Modelling a graph like entity relationship in app engine - google-app-engine

I have a project tracking application. The app has the following entities:
story - belong to a particular project
user - belong to a particular project, assigned to a particular story
Each project can have multiple story and user entities as descendants. Each story can be parent to multiple user entities. Basically, every project has several users that can work on the various stories (tasks) within the project. Each story can have multiple users assigned to it as well. Something like below:
Now my question is, can i model such a relationship in the app engine datastore using ancestor queries without causing an index explosion? For example, i can find out stories within a project with a simple query. But to find out stories assigned to a specific user would require traversing the entire story index (which isn't really an issue due to query performance being independent of index table size), but would it not be better to have the query reflect a graph like relationship here? As if modeled using a graph database like neo4j?

If a user can work on multiple stories, or none at the moment, and/or can ever change the story they're working on (get assigned to a different story later), then modeling the story as "parent" to the user seems deeply wrong on a semantic level -- it may also cause performance issues (depending on kind of queries, frequency of reads and writes, etc, etc), but, that's quite a secondary worry, I'd focus on the semantic correctness first and I'm not entirely sure about the specific semantics of your data model.
A parent "relationship", in GAE's datastore, is intended to model a persistent (actually I'd say "permanent", in terms of the child entity's lifetime:-) 1:many connection -- especially one that may well require transactional behavior (or even just strong consistency) among parent and child, or among siblings (transactional behavior and strong consistency don't come for free, performance-wise -- but, when you need them, you really need them:-). How well does the connection between story and user in your app match this summary?
There are of course other ways you can model persistent 1:many connections; using ndb concepts, a StructuredProperty can in fact let you embed the "child" entity "inside" the "parent" one (and if you don't need queries on the child's attributes you can gain a speed boost by using the local kind of structured property).
And of course, the most general way to model any kind of relationship is with KeyProperty -- that doesn't require the relationship to be persistent/permanent, nor necessarily 1:many (e.g if a user can be assigned to multiple stories). In fact you can view key properties as edges in a directed graph where entities are the nodes, with full generality (indeed it can be a multi directed-graph, with 0+ edges from node A to node B, if you need even more generality than a "mere" graph can provide:-). But of course you can pay some price for such broad generality, if you don't really need it nor use it.
In the end, beyond complete clarity in the entity-relationship modeling (which is a good thing no matter what kind of db is underlying:-), the choice of "schema" (in the broadest sense of the word:-) for a NoSQL database is strongly dependent on what queries, updates, &c, the app will require, with what frequency, tolerance for latency, transactionality requisites, consistency (strong vs eventual), ... to a higher degree than for the relational databases that are what I think most of us "cut our teeth on". Thus I would encourage you to strive to make both aspects very explicit -- the E-R layer of abstraction, of course, but also the mix of queries, updates, &c, and the constraints and desiderata on them.


App Engine entity groups: grouping all of a user's data vs avoiding them as long as possible

I'm working on a web application that allows users to create simple websites and publish them on a static web host, and I have problems deciding if and how I should use ancestors in the gray area between necessary and avoidable.
The model is rather simple: currently every User has one or more Website entities. The Website entities store all the basic information about a website, plus it's nested navigation menu that refers to Page entities (the navigation tree is stored as a JSON property). The Page entity types are based on a PolyModel, and there are several page types that behave differently (There's a GalleryPage, for example).
There are no entity groups (or rather, no entities with ancestors) as of yet, and I'll only need a couple of transactions. When updating a Page's name, for example, I have to update it in the Page entity itself as well as in the navigation tree on the Website entity.
I think I understand how entity groups work and the basic implications of using them, but I have trouble deciding on the "best" way to structure my data in the absence of strong reasons for either approach. I could:
Go entirely without ancestors on my entities. As far as I understand I can still use cross-group transactions as long as I get the entities by key and don't need more than 5 within the transaction. The downside is that I'd depend on the XG transactions and there might come a point where I can't ninja my way around using ancestor queries anymore (and then it might be too late).
Make the user object the parent of all his Website's, Page's and other data. This would give the user a strongly consistent view of all of his data, allow me to use transactions whenever I add a feature that would need them, but limits the sustained writes to 1-5/sec. But, as a user will only ever be updating his own data, this might actually work and behave just the same for 1000 users as it will for 1.
Try to use even smaller entity groups (like seperating the navigation from the Website and making that the parent of the Website's Pages). But I'm not quite sure if there's much benefit to this, because most of the editing happens on Pages anyway.
So I guess the real question is: how do you decide when to use ancestor relationships on App Engine when there's no obvious reason for or against them? Would you go for the convenience of strongly consistent queries and being able to use transactions freely while adding features later, or would you avoid them at all costs until there's a very obvious reason for them, even if might limit my ability to do transactions later?
I read the related documentation, read the chapter on transactions in "Programming App Engine", looked at quite a few of the Google I/O videos, but I still find it hard to make that decision.

