I'm trying to replicate a solution from javascript to Ruby where the idea is to build a grid from two arrays and then, running a search on both arrays, change certain elements in the grid.
I think my ruby solution is fairly similar but the grid doesn't look similar.
Any help is much appreciated
nums1 = [1,2,3,2,1]
nums2 = [3,2,1,4,7]
Javascript grid:
const dp = new Array(nums1.length + 1).fill(0).map(() => new Array(nums2.length + 1).fill(0));
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
Ruby grid attempts:
1º attempt
dp = {, 0)}
p dp
2º attempt:
dp = (0..n).map{|el| el = (0..m){|el| el = 0 }}
p dp
output is the same for both:
[[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]
Thank you
I have two versions for the same logic. Below are the two codes:
/*Code 1*/
this.state.dataModel[0].route.routeLine = this.props.routeLine.join(' ');
/*Code 2*/
this.setState(prevState => {
const newDataModel = [...prevState.dataModel];
newDataModel[0].route.routeLine = this.props.routeLine.join(' ');
return {dataModel: newDataModel};
/* Common Code */
let finalData = { ...this.state.dataModel[0],
hasLocationChanged: this.state.isLocationEditedForConsSeg };
let data = JSON.stringify(finalData)
console.log('Stringify Data ',JSON.stringify(data))
When I use Code 1 the object is converted to JSON strings without data loss. But if I use Code 2 I am loosing data in JSON strings when using JSON.stringify().But according to my understanding of react Code 1 is not the correct way to mutate state
Below is the finalData in JSON object:
"layer": 1,
"layerName": "ConstructionSegment",
"layerId": 7384,
"agencyId": 79,
"lpModel": {
"lastProjectType": 2,
"lastProjectSurf": 2,
"gravelType": 0,
"gravelTreatment": 0,
"bitType": 1,
"concrType": 0,
"astType": 0,
"compType": 0,
"lastProjectYear": 2002,
"lpDepth": 7,
"totalDepth": 7,
"lastProjectMile": "0",
"comment": "",
"lastProjectYearEst": 0,
"lpDepthEst": 0,
"totalDepthEst": 0
"bModel": {
"topBaseType": 3,
"topBaseDpt": 23,
"topBaseYear": 1973,
"topBaseTrt": 6,
"bottomBaseType": 2,
"bottomBaseDpt": 23,
"bottomBaseYear": 0,
"bottomBaseTrt": 1,
"fabric": 0,
"subgradeStrength": 100,
"subgradeStrengthType": 5,
"lastSGImpYear": 0,
"subgradeTrt": 1,
"topBaseTypeEst": 0,
"topBaseDptEst": 0,
"topBaseYearEst": 0,
"bottomBaseTypeEst": 0,
"bottomBaseDptEst": 0,
"bottomBaseYearEst": 0,
"subgradeStrengthEst": 0,
"lastSGImpYearEst": 0
"xModel": {
"laneWidth": 4,
"numLanes": 2,
"rtShoulderTotal": 5,
"rtShoulderPaved": 0,
"gradingYear": 1973,
"curbs": 0,
"inslopeRatio": 0,
"paveSloughWidth": 0,
"sloughRatio": 0,
"edgelineTrt": 0,
"centerlineTrt": 0,
"medianType": 0,
"medianWidth": 0,
"rightOfWay": 100,
"sectionOwner": 2,
"gradingYearEst": 0
"maintenance": {
"blade": [],
"regravel": [],
"reshape": [],
"spotRep": [],
"dustControl": [],
"surfacing": [],
"crackSeal": [],
"patching": [],
"striping": [],
"cpr": [],
"crackSealConcrete": [],
"reApplyAst": []
"pavementcondition": {
"PlannedProjType": 0
"route": {
"id": 12804,
"start": "47.04905, -95.722035",
"end": "47.107359, -95.721154",
"routeLength": "4.03",
"routeArray": [
"routePointArray": [
"startPoint": [
"endPoint": [
"waypoints": [],
"isPolyLine": false,
"hwyNum": "34",
"segDesc": "",
"routeLine": "47.04906,-95.72206 47.06001,-95.72184 47.06281,
-95.72179 47.07266,-95.7216 47.07647,
-95.72154 47.07991,-95.72149 47.08224,-95.72154 47.08528,
-95.72169 47.08749,-95.72178 47.08846,-95.72179 47.09029,
-95.72181 47.09236,-95.72178 47.09425,
-95.72172 47.09729,-95.72154 47.10185,-95.721 47.10291,
-95.72095 47.10738,-95.72119"
I can see the data routeLine in the console.log() statement if I use Code 1 but I cannot see the data routeLine in the console.log() if I use Code 2
You are losing it becasue setState is asynchronous. If you call this.setState and soon after you read this.state you'll notice that it's not immediately updated.
