Setting Parity Bit in a Transmission Program - c

I am writing a program that simulate a transmission of characters over the network.
I have written the following function:
int getCharBit(char c, int bitNum){
return (c & (1 <<bitNum)) >> bitNum;
// returns the ith bit of the character c
int getShortBit(short num, int bitNum)
return (num & (1 <<bitNum)) >> bitNum;
// sets bit i in num to 1
int setShortBit(int bitNum, short *num){
return num | (1 << bitNum);
// count the number of bits in the short and returns the number of bits
/* input:
num - an integer
the number of bits in num
int countBits(short num)
int sum=0;
int i;
for(i = num; i != 0; i = i >> 1){
sum += i & 1;
return sum;
I also written a function that counts the number of ones in a short integer num and a mask:
int countOnes(short int num, short int pMask){
short tempBit = num & pMask;
sum = 0;
while(tempBit > 0){
if((tempBit & 1) == 1){
sum ++;
tempBit >> 1;
return sum;
and a function that sets the Parity Bit:
int setParityBits(short *num)
// set parity bit p1 using mask P1_MASK by
// get the number of bits in *num and the mask P1_MASK
int numOnes = countOnes(num, P1_MASK);
// if the number of bits is odd then set the corresponding parity bit to 1 (even parity)
if ((numOnes % 2) != 0){
setShortBit(1, num);
// do the same for parity bits in positions 2,4,8
int numOnes2 = countOnes(num, P2_MASK);
if ((numOnes2 % 2) != 0){
setShortBit(2, num);
int numOnes4 = countOnes(num, P4_MASK);
if ((numOnes4 % 2) != 0){
setShortBit(4, num);
int numOnes8 = countOnes(num, P8_MASK);
if ((numOnes8 % 2) != 0){
setShortBit(8, num);
I am also given a few function that are supposed to read the input and transmit it. The problem is in one of the functions I have written.
For example, if I run the program and type hello as an input, I should get 3220 3160 3264 3264 7420 as an output, but I get 0 0 0 0 0.
I can't seem to find what I was doing wrong, Could someone please help me?


Question on C program that reverses an unsigned integers bits

Hi all I am writing a C program that asks the user for an unsigned integer. The program will then call a function
unsigned int reverse_bits(unsigned int n)
This function should return an unsigned integer whose bits are the same as those of n but in reverse
Print to screen the integer whose bits are in reverse order.
User enters:
12 (binary 16 bits is 0000000000001100)
Program print to screen:
12288 (0011000000000000)
This is the code i have but it does not output the right answer:
#include <stdio.h>
//function prototype
unsigned int reverse_bits(unsigned int n);
int main(void) {
unsigned int n;
unsigned int bits;
printf("Enter an unsigned integer: ");
bits = reverse_bits(n);
return 0;
unsigned int reverse_bits(unsigned int n) {
unsigned int reverse = 0;
while (n > 0) {
reverse = reverse << 1;
if((n & 1) == 1) {
reverse = reverse | 1;
n = n >> 1;
return reverse;
This does not give me 12288 when I enter 12, it gives me 3, what did I do wrong?
The result depends on how many bits an unsigned int is stored on your machine. It is usually 4 bytes (32 bits). So, in your case 12 (00000000000000000000000000001100 in binary) becames 805306368 (00110000000000000000000000000000 in binary).
Apart from that, you need to iterate over all bits of an unsigned int:
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(unsigned int) * 8; i++) {
reverse = reverse << 1;
if((n & 1) == 1) {
reverse = reverse | 1;
n = n >> 1;