How to handle different organization with single DB?

building an online information system which user can access through any computer. I don't want to replicate DB and code for every university or organization.
I just want user to hit a domain like sign in and use it.
For second user it will also hit the same domain sign in and use it. but the data for them are different.
suppose a university has 200 employees, 2nd university has 150 and so on.
Do i need to have separate employee table for each university or is it OK to have a single table with a column that has University ID?
I assume 2nd is best but Suppose i have 20 universities or organizations and a total of thousands of employees.
What is the best approach?
This same thing is for all table? This is just to give you an example.
The approach will depend upon the data, usage, and client requirements/restrictions.
Use an integrated model, as suggested by duffymo. This may be appropriate if each organization is part of a larger whole (i.e. all colleges are part of a state college board) and security concerns about cross-query access are minimal2. This approach has a minimal amount of separation between each organization as the same schema1 and relations are "openly" shared. It leads to a very simple model initially, but it can become very complicated (with compound FKs and correct usage of such) if needing relations for organization-specific values because it adds another dimension of data.
Implement multi-tenancy. This can be achieved with implicit filters on the relations (perhaps hidden behinds views and store procedures), different schemas, or other database-specific support. Depending upon implementation this may or may not share schema or relations even though all data may reside in the same database. With implicit isolation, some complicated keys or relationships can be hidden/eliminated. Multi-tenancy isolation also generally makes it harder/impossible to cross-query.
Silo the databases entirely. Each customer or "organization" has a separate database. This implies separate relations and schema groups. I have found this approach to to be relatively simple with automated tooling, but it does require managing multiple database. Direct cross-querying is impossible, although "linked databases" can be used if there is a need.
Even though it's not "a single DB", in our case, we had the following restrictions 1) not allowed to ever share/expose data between organizations, and 2) each organization wanted their own local database. Thus, our product ended up using a silo approach. Make sure that the approach chosen meets customer requirements.
None of these approaches will have any issue with "thousands", "hundreds of thousands", or even "millions" of records as long as the indices and queries are correctly planned. However, switching from one to another can violate many assumed constraints and so the decision should be made earlier on.
1 In this response I am using "schema" to refer to the security grouping of database objects (e.g. tables, views) and not the database model itself. The actual database model used can be common/shared, as we do even when using separate databases.
2 An integrated approach is not necessarily insecure - but it doesn't inherently have some of the built-in isolation of other designs.
I would normalize it to have UNIVERSITY and EMPLOYEE tables, with a one-to-many relationship between them.
You'll have to take care to make sure that only people associated with a given university can see their data. Role based access will be important.
This is called a multi-tenant architecture. you should read this:
I would go with Tenant Per Schema, which means copying the structure across different schemas, however, as you should keep all your SQL DDL in source control, this is very easy to script.
It's easy to screw up and "leak" information between tenants if doing it all in the same table.

