Phonegap app on Microsoft Surface Pro -- offline storage options - angularjs

We want to develop a hybrid app using Angular.js, Twitter Bootstrap, .Net Rest API, indexedDB, and phonegap and deploy it to iPads and Surface Pros.
We know phonegap based apps using indexeddb as the offline storage method will not work on Surface Pro as IE10/IE11 doesnt support indexeddb. Phonegap SQL Lite Plugin also doesnt support Surface Pro.
What offline storage methods are supported by both Surface Pro and iPad?

I'd suggest to look at IndexedDB. It has maximum size limits but there is always a way to get more space.


Which Flurry SDK Should I Use With Phonegap

I am installing Flurry into a Phonegap application so that I might collect better in app analytics. I've seen numerous cordova plugins allowing you to use Flurry's iPhone and Android SDKs with Phonegap
However Flurry has released a Mobile Web SDK. I assume the Mobile Web SDK is easier to integrate with a phonegap application, however I'm concerned that it is not as full featured or ill suited for working with phonegap. Can anyone comment on which SDK should be used in this situation? Many thanks.
Posing the question to Flurry's support team I received the following reply:
"The Mobile Web SDK tracks devices on the basis of cookies. The native SDK's track it on the basis of device id.
Apart from that, the mobile web SDK doesn't provide metrics like carrier, device and OS metrics. The native SDK provides those.
Crash reporting is not supported on the Mobile Web SDK. The native iOS and Android SDK's provide that."
Ergo, the SDKs are not created equally. One should use the native SDKs whenever they have the opportunity.

Database plugin to persist data offline in Icenium-based app

I am using Icenium to develop my mobile app. I wanted to know what is the recommended database solution to persist data offline on the device for Phonegap/Cordova based apps for iOS, Android and Windows Phone 8.
I am aware of this SQLite plugin for Phonegap-based apps that works on Android and iOS.
As it stands right now you're going to have a hard time finding a SQLite plugin that is compatible across all three of those platforms. Without too much effort you could add this plugin and conditionally use it for WP8:
The only sure-fire solution for cross-platform dev at the moment is to use local storage as your offline data storage mechanism.

which mobile gis application developing is better for me

i want to develop a mobile app with this features:
1-work offline on mobile and don't need to internet(disconnect mode)
2-can import layers to it in public extensions(shape file,personal geodatabase,kml)
3-can edit layers
3-have some forms and fields that fill by mobile user and save in database
i think android is better platform for developing my app,so i need a gis service that can extend in android
i know arcgis and developed web apps and desktop apps with that before,but in mobile app developping, i can't use it,because i had to use arcgisonline service to host my layers and i don't want share my map and want to host data locally and offline
let me know what i need and what platform i choose and which is better
thanks in advance......
The ArcGIS Android API is a good choice. Esri have a sample offline app available for download. We have used Mobile Flex, since we have clients who want both iOS and Android solutions. It uses ArcGIS Online but could only use local files if needed. See a demo here:

Creating a mobile app using Google App Engine and GWT?

I have a Google App Engine application with a front-end that was created using GWT. How would I go about creating a mobile app equivalent of this? In particular I would prefer to use GWT to create the front-end here as well. Does Google have any thing within GWT specifically designed for creating mobile apps? Is there already some existing structure in GWT which takes the front-end you've created and makes it scalable so that it can be easily transformed into a mobile app? Thank you much!
You should also definitively check mgwt + gwt-phonegap. It's a cross platform gwt/phonegap solution.
It depends a lot on whether you wish to build cross platform as in phonegap or keep it simple as in mobilewebapp example provided in sample folder in gwt zip file you download.
The mobilewebapp sample does not access smartphone features but will be accessible by browser on any mobile. phonegap or similar frameworks like titanium,sencha provide api to access smartphone features.
Fore more information -
Sencha Touch 2 native build vs wrapping Sencha Touch 2 in Phonegap

Which browsers & databases supported by phonegap

Which browsers are supported in phone gap & which databases are supported by phone gap ?
Straight from Phonegap website -
PhoneGap is an HTML5 app platform that allows you to author native
applications with web technologies and get access to APIs and app
What this means is it is not browser dependent. The code compiles to native application. You don't need a browser to run it.