Calculate dynamic range of rand with mod

I want to create a rand() range between 1 and the dynamic value of bit_cnt.
After reading more about the rand() function, I understand that out of the box rand() has a range of [0, RAND_MAX]. I also understand that RAND_MAX's value is library-dependent, but is guaranteed to be at least 32767.
I had to create a bit mask of 64 0s.
Now, I am trying to left shift the bit mask by a dynamic value of bit_cnt anded with the a randomly generated number of bits between 1 and the dynamic value of bit_cnt.
For example, when bit_cnt is 10, I want to randomize the lowest 10 bits.
Originally, I had
mask = (mask << bit_cnt) + (rand()% bit_cnt);
which caused a floating point exception. From what I am understanding, that exception occurred because the value of bit_cntbecame 0.
Therefore, I attempted to create an if statement like this:
mask = (mask << bit_cnt) + (rand()% bit_cnt);
,but the floating point exception still occurred.
Then I tried the following thinking that the value not be 0 so increase the value to at least 1:
mask = (mask << bit_cnt) + ((rand()% bit_cnt)+1);
,but the floating point exception still occurred.
Afterwards, I tried the following:
mask = (mask << bit_cnt) + (1+(rand()%(bit_cnt+1)));
and the following 20 lines of 64 bits outputted:
What was the cause of the floating point exception? Is this how to dynamic create a range of the rand() function?
I appreciate any suggestions. Thank you.
I changed the if statement to be the following:
if(bit_cnt !=0)
and then performed the rest of the logic.
I received the following output:
Is there any possible way to know if the range is correct? Like is there any possible way to know by looking at the output?
const int LINE_CNT = 20;
void print_bin(uint64_t num, unsigned int bit_cnt);
uint64_t rand_bits(unsigned int bit_cnt);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int i;
for(i = 0; i < LINE_CNT; i++) {
uint64_t val64 = rand_bits(i);
print_bin(val64, 64);
void print_bin(uint64_t num, unsigned int bit_cnt) {
int top_bit_cnt;
if(bit_cnt <= 0) return;
if(bit_cnt > 64) bit_cnt = 64;
top_bit_cnt = 64;
while(top_bit_cnt > bit_cnt) {
printf(" ");
while(bit_cnt > 0) {
printf("%d", (num & ((uint64_t)1 << bit_cnt)) != 0);
uint64_t rand_bits(unsigned int bit_cnt) {
uintmax_t mask = 1;
if (bit_cnt != 0) {
mask = (mask << bit_cnt) + (rand()% bit_cnt);
return mask;
I am trying to modify the function rand_bits to return all 0 expect for the lowest bits aka bit_cnt which are randomized.
Returns a 64 bit pattern with all zeros except for the lowest requested bits, which are randomized. This allows for arbitrary length random bit patterns in a portable fashion as the C standard "rand()" function is only required to return
random numbers between 0 and 32767... effectively, a random 15 bit pattern.
Parameter, "bit_cnt": How many of the lowest bits, including the lowest order bit (bit 0) to be randomized.
UPDATE: Added Barmar's newest suggestion of mask = rand() % (1 << bit_cnt);:
uint64_t rand_bits(unsigned int bit_cnt) {
uintmax_t mask = 1;
if (bit_cnt != 0) {
mask = rand() % (1 << bit_cnt);
return mask;
The problem is that anything % bit_cnt will get an error if bit_cnt is 0. You need to check bit_cnt before you try to perform the modulus.
if (bit_cnt != 0) {
mask = (mask << bit_cnt) + (rand()% bit_cnt) + 1;
All your attempts performed the modulus and then tried to do something with the result, but that's after the error happens.
This uses the bit count to generate a mask. If you want a bit count greater than can be filled by RAND_MAX, implement another random function as I commented earlier.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
int main(void) {
int bit_cnt = 10;
unsigned mask = 0;
int i;
int num;
for(i = 0; i < bit_cnt; i++)
mask = (mask << 1) | 1;
printf ("For bit_cnt=%d, mask=0x%X\n\n", bit_cnt, mask);
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
num = rand() & mask;
printf("Random number 0x%0*X\n", 1+(bit_cnt-1)/4, num);
Program output:
For bit_cnt=10, mask=0x3FF
Random number 0x327
Random number 0x39C
Random number 0x1B1
Random number 0x088
Random number 0x26E