Relational data model to Google datastore mapping

First off, I come from a RDBMS/SQL/C++/Java/Python background and I'm a newbie
to Gaelyk, the Google API and the Google datastore.
I like to model (using flowcharts for code and DB modeling tools for the database)
before I code.
I've used Erwin heavily in the past to do DB modeling.
In Erwin, I've designed a logical / physical data model of a database I'd like to
implement using the Google datastore and Gaelyk with the Google AppEngine SDK.
I wanted to design the data layout before coding anything.
My design tool of choice has been Erwin Data Modeler.
When I looked at the Google datastore, I saw that there
are no relational constraints, and joins are done via
WHERE clause :bind variables.
How can I map my existing model (with PKs/FKs, dependent entities, heavy relational links) to the Google datastore?
Is there a modeling tool that will allow me to design for the Google datastore?
Is the DB design supposed to flow from the Gaelyk MVC pattern and direct coding?
I'm not used to this as I come from an RDBMS background where you model heavily
and all good things come from good relational design.
Also, before coding a database client app in an imperative language (C++, C, Java, Python),
I like to write pseudocode, BUT first and foremost comes the DB design (if the app
has a DB back-end)
Am I doing this all wrong? It looks like there's a set of tools available to me
to start coding, but the design tool set is not there.
Here is the logical model I'm trying to map
How would I map a circular relationship
account --(1:m)-- following --(m:1)-- following_account_id --(1:1)-- account_id?
In general, the guiding principle of the App Engine datastore - and all nonrelational databases - is "optimize for reads". In short that means denormalize, denormalize, denormalize. In some cases, that will make updates harder - for example, if you make your username the primary key of your accounts table, and a user wants to change usernames - and in some cases that will require duplicating data, such as storing persistent counts. All of this is worthwhile, though, since it gives much better read performance and scalability, and in a typical webapp, reads outnumber writes by factors of hundreds to one.
Looking at your model in particular, it's very normalized - more so than most RDBMS models I've seen, even. Some suggestions:
Roll up things like 'user_name_id' into your main accounts table.
For things like 'following', use a list property if the number of people someone follows is typically small (<1000), or the fan-out pattern otherwise.
Pick a reasonable primary key for each table where practical, such as username or email, and use that as a key name. This allows looking up records with get operations instead of queries, which are substantially faster.
When a lookup table such as 'account type' is necessary, make sure the foreign key is sufficiently descriptive you only have to look up the corresponding record for administrative actions. Better, store small, infrequently changing details like this outside the datastore, so they can be accessed instantly.
For things like tags, use list properties to reduce the number of times you have to lookup related entities, and to make indexing easier.
This only scratches the surface, of course, and there's a lot of collected wisdom here on SO, in the groups, and on blogs like mine. Feel free to come back and ask specific questions about data modelling!
To answer your other questions, no, there are no GAE-specific data modelling tools I'm aware of, but you can use a standard diagramming tool as you already are. Models are indeed defined in code, since the datastore is schemaless, but that doesn't have to be a barrier to the order in which you implement things.

