SQL Server: This created score is multiplying by 4? - sql-server

The TotalScore result is 320 when it should just be 80(30 + 50) since the top 1 record for ProviderID 874 has SessionsProgress = 3 and the providerID is also present in the joined SubscriptionsTV table.
DECLARE #ProviderID int = '874';
WITH cte as(
SELECT TOP 1 a.ProviderID, Time_Stamp,
SUM(CASE WHEN [AdditionalReports] = '1' THEN 5 ELSE 0 END) as AdditionalReports,
SUM(CASE WHEN [UniqueReportRequests] = '1' THEN 15 ELSE 0 END) as UniqueReportsRequests,
SUM(CASE WHEN [SessionsProgress] > '0' THEN 30 ELSE 0 END) as SessionsProgress,
MAX(CASE WHEN b.ProviderID IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 50 END) as SubscriptionExists
FROM ProviderValueCard a
LEFT JOIN SubscriptionsTV b
ON a.ProviderID = b.ProviderID
WHERE a.ProviderID = #ProviderID AND GroupID = 2
GROUP BY Time_Stamp, a.ProviderID, event
ORDER BY event DESC, Time_Stamp DESC
SELECT ProviderID, Time_Stamp, (AdditionalReports + UniqueReportsRequests + SessionsProgress + SubscriptionExists) AS TotalScore
FROM cte
Here are the 2 records for ProviderID 874 which only the most recent by TimeStamp is used.
ProviderID AdditionalReports UniqueReportRequests Time_Stamp AdditionalReportsNum UniqueReportsNum SessionsProgress AdditionalReportsNumQtr UniqueReportsNumQtr SurveyCompleted
----------- ----------------- -------------------- ----------------------- -------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------------- ------------------- ---------------
874 0 1 2015-01-30 08:13:44.660 0 55 3 0 10 1
874 0 0 2014-12-30 08:31:20.893 0 0 3 0 0 1


How can separate morning and evening shifts patients with gender wise using SQL stored procedure

I want to separate the morning and evening patient checked-in count gender-wise and also if gender age less then show the Female child and M child on the basis of gender.
COUNT(ch.EnteredOn) AS counter,
CONVERT(date, ch.EnteredOn) AS sessionDay,
SUM(CASE WHEN CAST(CONVERT(CHAR(2), ch.EnteredOn, 108) AS INT) < 12 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS 'Morning',
SUM(CASE WHEN CAST(CONVERT(CHAR(2), ch.EnteredOn, 108) AS INT) >= 12 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS 'Evening',
SUM(CASE WHEN p.Gender = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS Male,
SUM(CASE WHEN p.Gender = 2 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS Fmale,
AND P.Gender = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS MChild,
AND P.Gender = 2 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS FChild
Patient.CheckIn ch
Patient.Patients P ON ch.PatientId = p.PatientId
I have only three columns like Gender, Time and DOB. Gender id 1 shows the male and Gender id 2 is using for females.
enter image description here
SELECT convert(date, ch.EnteredOn) AS sessionDay, CAST( CONVERT(CHAR(2), ch.EnteredOn, 108) AS INT) <12 as morning, count(ch.EnteredOn) AS counter
,sum(case when p.Gender=1 Then 1 ELSE 0 end) as Male
,sum(case when p.Gender=2 Then 1 ELSE 0 end) as Fmale
,Sum( case when DATEDIFF(hour,P.DOB,GETDATE())/8766<=18 AND P.Gender=1 Then 1 ELSE 0 end ) as MChiled
,Sum( case when DATEDIFF(hour,P.DOB,GETDATE())/8766<=18 AND P.Gender=2 Then 1 ELSE 0 end ) as FChiled
FROM Patient.CheckIn ch
inner join Patient.Patients P on ch.PatientId=p.PatientId
Group by Ch.EnteredOn
Group BY can be
Group by convert(date, ch.EnteredOn) AS sessionDay, CAST( CONVERT(CHAR(2), ch.EnteredOn, 108) AS INT) <12

