Difference between "drive.metadata.readonly" and "drive.readonly.metadata" - google-app-engine

I want to ask what is the difference between DriveScopes.DRIVE_METADATA_READONLY and https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.readonly.metadata? In other words, what is the difference between
these two forms:
https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.metadata.readonly //DriveScopes.DRIVE_METADATA_READONLY
When I was using service account for working with Drive API it takes me a long time to figure out, why my app was throwing unauthorized exception:
Uncaught exception from servlet
com.google.api.client.auth.oauth2.TokenResponseException: 403
"error" : "access_denied",
"error_description" : "Requested client not authorized."
The String constant DriveScopes.DRIVE_METADATA_READONLY was causing the exception. In which context should I use this constant?

That's clearly a mistake in the Java API client.
The API documentation states that the correct scope is :
Whereas when you look at the latest javadoc (at the time of this answer), you get :
You should ignore the DriveScopes constant and create your own constant, while the Google Drive team fixes this.


A misleading "SyntaxError" log + 500

for six months, I learn how to code. While following a Udemy lesson to connect MongoDB and React, two error logs showed up simultaneously. After two days, I did solve the bug. However, I felt a bit misled by my console.
The errors:
1.POST http://localhost:3000/api/new-meetup 500 (Internal Server Error) // 
2.Uncaught (in promise) SyntaxError: Unexpected token I in JSON at position 0
The authorization with MongoDB servers caused the issue since changing the URI popped the same two error logs again.
Since it was on a server-side, the debugger also logged
reason: TopologyDescription {
type: 'ReplicaSetNoPrimary',
Isn't that a bit missleading logs?.
Nu. 1 >> Problem with the connection.
Nu. 2 >> Problem with the data transferred, usually an escaped character or a spelling error.
It isn't a standard error chain that one can usually see coding with a platform due to a spelling error that crashes many levels.
Is it common to have situations like this with two errors, one of which is not really "the main issue," or am I missing something?.
What worked : changing password and reauthorizing my IP in Momngodb website.
Didn't worked : creating new firewall rule, playing with address, try catch, etc.
the console logged the data so:
{title: '1', image: 'https://media.istockphoto.com/photos/circuit-blue-board-background-copy-space-computer', address: '1', description: '1'}
Which looks OK to me.

What are the possible values for X-AppEngine-TaskRetryReason header in Google app engine request headers?

Basically, I am facing an issue while n number of taskqueues are running in the Google Cloud Platform. There is no error in code or server but the execution of the taskqueues got terminated due to instance unavailability by which it will trigger a taskqueue again and again.
I know a few reasons by which this kind of termination process takes place.
Instance Unavailable
App Error / AppEngine Error
Memory Exceeded
I want to know the other possible values for the X-AppEngine-TaskRetryReason header.
For example (the response of GAE):
self.request.headers {'Content_Length': '432', 'Content-Length': '432', 'X-Appengine-Current-Namespace': '75f4910a-b925-4945-92f0-b214a459f0be', 'X-Appengine-Taskexecutioncount': '1', 'X-Appengine-Tasketa': '1624452214.545367', 'User-Agent': 'AppEngine-Google; (+http://code.google.com/appengine)', 'X-Appengine-Taskpreviousresponse': '503', 'Host': 'payqa-dot-hw-pay.qa.appspot.com', 'X-Appengine-Taskretrycount': '2', 'Referer': 'http://payqa-dot-hw-pay.qa-.appspot.com/pay/runpayroll', 'Content_Type': 'application/octet-stream', 'X-Cloud-Trace-Context': 'd44fdfd56bc7733afb3169fb354b80ed/6659926505008598367', 'Traceparent': '00-d44fdfd56bc7733afb3169fb354b80ed-5c6ccfded93f0d5f-00', 'X-Appengine-Queuename': 'payroll', 'X-Appengine-Taskname': '21925984910338157231', 'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream', 'X-Appengine-Country': 'ZZ', **'X-Appengine-Taskretryreason': 'Instance Unavailable'**}
Like I mentioned in the comments there is no listing in the documentation for the possible values of X-AppEngine-TaskRetryReason and it only states that it represents:
The reason for retrying the task.
That being said there is two possibilities why this happens, either this has no specific value and just spits out whatever message it is passed to it by the actual class or component that generated the failure of the execution of the tasks or this is not being shared because the Google Cloud team did not considered it necessary.
Either way if you want to know why this happens and what values you can expect, you should open a Customer issue in Google's Issue Tracker so you can check why this is not shared in the documentation with their Engineering team.

