arr(i, 1)
dict(arr(i, 3)) = arrOb
End If
boolExisting = False
End If
Next i
'testing the dictionary content. Now, being a strings array, Debug.Print can be used.
'Otherwise, an object will be returned and it should be Set and use one of its attributes to check the code:
Dim El As Variant
For Each El In dict("a")
Debug.Print "a: " & El
Next El
For Each El In dict("x")
Debug.Print "x: " & El
Next El
End Sub
The next piece of code will automatically add the necessary reference. Please, first run the following code, save the workbook (to keep the reference) and then run the above one:
Sub addScrRunTimeRef()
'Add a reference to 'Microsoft Scripting Runtime':
'In case of error ('Programmatic access to Visual Basic Project not trusted'):
'Options->Trust Center->Trust Center Settings->Macro Settings->Developer Macro Settings->
' check "Trust access to the VBA project object model"
Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject.References.AddFromFile "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\scrrun.dll"
End Sub
Edited to add a variant involving a class and its instances, to be more elocvent (at least, this is what I hope):
Create a class module, named 'clsFoo' and paste the next code:
Option Explicit
Private pmyName As String
Private pmyColor As String
Private pmyTag As String 'to identify the class Object instance (string) name...
Public Property Get myName() As String
myName = pmyName
End Property
Public Property Let myName(value As String)
pmyName = value
End Property
Public Property Get myColor() As String
myColor = pmyColor
End Property
Public Property Let myColor(value As String)
pmyColor = value
End Property
Public Property Get myTag() As String
myTag = pmyTag
End Property
Public Property Let myTag(value As String)
pmyTag = value
End Property
Try the next code showing how to create dictionaries for both class properties:
Sub testClassInstancesInDict()
Dim arrFoo(4), Foo1 As New clsFoo, Foo2 As New clsFoo, Foo3 As New clsFoo, Foo4 As New clsFoo, Foo5 As New clsFoo
Dim El As Variant, dictName As New Scripting.Dictionary, dictColor As New Scripting.Dictionary, arrClss() As clsFoo, i As Long
Foo1.myName = "Name1": Foo1.myColor = "red": Foo1.myTag = "Foo1": Set arrFoo(0) = Foo1
Foo2.myName = "Name2": Foo2.myColor = "black": Foo2.myTag = "Foo2": Set arrFoo(1) = Foo2
Foo3.myName = "Name1": Foo3.myColor = "green": Foo3.myTag = "Foo3": Set arrFoo(2) = Foo3
Foo4.myName = "Name4": Foo4.myColor = "black": Foo4.myTag = "Foo4": Set arrFoo(3) = Foo4
Foo5.myName = "Name1": Foo5.myColor = "white": Foo5.myTag = "Foo5": Set arrFoo(4) = Foo5
For Each El In arrFoo
'process dictName dictionary:
If Not dictName.Exists(El.myName) Then
dictName.Add El.myName, Array(El)
ReDim arrClss(UBound(dictName(El.myName)) + 1)
For i = 0 To UBound(dictName(El.myName))
Set arrClss(i) = dictName(El.myName)(i)
Next i
Set arrClss(i) = El: dictName(El.myName) = arrClss
End If
'process dictColor dictionary:
If Not dictColor.Exists(El.myColor) Then
dictColor.Add El.myColor, Array(El)
ReDim arrClss(UBound(dictColor(El.myColor)) + 1)
For i = 0 To UBound(dictColor(El.myColor))
Set arrClss(i) = dictColor(El.myColor)(i)
Next i
Set arrClss(i) = El: dictColor(El.myColor) = arrClss
End If
'test the resulted dictionaries:
Debug.Print "DictName Name1 key has " & UBound(dictName("Name1")) & " clsFoo objects"
Debug.Print "DictColor black key has " & UBound(dictColor("black")) & " clsFoo objects"
Dim j As Long
'all dictName keys/items. myTag returns the object string name:
Debug.Print "dictName _________________________"
For j = 0 To dictName.count - 1
For i = 0 To UBound(dictName.items(j))
Debug.Print "KeyName: " & dictName.Keys(j) & vbTab & dictName.items(j)(i).myName & _
vbTab & dictName.items(j)(i).myColor & vbTab & dictName.items(j)(i).myTag
Next i
'all dictColor keys/items:
Debug.Print: Debug.Print "dictColor ________________________"
For j = 0 To dictColor.count - 1
For i = 0 To UBound(dictColor.items(j))
Debug.Print "KeyColor: " & dictColor.Keys(j) & vbTab & dictColor.items(j)(i).myName & _
vbTab & dictColor.items(j)(i).myColor & vbTab & dictColor.items(j)(i).myTag
Next i
End Sub

Copy an array of sheets using a variable Sheets(Array(Variable)).Copy

I'm having real trouble creating a string to use as the variable to copy differing tabs each time it's run depending on which cells are ticked.