See this question for further details please and setState docs.
edit1: I created a sandbox example for you. Check code in App.js, you'll se 4 click functions and a logState function. click1 and click2 do what you did in your original post, click3 and click4 propose a solution to overcome the problem.
Your routeLine is a string: "47.04906,-95.72206 47.06001,-95.72184 47.06281", not an array as you might think. You need to first convert it to an array, and then apply a join():
this.state.dataModel[0].route.routeLine.split(' ').join(). You might need to revise your state and make sure you are parsing data according to your expectations.
I have successfully started three nodes on three different Azure CentOS instances. Each node is pointing to the default notification address ( and are on the same virtual network on Azure (address space The nodes are all joined in on the same cluster name ("temperature" in my specific case).
Based on this, the nodes should all be in the same cluster; the problem is, when I run gs_stat, they're all clearly joined into individual clusters:
-bash-4.2$ gs_stat -u admin/password
"checkpoint": {
"endTime": 1542823670774,
"normalCheckpointOperation": 1,
"pendingPartition": 0,
"requestedCheckpointOperation": 0,
"startTime": 1542823670486
"cluster": {
"activeCount": 1,
"clusterName": "temperature",
"clusterStatus": "MASTER",
"designatedCount": 1,
"loadBalancer": "ACTIVE",
"master": {
"address": "",
"port": 10040
"nodeList": [
"address": "",
"port": 10040
"nodeStatus": "ACTIVE",
"notificationMode": "MULTICAST",
"partitionStatus": "NORMAL",
"startupTime": "2018-11-21T18:06:49Z",
"syncCount": 2
"currentTime": "2018-11-21T18:08:33Z",
"performance": {
"backupCount": 0,
"batchFree": 0,
"checkpointFileAllocateSize": 262144,
"checkpointFileSize": 262144,
"checkpointFileUsageRate": 0,
"checkpointMemory": 0,
"checkpointMemoryLimit": 1073741824,
"checkpointWriteSize": 0,
"checkpointWriteTime": 0,
"currentCheckpointWriteBufferSize": 0,
"currentTime": 1542823713412,
"numBackground": 0,
"numConnection": 2,
"numNoExpireTxn": 0,
"numSession": 0,
"numTxn": 0,
"ownerCount": 128,
"peakProcessMemory": 72777728,
"processMemory": 72777728,
"recoveryReadSize": 262144,
"recoveryReadTime": 32,
"storeCompressionMode": "NO_BLOCK_COMPRESSION",
"storeDetail": {
"batchFreeMapData": {
"storeMemory": 0,
"storeUse": 0,
"swapRead": 0,
"swapWrite": 0
"batchFreeRowData": {
"storeMemory": 0,
"storeUse": 0,
"swapRead": 0,
"swapWrite": 0
"mapData": {
"storeMemory": 0,
"storeUse": 0,
"swapRead": 0,
"swapWrite": 0
"metaData": {
"storeMemory": 0,
"storeUse": 0,
"swapRead": 0,
"swapWrite": 0
"rowData": {
"storeMemory": 0,
"storeUse": 0,
"swapRead": 0,
"swapWrite": 0
"storeMemory": 0,
"storeMemoryLimit": 1073741824,
"storeTotalUse": 0,
"swapRead": 0,
"swapReadSize": 0,
"swapReadTime": 0,
"swapWrite": 0,
"swapWriteSize": 0,
"swapWriteTime": 0,
"syncReadSize": 0,
"syncReadTime": 0,
"totalBackupLsn": 0,
"totalLockConflictCount": 0,
"totalOtherLsn": 0,
"totalOwnerLsn": 0,
"totalReadOperation": 0,
"totalRowRead": 0,
"totalRowWrite": 0,
"totalWriteOperation": 0
"recovery": {
"progressRate": 1
"version": "4.0.0-33128 CE"
Is there a proper way to troubleshoot this? Is there a reason the nodes can't communicate?
