(Lisp) Counting Change code - loops

I've recently started learning lisp and i thought an interesting problem would be the Count Change algorithm which has been attempted many times however i've found it very difficult to even sort out how to approach this and thought i would try using loops but it just isn't working. I'll put my two useless attempts below but if anyone has any suggestions of even how i should be thinking about this problem in terms of lisp it would be really appreciated.
I would much prefer to use a recursive solution aswell.
I've been looking through the questions on here about counting change but they all tend to be object orientated while i need something more functional.
It's not home work, just private study!
(defun dollar (amount)
(let ((l 0) (j 0) (array (make-array '(5 10 20 50 100 200 500 1000 2000 5000 100000))) (results (make-array 50 :initial-element nil))
(do (l 10 (+ l 1))
(do ((= j (aref array l)) amount (+ j 1))
(+ (aref array j) (- (aref results j) (aref array l))))))
(defun coin-change (amount coins)
(cond ((< amount 0) 0)
((= amount 5) 1)
((null coins) 0)
(t (+ (make-change-with-coins (- amount (car coins)) coins)
(make-change-with-coins amount (cdr coins)))))
sample input would be (coin-change 20 '(5 10 20 50 100 200 500 1000 2000 5000 100000)) which would return 4

Standard formatting helps getting the code structure right. Reading some kind of documentation about a new language helps even more.
This is what you have written:
(defun dollar (amount)
(let ((l 0)
(j 0)
(array (make-array '(5 10 20 50 100 200 500 1000 2000 5000 100000)))
(results (make-array 50 :initial-element nil))
(do (l 10 (+ l 1))
(do ((= j (aref array l)) amount (+ j 1))
(+ (aref array j) (- (aref results j) (aref array l))))))))
Dollar doesn't get the semantics right. Make-array takes the dimensions as first argument, and you most likely wanted the do form as a body of the let. I'd use a vector literal here.
(defun dollar (amount)
(let ((l 0)
(j 0)
(array #(5 10 20 50 100 200 500 1000 2000 5000 100000))
(results (make-array 50 :initial-element nil)))
(do (l 10 (+ l 1))
(do ((= j (aref array l)) amount (+ j 1))
(+ (aref array j) (- (aref results j) (aref array l)))))))
Do takes first a list of bindings, then a form containing an end condition and return forms and finally forms that form a body.
(defun dollar (amount)
(let ((l 0)
(j 0)
(array #(5 10 20 50 100 200 500 1000 2000 5000 100000))
(results (make-array 50 :initial-element nil)))
(do ((l 10 (+ l 1)))
(#| end condition here |#
#| some more forms
that return something |#)
(do ((= j (aref array l)) ; uh, so this binds the variable "=" to j
; and updates it to (aref array l) on iteration
amount ; an empty binding, initially nil
(+ j 1)) ; binds the variable "+" to j and updates it to 1
(+ ; tries to evaluate the variable "+" as a form...
(aref array j) ; no effect
(- (aref results j) (aref array l))))))) ; would return this
I tried to correct the shape of the outer do and annotated the inner do. It makes no sense at all, as you can see.
(defun coin-change (amount coins)
(cond ((< amount 0) 0)
((= amount 5) 1)
((null coins) 0)
(t (+ (make-change-with-coins (- amount (car coins)) coins)
(make-change-with-coins amount (cdr coins))))))
This looks at least semantically correct, but I cannot tell how it is supposed to work (and I don't know what make-change-with-coins does).
I think it would be prudent to perhaps read a good introductory book first (I like Practical Common Lisp) and peruse the Common Lisp Hyperspec (CLHS).

