Functionality of sizeof - c

Why dose the folowing code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main()
printf("Hello world!\n");
int x;
long l;
double d;
return 0;
prints on the console 8?
I originaly thought that will convert x and l to double and display 24.
Why 8?

sizeof returns the number of bytes used to store its argument. In this case its argument is x+l+d. x is an int, l a long, and d a double. When you add integer types to doubles, the result is promoted to form a double. So what you have written is the equivalent of sizeof(double). A double takes 8 bytes to store, so you are seeing 8 as the result.

You are only passing one argument to sizeof, and that single argument's type is double. If you wrote sizeof(x) + sizeof(l) + sizeof(d), that would be something different (although still not 24, because not each argument is double).


Why there is a difference between the number of bits given for a constant and a variable?

The size of a constant float is 8 bytes while a variable float is just 4 bytes.
#include <stdio.h>
#define x 3.0
int main(){
printf("%d", sizeof(x));
return 0;
This also applies for a constant char (gives 4 bytes)
while a char variable just gives 1 byte.
I think this question has already been answered in a couple of previous posts. The basic idea is:
A) Consider this program in C:
#include <stdio.h>
#define x 3.0 /* without suffix, it'll treat it as a double */
#define y 3.0f /* suffix 'f' tells compiler we want it as a float */
int main() {
printf("%ld\n", sizeof(x)); /* outputs 8 */
printf("%ld", sizeof(y)); /* outputs 4 */
return 0;
Basically, double has more precision that float so it's more preferable in case of ambiguity. So, if you're declaring constant without suffix 'f', it'll treat it as a double.
B) Look into this one now:
#include <stdio.h>
#define x 'a'
int main() {
char ch = 'b';
printf("%ld\n", sizeof(x)); /* outputs 4 */
printf("%ld", sizeof(ch)); /* outputs 1 since compiler knows what it's
exactly after we declared & initialized var
ch */
return 0;
That constant value ('a') is converted to it's ASCII value (097) which is a number literal. Hence, it'll be treated as an integer.
Please refer this link for more details:,of%20achieving%20the%20same%20thing.

How to print a very large value in c

I am newbie, please bear if my question is silly.
int main()
int x=60674;
printf("%lf \n",(double)(x*x));
printf("%lld \n",(long long)(x*x));
return 0;
Why is this not working?
x * x overflows, so you should cast them into long longs before the multiplication:
printf("%lld \n",((long long)x * (long long)x));
Additionaly you may use standardised ints:
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int x=60674;
printf("%" PRIu64 "\n",(uint64_t)x * x);
return 0;
Moreover you do not need to cast both variables .. the * will impose using the bigger type of the two multipliers.
Btw you could just use unsigned int .. the result would fit in UINT_MAX which is 4294967295 (from here )
x is a signed integer that can hold value only upto -2,147,483,847 to +2,147,483,847 and on performing the operation
x * x
==> 60674 * 60674 = 3,681,334,276
which generally overflows the integer range. Hence you might need some big data type to hold that calculation 60674 * 60674
You can try two things to do that.
Change the data type of x from int to long or for more range long long
long long x = 60674;
Type cast the calculation to long range data type.
printf("%lld \n",((long long)x* (long long)x));

Typecasting from int,float,char,double

I was trying out few examples on do's and dont's of typecasting. I could not understand why the following code snippets failed to output the correct result.
/* int to float */
int main(){
int i = 37;
float f = *(float*)&i;
printf("\n %f \n",f);
return 0;
This prints 0.000000
/* float to short */
int main(){
float f = 7.0;
short s = *(float*)&f;
printf("\n s: %d \n",s);
return 0;
This prints 7
/* From double to char */
int main(){
double d = 3.14;
char ch = *(char*)&d;
printf("\n ch : %c \n",ch);
return 0;
This prints garbage
/* From short to double */
int main(){
short s = 45;
double d = *(double*)&s;
printf("\n d : %f \n",d);
return 0;
This prints 0.000000
Why does the cast from float to int give the correct result and all the other conversions give wrong results when type is cast explicitly?
I couldn't clearly understand why this typecasting of (float*) is needed instead of float
int i = 10;
float f = (float) i; // gives the correct op as : 10.000
int i = 10;
float f = *(float*)&i; // gives a 0.0000
What is the difference between the above two type casts?
Why cant we use:
float f = (float**)&i;
float f = *(float*)&i;
In this example:
char ch = *(char*)&d;
You are not casting from double to a char. You are casting from a double* to a char*; that is, you are casting from a double pointer to a char pointer.
C will convert floating point types to integer types when casting the values, but since you are casting pointers to those values instead, there is no conversion done. You get garbage because floating point numbers are stored very differently from fixed point numbers.
Read about the representation of floating point numbers in systems. Its not the way you're expecting it to be. Cast made through (float *) in your first snippet read the most significant first 16 bits. And if your system is little endian, there will be always zeros in most significant bits if the value containing in the int type variable is lesser than 2^16.
If you need to convert int to float, the conversion is straight, because the promotion rules of C.
So, it is enough to write:
int i = 37;
float f = i;
This gives the result f == 37.0.
However, int the cast (float *)(&i), the result is an object of type "pointer to float".
In this case, the address of "pointer to integer" &i is the same as of the the "pointer to float" (float *)(&i). However, the object pointed by this last object is a float whose bits are the same as of the object i, which is an integer.
Now, the main point in this discussion is that the bit-representation of objects in memory is very different for integers and for floats.
A positive integer is represented in explicit form, as its binary mathematical expression dictates.
However, the floating point numbers have other representation, consisting of mantissa and exponent.
So, the bits of an object, when interpreted as an integer, have one meaning, but the same bits, interpreted as a float, have another very different meaning.
The better question is, why does it EVER work. You see, when you do
typedef int T;//replace with whatever
typedef double J;//replace with whatever
T s = 45;
J d = *(J*)(&s);
You are basically telling the compiler (get the T* address of s, reintepret what it points to as J, and then get that value). No casting of the value (changing the bytes) actually happens. Sometimes, by luck, this is the same (low value floats will have an exponential of 0, so the integer interpretation may be the same) but often times, this'll be garbage, or worse, if the sizes are not the same (like casting to double from char) you can read unallocated data (heap corruption (sometimes)!).