unpivot one row of aggregates to 1 column

I have this query that returns 1 row of aggregate sums
DECLARE #Income9 int
SELECT #Income9 = IncomeLevel FROM PovertyLevels WHERE HouseholdNumber = 9
SELECT PatientProfileID, CASE WHEN v.FamilyMembersinHousehold > 8
THEN ROUND((CAST(AnnualIncome as float)/(CAST(#Income9 as float) +((V.FamilyMembersinHousehold-8)* CAST(#Income9 as Float)))*100.00), 5)
WHEN ((v.FamilyMembersinHousehold IS NULL) OR (AnnualIncome IS NULL)) THEN NULL
ELSE ROUND(((CAST(AnnualIncome AS Float)/CAST(pl.IncomeLevel as Float)) * 100.00), 5) END AS PercentOfPoverty
FROM vPatientDemographics v
LEFT OUTER JOIN PovertyLevels pl ON v.FamilyMembersinHousehold = pl.HouseholdNumber
SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN PercentOfPoverty <= 100 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS NumOfPatientsBelow100,
SUM(CASE WHEN PercentOfPoverty BETWEEN 101 AND 150 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS NumOfPatientsBetween101And150,
SUM(CASE WHEN PercentOfPoverty BETWEEN 151 AND 200 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS NumOfPatientsBetween151And200,
SUM(CASE WHEN PercentOfPoverty > 200 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS NumOfPatientsOver200,
SUM(CASE WHEN PercentOfPoverty IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS NumOfPatientsUnknown
I would like to have the sum data to be in rows not columns.
I tried adding this UNPIVOT but it does not recognize the column names.
Levels for PovertyLevels in (NumOfPatientsBelow100, NumOfPatientsBetween101And150, NumOfPatientsBetween151And200,
NumOfPatientsOver200, NumOfPatientsUnknown)
) as Unpvt
How can I unpivot the initial data set to that it is in rows not columns?
It is because Where clause is evaluated before the select
SELECT #Income9 = IncomeLevel FROM PovertyLevels WHERE HouseholdNumber = 9
SELECT PatientProfileID, CASE WHEN v.FamilyMembersinHousehold > 8
THEN ROUND((CAST(AnnualIncome as float)/(CAST(#Income9 as float) +((V.FamilyMembersinHousehold-8)* CAST(#Income9 as Float)))*100.00), 5)
WHEN ((v.FamilyMembersinHousehold IS NULL) OR (AnnualIncome IS NULL)) THEN NULL
ELSE ROUND(((CAST(AnnualIncome AS Float)/CAST(pl.IncomeLevel as Float)) * 100.00), 5) END AS PercentOfPoverty
FROM vPatientDemographics v
LEFT OUTER JOIN PovertyLevels pl ON v.FamilyMembersinHousehold = pl.HouseholdNumber
),intr as
SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN PercentOfPoverty <= 100 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS NumOfPatientsBelow100,
SUM(CASE WHEN PercentOfPoverty BETWEEN 101 AND 150 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS NumOfPatientsBetween101And150,
SUM(CASE WHEN PercentOfPoverty BETWEEN 151 AND 200 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS NumOfPatientsBetween151And200,
SUM(CASE WHEN PercentOfPoverty > 200 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS NumOfPatientsOver200,
SUM(CASE WHEN PercentOfPoverty IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS NumOfPatientsUnknown
Select cnt,range from intr
cross apply (values (NumOfPatientsBelow100,'NumOfPatientsBelow100'),
(NumOfPatientsUnknown,'NumOfPatientsUnknown')) cs (cnt,range)