It's not clear to me what the first function is supposed to do.
The second one almost ok, this is a fixed version:
(defun coin-change (amount coins)
((< amount 0) 0)
((= amount 0) 1)
((= (length coins) 0) 0)
(t (+ (coin-change (- amount (first coins)) coins)
(coin-change amount (rest coins))))))
The idea is:
A negative amount cannot be matched (0 ways)
Zero can be matched in exactly one way (not giving any coin)
If amount is >0 and we've no coin types remaining then there are no ways
Otherwise we can either A) give one piece of the first coin type and count how many ways we can match the remaining part, B) computing the ways without using the first coin type. The answer is A+B
Note that this is going to give huge computing times for large amounts because it doesn't take advantage of the important fact that the number of ways to match a certain amount starting with a certain coin type doesn't depend on how we got to this amount (i.e. the past history).
By adding caching you can get a dynamic-programming solution that is much faster because does each computation only once.


trying to convert C to Lisp

I am trying to convert this code to lisp code.
But don't know how to do it
is it right?
for (j=i-1; j>=0 && list[j]>key; j--) {
list[j+1] = list[j];
(loop (set j (- i 1))
(setq (aref x(+ j 1) (aref x j))
(setq j (- j 1)
(when (or(>= j 0)
(> (aref x j) key)
(return-from foo 0))
The most straightforward way is to use the extended loop:
(loop :for j :downfrom (1- i)
:while (and (not (minusp j))
(> (aref list j) key))
:do (setf (aref list (1+ j))
(aref list j)))
(Note: I prefer to use keywords for loop keywords, because that gives me nice syntax highlighting for free. You will often also find them as plain symbols, e. g. for instead of :for.)
though it's not a word-by-word translation, i would probably go with something like this:
(let* ((data (vector 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
(key 3)
(pos (or (position-if (lambda (x) (<= x key)) data :from-end t)
(setf (subseq data (1+ pos))
(subseq data pos))
Looks more like a CL style to me.

Lisp Loop Largest Number

I've been fiddling with Lisp programs for a little while and one thing that I can never seem to figure out is how to use a loop on a list inside a function. I'm trying to create a function that will take a list as the parameters while using a do... loop. I know how to do it with if statements but now I need to use a loop. Does anyone have a clue on how to do that?
(defun maximum (a_list)
(if (= (length a_list) 1)
(car a_list)
(if (> (car a_list) (maximum (cdr a_list)))
(car a_list)
(maximum (cdr a_list))))
(format t "~d" a_list))
Here's what I have so far on the if statements. They might not work right but at least they work.
Here another set of possibilities, in addition to those proposed in another answers.
First of all, when writing a function, one should also test for special cases, while you do not check for an empty list. So the structure of the function could be something of this type:
(defun maximum (l)
(if (null l)
nil ; or give an error
...normal solution...))
In case of returning nil, this structure in Common Lisp is identical to the following one, given that and evaluates its arguments in sequence, and returns nil as soon as an argument is evaluated to nil, otherwise returns the value of the last argument:
(defun maximum (l)
(and l ...normal solution...))
Here the alternative solutions.
Without loop or recursion, with predefined functions reduce (manual) and max (manual).
(defun maximum (l)
(and l (reduce #'max l)))
With the construct dolist (manual), that iterates a variable over a list:
(defun maximum (l)
(and l (let ((result (car l)))
(dolist (x (cdr l) result)
(when (> x result)
(setf result x))))))
And finally, with a compact version of do (manual):
(defun maximum (l)
(and l (do ((maximum-so-far (car l) (max (pop l) maximum-so-far)))
((null l) maximum-so-far))))
With loop the solution is trivial:
(loop for x in '(1 2 7 4 5) maximize x)
I assume therefore that what you intend to do is to write the function with a do loop. In this case you have to traverse the list keeping track of the maximum element so far, and updating this value if you find a larger value:
(setq list '(1 2 7 4 5))
(do* ((l list (cdr l))
(x (car l) (car l))
(max x) )
((null l) max)
(if (> x max)
(setq max x) ))
(defun maximum (list)
(let ((result)) ;; short for ((result nil))
(dolist (x list)
(if result
(when (> x result)
(setf result x))
(setf result x)))
(dolist (x list) ... ) is like Python's [... for x in list]
It is typical imperative style to create a variable with
let and setf to it to change its value.

What is the difference between LOOP and Iterate for Common Lisp?

