Right shifting in c programming. - c

Consider the expression x>>y , here x is signed int with left most bit is 1 then is the result depend on machine ?
I have tried for signed int with left most bit is 0 i got same result, but i don't know about given case.

There are no unambiguous "leftmost" or "rightmost" bits (which depends on convention), but most significant and least significant bits. The sign bit on a 2's complement machine is the most significant bit.
>> uses zero extension if the shifted is an unsigned.
Positive signed values behave like positive unsigned values. The >> of a negative quantity, however, is implementation defined, but wherever I have used it, negative numbers have been sign-extended.
Also, left-shifting something to the sign bit of a signed quantity is undefined behaviour, so for most portable programs it is best to use bitshift tricks only to unsigned values.


Does signed to unsigned casting in C changes the bit values

I've done some quick tests that a signed int to unsigned int cast in C does not change the bit values (on an online debugger).
What I want to know is whether it is guaranteed by a C standard or just the common (but not 100% sure) behaviour ?
Conversion from signed int to unsigned int does not change the bit representation in two’s-complement C implementations, which are the most common, but will change the bit representation for negative numbers, including possible negative zeroes on one’s complement or sign-and-magnitude systems.
This is because the cast (unsigned int) a is not defined to retain the bits but the result is the positive remainder of dividing a by UINT_MAX + 1 (or as the C standard (C11 says,
the value is converted by repeatedly adding or subtracting one more than the maximum value that can be represented in the new type until the value is in the range of the new type.
The two’s complement representation for negative numbers is the most commonly used representation for signed numbers exactly because it has this property of negative value n mapping to the same bit pattern as the mathematical value n + UINT_MAX + 1 – it makes it possible to use the same machine instruction for signed and unsigned addition, and the negative numbers will work because of wraparound.
Casting from a signed to an unsigned integer is required to generate the correct arithmetic result (the same number), modulo the size of the unsigned integer, so to speak. That is, after
int i = anything;
unsigned int u = (unsigned int)i;
and on a machine with 32-bit ints, the requirement is that u is equal to i, modulo 232.
(We could also try to say that u receives the value i % 0x100000000, except it turns out that's not quite right, because the C rules say that when you divide a negative integer by a positive integer, you get a quotient rounded towards 0 and a negative remainder, which isn't the kind of modulus we want here.)
If i is 0 or positive, it's not hard to see that u will have the same bit pattern.
If i is negative, and if you're on a 2's complement machine, it turns out the result is also guaranteed to have the same bit pattern. (I'd love to present a nice proof of that result here, but I don't have time just now to try to construct it.)
The vast majority of today's machines use 2's complement. But if you were on a 1's complement or sign/magnitude machine, I'm pretty sure the bit patterns would not always be the same.
So, bottom line, the sameness of the bit patterns is not guaranteed by the C Standard, but arises due to a combination of the C Standard's requirements, and the particulars of 2's complement arithmetic.

short int Integer wrap around / short int inversion in c not understood, difference between assignment and prints

The following code fragment
short int k = -32768;
printf("%d \n", -k);
printf("%d \n", k);
I would assume that both prints are equal.
Can somebody explain what the difference is and why the assignment k=-k causes a wrap around? It was hard to find a explanation online, as i don't really know what to google.
Well, to print a short, you need to use a length modifier.
Change the format string to %hd.
Because SHRT_MIN = -32768 and SHRT_MAX = +32767. Check out how 2's complement work.
Actually, according to the international standard of the C programming language (i.e. Committee Draft — May 6, 2005, pp. 50-51) regarding signed integers:
For signed integer types, the bits of the object representation shall be divided into three groups: value bits, padding bits, and the sign bit.
There need not be any padding bits; there shall be exactly one sign bit.
Each bit that is a value bit shall have the same value as the same bit in the object representation of the corresponding unsigned type (if there are M value bits in the signed type and N in the unsigned type, then M <= N).
If the sign bit is zero, it shall not affect the resulting value.
If the sign bit is one, the value shall be modified in one of the following ways:
the corresponding value with sign bit 0 is negated (sign and magnitude);
the sign bit has the value −(2N ) (two's complement);
the sign bit has the value −(2N − 1) (ones' complement).
Which of these applies is implementation-defined, as is whether the value with sign bit 1 and all value bits zero (for the first two), or with sign bit and all value bits 1 (for ones' complement), is a trap representation or a normal value. In the case of sign and magnitude and ones' complement, if this representation is a normal value it is called a negative zero.
So, in other words, in your case it's seems that 2's complement is being used, but this should not be assumed to be in all platforms and compilers.
-32768 is 8000 in hexadecimal notation. 32768 can not be represented as a signed 16 bit number, therefore the compiler promotes -k to an int with the hex value 00008000. When this number is assigned to the 16-bit variable, the high bits are truncated, resulting in 8000 or -32768 again.