It looks like you’re using GridDB with multicast. This works if you’ve got local machines but don’t seem to work on Azure (or other cloud services). The solution is to change to fixed-list mode. This will give explicit addresses for the griddb nodes to join in on as a cluster.
More info here:
Say I have a lot of the following documents:
_id: “abc”,
values: {
0: { 0: 999999, 1: 999999, …, 59: 1000000 },
1: { 0: 2000000, 1: 2000000, …, 59: 1000000 },
58: { 0: 1600000, 1: 1200000, …, 59: 1100000 },
59: { 0: 1300000, 1: 1400000, …, 59: 1500000 }
_id: “def”,
values: {
0: { 0: 999999, 1: 999999, …, 59: 1000000 },
1: { 0: 2000000, 1: 2000000, …, 59: 1000000 },
58: { 0: 1600000, 1: 1200000, …, 59: 1100000 },
59: { 0: 1300000, 1: 1400000, …, 59: 1500000 }
which is basically a multidimensional array of 60x60 items.
can aggregation (or any other mongodb construct) be used to easily sum the two (or more) matrixes? i.e. values[x][y] of both abc and def are summed together, and the same is done for all other elements?
Ideally the output would be a similar multidimensional array.
This answer seems to suggest this is possible with 1 dimensional array but I am not sure for multidimensional.
This is an example with real data in a format which is slightly different:
db.col.find({}, { _id: 0, hit: 1 })
{ "hit" : [ [ 570, 0, 630, 630, 636, 735, 672, 615, 648, 648, 618, 0 ],
[ 492, 0, 471, 471, 570, 564, 0, 590, 513, 432, 471, 477 ],
[ 387, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 456, 0, 480, 351, 415 ],
[ 432, 528, 0, 0, 495, 509, 0, 579, 0, 552, 0, 594 ],
[ 558, 603, 594, 624, 672, 0, 0, 705, 783, 0, 756, 816 ],
[ 0, 858, 951, 1027, 0, 0, 1058, 1131, 0, 0, 1260, 1260 ],
[ 1269, 0, 1287, 0, 1326, 0, 1386, 1386, 1470, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 1623, 0, 1695, 1764, 1671, 1671, 0, 1824, 1872, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 1950, 1894, 2034, 2034, 0, 0, 1941, 0, 2070, 1911, 2049, 2055 ],
[ 2052, 2052, 0, 0, 0, 2085, 2007, 2073, 0, 0, 0, 1941 ],
[ 1878, 1896, 0, 1875, 0, 0, 1677, 0, 1722, 0, 1545, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 1317, 1469, 1501, 1634, 1494, 0, 0, 1290, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 1485, 1375, 1491, 1530, 1407, 0, 0, 0, 1611, 0, 0 ],
[ 1652, 1800, 1686, 1643, 1923, 0, 0, 0, 1737, 1604, 1797, 0 ],
[ 1842, 1806, 0, 1830, 1896, 1947, 0, 1710, 1734, 1725, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 1932, 0, 1908, 1878, 1941, 1931, 2007, 2013, 1995, 1995 ],
[ 0, 2025, 2004, 1927, 0, 0, 1939, 1835, 1962, 1863, 0, 1815 ],
[ 0, 0, 1839, 1755, 1821, 1821, 1751, 1656, 0, 0, 1467, 0 ],
[ 0, 1632, 1546, 1449, 0, 1551, 1449, 0, 0, 1554, 0, 1491 ],
[ 1463, 1411, 0, 1491, 0, 0, 1551, 1467, 0, 0, 0, 1464 ],
[ 0, 0, 1311, 0, 0, 1471, 0, 0, 1581, 0, 1368, 1368 ],
[ 1296, 0, 0, 0, 1176, 1381, 0, 1170, 1194, 1194, 1193, 1137 ],
[ 0, 1244, 1221, 1039, 0, 1041, 930, 921, 1033, 813, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, 1010, 0, 0, 918, 783, 0, 609, 693, 645 ] ] }
And this is the appropriate query (thanks to Veeram in the comments for fixing my code):
{ $project: { _id: 0, hit: 1 } },
{ $unwind: { path: "$hit", includeArrayIndex: "x" } },
{ $unwind: { path: "$hit", includeArrayIndex: "y" } },