Common Lisp has a powerful Loop macro built in. It's really useful and powerful, and I use it quite often.
I've also heard of a very similar thing, called Iterate. It look really similar to Loop, but has more Lispy feel to it. What are the differences between these two? May there be any reason to switch to any of these, apart from simple preference of style?
Some things that are unique to iterate:
No rigid order for clauses
loop requires that all for clauses appear before the loop body, for example before while. It's ok for iter:
(iter (for x in '(1 2 99)
(while (< x 10))
(for y = (print x))
(collect (list x y)))
Accumulating clauses can be nested
collect, appending and the like can appear anywhere:
(iter (for x in '(1 2 3))
(case x
(1 (collect :a))
(2 (collect :b))))
;; Finding the longest list in a list of lists:
(iter (for lst in '((a) (b c d) (e f)))
(finding lst maximizing (length lst)))
=> (B C D)
;; The rough equivalent in LOOP:
(loop with max-lst = nil
with max-key = 0
for lst in '((a) (b c d) (e f))
for key = (length lst)
(when (> key max-key)
(setf max-lst lst
max-key key))
finally (return max-lst))
=> (B C D)
https://common-lisp.net/project/iterate/ first example
Finding the minimum of x^2 - 4x + 1 in an interval:
(iter (for x from -5 to 5 by 1/100)
(finding x minimizing (1+ (* x (- x 4)))))
©Common Lisp Recipes p.198
it is like "continue" and loop doesn't have it.
iter also has first-iteration-p and (if-first-time then else).
generate and next. A generator is lazy, it goes to the next value when said explicitly.
(iter (for i in '(1 2 3 4 5))
(generate c in-string "black")
(if (oddp i) (next c))
(format t "~a " c))
b b l l a
(iter (for el in '(a b c d e))
(for prev-el previous el)
(collect (list el prev-el)))
=> ((A NIL) (B A) (C B) (D C) (E D))
although it is doable with loop's parallel binding and:
(loop for el in '(a b c d e)
and prev-el = nil then el
collect (list el prev-el))
more clauses
LOOP offers collecting, nconcing, and appending. ITERATE has these and also adjoining, unioning, nunioning, and accumulating.
(iter (for el in '(a b c a d b))
(adjoining el))
=> (A B C D)
(adjoin is a set operation)
LOOP has summing, counting, maximizing, and minimizing. ITERATE also includes multiplying and reducing. reducing is the generalized reduction builder:
(iter (with dividend = 100)
(for divisor in '(10 5 2))
(reducing divisor by #'/ initial-value dividend))
=> 1
It is extensible
(defmacro dividing-by (num &keys (initial-value 0))
`(reducing ,num by #'/ initial-value ,initial-value))
(iter (for i in '(10 5 2))
(dividing-by i :initial-value 100))
=> 1
but there is more.
https://web.archive.org/web/20170713105315/https://items.sjbach.com/280/extending-the-iterate-macro where in the Appendix, we see two examples of loop extensions. But they are not portable really, the code is full of #+(or allegro clisp-aloop cmu openmcl sbcl scl) (ansi-loop::add-loop-path …, sb-loop::add-loop-path etc.
Stuff missing in iterate
No parallel binding like loop's and, but not needed?.
I'm probably missing here.
But that's not all, there are more differences.

Scheme while loop

I'm kinda new in scheme syntax... I'm trying to make a simple program where you input an integer, if the integer is even do something and if it's odd do something else.
I was able to do this part. Now, I need to make a loop where I can decrement the number until it equals to 1.
Here is my code :
#lang racket
(define (even? n)
(if (eqv? n 0) #t
(odd? (- n 1))))
(define (odd? n)
(if (eqv? n 0) #f
(even? (- n 1))))
; this is the function that i wanted to be inside the loop
(define (sequence n)
[(even? n) n( / n 2)]
[(odd? n) n(+(* n 3) 1) ] )
(sequence 5)
The output should be a sequence of numbers. In other words, it should be inside a list.
An output list is built by consing each of the elements that are part of the list and then advancing the recursion over the input, until the input is exhausted (in your case, when the number n is one). By successively consing elements at the head of the list and ending the recursion with a null value, a new proper list is created and returned at the end of the procedure execution. Here's how:
(define (sequence n)
(cond [(= n 1) ; if n=1, it's the exit condition
(list n)] ; return a list with last element
[(even? n) ; if n is even
(cons n (sequence (/ n 2)))] ; cons n and advance the recursion
[(odd? n) ; if n is odd
(cons n (sequence (+ (* n 3) 1)))])) ; cons n and advance the recursion
The above will return a list with the Collatz sequence for the given number n:
(sequence 6)
=> '(6 3 10 5 16 8 4 2 1)
As a side note: the procedures even? and odd? are standard in Scheme and you don't have to redefine them.