Bitwise operations on negative numbers

I was reading a book on C, where in some section it says: " The bitwise operations are typically used with unsigned types.".
Question: why?
Simply because it is not immediately clear what bit operations on the sign bit of a signed number should mean.
Unsigned types have no special bits, everything works straight
Signed types have a special sign bit and can interpret that with
three different encodings to represent negative values (ones and two's complement or sign and magnitude).
From the programming languages' point of view the unsigned does not mean, that it cannot be negative. It means, that the first bit of the number is not used for determining if the value is negative or positive.
So, for an 8 bit value the bitwise operators consider all the 8 bits, thus working on the range 0..255 (while the mathematical operators can consider the first bit as being the signedness indicator, thus working on a range of -128 to +127).
Unsigned operands do not have any special bits for sign representation.
For signed operands, the special bit for sign representation may interrupt operations which we want to perform.
Bitwise operations are typically used with unsigned types or signed types with non-negative values.
The C Standard supports 3 different representations for negative values: applying bitwise operators on such values has at best an implementation defined behavior.
For example -1 is represented:
as |1000|0000|0000|0001| on a 16-bit system with sign magnitude.
as |1111|1111|1111|1110| on a 16-bit system with one's complement.
and more commonly as |1111|1111|1111|1111| on a 16-bit system with two's complement.
As a consequence, -1 & 3 can have 3 different values:
1 on sign-magnitude systems,
2 on one's complement systems,
3 on two's complement systems,
Other operations may behave in even more unexpected ways on negative numbers, such as << and >>, especially on the DS9K.
Conversely, the bitwise operations are fully defined on unsigned types, which are mandated to have binary representation (with some restrictions on the right operand of shift operators).

negative integer number >> 31 = -1 not 1? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Arithmetic bit-shift on a signed integer
(6 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
so, lets say I have a signed integer (couple of examples):
-1101363339 = 10111110 01011010 10000111 01110101 in binary.
-2147463094 = 10000000 00000000 01010000 01001010 in binary.
-20552 = 11111111 11111111 10101111 10111000 in binary.
now: -1101363339 >> 31 for example, should equal 1 right? but on my computer, I am getting -1. Regardless of what negative integer I pick if x = negative number, x >> 31 = -1. why? clearly in binary it should be 1.
Per C99 6.5.7 Bitwise shift operators:
If E1 has a signed type and a negative value, the resulting value is implementation-defined.
where E1 is the left-hand side of the shift expression. So it depends on your compiler what you'll get.
In most languages when you shift to the right it does an arithmetic shift, meaning it preserves the most significant bit. Therefore in your case you have all 1's in binary, which is -1 in decimal. If you use an unsigned int you will get the result you are looking for.
Per C 2011 6.5.7 Bitwise shift operators:
The result of E1 >> E2 is E1 right-shifted E2 bit positions. If E1 has an unsigned type
or if E1 has a signed type and a nonnegative value, the value of the result is the integral
part of the quotient of E1/ 2E2. If E1 has a signed type and a negative value, the
resulting value is implementation-defined.
Basically, the right-shift of a negative signed integer is implementation defined but most implementations choose to do it as an arithmetic shift.
The behavior you are seeing is called an arithmetic shift which is when right shifting extends the sign bit. This means that the MSBs will carry the same value as the original sign bit. In other words, a negative number will always be negative after a left shift operation.
Note that this behavior is implementation defined and cannot be guaranteed with a different compiler.
What you are seeing is an arithmetic shift, in contrast to the bitwise shift you were expecting; i.e., the compiler, instead of "brutally" shifting the bits, is propagating the sign bit, thus dividing by 2N.
When talking about unsigned ints and positive ints, a right shift is a very simple operation - the bits are shifted to the right by one place (inserting 0 on the left), regardless of their meaning. In such cases, the operation is equivalent to dividing by 2N (and actually the C standard defines it like that).
The distinction comes up when talking about negative numbers. Several negative numbers representation exist, although currently for integers most commonly 2's complement representation is used.
The problem of a "brutal" bitwise shift here is, for starters, that one of the bits is used in some way to express the sign; thus, shifting the binary digits regardless of the negative integers representation can give unexpected results.
For example, commonly in 2's representation the most significant bit is 1 for negative numbers, 0 for positive numbers; applying a bitwise shift (with zeroes inserted to the left) to a negative number would (between other things) make it positive, not resulting in the (usually expected) division by 2N
So, arithmetic shift is introduced; negative numbers represented in 2's complement have an interesting property: the division by 2N behavior of the shift is preserved if, instead of inserting zeroes from the left, you insert bits that have the same value of the original sign bit.
In this way, signed divisions by 2N can be performed with just a bit of extra logic in the shift, without having to resort to a fully-fledged division routine.
Now, is arithmetic shift guaranteed for signed integers? In some languages yes1, but in C it's not like that - the behavior of the shift operators when dealing with negative integers is left as an implementation-defined detail.
As often happens, this is due to different hardware support for the operation; C is used on vastly different platforms, and, especially in the past, there was quite a difference in the "cost" of operations depending on the platform.
For example, if the processor does not provide an arithmetic right shift instruction, the compiler would be mandated to emit a much slower DIV instruction of some kind, which could be a problem in an inner loop on slower processors. For these reasons, the C standard leaves it up to the implementor to do the most appropriate thing for the current platform.
In your case, your implementation probably chose arithmetic shift because you are running on an x86 processor, that uses 2's complement arithmetic and provides both bitwise and arithmetic shift as single CPU instructions.
Actually, languages like Java even have separated arithmetic and bitwise shift operators - this is mainly due to the fact that they do not have unsigned types to e.g. store bitfields.

