Zynq Qspi Booting - arm

I'm using Arm DS-5 and Xilinx SDK for developing programs on Zynq board.
I'm trying to boot Zynq 702 board from Qspi Flash.
What I've done so far is generating FSBL project from Xilinx SDK, and combining it with my application using Bootgen tool in SDK, then program it into the flash.
There are several questions in my mind.
DS-5 produces an .axf file, Bootgen requires an .elf file. Can I use
the .axf file by just changing its extension to .elf or do I require
some more steps?
Is there a tool that shows the inner structure of an .axf file?
Showing what is where?
And how can I debug if I managed to boot from QSPI. For example I want to debug my application from the beginning of FSBL, is it possible? Because in Qspi Boot, When I power on the board, my application would start running and when I connect with JTAG, it would be in somewhere in my application.

An AXF might have some extra ARM-toolchain magic in it (I'm not sure off-hand), but at heart it's an ELF file - the ARM toolchain provides fromelf for poking around inside them, but other tools like readelf and objdump also work.
I'm not familiar with the Zynq platform so I don't know any specific debugger tricks, but a general one is just to put an infinite loop at the start of your code (possibly using volatile or inline asm trickery if necessary to prevent optimisation) - once the debugger's connected and broken into it, you just move the PC past the loop and continue.

You can totally halt QSPI-booted Zynq via JTAG and do whatever you want with it. However, there are some quirks. Sometimes Zynq goes into some kind of lockup, and JTAG doesn't work at all, and you need to power-cycle before retrying. Some not-so-well-written peripherial might die after starting software over JTAG, so you might need to re-load bitstream first. And there are some Vivado-related bugs (like the one where you cannot re-flash the board unless you downgrade to 2017.2 or change MIO2-6 pulls or patch the FSBL) but i'm not sure if they apply in your case.


How to create bootable application image (efi)?

I trying to boot an elf microkernel in an UEFI environment. So i compiled a minimal boot loader and created an ESP image. This works fine if I boot via an HDD but I want to direct boot it via the qemu -kernel option (This is some special requirement as I am working with AMD SEV). This doesn't work.
I can boot my kernel like this with grub if I use grub mkimage with a fat image included i.e. like this:
mcopy -i "${basedir}/disk.fat" -- "${basedir}/kernel" ::kernel
mcopy -i "${basedir}/disk.fat" -- "${basedir}/module" ::module
grub-mkimage -O x86_64-efi
-c "${basedir}/grub-bootstrap.cfg"
-m "${basedir}/disk.fat"
-o "${basedir}/grub.efi"
But the goal for my system is minimalism and security hence the microkernel, so grub and it's vulnerabilities is out of question.
So my question is:
How to create a bootable application image similar to grub-mkimage?
I have read about efi stub boot but couldn't really figure out how to build an efi stub image.
Normally I am a bare metal embedded programmer, so the whole uefi boot thing is a bit weird to me. I am glad for any tips or recommendations. Also I figured stack overflow might not be the best place for such low level questions, can you maybe recommend other forums?
I want to direct boot it via the qemu -kernel option
Why? It's a qemu-specific hack that doesn't exist on anything else (including any real computer). By using this hack the only thing you're doing is failing to test anything you'd normally use to boot (and therefore failing to test anything that actually matters).
(This is some special requirement as I am working with AMD SEV)
That doesn't make any sense (it's a little bit like saying "I have a banana in my ear because I'm trying to learn how to play piano").
AMD's SEV is a set of extensions intended to enhance the security of virtual machines that has nothing at all to do with how you boot (or whether you boot from BIOS or UEFI or a qemu-specific hack).
I am glad for any tips or recommendations.
My recommendation is to stop using GRUB specific (multi-boot), Qemu specific (-kernel) and Linux/Unix specific (elf) tools and actually try to use UEFI. This will require you to write your own boot loader using (Microsoft's) PE32+ file format that uses UEFI's services itself. Note that GNU's tools (their "Gnu-EFI" stuff for GCC) is relatively awful (it puts a PE32+ wrapper around an ELF file and does run-time patching to make the resulting Franken-monster work); and there are much better alternatives now (e.g. the Clang/LLVM/lld toolchain).
If you care about security, then it'll also involve learning about UEFI SecureBoot (and key management, and digital signatures). If you care about secure virtual machines I'd also recommend learning about the SKINIT instruction from AMD"s manual (used to create a dynamic root of trust after boot); but don't forget that this is AMD specific and won't work on any Intel CPU, and is mostly obsolete (the "trusted measurement" stuff from BIOS and TPM was mostly superseded by SecureBoot anyway), and (even on Intel CPUs) if you're only the guest then the hyper-visor can emulate it in any way it wants (and it won't guarantee anything is secure).
Finally; note that booting a micro-kernel directly doesn't make much sense either. There's no device drivers in a micro-kernel; so after booting a micro-kernel you end up with a "can't start any device drivers because there are no device drivers" problem. Instead you need to load many files (e.g. maybe an initial RAM disk), then (e.g.) start some kind of "boot log handler" (to display error messages, etc); then find and start the kernel, then start other processes (e.g. "device manager" to detect devices and drivers; "VFS layer" to handle file systems and file IO; etc). For the whole thing; starting the kernel is just one relatively insignificant small step (not much more than starting a global shared library that provides multi-tasking) buried among a significantly larger amount of code that does all the work.
Sadly; booting a monolithic kernel directly can make sense because it can contain all the drivers (or at least, has enough built into the kernel's executable file to handle an initial RAM disk if it's "modular monolithic" with dynamically loaded drivers); and this "monolithic with stuff that doesn't belong in any micro-kernel" idea is what most beginner tutorials assume.