is EAV - Hybrid a bad database design choice

We have to redesign a legacy POI database from MySQL to PostgreSQL. Currently all entities have 80-120+ attributes that represent individual properties.
We have been asked to consider flexibility as well as good design approach for the new database. However new design should allow:
n no. of attributes/properties for any entity i.e. no of attributes for any entity are not fixed and may change on regular basis.
allow content admins to add new properties to existing entities on the fly using through admin interfaces rather than making changes in db schema all the time.
There are quite a few discussions about performance issues of EAV but if we don't go with a hybrid-EAV we end up:
having lot of empty columns (we still go and add new columns even if 99% of the data does not have those properties)
spend more time maintaining database esp. when attributes keep changing.
no way of allowing content admins to add new properties to existing entities
Anyway here's what we are thinking about the new design (basic ERD included):
Have separate tables for each entity containing some basic info that is exclusive e.g. id,name,address,contact,created,etc etc.
Have 2 tables attribute type and attribute to store properties information.
Link each entity to an attribute using a many-to-many relation.
Store addresses in different table and link to entities using foreign key.
We think this will allow us to be more flexible when adding,removing or updating on properties.
This design, however, will result in increased number of joins when fetching data display all "attributes" for a given stadium we might have a query with 20+ joins to fetch all related attributes in a single row.
What are your thoughts on this design, and what would be your advice to improve it.
Thank you for reading.
I'm maintaining a 10 year old system that has a central EAV model with 10M+ entities, 500M+ values and hundreds of attributes. Some design considerations from my experience:
If you have any business logic that applies to a specific attribute it's worth having that attribute as an explicit column. The EAV attributes should really be stuff that is generic, the application shouldn't distinguish attribute A from attribute B. If you find a literal reference to an EAV attribute in the code, odds are that it should be an explicit column.
Having significant amounts of empty columns isn't a big technical issue. It does need good coding and documentation practices to compartmentalize different concerns that end up in one table:
Have conventions and rules that let you know which part of your application reads and modifies which part of the data.
Use views to ease poking around the database with debugging tools.
Create and maintain test data generators so you can easily create schema conforming dummy data for the parts of the model that you are not currently interested in.
Use rigorous database versioning. The only way to make schema changes should be via a tool that keeps track of and applies change scripts. Postgresql has transactional DDL, that is one killer feature for automating schema changes.
Postgresql doesn't really like skinny tables. Each attribute value results in 32 bytes of data storage overhead in addition to the extra work of traversing all the rows to pull the data together. If you mostly read and write the attributes as a batch, consider serializing the data into the row in some way. attr_ids int[], attr_values text[] is one option, hstore is another, or something client side, like json or protobuf, if you don't need to touch anything specific on the database side.
Don't go out of your way to put everything into one single entity table. If they don't share any attributes in a sensible way, use multiple instantitions of the specific EAV pattern you use. But do try to use the same pattern and share any accessor code between the different instatiations. You can always parametrise the code on the entity name.
Always keep in mind that code is data and data is code. You need to find the correct balance between pushing decisions into the meta-model and expressing them as code. If you make the meta-model do too much, modifying it will need the same kind of ability to understand the system, versioning tools, QA procedures, staging as your code, but it will have none of the tools. In essence you will be doing programming in a very awkward non-standard language. On the other hand, if you leave too much in the code, every trivial change will need a new version of your software. People tend to err on the side of making the meta-model too complex. Building developer tools for meta-models is hard and tedious work and has limited benefit. On the other hand, making the release process cheaper by automating everything that happens from commit to deploy has many side benefits.
EAV can be useful for some scenarios. But it is a little like "the dark side". Powerful, flexible and very seducing it is. But it's something of an easy way out. An easy way out of doing proper analysis and design.
I think "entity" is a bit over the top too general. You seem to have some idea of what should be connected to that entity, like address and contact. What if you decide to have "Books" in the model. Would they also have adresses and contacts? I think you should try to find the right generalizations and keep the EAV parts of the model to a minium. Whenever you find yourself wanting to show a certain subset of the attributes, or test for existance of the value, or determining behaviour based on the value you should really have it modelled as a columns.
You will not get a better opportunity to design this system than now. The requirements are known since the previous version, and also what worked and what didn't. (Just don't fall victim to the Second System Effect)
One good implementation of EAV can be found in magento, a cms for ecommerce. There is a lot of bad talk about EAV those days, but I challenge anyone to come up with another solution than EAV for dealing with infinite product attributes.
Sure you can go about enumerating all the columns you would need for every product in the world, but that would take you a lot of time and you would inevitably forget product attributes in the way.
So the bottom line is : use EAV for infinite stuff but don't rely on EAV for all the database's tables. Hence an hybrid EAV and relational db, when done right, is a powerful tool that could not be acomplished by only using fixed columns.
Basically EAV is trying to implement a database within a database, and it leads to madness. The queries to pull data become overly complex, and your data has no stable, specific model to keep it in some kind of order.
I've written EAV systems for limited applications, but as a generic solution it's usually a bad idea.