{ $group: { _id: { x: "$x", y: "$y" }, hit: { $sum: "$hit" } } },
{ $sort: { "_id.x": 1, "_id.y": 1 } },
{ $group: { _id: "$_id.x", hit: { $push: "$hit" } } },
{ $sort: { "_id": 1 } },
{ $group: { _id: null, hit: { $push: "$hit" } } }
You need two operators to deal with dynamic properties: $objectToArray and $arrayToObject. To sum the values from all documents you can try to represent each x,y pair as single document (using $unwind) and then use several $group stages to get single document as a result. To get the initial order of your rows and columns you can apply $sort twice:
$project: {
values: {
$map: {
input: { $objectToArray: "$values" },
as: "obj",
in: { k: "$$obj.k", v: { $objectToArray: "$$obj.v" } }
$unwind: "$values"
$unwind: "$values.v"
$project: {
x: "$values.k",
y: "$values.v.k",
value: "$values.v.v"
$group: {
_id: { x: "$x", y: "$y" },
value: { $sum: "$value" }
$sort: {
"_id.y": 1
$group: {
_id: "$_id.x",
v: { $push: { k: "$_id.y", v: "$value" } }
$sort: {
"_id": 1
$group: {
_id: null,
values: { $push: { k: "$_id", v: "$v" } }
$project: {
values: {
$arrayToObject: {
$map: {
input: "$values",
as: "obj",
in: {
k: "$$obj.k",
v: { $arrayToObject: "$$obj.v" }
For your sample data it outputs:
"_id" : null,
"values" : {
"0" : {
"0" : 1999998,
"1" : 1999998,
"59" : 2000000
"1" : {
"0" : 4000000,
"1" : 4000000,
"59" : 2000000
"58" : {
"0" : 3200000,
"1" : 2400000,
"59" : 2200000
"59" : {
"0" : 2600000,
"1" : 2800000,
"59" : 3000000
Which file format is this and how to open it?
1435708910.94,state,{"CLOSE_TIME": 1435752000, "SERVICE_STATES": {"LED1": {"USED_MINS": 96.91667685111364, "FAIL_MINS": 0, "PAYG_CREDITS_USED": 0, "LAST_USE": [1435708747.965771, 9], "LAST_AVAIL": [1435708731.860505, true], "FREE_MINS": 374.18972703218475, "CHARGE": 96.91667685111364, "LVD_MINS": 0, "NODATA_MINS": 0}, "LED2": {"USED_MINS": 96.99929953018822, "FAIL_MINS": 0, "PAYG_CREDITS_USED": 0, "LAST_USE": [1435708728.138294, 0], "LAST_AVAIL": [1435708721.04487, true], "FREE_MINS": 141.17060283819833, "CHARGE": 96.99929953018822, "LVD_MINS": 0, "NODATA_MINS": 0}, "USB1": {"USED_MINS": 0, "FAIL_MINS": 0, "PAYG_CREDITS_USED": 0, "LAST_USE": [1435708713.425554, 0], "LAST_AVAIL": [1435708702.763062, true], "FREE_MINS": 0, "CHARGE": 0, "LVD_MINS": 0, "NODATA_MINS": 0}}, "OPEN_TIME": 1435665600, "PAYG_CREDITS_USED": 0, "KERNEL_VERSION": "4.0", "LED_QUOTA_USED": 193.9159763813019, "USB_QUOTA_USED": 0, "USB_QUOTA_END": 1435665621.729028, "KERNEL_AUTHOR": "CA", "LED_QUOTA_END": 1435686998.772021}
If you remove the 1435708910.94,state, from the beginning, the rest is a JSON string. You can open the file in any text editor like Notepad, although a specialized JSON editor gives you more features like formatting it to be easier to read. You can try this online JSON Editor.
Here is the formatted version:
"CLOSE_TIME": 1435752000,
"LED1": {
"USED_MINS": 96.91667685111363,
"FREE_MINS": 374.18972703218475,
"CHARGE": 96.91667685111363,
"LVD_MINS": 0,
"LED2": {
"USED_MINS": 96.99929953018822,
"FREE_MINS": 141.17060283819833,
"CHARGE": 96.99929953018822,
"LVD_MINS": 0,
"USB1": {
"CHARGE": 0,
"LVD_MINS": 0,
"OPEN_TIME": 1435665600,
"LED_QUOTA_USED": 193.9159763813019,
"USB_QUOTA_END": 1435665621.729028,
"LED_QUOTA_END": 1435686998.772021