My code cycles through a row of cells and anything with a tick (P) then adds to the array string.
The text generated in the string is identical to the hard coded equivalent but I get a runtime error 9 when I try to copy the tabs using the string.
The "rw" is populated in a previous macro that call this one.
My code is
public rw, col as long
public add as string
public add1 as variable
sub create_pack
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Set wb1 = ActiveWorkbook
col1 = 8
add = ""
Do Until col1 > 17
If sh00.Cells(rw, col1) = "P" Then
If add = "" Then
add = """Pack " & col1 - 7 & """"
add = add & ", ""Pack " & col1 - 7 & """"
End If
End If
col1 = col1 + 1
add1 = Array(add)
Set wb2 = ActiveWorkbook
Any help gratefully received as I'm completely stumped on this one.
Thank you.
I fixed it by copying tab by tab.
Hope this helps any subsequent viewers.
Sub create_pack()
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Set wb1 = ActiveWorkbook
col = 8
Set wb1 = ActiveWorkbook
Set wb2 = Workbooks.add
Do Until col > 17
If sh00.Cells(rw, col) = "P" Then wb1.Sheets("Pack " & col - 7).Copy After:=wb2.Sheets(wb2.Sheets.Count)
col = col + 1
wb2.Close False
End Sub

I keep getting and error message 'Index was outside the bounds of the array'

I am trying to display information from a text file into a multiline textbox. I run the code but the system displays an error message 'Index was outside the bounds of the array'. There are no obvious error messages and I can't seem to manipulate the code to get rid of this problem. Take a look:
Public Class TeachCon
Dim layout As String
Dim Contacts(6) As Details
Structure Details
Dim Name As String
Dim Email As String
Dim RoomNum As String
Dim number1, number2 As Integer
End Structure
Sub LoadTeachContacts(ByRef Contacts() As Details)
Dim TextFile As String = "\\Sjcdom01\mstudent\LHeywood\documents\A2\Computing\Comp 4 - Smail\Project\Text Files\Teacher Contact List.txt"
Dim TextLine As String = ""
Dim ArrayCounter As Integer = 0
Dim objReader As New System.IO.StreamReader(TextFile)
'loop through text file and load all contacts
Do While objReader.Peek() <> -1
'read next line from file
TextLine = TextLine & objReader.ReadLine() & vbNewLine
'declare an array and use it to split line from file
Dim TempArray() As String = Split(TextLine, ",")
'transfer each array element into the appropriate part of the contacts stucture
Contacts(ArrayCounter).Name = TempArray(0)
*Contacts(ArrayCounter).Email = TempArray(1)*
Contacts(ArrayCounter).RoomNum = TempArray(2)
Contacts(ArrayCounter).number1 = TempArray(3)
Contacts(ArrayCounter).number2 = TempArray(4)
'empty string before reading next line from file
TextLine = ""
'increment array counter
ArrayCounter = ArrayCounter + 1
End Sub
Private Sub ButShow_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim ArrayCounter As Integer = 0
Do Until ArrayCounter = 3
layout = Contacts(ArrayCounter).Name & "," & Contacts(ArrayCounter).Email & "," & Contacts(ArrayCounter).RoomNum & "," & Contacts(ArrayCounter).number1 & "," & Contacts(ArrayCounter).number2
If ArrayCounter = 0 Then
TextBox7.Text = layout
End If
ArrayCounter += 1
End Sub
End Class
The text enclosed by the * is where the system says it is outside the bounds of the array.