Pros/cons of document-based databases vs. relational databases

I've been trying to see if I can accomplish some requirements with a document based database, in this case CouchDB. Two generic requirements:
CRUD of entities with some fields which have unique index on it
ecommerce web app like eBay (better description here).
And I'm begining to think that a Document-based database isn't the best choice to address these requirements. Furthermore, I can't imagine a use for a Document based database (maybe my imagination is too limited).
Can you explain to me if I am asking pears from an elm when I try to use a Document oriented database for these requirements?
You need to think of how you approach the application in a document oriented way. If you simply try to replicate how you would model the problem in an RDBMS then you will fail. There are also different trade-offs that you might want to make. ([ed: not sure how this ties into the argument but:] Remember that CouchDB's design assumes you will have an active cluster of many nodes that could fail at any time. How is your app going to handle one of the database nodes disappearing from under it?)
One way to think about it is to imagine you didn't have any computers, just paper documents. How would you create an efficient business process using bits of paper being passed around? How can you avoid bottlenecks? What if something goes wrong?
Another angle you should think about is eventual consistency, where you will get into a consistent state eventually, but you may be inconsistent for some period of time. This is anathema in RDBMS land, but extremely common in the real world. The canonical transaction example is of transferring money from bank accounts. How does this actually happen in the real world - through a single atomic transactions or through different banks issuing credit and debit notices to each other? What happens when you write a cheque?
So lets look at your examples:
CRUD of entities with some fields with unique index on it.
If I understand this correctly in CouchDB terms, you want to have a collection of documents where some named value is guaranteed to be unique across all those documents? That case isn't generally supportable because documents may be created on different replicas.
So we need to look at the real world problem and see if we can model that. Do you really need them to be unique? Can your application handle multiple docs with the same value? Do you need to assign a unique identifier? Can you do that deterministically? A common scenario where this is required is where you need a unique sequential identifier. This is tough to solve in a replicated environment. In fact if the unique id is required to be strictly sequential with respect to time created it's impossible if you need the id straight away. You need to relax at least one of those constraints.
ecommerce web app like ebay
I'm not sure what to add here as the last comment you made on that post was to say "very useful! thanks". Was there something missing from the approach outlined there that is still causing you a problem? I thought MrKurt's answer was pretty full and I added a little enhancement that would reduce contention.
Is there a need to normalize the data?
Yes: Use relational.
No: Use document.
I am in the same boat, I am loving couchdb at the moment, and I think that the whole functional style is great. But when exactly do we start to use them in ernest for applications. I mean, yes we can all start to develop applications extremely quickly, cruft free with all those nasty hang-ups about normal form being left in the wayside and not using schemas. But, to coin a phrase "we are standing on the shoulders of giants". There is a good reason to use RDBMS and to normalise and to use schemas. My old oracle head is reeling thinking about data without form.
My main wow factor on couchdb is the replication stuff and the versioning system working in tandem.
I have been racking my brain for the last month trying to grok the storage mechanisms of couchdb, apparently it uses B trees but doesn't store data based on normal form. Does this mean that it is really really smart and realises that bits of data are replicated so lets just make a pointer to this B tree entry?
So far I am thinking of xml documents, config files, resource files streamed to base64 strings.
But would I use couchdb for structural data. I don't know, any help greatly appreciated on this.
Might be useful in storing RDF data or even free form text.
A possibility is to have a main relational database that stores definitions of items that can be retrieved by their IDs, and a document database for the descriptions and/or specifications of those items. For example, you could have a relational database with a Products table with the following fields:
And that Specifications field would actually contain a reference to a document with the technical specifications of the product. This way, you have the best of both worlds.
Document based DBs are best suiting for storing, well, documents. Lotus Notes is a common implementation and Notes email is an example. For what you are describing, eCommerce, CRUD, etc., realtional DBs are better designed for storage and retrieval of data items/elements that are indexed (as opposed to documents).
Re CRUD: the whole REST paradigm maps directly to CRUD (or vice versa). So if you know that you can model your requirements with resources (identifiable via URIs) and a basic set of operations (namely CRUD), you may be very near to a REST-based system, which quite a few document-oriented systems provide out of the box.
