Passing Data vs. Separate Request in AngularJS using ngResource - angularjs

I'm new to angular and trying to figure out how best to accomplish this.
Say you have set up an ngResource factory to get a bunch of widgets . You return those widgets(GET /api/widgets) and display them on the page in a list.
Now say you can edit those widgets in a dialog box by clicking an edit button next to the object in the list. Is it better practice to pass the individual widget's data (that was already retrieved by the first $resource call) to the edit dialog, or simply pass an ID parameter to the dialog box and have it resolve it's own $resource call using a separate GET /api/widgets/:widgetID call.
The data wouldn't realistically change between loading the list and clicking the edit button, so it doesn't need to be synced to the exact second. Both of these requests would come from the same factory, but the question is if you should store the data and pass it, or execute a separate request.

I don't see a reason to fetch it again, I would just reuse the object.


Cordova - Angular - <select> tag open a new view

I have an Angular/Cordova app and I'm trying to figure out how should I handle the HTML SELECT tag. What I would like to do is to open a new window with all the options in a list, the user picks one and returns with that value.
The problem is when I do that I lose all the data I had in the first screen as I am closing it when I move to the second one.
I am using Angular's UI.ROUTER. One thing, which I am not too convinced to do, is to save all data entered into StateParams, and when I return, place it back.
What would be the best approach?
It really depends on the use case. If you need to be able to "deep link" to the view where a link loads the view with the pop-up active then using ui-router and stateparams makes the most sense. If deep linking isn't a concern and the user must always select something then you can just use a service/factory/value/provider in order to share the data between the controllers during the lifetime of the app.

AngularJs Restangular get in interval

I must check data in API every for example 5sec and pass to array which is binding to html. When I invoke function in $interval like this:
$interval(refreshData, 5000);
It works, but destroy any other action which I doing for example close dropdowns etc.
What is the best way for create GET in specific interval?
I saw that in Firefox is ok, only Google Chrome,cancel any actions like coil selected dropdown list etc. when I load data to variable in promise. Anyone have idea why it happen?

Where to put a function to create a pdf

I have an application which deals with projects evolving according to a process defined by a series of status transitions. I have a button to set a project to the next status. The button calls a function in the ProjectsController. This function calls another function in the Project model, where I search for the correct transition, depending on the current status, the user_group and some other parameter, and set the new status. After everything successfully accomplished, I return to the original page with 'return $this->redirect($this->referer());' from the controller.
Some of the transitions have side effects. One is to create a PDF, save it on the server and add a new entry to the 'documents' table referenced to the current project.
Problem: where should I put the function to create the PDF? I would like to put it to the Model. But I need some View Files to first render a html page and then convert it to the PDF. I could put it to the Controller. But then I have a controller function which should not be called directly an doesn't render a view.
The functions all work, but where to put them? Is there another possibility? Would it be possible to use a component?
Implement it as PdfView that will render any (pdf) view for you as Pdf. There is already a plugin that does this, search for CakePdf on Github.
A component is clearly the wrong place. A Pdf is output, so it's a kind of view. Model gets you the data, controller sets it, view renders it.

Maintain the values in Angular Views

I am new to Angular.js and i am facing problem in maintaining the JSON feed values in the view.
I am using different routers and when i launch the app it loads the home.html which in turns calls the homeCtrl and make an HTTP call and binds the data using ng-repeat ( in home.html ). If user clicks on the list item to brings them to detail.html ( kind of detail page ).
Now the problem i face is , on the detail page when user tabs the back button - the app goes to home.html and the homeCtrl again hits the webservice and bind the whole data once again. Which i feel is unwanted as the JSON datas was already collected on the 1st time page load itself.
How can i preserve the old data when user move back forth between different views so i no need to hit same call over and over.
Thanks and sorry if its really basic stuff.
How can i preserve the old data when user move back forth between
different views so i no need to hit same call over and over.
If you use the $http service to make the requests use the cache: true option to use the default angular cache as explained in the docs:$http#caching
Here an example:
$http.get(url, { cache: true}).then(...);
You can also define your custom cache object through the $cacheFactory service:$cacheFactory
If you want some more complete with expiration, size limit and other cool stuff try angular-cache:
Hi I think that you need is create a factory or service;so in this way the controllers shared data between them.
Here's an example

CakePHP dynamic element

I am trying to create a message-board type element in a CakePHP app. This element will be displayed on all pages and views that use a particular layout. I want it to display all the messages in the model, then show the add form when a link is clicked, then return to the updated message list when submitted. All this without affecting the current view/page.
I have my message model/controller/index set up, with a message board element that requests the index action. This works fine. However I am perplexed about how to return back to the original page/action from which the link was clicked. I can't use $this->referer() because that will link back to the add() action; what I want rather is to link to the page/view before that.
Any general pointers on how to achieve something like this?
I would approach this using Ajax, and use an ajax layout.
Then you would be able to setup a full stack for processing this, and pass various things in as parameters into the controller actions.
By using Ajax you will not need to worry about passing in the referrer controller / action pair. You can also use the return from this to update the list by calling out to the MessagesController. The added bonus of this is that you can just switch the layout in your actual controllers, thus not having to write any extra code at all.
In your controller, you can check for Ajax
return $data;
