Unable to locate FormController instance from parent scope - angularjs

I'm trying to access an AngularJS FormController instance (created by setting a name property on a form directive) from it's parent controller scope. The output is undefined.
But I can see the controller object as a property on the $scope when I log it to the console. I can also access the object from the template itself using the interpolation directive.
The markup looks like:
<body ng-controller="FooCtrl">
<form name="FooForm" novalidate>
<input name="bar" required>
The JavaScript looks something like:
myAngularApp.controller('FooCtrl', function ($scope) {
console.log($scope.FooForm); // undefined
console.dir($scope); // has FooForm peek-a-booing in there
Here is the full plunk: http://plnkr.co/edit/EE7pdBF32B5XRbjZuy8R?p=preview
What am I doing wrong? I'm trying to follow these docs: https://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng/directive/form

The problem here is that your controller is initialized before your template, so at the time you are trying to use it, it's still undefined. Try this:
myApp.controller('MainCtrl', function ($scope) {
$scope.$watch('NewForm', function () {
var outputArea = document.getElementById('output-area');
outputArea.innerHTML = "The FormController instance is: " + $scope.NewForm;
Also note that using:
outputArea.innerHTML = "The FormController instance is: " + console.dir(newVal);
Doesn't make much sense, you're trying to concat the return value of console.dir to a string, which also always returns undefined ;) Changed it to:
outputArea.innerHTML = "The FormController instance is: " + $scope.NewForm;
Here's a working Plunker: http://plnkr.co/edit/yfVP8hD6saWV2tIok2ER?p=preview
Edit after comment:
If you want to be notified as soon as the form is available on your scope and you don't want to use $watch, you could do that by adding an custom directive to your form element which fires an event:
<form name="NewForm" novalidate formready>
The custom 'formready' directive:
.directive('formready', function(){
return {
restrict: 'A',
compile: function () {
return {
post: function(scope) {
Now in your controller you can do:
$scope.$on('formready', function (event) {
console.log($scope.NewForm); // Available now
Here's a working example on Plunker: http://plnkr.co/edit/KG7LEB6EEkBkdONkL9LA?p=preview


Custom directive is not working/rendering the html on the browser

I have created a custom directive but when I try to render it on browser it is not working.Please see my code and guide me if you can see where I went wrong.
Below is my code
var app = angular.module('main',[]);
app.controller('servicecntr', function ($scope) {
$scope.changeclick= function(){
$scope.name= $scope.name.split('').reverse().join('');
app.directive('myDirectives', function(){
template: "<div> this is the print out of name {{name}}" + "onclick the modelPannel is <input type='text' ng-model='name'",
change the scope:true,you are inherited the scope from the parent controller, you are trying to access the name from parent controller,and how you use this directive in html,i don't find that code.

angularjs databinding for uploadcare.com doesnt work

I'm trying to integrate an upload script into my page. Im using uploadcare.com. They provided a simple directive but I just can't get it to work:
I'm setting ng-model="test" and in my controller I have the following:
.controller('MyCtrl', function ($scope) {
$scope.test = "test";
The html code looks like that:
<uploadcare-widget ng-model="test" data-public-key="xyz" />
When I check Firebug I can see that the widget works:
<input type="hidden" role="uploadcare-uploader" ng-model="test" data-public-key="6e0958899488d61fd5d0" data-crop="1200:630" value="http://www.ucarecdn.com/ca5513da-90f1-40d1-89e7-648237xxxxxx/-/crop/2560x1344/0,128/-/preview/" class="ng-isolate-scope ng-valid">
But this input value is never populated back to my "$scope.test". Why is that?
When I output $scope.test it still says "test" instead of my image path value.
You can use $watch in angular
$scope.$watch('test', function(newValue, oldValue) {
Or the function provided by uploadcare
$scope.onUCUploadComplete = function(info){
Which is a callback function after image is uploaded
Please check the scope of test model.
You can also update scope variable inside directive like
scope.test = $element.value()