Google AppEngine application log assigned to the wrong request log

When I look at the logs in the Google Log Viewer for my GAE project, I see that often the logs that I write myself in the code are assigned to the wrong request. Most of the time the log is assigned to the request directly after the request that produced the log entry.
As the root of every application log in GAE must be a request, this means that the wrong request is sometimes marked as error, because another request before produced an error, but the log is somehow assigned to the request after that.
I don't really do anything special, I use Ktor as my servlet and have an interceptor that creates a log when an exception occurs before returning status 500.
I use Java logging via SLF4J with the google cloud logging handler, but before that I used logback via SLf4J and had the same problem.
The content of the logs itself is also correct, the returned status of the request, the level of the log entry, the message, everything is ok.
I thought that it may be because I use kotlin and switch coroutine contexts during a single request, but in some cases the point where I write the log and where I send the response are exactly next to each other, so I'm not sure if kotlin has anything to do with it.
My logging.properties:
# To use this configuration, add to system properties : -Djava.util.logging.config.file="/path/to/file"
.level = INFO
# it is recommended that io.grpc and sun.net logging level is kept at INFO level,
# as both these packages are used by Stackdriver internals and can result in verbose / initialization problems.
# default : java.log
# default : INFO
# default : ERROR
# default : auto-detected, fallback "global"
# custom formatter
java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter.format=%1$tY-%1$tm-%1$td %1$tH:%1$tM:%1$tS %4$-6s %2$s %5$s%6$s%n
#optional enhancers (to add additional fields, labels)
My logging relevant dependencies:
implementation "org.slf4j:slf4j-jdk14:1.7.30"
implementation "com.google.cloud:google-cloud-logging:1.100.0"
An example logging call:
exception<Throwable> { e ->
logger().error("Error", e)
call.respondText(e.message ?: "", ContentType.Text.Plain, HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError)
with logger() being:
import org.slf4j.Logger
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
inline fun <reified T : Any> T.logger(): Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(T::class.java)
An example of the log in Google cloud. The first request has the query parameter GAID=cdda802e-fb9c-47ad-0794d394c913, but as you can see the error log for that request is in the one below, marked in red.

Error in requesting track for url for SPTTrack object

I am trying to get SPTTrack object from url using Spotify iOS SKD v10beta.
Somehow, it returns an error, like :
Error Domain=com.spotify.ios-sdk Code=102 "No registered class for type 'artist'" UserInfo=0x7a644700 {NSLocalizedDescription=No registered class for type 'artist'}
Strange thing, that it has worked previously. I have found similar problem in getting the user.
What this error is related to? I have removed/added,linked spotify framework multiple times.
Error occurred because ObjC was not present at Other Linker Flags in frameworks/libraries/targets/project.

Is there a list of applicationError codes & descriptions for the Google AppEngine ApplicationException?

Hello everyone and thanks up front for your time,
I am working on a java-based GAE web application and now and then I get ApiProxy.ApplicationExceptions.
In the current case they appear randomly and come with the applicationError 108 when I open a write channel to a blob using the (yes I know, still experimental) FileStore API. Although the API is still in an experimental state, I'd like to handle the thrown exception correctly. Thus my question:
Where can I find a list of possible application errors including their descriptions?
As of right now it is not possible for me to figure out where the problem resides since the thrown exception does not contain something like a message, hint or reason phrase but only the error ID 108:
Caused by: com.google.apphosting.api.ApiProxy$ApplicationException: ApplicationError: 108:
at java.lang.Thread.getStackTrace(Thread.java:1495)
at com.google.apphosting.runtime.ApiProxyImpl.doSyncCall(ApiProxyImpl.java:240)
at com.google.apphosting.runtime.ApiProxyImpl.access$000(ApiProxyImpl.java:66)
at com.google.apphosting.runtime.ApiProxyImpl$1.run(ApiProxyImpl.java:183)
at com.google.apphosting.runtime.ApiProxyImpl$1.run(ApiProxyImpl.java:180)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
at com.google.apphosting.runtime.ApiProxyImpl.makeSyncCall(ApiProxyImpl.java:180)
at com.google.apphosting.runtime.ApiProxyImpl.makeSyncCall(ApiProxyImpl.java:66)
at com.googlecode.objectify.cache.TriggerFutureHook.makeSyncCall(TriggerFutureHook.java:154)
at com.google.apphosting.api.ApiProxy.makeSyncCall(ApiProxy.java:107)
at com.google.apphosting.api.ApiProxy.makeSyncCall(ApiProxy.java:56)
at com.google.appengine.api.files.FileServiceImpl.makeSyncCall(FileServiceImpl.java:584)
... 65 more
Also, the corresponding javadoc is quite conservative with giving information: https://developers.google.com/appengine/docs/java/javadoc/com/google/apphosting/api/ApiProxy.ApplicationException
Currently I bluntly cancel these requests with a 500, but since I am not sure what has happened I should probably do something else/more.
the best information I could get is from the Python source code :