SQL Server: Left outer join on whether ID exists

The first three items from table ProviderValueCard add their respective amount if = 1. I'm also trying to add 50 to my TotalScore if the ProviderID exists in table SubscriptionsTV. GroupID is also from SubscriptionsTV in which the condition needs to be met. I beleive I need to have a left outer join in the 2nd query on ProviderID columns from both tables.
DECLARE #ProviderID int = '1717';
WITH cte as(
SELECT TOP 1 ProviderID, Time_Stamp,
SUM(CASE WHEN [AdditionalReports] = '1' THEN 5 ELSE 0 END) as AdditionalReports,
SUM(CASE WHEN [UniqueReportRequests] = '1' THEN 15 ELSE 0 END) as UniqueReportsRequests,
SUM(CASE WHEN [SurveyCompleted] = '1' THEN 30 ELSE 0 END) as SurveyCompleted
FROM ProviderValueCard
WHERE ProviderID = #ProviderID
GROUP BY Time_Stamp, ProviderID
SELECT ProviderID, Time_Stamp, (AdditionalReports + UniqueReportsRequests + SurveyCompleted) AS TotalScore
FROM cte
--WHERE GroupID = 2
ProviderID Time_Stamp TotalScore
----------- ----------------------- -----------
1717 2014-08-28 13:03:30.593 45
ProviderValueCard table
ProviderID AdditionalReports UniqueReportRequests SurveyCompleted Time_Stamp
----------- ----------------- -------------------- --------------- -----------------------
1717 0 1 1 2014-08-28 13:03:30.593
SubscriptionsTV table
ProviderID GroupID
----------- -----------
1717 2
My final result is this:
DECLARE #ProviderID int = '1717';
WITH cte as(
SELECT TOP 1 a.ProviderID, Time_Stamp,
SUM(CASE WHEN [AdditionalReports] = '1' THEN 5 ELSE 0 END) as AdditionalReports,
SUM(CASE WHEN [UniqueReportRequests] = '1' THEN 15 ELSE 0 END) as UniqueReportsRequests,
SUM(CASE WHEN [SurveyCompleted] = '1' THEN 30 ELSE 0 END) as SurveyCompleted,
MAX(CASE WHEN b.ProviderID IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 50 END) as SubscriptionExists
FROM ProviderValueCard a
LEFT JOIN SubscriptionsTV b
ON a.ProviderID = b.ProviderID
WHERE a.ProviderID = #ProviderID AND GroupID = 2
GROUP BY Time_Stamp, a.ProviderID, event
ORDER BY event DESC, Time_Stamp DESC
SELECT ProviderID, Time_Stamp, (AdditionalReports + UniqueReportsRequests + SurveyCompleted + SubscriptionExists) AS TotalScore
FROM cte
You are correct that this can be accomplished with a LEFT JOIN, and I'd use MAX() with a CASE statement:
DECLARE #ProviderID int = '1717';
FROM SubscriptionsTV
,cte AS (SELECT TOP 1 a.ProviderID, Time_Stamp,
SUM(CASE WHEN [AdditionalReports] = '1' THEN 5 ELSE 0 END) as AdditionalReports,
SUM(CASE WHEN [UniqueReportRequests] = '1' THEN 15 ELSE 0 END) as UniqueReportsRequests,
SUM(CASE WHEN [SurveyCompleted] = '1' THEN 30 ELSE 0 END) as SurveyCompleted,
MAX(CASE WHEN b.ProviderID IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 50 END) as SubscriptionExists
FROM ProviderValueCard a
ON a.ProviderID = b.ProviderID
WHERE a.ProviderID = #ProviderID
GROUP BY Time_Stamp, ProviderID
SELECT ProviderID, Time_Stamp, (AdditionalReports + UniqueReportsRequests + SurveyCompleted + SubscriptionExists) AS TotalScore
FROM cte
Update: Since multiple providerID's can exist, need DISTINCT, used a 2nd cte above, could also use a correlated sub-select inside the CASE statement.
Wasn't paying attention, ORDER BY is fine in a cte when TOP is used.