AngularJs can't access form object in controller ($scope)

I am using bootstrap-ui more specifically modal windows. And I have a form in a modal, what I want is to instantiate form validation object. So basically I am doing this:
<form name="form">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="answer_rows">Answer rows:</label>
<textarea name="answer_rows" ng-model="question.answer_rows"></textarea>
{{form | json}}
I can see form object in the html file without no problem, however if I want to access the form validation object from controller. It just outputs me empty object. Here is controller example:
.controller('EditQuestionCtrl', function ($scope, $modalInstance) {
$scope.question = {};
$scope.form = {};
$scope.update = function () {
console.log($scope.form); //empty object
console.log($scope.question); // can see form input
What might be the reasons that I can't access $scope.form from controller ?
Just for those who are not using $scope, but rather this, in their controller, you'll have to add the controller alias preceding the name of the form. For example:
<div ng-controller="ClientsController as clients">
<form name="clients.something">
and then on the controller:
app.controller('ClientsController', function() {
// setting $setPristine()
Hope it also contributes to the overall set of answers.
The normal way if ng-controller is a parent of the form element:
please remove this line:
$scope.form = {};
If angular sets the form to your controllers $scope you overwrite it with an empty object.
As the OP stated that is not the case here. He is using $modal.open, so the controller is not the parent of the form. I don't know a nice solution. But this problem can be hacked:
<form name="form" ng-init="setFormScope(this)">
and in your controller:
$scope.setFormScope= function(scope){
this.formScope = scope;
and later in your update function:
$scope.update = function () {
Look at the source code of the 'modal' of angular ui bootstrap, you will see the directive has
transclude: true
This means the modal window will create a new child scope whose parent here is the controller $scope, as the sibling of the directive scope. Then the 'form' can only be access by the newly created child scope.
One solution is define a var in the controller scope like
$scope.forms = {};
Then for the form name, we use something like forms.formName1. This way we could still access it from our controller by just call $scope.forms.formName1.
This works because the inheritance mechanism in JS is prototype chain. When child scope tries to create the forms.formName1, it first tries to find the forms object in its own scope which definitely does not have it since it is created on the fly. Then it will try to find it from the parent(up to the prototype chain) and here since we have it defined in the controller scope, it uses this 'forms' object we created to define the variable formName1. As a result we could still use it in our controller to do our stuff like:
//if form is valid
More about transclusion, look at the below Misco's video from 45 min. (this is probably the most accurate explanation of what transcluded scopes are that I've ever found !!!)
No need for the ng-init trickery, because the issue is that $scope.form is not set when the controller code is run. Remove the form = {} initialization and get access to the form using a watch:
$scope.$watch('form', function(form) {
I use the documented approach.
so, user the form name, on "save" click for example just pass the formName as a parameter and hey presto form available in save method (where formScopeObject is greated based upon the ng-models specifications you set in your form OR if you are editing this would be the object storing the item being edited i.e. a user account)
<form name="formExample" novalidate>
<!-- some form stuff here -->
<input type="text" name="aField" ng-model="aField" required="" />
<br /><br />
<input type="button" ng-click="Save(formExample,formScopeObject)" />
To expand on the answer by user1338062: A solution I have used multiple times to initialize something in my controller but had to wait until it was actually available to use:
var myVarWatch = $scope.$watch("myVar", function(){
//do whatever init you need to
myVarWatch(); //make sure you call this to remove the watch
For those using Angular 1.5, my solution was $watching the form on the $postlink stage:
$postLink() {
this.$scope.$watch(() => this.$scope.form.$valid, () => {