Error in Program to implement cyclic redundancy check

I have tried to implement crc in c.My logic is not very good.What I have tried is to copy the message(msg) in a temp variable and at the end I have appended number of zeros 1 less than the number of bits in crc's divisor div.
for ex:
then temp becomes:
div= 10110000000000000
finding xor of temp and div and storing it in temp
gives temp=01100011101100000 counting number of zeros appearing before the first '1' of temp and shifting the characters of div right to that number and then repeating the same process until decimal value of temp becomes less than decimal value of div. Which gives the remainder.
My problem is when I append zeros at the end of temp it stores 0's along with some special characters like this:
and when I debugged I got error
Floating point:Stack Underflow
here is my code:
void main() {
char msg[100],div[100],temp[100];
int i,j=0,k=0,l=0,msglen,divlen,newdivlen,ct=0,divdec=0,tempdec=0;
printf("Enter the message\n");
printf("\nEnter the divisor\n");
printf("\nModified Temp:");
printf("\nModified div:");
and this part of the code :
gives error Floating Point:Stack Underflow
The problem is that you wrote a 0 over the NUL terminator, and didn't put another NUL terminator on the string. So printf gets confused and prints garbage. Which is to say that this code
printf("\nModified Temp:");
should be
temp[i] = '\0'; // <--- NUL terminate the string
printf("\nModified Temp:");
You have to do this with integers
int CRC(unsigned int n);
int CRC_fast(unsigned int n);
void printbinary(unsigned int n);
unsigned int msb(register unsigned int n);
int main()
char buf[5];
strcpy(buf, "ABCD");
//convert string to number,
//this is like 1234 = 1*1000 + 2*100 + 3*10 + 4, but with hexadecimal
unsigned int n = buf[3] * 0x1000000 + buf[2] * 0x10000 + buf[1] * 0x100 + buf[3];
- "ABCD" becomes just a number
- Any string of text can become a sequence of numbers
- you can work directly with numbers and bits
- shift the bits left and right using '<<' and '>>' operator
- use bitwise operators & | ^
- use basic math with numbers
//finding CRC, from Wikipedia example:
n = 13548; // 11010011101100 in binary (14 bits long), 13548 in decimal
//padding by 3 bits: left shift by 3 bits:
n <<= 3; //11010011101100000 (now it's 17 bits long)
//17 is "sort of" the length of integer, can be obtained from 1 + most significant bit of n
int m = msb(n) + 1;
printf("len(%d) = %d\n", n, m);
int divisor = 11; //1011 in binary (4 bits)
divisor <<= (17 - 4);
//lets see the bits:
unsigned int result = n ^ divisor;// XOR operator
//put this in function:
n = CRC(13548);
n = CRC_fast(13548);
return 0;
void printbinary(unsigned int n)
char buf[33];
memset(buf, 0, 33);
unsigned int mask = 1 << 31;
//result in binary: 1 followed by 31 zero
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
buf[i] = (n & mask) ? '1' : '0';
//shift the mask by 1 bit to the right
mask >>= 1;
mask will be shifted like this:
100000... first
010000... second
001000... third
printf("%s\n", buf);
//find most significant bit
unsigned int msb(register unsigned int n)
unsigned i = 0;
while (n >>= 1)
return i;
int CRC(unsigned int n)
printf("\nCRC(%d)\n", n);
unsigned int polynomial = 11;
unsigned int plen = msb(polynomial);
unsigned int divisor;
n <<= 3;
for (;;)
int shift = msb(n) - plen;
if (shift < 0) break;
divisor = polynomial << shift;
n ^= divisor;
printf("result: %d\n\n", n);
return n;
int CRC_fast(unsigned int n)
printf("\nCRC_fast(%d)\n", n);
unsigned int polynomial = 11;
unsigned int plen = msb(polynomial);
unsigned int divisor;
n <<= 3;
for (;;)
int shift = msb(n) - plen;
if (shift < 0) break;
n ^= (polynomial << shift);
printf("result: %d\n\n", n);
return n;
Previous problems with string method:
This is infinite loop:
while (temp[i] != '1')
Previous problems with string method:
This one is too confusing:
for (i = newdivlen + ct; i > ct; i--)
div[i] = div[i - ct];
I don't know what ct is. The for loops are all going backward, this makes the code faster sometimes (maybe 1 nanosecond faster), but it makes it very confusing.
There is another while loop,
while (tempdec > divdec)
This may go on forever if you don't get the expected result. It makes it very hard to debug the code.

