T-SQL Select where Subselect or Default - sql-server

I have a SELECT that retrieves ROWS comparing a DATETIME field to the highest available value of another TABLE.
The Two Tables have the following structure
- Id (Guid)
- RecordId (Guid)
- TableName (varchar)
- DeletionDate (datetime)
And Another table which keep track of synchronizations using the following structure
- Id (Guid)
- SynchronizationDate (datetime)
In order to get all the RECORDS that have been deleted since the last synchronization, I run the following SELECT:
[TableName] = '[dbo].[Person]'
AND [DeletionDate] >
(SELECT TOP 1 [SynchronizationDate]
FROM [dbo].[SynchronizationLog]
ORDER BY [SynchronizationDate] DESC)
The problem occurs if I do not have synchronizations available yet, the T-SQL SELECT does not return any row while it should returns all the rows cause there are no synchronization records available.
Is there a T-SQL function like COALESCE that I can use with DateTime?

Your subquery should look like something like this:
SELECT COALESCE(MAX([SynchronizationDate]), '0001-01-01')
FROM [dbo].[SynchronizationLog]
It says: Get the last date, but if there is no record (or all values are NULL), then use the '0001-01-01' date as start date.
NOTE '0001-01-01' is for DATETIME2, if you are using the old DATETIME data type, it should be '1753-01-01'.
Also please note (from https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms187819(v=sql.100).aspx)
Use the time, date, datetime2 and datetimeoffset data types for new work. These types align with the SQL Standard. They are more portable. time, datetime2 and datetimeoffset provide more seconds precision. datetimeoffset provides time zone support for globally deployed applications.
An alternative solution is to use NOT EXISTS (you have to test it if its performance is better or not):
[DeletedRecords] DR
[TableName] = '[dbo].[Person]'
FROM [dbo].[SynchronizationLog] SL
WHERE DR.[DeletionDate] <= SL.[SynchronizationDate]


How does one find rows created today if the CreatedDate column is of type datetimeoffset?

I have a column named CreatedDate of type DateTimeOffset, and I need to query to see rows created today. If this column was of type DateTime I would do this:
FROM MyTable
WHERE CreatedDate >= GETDATE()
How does one accomplish this with a DateTimeOffset column, however?
Environment: SQL Server 2014
Take a look at the TODATETIMEOFFSET function that is built into SQL Server.
Here is an example of how it is used (-5 is my timezone offset...your usage may vary)...again, this also considers you are only worried about >= current time as your original question suggested. You would need to adjust usage of GETDATE() if you care about the entire day (see comment on original question).
select * from TestingDates d where d.CreatedDate >= TODATETIMEOFFSET(GETDATE(), '-05:00')

Date range based on Column Date

I am using the latest SQL Server. I have a table with a CreatedDate column. I need to write a Query that uses dates that are plus or minus 7 from the Date in CreatedDate. I have no clue how to go about this. My thought was this:
DECLARE #Date datetime
DECLARE #SevenBefore datetime
DECLARE #SevenAfter datetime
SET #Date = CreatedDate
SET #SevenBefore = DATEADD(day,-7,#Date)
SET #SevenAfter = DATEADD(day,7,#Date)
FROM <table>
WHERE <table> BETWEEN #SevenBefore AND #SevenAfter
The issue with this is that I cannot use "CreatedDate" as a SET #DATE because SQL gives an error "Invalid column name 'CreatedDate'"
Any help would be appreciated. I cannot list a date because every date in that column could be different.
In this case, you need to stop thinking as a programmer would, and start thinking as a Database programmer would.
Lets work only with this central part of your query:
FROM <table>
WHERE <table> BETWEEN #SevenBefore AND #SevenAfter
Now, you say that the CreatedDate is a column in a table. For this example, I will assume that the CreatedDate is in a table other than the one in your example above. For this purpose, I will give two fake names to the tables. The table with the CreatedDate, I will call tblCreated, and the one from the query above I will call tblData.
Looking above, it's pretty obvious that you can't compare an entire table row to a date. There must be a field in that table that contains a date/time value. I will call this column TargetDate.
Given these assumptions, your query would look something like:
FROM tblCreated tc
INNER JOIN tblData td
ON td.TargetDate BETWEEN DATEADD(day, -7, tc.CreatedDate) and DATEADD(day, 7, tc.CreatedDate)
Looking at this, it is clear that you still need some other associations between the tables. Do you only want all data rows per customer based on the Created date, or perhaps only want Creations where some work was done on them as shown in the Data records, or ??. Without a fuller specification, we can't help with that, though.