Bind and parse HTML content

I am using AngularJS v1.2.1.
The improved ng-bind-html directive allows me to trust unsafe Html into my view.
<div ng-repeat="example in examples" ng-bind-html="example.content()"></div>
function controller($scope, $sce)
function ex()
this.click = function ()
this.content() = function ()
return $sce.trustAsHtml('<button ng-click="click()">some text</button>');
// no problem, but click is not called
return $sce.parseAsHtml('<button ng-click="click()">some text</button>');
//throw an error
$scope.examples = [new ex(), new ex()];
My question is, how to bind HTML content that may contain Angular expressions or directives ??
If you need dynamic templates per element, as your question suggests, one solution would be to use $compile within a directive to parse the HTML within the context of the local scope. A simple version of this is shown in this Plunk.
An example directive:
app.directive('customContent', function($compile) {
return function(scope, el, attrs) {
The corresponding HTML:
<div ng-repeat="example in examples">
<div custom-content></div>
Notice that, in the Plunk controller, I've pulled out the click function into the scope for simplicity, since in the template HTML you are calling click() in the context of the scope, not on the example object. There are a couple ways you could use a different click function for each example, if that's what you'd like to do. This egghead.io screencast has a good example of passing an expression into a directive explicitly; in your case, it could be a click function or the whole example object, depending on what you need.

Sharing scope between controller & directive in AngularJS

I've created a directive to wrap a jQuery plugin, and I pass a config object for the plugin from the controller to the directive. (works)
In the config object is a callback that I want to call on an event. (works)
In the callback, I want to modify a property on the controller's $scope, which does not work. Angular does not recognize that the property has changed for some reason, which leads me to believe that the $scope in the callback is different than the controller's $scope. My problem is I just don't why.
Can anybody point me in the right direction?
Click here for Fiddle
var app = angular.module('app', [])
.directive('datepicker', function () {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
// Uncommenting the line below causes
// the "date changed!" text to appear,
// as I expect it would.
// scope.dateChanged = true;
var dateInput = angular.element('.datepicker')
// The datepicker fires a changeDate event
// when a date is chosen. I want to execute the
// callback defined in a controller.
// ---
// Angular does not recognize that $scope.dateChanged
// is changed in the callback. The view does not update.
dateInput.bind('changeDate', scope.onDateChange);
var myModule = angular.module('myModule', ['app'])
.controller('MyCtrl', ['$scope', function ($scope) {
$scope.dateChanged = false;
$scope.datepickerOpts = {
autoclose: true,
format: 'mm-dd-yyyy'
$scope.onDateChange = function () {
alert('onDateChange called!');
// ------------------
// This doesnt cause the "date changed!" text to show.
// ------------------
$scope.dateChanged = true;
setTimeout(function () {
$scope.dateChanged = false;
}, 5000);
<div ng-controller="MyCtrl">
<p ng-show="dateChanged">date changed!</p>
<input type="text" value="02-16-2012" class="datepicker" datepicker="">
There are a number of scope issues at work in your demo. First , within the dateChange callback, even though the function itself is declared inside the controller, the context of this within the callback is the bootstrap element since it is within a bootstrap handler.
Whenever you change angular scope values from within third party code , angular needs to know about it by using $apply. Generally best to keep all third party scopes inside the directive.
A more angular apprroach is to use ng-model on the input. Then use $.watch for changes to the model. This helps keep all the code inside the controller within angular context. Is rare in any angular application not to use ng-model on any form controls
<input type="text" class="datepicker" datepicker="" ng-model="myDate">
Within directive:
scope[attrs.ngModel] = element.val()
Then in Controller:
if(oldVal !=newVal){
/* since this code is in angular context will work for the hide/show now*/
Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/qxjck/10/
EDIT One more item that should change is remove var dateInput = angular.element('.datepicker') if you want to use this directive on more than one element in page. It is redundant being used in directive where element is one of the arguments in the link callback already, and is instance specific. Replace dateInput with element
The changeDate event bound to the input seems to be set up to fire outside of the Angular framework. To show the paragraph, call $scope.$apply() after setting dateChanged to true. To hide the paragraph after the delay, you can use $apply() again inside the function passed to setTimeout, but you're likely to keep out of further trouble using Angular's $timeout() instead.