How to get certain bits of a char array to another char array in C?

I have a char (input) array with size 60. I want to write a function that returns certain bits of the input array.
char input_ar[60];
char output_ar[60];
void func(int bits_starting_number, int total_number_bits){
int main()
//want output_ar[0]=0b11000100; //least significant 6 bits of input_ar[0] and most significant bits (7.8.) of input_ar[1]
//want output_ar[1]=0b00000110; //6.5.4. bits of input_ar[1] corresponds to 3 2 1. bits of output_ar[1] (110) right-aligned other bits are 0, namely 8 7 ...4 bits is zero
I want to ask what's the termiology of this algorithm? How can I easily write the code? Any clues appricated.
Note: I use XC8, arrray of bits are not allowed.
This answer makes the following assumptions. Bits are numbered from 1, the first bit is the MS bit of the first byte. The extracted bit array must be left-aligned. Unused bits on the right are padded with 0.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <limits.h>
#define MAX_LEN 60
#define BMASK (1 << (CHAR_BIT-1))
unsigned char input_ar[MAX_LEN];
unsigned char output_ar[MAX_LEN];
int func(int bits_starting_number, int total_number_bits) {
// return the number of bits copied
int sors_ind, sors_bit, dest_ind = 0;
int i, imask, omask;
memset (output_ar, 0, MAX_LEN); // clear the result
if (bits_starting_number < 1 || bits_starting_number > MAX_LEN * CHAR_BIT)
return 0; // bit number is out of range
if (total_number_bits < 1)
return 0; // nothing to do
if (bits_starting_number + total_number_bits > MAX_LEN * CHAR_BIT)
total_number_bits = MAX_LEN * CHAR_BIT - bits_starting_number;
sors_ind = bits_starting_number / CHAR_BIT;
sors_bit = CHAR_BIT - 1 - (bits_starting_number % CHAR_BIT);
imask = 1 << sors_bit;
omask = BMASK;
for (i=0; i<total_number_bits; i++) {
if (input_ar[sors_ind] & imask)
output_ar[dest_ind] |= omask; // copy a 1 bit
if ((imask >>= 1) == 0) { // shift the input mask
imask = BMASK;
sors_ind++; // next input byte
if ((omask >>= 1) == 0) { // shift the output mask
omask = BMASK;
dest_ind++; // next output byte
return total_number_bits;
void printb (int value) {
int i;
for (i=BMASK; i; i>>=1) {
if (value & i)
printf (" ");
int main(void) {
int i;
input_ar[0]= 0xF1; // 0b11110001
input_ar[1]= 0x33; // 0b00110011
printf ("Input: ");
for (i=0; i<4; i++)
printf ("\n");
printf ("Output: ");
for (i=0; i<4; i++)
printf ("\n");
return 0;
Program output
Input: 11110001 00110011 00000000 00000000
Output: 11000100 11000000 00000000 00000000
First of all, the returntype: You can return a boolean array of length total_number_bits.
Inside your function you can do a forloop, starting at bits_starting_number, iterating total_number_bits times. For each number you can divide the forloopindex by 8 (to get the right char) and than bitshift a 1 by the forloopindex modulo 8 to get the right bit. Put it on the right spot in the output array (forloopindex - bits_starting_number) and you are good to go
This would become something like:
for(i = bits_starting_number; i < bits_starting_number + total_number_bits; i++) {
boolarr[i - bits_starting_number] = charray[i/8] & (1 << (i % 8));

Is this the proper way to count the number of 0s in a binary number?