Is it possible to compile and run the dlib library on embedded devices with ARM Cortex-M7 processors?

I have just started using the amazing dlib library in Visual Studio and I have been able to compile and run the face detection examples. I was wondering if it would be possible to compile and run the library on an Mbed device, such as this one, with an M7 (or other M-series) processor. In other words, what specifications should I look out for to determine whether a microcontroller can, if at all, run dlib. Note that Mbed devices run C++ code, so it would be possible to copy and paste the source code of dlib and compile it, but I want to know if this is possible before I purchase a board. Also, if the RAM and ROM of the board are not enough, I can always attach external RAM/ROM.
Alternatively, if anyone knows of a library that can perform face detection or recognition on an embedded device, I would be happy to hear it.
Although the F769 is a considerably powerful embedded device there is no chance that dlib will run on it. Machine learning algorithms, even if not run in real-time, typically require a vast amount of RAM memory, specially for online-learning (learning on the target). You can take a look at ARMs very own CMSIS NN library to see what's currently "state-of-the-art" for devices that size.
Take a look at Tensorflow Lite for Microcontrollers. You can put these on embedded devices. Wake words and object detection runs easily on various boards (Arduino Nano 33, SparkFun Edge). There's a compiler included for Mbed.
Microcontrollers are not suitable for video and image recognition even if you attach external ram. The chip you where suggestiong is top of the line in microcontroller world. But this means only 2Mb for ALL your software and only 512kb of ram onboard. Think of it this way the image you need with enough detail to recoginze someone would be atleast a few mb.
I would suggest that you look at to the application processors of ARM (A series) or NVIDA Jetson.

vxWorks-7 jump to bootloader

Is there a way in vxWorks-7 to restart to the bootloader, we are using u-boot. We have a hardware issue with our current board, and would like to jump to u-boot to restart the bard instead of power cycling it.
A methode is maybe to use the reboot() function on console (that of course can also be used from code).
If the BSP implementation is okay, it should restart without a power-cycle.
At least that works for us -> VxWorks7 with an ARM system. But i have to say, we are not using u-boot (we are using barebox).