Substracting pointers: how variable j is getting this value?

So I have a program in C. its running but I don't understand how the output is generated ??
Here is the program :
#include <stdio.h>
int c;
void main() {
int a=10,b=20,j;
int *p[3];
printf("\nValue of p[0] = %u\nValue of p[2] = %u\nValue of j = %d\n\n",p[0],p[2],j);
and Here is the output :
Value of p[0] = 3213675396
Value of p[2] = 134520860
Value of j = -303953190
Can anyone tell me how j got this value i.e. -303953190 ?? It is supposed to be 3079154536
You are doing 3213675396 - 134520860. If you want to get the value use *p[0]. If your intention is to substract the address(which doesnt make sense but still) the expected answer should be 3079154536. But since the number if too large to hold hence you get the answer -303953190. Consider char for simplicity on number line
-128 -127 -126 -125 ... 0 1 2 ... 125 126 127
Now if you try to store 128 it out of range so it will give value -128. If try to assign value 130 you will get -126. So when the right hand side limit is exceeded you can see the counting starts from the left hand side. This is just for explanation purpose only the real reason for this behavior is owed due the fact that it is stored as two's compliment. More info can be found here
You should compute the difference of the pointed objects rather than of the pointers:
p is array of pointers to int - so its storing pointers to int and not ints. Hence, p[0] and p[2] are pointers - subtracting them will give you an integer which may overflow that you are trying to store in an int where the problem lies. Also addresses are to printed using %p not %d.
Dereference the value and you will get what you are looking for, like this:
or like this:
Substracting two pointers results in a signed integer.
From the C Standard chapter 6.56:
6.5.6 Additive operators
9 When two pointers are subtracted, both shall point to elements of the same array object,
or one past the last element of the array object; the result is the difference of the
subscripts of the two array elements. The size of the result is implementation-defined,
and its type (a signed integer type) is ptrdiff_t defined in the < stddef.h> header.
And assigning the pointer difference to an int overflows the int.
To get around this overflow instead of
int j;
ptrdiff_t j;
and then print the value using %td.
From the C Standard chapter 7.17:
7.17 Common definitions < stddef.h>
2 The types are
which is the signed integer type of the result of subtracting two pointers;
Also (unrelated)
void main()
is wrong. It shall be
int main(void)
So the correct code would look like this:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stddef.h> /* for ptrdiff_t */
int c;
int main(void)
int a=10, b=20;
ptrdiff_t j;
int * p[3];
printf("\nValue of p[0] = %p\nValue of p[2] = %p\nValue of j = %td\n\n",
(void *) p[0],
(void *) p[2],
return 0;
You're printing it as an integer instead of an unsigned. Use %u instead of %d.
Try this:
#include <stdio.h>
int c;
void main() {
int a=10,b=20;
unsigned j;
int *p[3];
printf("\nValue of p[0] = %u\nValue of p[2] = %u\nValue of j = %u\n\n",(unsigned)p[0],(unsigned)p[2],j);

A Macro using sizeof(arrays) is not giving the expected output

#include <stdio.h>
int arr[] = {1, 2,3,4,5};
#define TOT (sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]))
int main()
int d = -1, x = 0;
if(d<= TOT){
x = arr[4];
printf("%d", TOT);
printf("%d", TOT);
TOT has the value 5 but the if condition is failing..why is that?
Because there are "the usual arithmetic conversions" at work for the if.
The sizeof operator returns an unsigned type ... and d is converted to unsigned making it greater than the number of elements in arr.
#define TOT (int)(sizeof(arr)/sizeof(arr[0]))
if(d<= (int)TOT){
That's because sizeof returns an unsigned number, while d is signed. When d implicitly converted to a singed number, and then it is much much larger than TOT.
You should get a warning about comparison of signed-unsigned comparison from the compiler.
Your expression for TOT is an unsigned value because the sizeof() operator always returns unsigned (positive) values.
When you compare the signed variable d with it, d gets automatically converted to a very large unsigned value, and hence becomes larger than TOT.
return type of sizeof is unsigned integer ....that is why if is failing ...because "d" which is treated as signed by the compiler is greater than TOT
