read field values without loading the user objects in drupal 7 - drupal-7

If I have a known set of users eg. by UID $users = {123, 435, 5463, 5678}. And I want to read the value stored in one custom field e.g. field_current_status that has been added to their user object is there any way to read this 1 value for each of them without loading their user objects.
I don't want to load up a lot of data for a lot of users just to get 1 value from each user.
I have looked at many functions including these below;
field_get_items($entity_type, $entity, $field_name, $langcode = NULL)
field_view_field($entity_type, $entity, $field_name, $display = array(), $langcode = NULL)
field_view_value($entity_type, $entity, $field_name, $item, $display = array(), $langcode = NULL)
user_load_multiple($uids = array(), $conditions = array(), $reset = FALSE)
These all require the the user object to be loaded e.g. with user_load($uid) or in effect do the same.
Is there any Drupal way to do this or must I write a custom DB query?

The standard way to do this in Drupal would be to load the users with user_load_multiple($user_uids), this saves overhead in database queries by loading all objects at the same time. You can then just loop over the users and extract the required field:
$users = user_load_multiple($user_uids);
if (!$users) {
return FALSE;
foreach ($users as $user) {
$field_current_status = field_get_items('user', $user, 'field_current_status');
if (!$field_current_status) {
// Handle $field_current_status.
In terms of memory unless you were loading a massive number of users, you shouldn't really have a problem - Drupal itself has a high demand for memory. If memory is still a concern for you then you can use db_select() or db_query() to contruct a query to join the field_current_status table with the users table.
If this is a process that need to happen often then it may be worth looking into scheduling the cron to do it chunk by chunk.


Doctrine fetching indirectly associated objects

I am trying to fetch associated objects through 3 tables (user, client, account). User has a one-to-many relationship to client, client has a one-to-many relationship to account. I easily fetch all the clients for one specific user using this simple code:
$user = $this->getUser();
$id = $user->getId();
$user = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository('AcmeUserBundle:User')->find($id);
$clients = $user->getClients();
Similarly, I have no issue retrieving all accounts for one specific client using this code:
$client = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository('AcmeUserBundle:Client')->find($clientref);
$accounts = $client->getAccounts();
Now I want to obtain directly all accounts related to one user. How do I do so? I tried the following:
$user = $this->getUser();
$id = $user->getId();
$user = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository('AcmeUserBundle:User')->find($id);
$client = $user->getClients();
$accounts = $client->getAccounts();
But I get the following error 'Attempted to call method "getAccounts" on class "Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection"'.
I believe I am missing something because "Accounts" may not be lazy loaded by Doctrine when I fetch the user, only "Clients" are. What is the best way to achieve this? Could you give me an example of code that would work (e.g. iteration or DQL query)?
That's correct behavior. A collection is returned by $user->getClients(), not a single object. Doctrine's collections do not proxy method calls to their members. There are two ways to solve your problem:
The simpler one. Rely on Doctrine's lazy load. Let's say you use data like this:
foreach ($client as $user->getClients()) {
foreach ($account as $client->getAccounts()) {
echo $account->getId();
ORM will fetch accounts automatically, running a separate query to database for each client. This will do only if you don't care about performance: O(N) requests are bad.
The better one. Use LEFT JOIN to get all the data with one query to database.
$qb = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager()->createQueryBuilder()
->select('u, c, a')
->from('AcmeUserBundle:User', 'u')
->leftJoin('u.clients', 'c')
->leftJoin('c.accounts', 'a')
->where(' = :id');
$user = $qb->getQuery()
->setParameter('id', $id)

Trying to write a simple Joomla plugin

Please help, this is my first plugin I'm writing and I'm completely lost. I'm trying to write and update information in a table in a joomla database using my custom giveBadge() function. The functions receives two different variables, the first variable is the $userID and the second one is the digit 300 which I pass at the bottom of the class using giveBadge(300). At the same comparing the $userID in the Joomla database to ensure that the number 300 is given to the current user logged in the Joomla site.
Thanks in advance.
defined('JPATH_BASE') or die;
class plgUserBadge extends JPlugin
public function onUserLogin () {
$user =& JFactory::getUser();
$userID =& user->userID;
return $userID;
public function giveBadge ($userID, &$badgeID) {
// Get a db connection.
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
// Create a new query object.
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
// Fields to update.
$fields = array(
'profile_value=\'Updating custom message for user 1001.\'',
// Conditions for which records should be updated.
$conditions = array(
try {
$result = $db->query();
} catch (Exception $e) {
// Catch the error.
}es = array(1001, $db->quote('custom.message'), $db->quote('Inserting a record using insert()'), 1);
giveBadge(300); //attaches to $badgeID
Here is not going well with your code:
You can drop the assign by reference in all your code (&) - you really don't need it, in 99% of the cases.
Use an IDE (for example Eclipse with PDT). At the top of your code you have & user->userID; Any IDE will spot your error and also other things in your code.
Study existing plugins to understand how they work. Here is also the documentation on plugins.
The method onUserLogin() will automatically be called by Joomla when the specific event is triggered (when your plugin is activated). Check with a die("My plugin was called") to see if your plugin is really called
inside onUserLogin() you do all your business logic. You are not supposed to return something, just return true. Right now your method does absolutely nothing. But you can call $this->giveBadge() to move the logic to another method.

