sprites are blurred on mobile - mobile

I'm making a 2D game in Unity3D. I drawed all my sprites in Photoshop with 600 pixels/inches. I've set Filter mode to Point, max size to 4096 and format to truecolor in import settings in unity. And it looks good when I run it in unity on PC. But, sprites look blurred on all mobile devices (android). I've made "Override for android", set max size 4096 and format "true color". Anyway, it is blurred on mobile. What is my mistake? Here are screens:
Here is how it looks on PC.
Here is how it looks on mobile.

Hard to guess without any screengrabs, Uncheck Generate Mip Maps?
If not Mipmaps try settings below. It does look like Filtering option set different than Point. Triple check everything again.

Try setting your "Texture Type" to "Sprite(2D and UI)" in the import settings. Also why have you set the texture size so high?


Premiere Pro black bars on export

I keep getting black bars on the sides and occasionally on the top and bottom as well. I've been troubleshooting the issue for at least 4 days to no avail. I tried, cropping on export pane, different settings/aspect ratios, new sequences with different settings and Scale to Fit/Fill.
The only settings that got rid of the black bars was changing the pixel ratio to 1.0 but that made my video very blurry.
My sequence settings are same FPS 1920/1080 with matching pixel ratio of 1.0 (to the imported clips). And original clips are all 1920/1080 I don't know what their pixel ratio is but when I import them to Premiere they are all 1.0
These are the export settings
From the looks of your title I'm going to assume you're uploading to YouTube? If that's so, you might try using one of the 'Presets' other than custom. If you scroll all the way down, in the preset dropdown, I remember there being options to optimise for YouTube 240/480/720/1080 and so on. This might change what you need to change.
Alternatively, I've made the mistake before of aligning my clips to the 'focus lines' rather than to the edge of the screen. Your solution may be as simple as transforming your clips bigger.
I know this is pretty late to the party. I hope you found what you were looking for.

How ImageResizer Dynamically change image resolution based on screen size

I am using ImageResizer to resize the images and display on the bootstrap layout.
Here I am fixing the image sizes while retrieving them to display the sizes in URL.
Issue is, image quality is lost as dimensions are different for different screen sizes and I am unable to adjust the image which is retrieved to fit exactly to the screen size.
Eg: for 14 inch monitor if size of image is 300*300 which gives perfect quality image, if the same image is viewed in 21 inch monitor the 300*300 image retrieved from imageresizer is loosing quality and getting blurred.
Can some one say what is best solution to retrieve images?
Thanks in advance.
Slimmage.js offers automatic resolution and dpi-switching using the ImageResizer URL API. It is probably the easiest way to achieve what you are looking for, as you just install it and set a CSS max-width on images. Done.
Why this is a problem (like Amy says in the first comment):
Because of high-density displays, browser pixels and screen pixels are not 1-1. Thus you need to use a images-swapping technique like srcset, picture, or Slimmage.js. srcset and picture require polyfills to work on older browsers.

Responsive Websites with "cover" background images

I'm designing a responsive site using edge reflow with the following rules for breakpoints:
<480px, <768, 1024>
I'm using a different background picture for each breakpoint of respective widths. However when I add them to Reflow with contain for scale-x it seems as if the image I created is not that size. Most of them were at least 200 pixels shorter than designed.
So my question is what dimensions should I use background images for each breakpoint as well as any other guidance for this using Reflow or suggestions of I'm doing something wrong.
Normally I'd use cover rather than contain but then the image scales and doesn't show what I need it to from device to device.

xna 16bit texture looks like 8bit

I have a 16bit texture that is displayed on a model in an xna+silverlight app.
Here is the texture
But, it is rendered like this:
I tried loading png instead of jpg, loading from stream and some other stuff I forgot, but nothing seems to work.
I tried setting PreferredBackBufferFormat to SurfaceFormat.Color, nothing changed.
Xna is displaying in 16bit by default. 5 bit for R, 6G and 5 B. After converting my texture to 565 it looks exactly like the one rendered.
There probably is no solution that would satisfy me, so I'm will be trying some other approach.
On Windows Phone 7, is you want to use 32 bits colors, you have to explicitely activate it in the application manifest.
Open the WMAppManifest.xml file, search the App node, and add the attribute BitsPerPixel="32"

Windows Mobile form size

I’m creating a windows mobile app which uses a custom GUI. It has an image as background and some text and images rendered on it. I want to do as little image processing in the app itself, so I’m creating different skins for different screen resolutions. If I need to support another screen resolution I’ll just add another skin.
But what concerns me is that different emulator images have different sizes on their taskbars and menu bars, so the size of the actual form is not the same for all devices with the same resolution. So far I’ve found emulators where the taskbar and menu is either 104 (usually VGA, WVGA…) or 52 (QVGA, QWVGA…) pixels high. Do those menus always take up 52 or 104 pixels, or do device vendors or power users install things like a 3px high battery meter so the menu suddenly takes up 107 pixels?
From what I've seen with windows mobile, there is a standard screen size and the various emulator's sizes are scalings of that standard size IE 104px is a scale factor of 2 over 52px. In NETCF at least, the drawing API handled the scaling fairly well.
yep i remember having problems with this in the past as well - iirc the default bar size was a multiple of 26 or something (so 52 and 104 seems to fit) - i dont have the code here unfortunately, but i think it used something like this:
uint titleBarHeight = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION);
i remember there being a problem with the apps detecting if the bottom button bar was present, but that might have just been the order i did things in at load-time..