#include <stdio.h>
int NumberOfSetBits(int);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int size_of_int = sizeof(int);
int total_bit_size = size_of_int * 8;
// binary representation of 3 is 0000011
// C standard doesn't support binary representation directly
int n = 3;
int count = NumberOfSetBits(n);
printf("Number of set bits is: %d\n", count);
printf("Number of unset bits is: %d", total_bit_size - count);
int NumberOfSetBits(int x)
int count = 0;
//printf("x is: %d\n", x);
while (x != 0) {
//printf("%d\n", x);
count += (x & 1);
x = x >> 1;
return count;
Number of set bits is: 2
Number of unset bits is: 30
int size_of_int = sizeof(int);
int total_bit_size = size_of_int * 8;
^ that will get the size of the int on the system and times it by 8 which is the number of bits in each byte
EDITED: Without the use of the ~
Calculate how many set bits and unset bits are in a binary number aka how many 1s and 0s in a binary number
#include <stdio.h>
unsigned int NumberOfSetBits(unsigned int);
unsigned int NumberOfUnSetBits(unsigned int x);
int main() {
// binary representation of 3 is 0000011
// C standard doesn't support binary representation directly
unsigned int n = 3;
printf("Number of set bits is: %u\n", NumberOfSetBits(n));
printf("Number of unset bits is: %u", NumberOfUnSetBits(n));
return 0;
unsigned int NumberOfSetBits(unsigned int x) {
// counts the number of 1s
unsigned int count = 0;
while (x != 0) {
count += (x & 1);
// moves to the next bit
x = x >> 1;
return count;
unsigned int NumberOfUnSetBits(unsigned int x) {
// counts the number of 0s
unsigned int count = 0;
while(x != 0) {
if ((x & 1) == 0) {
// moves to the next bit
x = x >> 1;
return count;
returns for input 3
Number of set bits is: 2
Number of unset bits is: 0
unset bits is 0? Doesn't seem right?
if I use NumberOfSetBits(~n) it returns 30
You've got a problem on some systems because you right shift a signed integer in your bit-counting function, which may shift 1's into the MSB each time for negative integers.
Use unsigned int (or just unsigned) instead:
int NumberOfSetBits(unsigned x)
int count = 0;
//printf("x is: %d\n", x);
while (x != 0) {
//printf("%d\n", x);
count += (x & 1);
x >>= 1;
return count;
If you fix that part of the problem, you can solve the other with:
int nbits = NumberOfSetBits(~n);
where ~ bitwise inverts the value in n, and hence the 'set bit count' counts the bits that were zeros.
There are also faster algorithms for counting the number of bits set: see Bit Twiddling Hacks.
To solve the NumberOfSetBits(int x) version without assuming 2's complement nor absence of padding bits is a challenge.
#Jonathan Leffler has the right approach: use unsigned. - Just thought I'd try a generic int one.
The x > 0, OP's code work fine
int NumberOfSetBits_Positive(int x) {
int count = 0;
while (x != 0) {
count += (x & 1);
x = x >> 1;
return count;
Use the following to find the bit width and not count padding bits.
BitWidth = NumberOfSetBits_Positive(INT_MAX) + 1;
With this, the count of 0 or 1 bits is trivial.
int NumberOfClearBits(int x) {
return NumberOfSetBits_Positive(INT_MAX) + 1 - NumberOfSetBits(x);
int NumberOfSetBits_Negative(int x) {
return NumberOfSetBits_Positive(INT_MAX) + 1 - NumberOfSetBits_Positive(~x);
All that is left is to find the number of bits set when x is 0. +0 is easy, the answer is 0, but -0 (1's compliment or sign magnitude) is BitWidth or 1.
int NumberOfSetBits(int x) {
if (x > 0) return NumberOfSetBits_Positive(x);
if (x < 0) return NumberOfSetBits_Negative(x);
// Code's assumption: Only 1 or 2 forms of 0.
/// There may be more because of padding.
int zero = 0;
// is x has same bit pattern as +0
if (memcmp(&x, &zero, sizeof x) == 0) return 0;
// Assume -0
return NumberOfSetBits_Positive(INT_MAX) + 1 - NumberOfSetBits_Positive(~x);
here is a proper way to count the number of zeores in a binary number
#include <stdio.h>
unsigned int binaryCount(unsigned int x)
unsigned int nb=0; // will count the number of zeores
if(x==0) //for the case zero we need to return 1
return 1;
if ((x & 1) == 0) // the condition for getting the most right bit in the number
x=x>>1; // move to the next bit
return nb;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int x;
printf("input the number x:");
printf("the number of 0 in the binary number of %d is %u \n",x,binaryCount(x));
return 0;