Add a new translatable field to an existing translatable table in CakePHP 2.2

I'm using CakePHP's translatable behavior. I have a few existing fields working fine, but I'm having trouble adding a new translatable field to my model.
CakePHP uses an INNER JOIN to fetch all translatable fields from the database.
Now, if I add an extra translatable field to my model, all the translation records for that field won't exist in the database. And because of the inner join, whenever it tries to fetch ANY existing records from the database, it will return blank - because the INNER JOIN on the new field fails, and so the entire query returns nothing.
Surely people must have come accross this situation before. Is there an easy solution?
One solution would be to edit/override the core and make all the INNER JOIN's into LEFT OUTER JOIN's. Is there anything wrong with that?
Another solution would be to run an update on the translations table to create all the extra records for the new field, every time you add a new translatable field - but I hate that solution.
Is there a better solution? How have others dealt with this problem?
Thanks in advance.
OK, here's a way of making sure the records exist after each time you add a new translatable field. If you've got a better answer, add it, and I'll mark yours as correct.
PS - this is tested for my purposes. I'm using multiple translation tables ( I think it should work for most situations, but if not, it should at least be a good starting point.
In your model (the model that actsAs Translatable), add the following method. What it does is takes an array of locales, and then for every record in the table, and for every translatable field, and for every locale (ie, 3 loops), it checks that a translation record exists. If a translation doesn't exist, it adds a blank one, so at least the INNER JOIN won't fail.
It returns an array of all the records it added, so you can then go through and check them or change their content or whatever.
Here's the model method:
function ensureTranslationIntegrity($localesToCheck){
$allRows = $this->find('all', array('fields' => array('id')));
$fieldsToCheck = array();
$translatableFields = $this->actsAs['Translate'];
foreach($translatableFields as $key => $value){
// actsAs Translatabe can take field names only, or Key => Value pairs - see
$field = $value;
} else {
$field = $key;
array_push($fieldsToCheck, $field);
$translateModel = $this->translateModel();
$addedRows = array(); // This will contain all the rows we have to add
foreach ($allRows as $row){
foreach($fieldsToCheck as $field){
foreach($localesToCheck as $locale){
$conditions = array(
'model' => $this->name,
'foreign_key' => $row[$this->name]['id'],
'field' => $field,
'locale' => $locale
$translation = $translateModel->find('first',array('conditions' => $conditions));
$data = $conditions; // The data we want to insert will mostly just match the conditions of the failed find
$data['content'] = ''; // add it as empty
array_push($addedRows, $data);
} // END foreach($localesToCheck as $locale){
} // END foreach($fieldsToCheck as $field){
} // END foreach ($allRows as $row){
return $addedRows;
And in your controller, you'd call it something like this:
public function ensure_translation_integrity(){
$locales = array('en_au','en_gb','en_nz','pt_br','xh_za');
$addedRows = $this->YourModel->ensureTranslationIntegrity($locales);
Hope that helps someone, but like I said, I'd love to see a better solution if someone has one.