Count of rows for 2 days

My data is in below format:
employee order id date
a 123 01/06/2013
b 124 02/06/2013
a 125 02/06/2013
a 129 02/06/2013
I need the data in below format:
employee day 1 day 2
a 1 2
b 0 1
Try this one -
, employees CHAR(1)
INSERT INTO #temp (employees, dtStart) VALUES('a','01/06/2013')
INSERT INTO #temp (employees, dtStart) VALUES('a','01/06/2013')
INSERT INTO #temp (employees, dtStart) VALUES('b','02/06/2013')
, day1 = COUNT(CASE WHEN DAY(dtStart) = 1 THEN 1 END)
, day2 = COUNT(CASE WHEN DAY(dtStart) = 2 THEN 1 END)
FROM #temp
--WHERE dtStart BETWEEN '01/06/2013' AND '30/06/2013'
GROUP BY employees
Something along these lines should work (depending on whether you have a fixed amount of days or not):
select employee,
SUM(CASE WHEN date = '01/06/2013' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as day1,
SUM(CASE WHEN date = '02/06/2013' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as day2
from table
group by employee
select distinct employees,
SUM(CASE WHEN dtStart = '01/06/2013' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as day1,
SUM(CASE WHEN dtStart = '02/06/2013' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as day2
from yourTable
group by dtStart,employees
see your demo

Add the column's with Alias name in sql server

I have the below query -
select TeamProjectSK,
sum(case when d.System_State = 'Proposed' then 1 else 0 end) as New,
sum(case when d.System_State = 'Active' then 1 else 0 end) as Active,
sum(case when d.System_State = 'Resolved' then 1 else 0 end) as Resolved,
sum(case when d.System_State = 'Closed' then 1 else 0 end) as Closed
select w1.System_Id, w1.TeamProjectSK, w1.System_State, w1.System_Rev,
row_number() over(partition by w1.System_Id, w1.TeamProjectSK, w1.System_State order by w1.System_Rev desc) rn
from dbo.DimWorkItem w1
) d
where rn = 1
and d.System_Rev = (select max(w2.System_Rev) from dbo.DimWorkItem w2 where w2.System_Id = d.System_Id)
group by TeamProjectSK
order by TeamProjectSK desc;
The result of the query looks like -
TeamProjectSK New Active Resolved Closed
157 14 115 1 169
156 0 0 0 0
155 0 0 0 0
154 0 0 0 0
151 2 1 0 1
Now i want a column "Total_Count" which should be the sum of New+Active+Resolved+Closed. The output should look like -
TeamProjectSK Total_Count New Active Resolved Closed
157 289 14 115 1 169
156 0 0 0 0 0
155 0 0 0 0 0
154 0 0 0 0 0
151 4 2 1 0 1
I tried the below query, but it would not help. Please look into the same.
select TeamProjectSK,
New + Active + Resolved + Closed as Total_Count,
sum(case when d.System_State = 'Proposed' then 1 else 0 end) as New,
sum(case when d.System_State = 'Active' then 1 else 0 end) as Active,
sum(case when d.System_State = 'Resolved' then 1 else 0 end) as Resolved,
sum(case when d.System_State = 'Closed' then 1 else 0 end) as Closed
select w1.System_Id, w1.TeamProjectSK, w1.System_State, w1.System_Rev,
row_number() over(partition by w1.System_Id, w1.TeamProjectSK, w1.System_State order by w1.System_Rev desc) rn
from dbo.DimWorkItem w1
) d
where rn = 1
and d.System_Rev = (select max(w2.System_Rev) from dbo.DimWorkItem w2 where w2.System_Id = d.System_Id)
group by TeamProjectSK
order by TeamProjectSK desc;
select TeamProjectSK, New + Active + Resolved + Closed as Total_Count, New Active, Resolved, Closed
select TeamProjectSK,
sum(case when d.System_State = 'Proposed' then 1 else 0 end) as New,
sum(case when d.System_State = 'Active' then 1 else 0 end) as Active,
sum(case when d.System_State = 'Resolved' then 1 else 0 end) as Resolved,
sum(case when d.System_State = 'Closed' then 1 else 0 end) as Closed
select w1.System_Id, w1.TeamProjectSK, w1.System_State, w1.System_Rev,
row_number() over(partition by w1.System_Id, w1.TeamProjectSK, w1.System_State order by w1.System_Rev desc) rn
from dbo.DimWorkItem w1
) d
where rn = 1
and d.System_Rev = (select max(w2.System_Rev) from dbo.DimWorkItem w2 where w2.System_Id = d.System_Id)
group by TeamProjectSK
) a
order by TeamProjectSK desc