Better permutations generating algorithm

Here are some I could come up with, but I'm not happy with either of them:
(defsubst i-swap (array a b)
(let ((c (aref array a)))
(aset array a (aref array b))
(aset array b c) array))
(defun i-permute-recursive (array offset length)
(if (= offset length)
(message "array: %s" array)
(let ((i offset))
(while (< i length)
(i-permute-recursive (i-swap array i offset) (1+ offset) length)
(i-swap array i offset)
(incf i)))))
(defun i-permute-johnson-trotter (array)
(let ((i 0) largest largest-pos largest-sign swap-to
(markers (make-vector (length array) nil)))
(while (< i (length array))
(aset markers i (cons '1- i))
(incf i))
(setcar (aref markers 0) nil)
(while (some #'car markers)
(setq i 0 largest nil)
(while (< i (length array))
(destructuring-bind (tested-sign . tested-value)
(aref markers i)
(when (and tested-sign
(or (not largest)
(< largest tested-value)))
(setq largest tested-value largest-pos i
largest-sign tested-sign)))
(incf i))
(when largest
(setq swap-to (funcall largest-sign largest-pos))
(i-swap array largest-pos swap-to)
(i-swap markers largest-pos swap-to)
(when (or (= swap-to 0) (= swap-to (1- (length array)))
(> (cdr (aref markers
(funcall largest-sign swap-to)))
(setcar (aref markers swap-to) nil))
(setq i 0)
(while (< i (length array))
(setq swap-to (cdr (aref markers i)))
(when (> swap-to largest)
(setcar (aref markers i)
(if (< i largest-pos) '1+ '1-)))
(incf i))
(message "array: %s <- makrers: %s" array markers)))))
The recursive variant both does extra swapping and it being recursive makes me very unhappy (I'm not concerned with the size of the stack as I'm concerned with ease of debugging - recursive functions look terrible in debugger...)
The other version I implemented from it's description on Wiki, here if you are interested: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steinhaus%E2%80%93Johnson%E2%80%93Trotter_algorithm but it is both too long (just the code itself is very long) and it's O(n*m) more or less, which, for short arrays is almost like quadratic. (m being the length of the array, and n being the number of permutations.)
From looking at recursive version I hope that there must be a *plain* O(n) variant, but I just can't wrap my head around it...
If you feel more comfortable writing it in another Lisp, you are welcome!
This is what I've got for now, thanks to this blog: http://www.quickperm.org/
(defun i-permute-quickperm (array)
(let* ((len (length array))
(markers (make-vector len 0))
(i 1) j)
(while (< i len)
(if (< (aref markers i) i)
(setq j (if (oddp i) (aref markers i) 0))
(i-swap array j i)
(message "array: %s" array)
(aset markers i (1+ (aref markers i)))
(setq i 1))
(aset markers i 0)
(incf i)))))
But please feel free to suggest a better one. (Though this looks pretty to me, so idk :P)
(defun map-permutations (fn vector)
"Call function FN on each permutation of A, with each successive
permutation one swap away from previous one."
(labels ((frob (n)
(if (zerop n) (funcall fn vector)
(dotimes (i n (frob (1- n)))
(frob (1- n))
(rotatef (aref vector n)
(aref vector (if (oddp n) i 0)))))))
(frob (1- (length vector)))))
Example (if using Emacs-Lisp, replace #'print with #'message and C-he to see the result):
CL-USER> (map-permutations #'print "123")