Creating muliple users in a loop from array

How does one go about creating multiple new users, say in a loop, from an array in a different controller?
I have an issue where attempting to create multiple users in a form submit fails, but creating a single new user works as designed. It appears the issue may be when saving the new user and then bringing the new user_id back in the return statement. Although the new id comes back, subsequent users (2nd, 3rd, etc) all get the same id value, and it appears that the subsequent $this->save calls modify the first created user rather than create add'l ones. Any none of the new users appear in the database. (again, the problem only happens when more than one new users will be created.)
My one small clue is that if I var_dump($user) in my importPublicLDAPUser() function (user.php) just after the $user = $this->save(array('User' => array( ... ))); then for the first element I see both 'modified' and 'created', whereas I see only 'modified' for the rest. This leads me to believe there's a step missing, like the user needs to be saved or commit (??) before the next user can be be created.
I tried changing this to $user = $this->User->save(array('group_id' => 3, ... and adding a 'create' before: $this->User->create(); but these produce errors 'Call to a member function save() on a non-object' and 'Call to a member function create() on a non-object'.
My application manages documents. Each document can have many authors, so it has controllers for: docs, doc-types, users, groups, and authors.
When a new document is entered, the form allows selection of multiple users to create 'Author' records. In addition to the local users table, it also searches our LDAP server (both via auto-sugggest) and also allows input into a text field. So, Authors are selected from
the existing table of users
via the LDAP helper
free text entry.
This result is two arrays: $Authors (from local users tables), and $badAuthors (LDAP and text-input) which the app then tries to add to the local users table when the form is submitted.
The form works just fine if:
one or more authors are added from local users table;
a single author is added from LDAP (succeeds in creating a new entry in users table), and zero or more local users
a single author is added from text input (also succeeds), and zero or more local users
However if two or more non-local users are added ($badAuthors has more than one element) then the form fails. "fails" means that either the Author or User save routine failed, and so it skips the Document commit $this->Docu->commit(); and I spit out an error via ajaxResponse. Thus, the app works as designed, but only with one new User entry at a time, even though the form is designed to allow Authors/badAuthors to be >1.
What I don't understand is why when I loop through bad authors why it doesn't correctly add the users if $badAuthors has more than one element.
As the user enters each name (which is checked against the users table and LDAP via ajax helpers, etc) and then selected, an author_name_list array is built. And then:
foreach($this->params['form']['author_name_list'] as $author_name){
$user_id = $this->Docu->User->field('id',array('' => $author_name));
$badAuthors[] = array('name'=>$author_name);
So $badAuthors is now those found in LDAP or entered manually.
So now I try to create/save all badAuthors...
docu controller (docu_controller.php):
foreach($badAuthors as $key => $author){
$this->Memo->User->create(); // ** <-- this was missing!! **
if($ldap_author = $this->Docu->User->importPublicLDAPUser($author['name'])){
$Authors['Author'] []= array(
,'precedence' => $author['precedence']
} elseif ($new_author = $this->Docu->User->newReadonlyUser($author['name'])) {
$Authors['Author'] []= array(
,'precedence' => $author['precedence']
$authors_saved = true;
foreach($Authors['Author'] as $author_arr){
if(!$this->Docu->Author->save(array('Author' => $author_arr))){
$authors_saved = false;
user model (user.php)
function afterSave($created) {
if (!$created) {
$parent = $this->parentNode();
$parent = $this->node($parent);
$node = $this->node();
$aro = $node[0];
$aro['Aro']['parent_id'] = $parent[0]['Aro']['id'];
function importPublicLDAPUser($cn){
$oLDAP = new adLDAP(Configure::read(''));
$oLDAP->authenticate(NULL, NULL);
$filter = '(&(cn='.$oLDAP->ldap_escape($cn).'))';
$ldap_res = #$oLDAP->search($filter, array('cn', 'uid','profitcenter'),1);
if(isset($ldap_res['count']) && ($ldap_res['count'] > 0)){//found it
$user = $this->save(array('User' => array(
'group_id' => 3,
'name' => $ldap_res[0]['cn'][0],
'username' => $ldap_res[0]['uid'][0],
'grpnum' => pc2grpnum($ldap_res[0]['profitcenter'][0])
$user['User']['id'] = $this->id;
return ($user ? $user : false);
return false;
Any suggestions? Thanks!!
It turns out that in my docu_controller.php I was missing a create() call. It seems that without a create, an object can still be saved/created when the other controller does a commit(). So before adding the create(), prior to the commit, in later loop iterations I was still modifying the original object, not any new ones. By adding a create in the controller, the save in the method function acts on the new user for each loop iteration.
in controller:
foreach($badAuthors as $key => $author){
if($ldap_author = $this->Memo->User->importPublicLDAPUser($author['name'])){
in method:
function importPublicLDAPUser($cn){
$user = $this->save(array('User' => array(...

CakePHP User Lookup based on their ID

I thought this would be a relatively common thing to do, but I can't find examples anywhere, and the Cookbook's section on find() was not clear in the slightest on the subject. Maybe it's just something that's so simple Cake assumes you can just do it on your own.
All I'm looking to do here is retrieve a User's name (not the currently logged-in user…a different one) in Cake based on their ID passed to my by an array in the view.
Here's what I've got in the controller:
public function user_lookup($userID){
$this->User->flatten = false;
$this->User->recursive = 1;
$user = $this->User->find('first', array('conditions' => $userID));
//what now?
At this point, I don't even know if I'm on the right track…I assume this will return an array with the User's data, but how do I handle those results? How do I know what the array's gonna look like? Do I just return($cakeArray['first'].' '.$cakeArray['last'])? I dunno…
You need to use set to take the returned data, and make it accessible as a variable in your views. set is the main way you send data from your controller to your view.
public function user_lookup($userID){
$this->User->flatten = false;
$this->User->recursive = 1;
// added - minor improvement
if(!$this->User->exists($userID)) {
// the requested user doesn't exist; redirect or throw a 404 etc.
// we use $this->set() to store the data returned.
// It will be accessible in your view in a variable called `user`
// (or what ever you pass as the first parameter)
$this->set('user', $this->User->find('first', array('conditions' => $userID)));
// user_lookup.ctp - output the `user`
<?php echo $user['User']['username']; // eg ?>
<?php debug($user); // see what's acutally been returned ?>
more in the manual (this is fundamental cake stuff so might be worth having a good read)