Run executable on MINI2440 with NO OS

I have Fedora installed on my PC and I have a Friendly ARM Mini2440 board. I have successfully installed Linux kernel and everything is working. Now I have some image processing program, which I want to run on the board without OS. The only process running on board should be my program. And in that program how can I access the on board camera to take image from, and serial port to send output to the PC.
You're talking about what is often called a bare-metal environment. Google can help you, for example here. In a bare-metal environment you have to have a good understanding of your hardware because you have to take care of a lot of things that the OS normally handles.
I've been working (off and on) on bare-metal support for my ELLCC cross development tool-chain. I have the ARM implementation pretty far along but there is still quite a bit of work to do. I have written about some of my experiences on my blog.
First off, you have to get your program started. You'll need to write some start-up code, usually in assembly, to handle the initialization of the processor as it comes out of reset (or is powered on). The start-up code then typically passes control to code written in C that ultimately directly or indirectly calls your main() function. Getting to main() is a huge step in your bare-metal adventure!
Next, you need to decide how to support your hardware's I/O devices which in your case include the camera and serial port. How much of the standard C (or C++) library does your image processing require? You might need to add some support for functions like printf() or malloc() that normally need some kind of OS support. A simple "hello world" would be a good thing to try next.
ELLCC has examples of various levels of ARM bare-metal in the examples directory. They range from a simple main() up to and including MMU and TCP/IP support. The source for all of it can be browsed here.
I started writing this before I left for work this morning and didn't have time to finish. Both dwelch and Clifford had good suggestions. A bootloader might make your job a lot simpler and documentation on your hardware is crucial.
First you must realise that without an OS, you are responsible for bringing the board up from reset including configuring the PLL and SDRAM, and also for the driver code for every device on the board you wish to use. To do that required adequate documentation of the board and it devices.
It is possible that you can use the existing bootloader to configure the core and SDRAM, but that may not meet your requirement for the only process running on the board should be your image processing program.
Additionally you will need some means of loading and bootstrapping; again the existing Linux bootstrapper may suit.
It is by no means straightforward and cannot really be described in detail here.

OPENOCD, flash program to ARM Cortex M0 (JTAG)

I'm new on OpenOCD, has anyone attempted to use Olimex OpenOCD to actually flash program hex file (from Kiel say) into ARM CORTEX M0 (generic).
What do I need to setup script file to take each word of the hex file to performs mww (memory write word) within the MCU flash?, can anyone provide an example. I use python.
I open for suggestion.
I use Window PC.
All Cortex M0 that I know of have no JTAG, but only SWD support. SWD is not yet available in OpenOCD - it is still in development.
Another note: The method for writing the flash memory is specific for each vendor/chip.
Sure, what platform in particular? some googling will find the exact sequence. flash unlock, erase, program, etc.
Section 6 of this page for example.
I am trying to figure out what board I did it on but those were pretty much the commands I followed and it worked just fine. It may have been the leaflabs maple mini. The steps are the same. To avoid the steps or scripting it, etc. what I ended up doing was writing a few lines of bootloader that said if ram+0 = 0x12345678, and ram+4 = 0x87654321 then branch to ram+8 else infinite loop. then it was trivial to use the jtag to load a program into ram with the two words and an entry point at 0x08 bytes into ram, press reset and run the program. On a cold power up it just hits the infinite loop. I spend my day on a bigger arm based system loading everything into ram using jtag so it made it quite comfortable. You could just script it in openocd and simply type the openocd command have the flash load happen.
Update for people stopping by...
You do not have to use mww, if you're just trying to flash-program (eg. upload your own code) to your microcontroller.
Some time ago, OpenOCD got a ("built-in") convenience-script, that you can use for programming, this "command" is called "program".
Here's an example from the documentation on the "program" command:
openocd -f interface/ftdi/jtag-lock-pick_tiny_2.cfg -f board/stm32f3discovery.cfg -c "program filename.elf verify reset"
-Replace "stm32f3discovery" by your board. If you use a different adapter, replace the interface with the appropriate configuration file.