Proper way to index date & time columns

I have a table with the following structure:
ID int identity,
Whatever varchar(100),
MyTime time(2) NOT NULL,
MyDate date NOT NULL,
MyDateTime AS (DATEADD(DAY, DATEDIFF(DAY, '19000101', [MyDate]),
CAST([MyDate] AS DATETIME2(2))))
The computed column adds date and time into a single datetime2 field.
Most queries against the table have one or more of the following clauses:
... WHERE MyDate < #filter1 and MyDate > #filter2
... ORDER BY MyDate, MyTime
... ORDER BY MyDateTime
In a nutshell, date is usually used for filtering, and full datetime is used for sorting.
Now for questions:
What is the best way to set indices on those 3 date-time columns? 2 separate on date and time or maybe 1 on date and 1 on composite datetime, or something else? Quite a lot of inserts and updates occur on this table, and I'd like to avoid over-indexing.
As I wrote this question, I noticed the long and kind of ugly computed column definition. I picked it up from somewhere a while ago and forgot to investigate if there's a simpler way of doing it. Is there any easier way of combining a date and time2 into a datetime2? Simple addition does not work, and I'm not sure if I should avoid casting to varchar, combining and casting back.
Unfortunately, you didn't mention what version of SQL Server you're using ....
But if you're on SQL Server 2008 or newer, you should turn this around:
your table should have
and then define the "only date" column as
Since you make it persisted, it's stored along side the table data (and now calculated every time you query it), and you can easily index it now.
Same applies to the MyTime column.
Having date and time in two separate columns may seem peculiar but if you have queries that use only the date (and/or especially only the time part), I think it's a valid decision. You can create an index on date only or on time or on (date, whatever), etc.
What I don't understand is why you also have the computed datetime column as well. There s no reason to store this value, too. It can easily be calculated when needed.
And if you need to order by datetime, you can use ORDER BY MyDate, MyTime. With an index on (MyDate, MyTime) this should be ok. Range datetime queries would also be using that index.
The answer isn't in your indexing, it's in your querying.
A single DateTime field should be used, or even SmallDateTime if that provides the range of dates and time resolution required by your application.
Index that column, then use queries like this:
MyDate >= #startfilterdate
AND MyDate < DATEADD(d, 1, #endfilterdate);
By using < on the end filter, it only includes results from sometime before midnight of that date, which is the day after the user-selected "end date". This is simpler and more accurate than adding 23:59:59, especially since stored times can include microseconds between 23:59:59 and 00:00:00.
Using persisted columns and indexes on them is a waste of server resources.

Indexing on DateTime and VARCHAR fields in SQL Server 2000, which one is more effectient?

We have a CallLog table in Microsoft SQL Server 2000. The table contains CallEndTime field whose type is DATETIME, and it's an index column.
We usually delete free-charge calls and generate monthly fee statistics report and call detail record report, all the SQLs use CallEndTime as query condition in WHERE clause. Due to a lot of records exist in CallLog table, the queries are slow, so we want to optimize it starting from indexing.
Will it more effictient if query upon an extra indexed VARCHAR column CallEndDate ?
Such as
-- DATETIME based query
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM CallLog WHERE CallEndTime BETWEEN '2011-06-01 00:00:00' AND '2011-06-30 23:59:59'
-- VARCHAR based queries
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM CallLog WHERE CallEndDate BETWEEN '2011-06-01' AND '2011-06-30'
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM CallLog WHERE CallEndDate LIKE '2011-06%'
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM CallLog WHERE CallEndMonth = '2011-06'
It has to be the datetime. Dates are essentially stored as a number in the database so it is relatively quick to see if the value is between two numbers.
If I were you, I'd consider splitting the data over multiple tables (by month, year of whatever) and creating a view to combine the data from all those tables. That way, any functionality which needs to entire data set can use the view and anything which only needs a months worth of data can access the specific table which will be a lot quicker as it will contain much less data.
I think comparing DateTime is much faster than LIKE operator.
I agree with DoctorMick on Spliting your DateTime as persisted columns Year, Month, Day
for your query which selects COUNT(*), check if in the execution plan there is a Table LookUp node. if so, this might be because your CallEndTime column is nullable. because you said that you have a [nonclustered] index on CallEndTime column. if you make your column NOT NULL and rebuild that index, counting it would be a INDEX SCAN which is not so slow.and I think you will get much faster results.