Bits representation of negative numbers

This is a doubt regarding the representation of bits of signed integers. For example, when you want to represent -1, it is equivalent to 2's complement of (+1). So -1 is represented as 0xFFFFFFF. Now when I shift my number by 31 and print the result it is coming back as -1.
signed int a = -1;
printf(("The number is %d ",(a>>31));//this prints as -1
So can anyone please explain to me how the bits are represented for negative numbers?
When the top bit is zero, the number is positive. When it's 1, the number is negative.
Negative numbers shifted right keep shifting a "1" in as the topmost bit to keep the number negative. That's why you're getting that answer.
For more about two's complement, see this Stackoverflow question.
#Stobor points out that some C implementations could shift 0 into the high bit instead of 1. [Verified in Wikipedia.] In Java it's dependably an arithmetic shift.
But the output given by the questioner shows that his compiler is doing an arithmetic shift.
The C standard leaves it undefined whether the right shift of a negative (necessarily signed) integer shifts zeroes (logical shift right) or sign bits (arithmetic shift right) into the most significant bit. It is up to the implementation to choose.
Consequently, portable code ensures that it does not perform right shifts on negative numbers. Either it converts the value to the corresponding unsigned value before shifting (which is guaranteed to use a logical shift right, putting zeroes into the vacated bits), or it ensures that the value is positive, or it tolerates the variation in the output.
This is an arithmetic shift operation which preserves the sign bit and shifts the mantissa part of a signed number.
Basically there are two types of right shift. An unsigned right shift and a signed right shift. An unsigned right shift will shift the bits to the right, causing the least significant bit to be lost, and the most significant bit to be replaced with a 0. With a signed right shift, the bits are shifted to the right, causing the least significant bit be be lost, and the most significant bit to be preserved. A signed right shift divides the number by a power of two (corresponding to the number of places shifted), whereas an unsigned shift is a logical shifting operation.
The ">>" operator performs an unsigned right shift when the data type on which it operates is unsigned, and it performs a signed right shift when the data type on which it operates is signed. So, what you need to do is cast the object to an unsigned integer type before performing the bit manipulation to get the desired result.
Have a look at two's complement description. It should help.
EDIT: When the below was written, the code in the question was written as:
unsigned int a = -1;
printf(("The number is %d ",(a>>31));//this prints as -1
If unsigned int is at least 32 bits wide, then your compiler isn't really allowed to produce -1 as the output of that (with the small caveat that you should be casting the unsigned value to int before you pass it to printf).
Because a is an unsigned int, assigning -1 to it must give it the value of UINT_MAX (as the smallest non-negative value congruent to -1 modulo UINT_MAX+1). As long as unsigned int has at least 32 bits on your platform, the result of shifting that unsigned quantity right by 31 will be UINT_MAX divided by 2^31, which has to fit within int. (If unsigned int is 31 bits or shorter, it can produce whatever it likes because the result of the shift is unspecified).