Well, one of your lines probably splits into an array that is shorter than you expect, and hence the index does not exist. Check the length of the array before you get the value. Maybe something like this
If TempArray.Length > 0 Then Contacts(ArrayCounter).Name = TempArray(0)
If TempArray.Length > 1 Then Contacts(ArrayCounter).Email = TempArray(1)
If TempArray.Length > 2 Then Contacts(ArrayCounter).RoomNum = TempArray(2)
If TempArray.Length > 3 Then Contacts(ArrayCounter).number1 = TempArray(3)
If TempArray.Length > 4 Then Contacts(ArrayCounter).number2 = TempArray(4)
Don't know exactly what your TextFile contains in it. But inorder to handle the exception change the code as below
'declare an array and use it to split line from file
Dim TempArray() As String = Split(TextLine, ",")
'transfer each array element into the appropriate part of the contacts stucture
If TempArray.Length > 0 Then
Contacts(ArrayCounter).Name = TempArray(0)
*Contacts(ArrayCounter).Email = TempArray(1)*
Contacts(ArrayCounter).RoomNum = TempArray(2)
Contacts(ArrayCounter).number1 = TempArray(3)
Contacts(ArrayCounter).number2 = TempArray(4)
End If
'empty string before reading next line from file
TextLine = ""
It would be helpful if you could give the content of the file also:
"\Sjcdom01\mstudent\LHeywood\documents\A2\Computing\Comp 4 - Smail\Project\Text Files\Teacher Contact List.txt"
I think that you should check if the line is empty or not, because the item 0 will be available without error as a Null String, but the item 1 will throw 'Index was outside the bounds of the array' In LoadTeachContacts Sub
'read next line from file
If objReader.ReadLine().Trim = "" Then Continue Do
TextLine = TextLine & objReader.ReadLine() & vbNewLine

How do I modify and append to SQL tables using Excel VBA

I have some VBA I am wanting to use to update and add data to a table on an SQL server. I have been muddling through with limited knowledge of this functionality within VBA all day, searching various sites and not really getting any answers to make things click into place and not getting any response when posting it elsewhere. Hopefully I can get this solved here.
So, I have the following code that I have cobbled together:
Sub connectsqlserver()
Dim conn As ADODB.Connection
Dim recset As ADODB.Recordset
Set conn = New ADODB.Connection
Set recset = New ADODB.Recordset
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim k As Integer
Dim msgstrng As String
Dim newstring As String
If conn.State <> 0 Then
End If
With conn
.ConnectionString = "Driver={SQL Server};server=sage500;Database=CS3Live;Uid=sa;Pwd=pass; ReadOnly=False;"""
.ConnectionTimeout = 5
End With
recset.Open Source:="custinfosheetdata", ActiveConnection:=conn, CursorType:=adOpenKeyset, LockType:=adLockOptimistic
If Sheets("Changes").Range("A1").Value <> 0 Then
For i = 1 To Sheets("Changes").Range("A1").Value
recset.Find "Col2 = " & Sheets("Changes").Cells(2, i + 2) 'find the value in B from B3 onwards
'Do something
Next i
Sheets("Changes").Rows("3:" & i + 2).Delete xlUp
i = 0
End If
If Sheets("New").Range("A1").Value <> 0 Then
For j = 1 To Sheets("New").Range("A1").Value
newstring = ""
For k = 1 To 38
If k = 38 Then
newstring = newstring & "'" & Cells(j + 2, k).Value & "'"
newstring = newstring & "'" & Cells(j + 2, k).Value & "', "
newstring = Format(newstring, "")
End If
Next k
Debug.Print (newstring)
With recset
.AddNew (newstring)
End With
Next j
Sheets("New").Rows("3:" & j + 2).Delete xlUp
j = 0
End If
If i = 0 And j = 0 Then
msgstring = "No Changes/New Data to add"
If i = 0 And j <> 0 Then
msgstring = "No Changes and " & j & " New Customers added"
If i <> 0 And j = 0 Then
msgstring = i & " Changes and no New Customers added"
msgstring = i & " Changes and " & j & " New Customers added"
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Part 1: This currently throws out an error at "With recset.AddNew..." (3001) saying that arguments are of the wrong type. The table it is going to is formatted as nvarchar(255) and all the data is formatted as text in the various fields so I am not entirely sure whats happening there.