Question About DateCreated and DateModified Columns - SQL Server

customerID int identity (500,20) CONSTRAINT
dateCreated datetime DEFAULT GetDate() NOT NULL,
dateModified datetime DEFAULT GetDate() NOT NULL
When i insert a record, dateCreated and dateModified gets set to default date/time. When i update/modify the record, dateModified and dateCreated remains as is? What should i do?
Obviously, i need to dateCreated value to remain as was inserted the first time and dateModified keeps changing when a change/modification occurs in the record fields.
In other words, can you please write a sample quick trigger? I don't know much yet...
You might want to look at creting an update trigger to update this value for you
Have a look at something like
Val VARCHAR(10),
DateCreated DATETIME DEFAULT GetDate(),
DateUpdated DATETIME DEFAULT GetDate()
SET DateUpdated = GetDate()
inserted ON Vals.ID = inserted.ID
UPDATE Vals SET Val = 'B'
... = NewValue,
dateModified = DEFAULT
I'd use this rather than dateModified = GETDATE() so GETDATE() is only used once (say you want to change to GETUTCDATE() in future)
Or a trigger if you have multiple update paths...?
When i insert a record, dateCreated
and dateModified gets set to default
date/time. When i update/modify the
record, dateModified and dateCreated
remains as is? What should i do?
A Column default is only used when INSERTing and not by an UPDATE. The default will be used by the INSERT command if you do not supply the column or issue the DEFAULT keyword in the INSERT.
INSERT INTO Customer (col1, col2)
VALUES (..,..) ---get default for dateCreated & dateModified
INSERT INTO Customer (col1, col2,dateCreated)
VALUES (..,..,DEFAULT) ---get default for dateCreated & dateModified
INSERT INTO Customer (col1, col2,dateCreated,dateModified)
VALUES (..,..,DEFAULT,DEFAULT) ---get default for dateCreated & dateModified
INSERT INTO Customer (col1, col2,dateCreated,dateModified)
VALUES (..,..,'1/1/2010',DEFAULT) ---only get default for dateModified
INSERT INTO Customer (col1, col2,dateCreated,)
VALUES (..,..,'1/1/2010') ---only get default for dateModified
INSERT INTO Customer (col1, col2,dateCreated,dateModified)
VALUES (..,..,'1/1/2010','1/2/2010') ---no defaults for dateCreated & dateModifie
I like using a local variable set that the top of the procedure:
DECLARE #RunDate datetime
I then use that within the procedure, so all changes (even on multiple tables) have the exact same date to the millisecond. I also prefer the dateModified column to allow nulls and not have a default, when it is inserted, it has been created not modified, I'll set the dateModified when it is actually modified.
then use:
UPDATE Customer
SET importantColumn=
,dateModified = #RunDate
UPDATE CustomerPrice
SET importantColumn=
,dateModified = #RunDate
#astander is right, you should just use an update trigger if you want this automated. My update triggers are slightly different (I use the 'inserted' virtual table). Here's one that should fit your schema (rename however you see fit):
CREATE TRIGGER [CustomerDateModifiedTrigger] ON [dbo].[Customer]
UPDATE Customer
SET dateModified = GETDATE()
FROM Customer c
INNER JOIN inserted i ON c.customerID = i.customerID
#Kronass, you don't have any idea about what uou are saying!
timestamp is the synonym for the rowversion data type and is subject to the behavior of data type synonyms. In DDL statements, use rowversion instead of timestamp wherever possible. For more information, see Data Type Synonyms (Transact-SQL).
The Transact-SQL timestamp data type is different from the timestamp data type defined in the ISO standard.
The timestamp syntax is deprecated. This feature will be removed in a future version of Microsoft SQL Server. Avoid using this feature in new development work, and plan to modify applications that currently use this feature.
rowversion (Transact-SQL) Is a data type that exposes automatically generated, unique binary numbers within a database. rowversion is generally used as a mechanism for version-stamping table rows. The storage size is 8 bytes. The rowversion data type is just an incrementing number and does not preserve a date or a time. To record a date or time, use a datetime2 data type.
1) Be sure to create the index for the primary key. (I just uncovered a mistake of this type recently.)
2) You can use one INSERT/UPDATE trigger instead of separate triggers at the price of a tiny loss of efficiency. If insert.DateCreated is null, then update Vals.DateCreated, otherwise update Vals.DateModified.
There is a datatype in SQL Server Called timestamp. which keep track of the row version for each time you modify the row.
Or if you want you can use a trigger and change the ModifiedDate Column.