Part 1 code:
If lastrow <> 0 Then
For j = 1 To lastrow
For k = 1 To lastfield
If k = lastfield Then
newstring = newstring & "'" & Cells(j + 2, k).Value & "'"
newstring = newstring & "'" & Cells(j + 2, k).Value & "', "
newstring = Format(newstring, "")
End If
Next k
With recset
.AddNew (newstring)
End With
Next j
End If
Part 2: As my knowledge of VBA for ADODB connections is awful at best, I cannot figure out how to continue once I have found the row I require, hence the "'Do something" line. What I need this to do is find the record matched from column B in the "Changes" excel table and then edit that row in the SQL table to match it. I can't figure out how to do this though.
Part 2 code:
If lastrow <> 0 Then
For i = 1 To lastrow
recset.Find "Col2 = " & Sheets("Changes").Cells(2, i + 2) 'find the value in B from B3 onwards
' Do something
Next i
End If
EDIT: I have this from the debug.print which may help some people visualise this a bit more:
This is for a full line (so therefore the Field List should not be required as this is data for every column in the correct order).
From what you posted, I believe you've been trying to concatenate all the values into a string separated by ','. (correct me if I'm wrong)
This answer is only useful if you wanted to append new data, if you want to find a specific record in the database and update it then its a completely different story.
The "Add New" method takes in two arguments.
The list of fields in array format
The list of values in array format
Unless you have only one field or one value to add you should put them into array before using the "Add New" method.
A possible way of constructing the arrays:
For i = 0 to count_of_fields
aryFields(i) = field_value
For i = 0 to count_of_values
aryValues(i) = value
recset.AddNew aryFields,aryValues
Let me know if that helps!
Will post this now actually instead of Monday or else I may forget.
Ended up being the neatest solution as working with arrays in this case seemed to fail a lot and they are a lot harder to debug. This at least made it a lot simpler.
Also, was good finding out that once you have found the row (my part 2 question), that it is in fact the same process as with .addnew (which was what I was not sure of)
With conn
.ConnectionString = "Driver={SQL Server};server=sage;Database=CS3Live;Uid=sa;Pwd=pass; ReadOnly=False;"""
End With
recset.Open Source:="custinfosheetdata", ActiveConnection:=conn, CursorType:=adOpenKeyset, LockType:=adLockOptimistic
If Sheets("Changes").Range("A1").Value <> 0 Then
For i = 3 To LastRow
With recset
.Find "Col2 = " & "'" & Sheets("Changes").Range("B" & i) & "'"
For k = 1 To 38
strField = Sheets("Changes").Cells(2, k).Value
varValue = Sheets("Changes").Cells(i, k).Value
.Fields(strField).Value = varValue
Next k
End With
Next i
i = 0
End If
If Sheets("New").Range("A1").Value <> 0 Then
For j = 3 To LastRow
With recset
For k = 1 To 38
strField = Sheets("New").Cells(2, k).Value
varValue = Sheets("New").Cells(j, k).Value
.Fields(strField).Value = varValue
Next k
End With
Next j
j = 0
End If
... etc
So anyway, thanks to all that tried helping on here. I still cannot understand why arrays were not working though.
