How can I append a formatted string to an existing String? - string-formatting

Using format!, I can create a String from a format string, but what if I already have a String that I'd like to append to? I would like to avoid allocating the second string just to copy it and throw away the allocation.
let s = "hello ".to_string();
append!(s, "{}", 5); // Doesn't exist
A close equivalent in C/C++ would be snprintf.

I see now that String implements Write, so we can use write!:
use std::fmt::Write;
pub fn main() {
let mut a = "hello ".to_string();
write!(a, "{}", 5).unwrap();
println!("{}", a);
assert_eq!("hello 5", a);
It is impossible for this write! call to return an Err, at least as of Rust 1.47, so the unwrap should not cause concern.


Swift: Turning a String into UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>

I have a C function mapped to Swift defined as
predictX010(inputString: UnsafePointer<emxArray_char_T>!, ypred: UnsafeMutablePointer<emxArray_real_T>!)
I want to input a string in the inputString, but in order to do that I have to play around with emxArray_char_T which is
emxArray_char_T.init(data: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>!, size: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int32>!, allocatedSize: Int32, numDimensions: Int32, canFreeData: boolean_T)
My string will consist of let x = ":1580222503,GCP001,007,Male,30,Left,1,IL8 and IL10,0000; 0,281411,-78,521074,-3,344657,132,347776,-93,25,44" and I just cannot figure out how to input it in data of the emxArray_char_T
First you should write a wrapper function in your bridging header that accepts char pointers then cast/create the emxArray_char_T in c IE:
// casting the func as void because you didn't specify
void predictWrapper(const char *aChar, char *bChar) {
// do your casting and call original func predictX010(...)
Then in swift (This isn't going to be pretty)
var arg: String = "some arg"
var arg2: String = "another arg"
// use closure to prevent dangling pointer
arg.withCString{ body in // body is UnsafePointer<Int8>
arg2.withCString{ body2 in // we'll cast this to UnsafeMutablePointer
var arg2Mutable = UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>(mutating: body2)
//call your wrapper
predictWrapper(body, arg2Mutable)
You may be able to use the original types and function, but i've always found it easier (less banging my head on the desk) to use the most standard c types you can in swift and casting to custom/complex types in c

Why does the first character of my string get cut off when I pass from swift to C?

Here is the function in swift to convert from a swift string to a C string
func swiftStringToCString(swiftString: String) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<CString>?{
let convertedCString: [CChar]? = swiftString.cString(using: .utf8)
if let safeConvertedCString = convertedCString {
var cString = UnsafeMutablePointer<CString>.allocate(capacity: 1)
//defer {
// cString.deallocate()
cString.pointee.count = UInt32(safeConvertedCString.count) - 1 = UnsafePointer<Int8>(safeConvertedCString)
return cString
return nil
The CString struct is defined in a C header file:
typedef struct {
const char *data;
uint32_t count;
} CString;
I also have an addition test function which simply prints out the string passed in:
extern void __cdecl testCString(CString *pCString);
When I call
testCString(swiftStringToCString(swiftString: "swiftString"))
This gets printed out:
I also noticed that I get the warning
Initialization of 'UnsafePointer<Int8>' results in a dangling pointer
when I do = UnsafePointer<Int8>(safeConvertedCString)
This approach is incorrect. You can't just hold onto pointers into a String's internal storage and expect it to stick around past the current line of code. That's what the warning is telling you.
In order to ensure that a pointer is valid, you need to use .withUnsafeBufferPointer. I would expect something along these lines:
"swiftString".utf8CString.withUnsafeBufferPointer { buffer in
var cString = CString(data: buffer.baseAddress!, count: UInt32(buffer.count))
This ensures that the utf8 buffer exists until the end of the block. If you want to hold onto it beyond that, you're going to need to add code to copy those bytes into memory you allocate and release yourself.

Read raw C string to Rust... what's the right way to convert signed to unsigned in this context?

I'm binding some C functions to rust. I'm facing a little problem and I'd like to know the right way to solve it in rust.
Here's the function that I'd like to call from the C API:
extern "C" {
pub fn H5Aread(attr_id: hid_t, type_id: hid_t, buf: *mut c_char) -> herr_t;
The function reads something from a file, and stores it in buf.
So, I created this buffer in a vector:
let len: u64 = get_the_length();
let attr_raw_string: Vec<c_char> = Vec::new(); // c_char is equivalent to i8
attr_raw_string.resize(len as usize, 0);
let attr_raw_string_ptr = attr_raw_string.as_mut_ptr();
let read_error = H5Aread(attr_obj, attr_type, attr_raw_string_ptr);
if read_error < 0 {
let result_str: String = String::from_utf8(attr_raw_string);
Now this doesn't compile because from_utf8 expects a Vec<u8>, but Vec<c_char> is a Vec<i8>.
Is there a way to fix this without having to copy and cast the string every time as a new type u8?
You were almost there.
For now, we're going to assume that the C side of your FFI boundary is correct - i.e. it properly generates a null-terminated string.
To efficiently assign and recover this in rust, we're going to use CStr. This creates a borrowed type referencing a C string in memory (i.e. a *const char). This does not allocate, since it is not an owned type.
We then convert this to a &str for the final comparison with what we expected. This is still not an owned type, so all we have created is our Vec<> that we effectively used as a buffer.
The full code is available below and on the playground:
fn test() {
let len:u64 = 64;
// Allocate a buffer
let mut buffer:Vec<c_char> = Vec::with_capacity(len as usize);
let attr_raw_string_ptr = buffer.as_mut_ptr();
let read_error = unsafe { H5Aread(attr_raw_string_ptr) };
if read_error < 0 {
let result = unsafe {
let result_str = result.to_str().unwrap();
assert_eq!(result_str, "test");
Three important gotchas:
CStr::to_str() can fail (hence why it returns a Result<&str, _> when the content of the CStr is not valid utf-8. This is because both the rust String and &str types need to be valid utf-8.
Obviously, your input buffer needs to be at least the size of what your C function will throw into it. Refer to the C side to be able to make this guarantee.
CStr::from_ptr has a bunch of gotchas that you should at least keep in mind when using it

Swift - C API bridge - how to handle null pointers

In Swift I am using C API that returns struct with char array (containing UTF8 null terminated string or null).
struct TextStruct {
char * text;
//other data
I use:
let text: String = String(cString: data.text)
This works, however, when data.text is nullptr, this fails with
fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value
Is there any workaround, or I have to check data.text manually before using cString ctor?
In addition to Gwendal Roué's solution: You can
annotate the C API to indicate whether the pointer can be null or not.
For example,
struct TextStruct {
char * _Nullable text;
//other data
is imported to Swift as
public struct TextStruct {
public var text: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>?
// ...
where var text is a "strong" optional instead of an implicitly
unwrapped optional. Then
let text = String(cString: data.text)
// value of optional type 'UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>?' not unwrapped; ...
no longer compiles, and forces you to use optional binding or
other unwrapping techniques, and the "fatal error: unexpectedly found nil"
cannot happen anymore accidentally.
For more information, see "Nullability and Objective-C" from the Swift Blog –
despite the title, it can be used with pure C as well.
Yes, you have to check data.text, in order to make sure it can feed the String(cString:) initializer, which is documented to require a non-null pointer.
A technique is to use a if let statement. This is a classic technique for safely unwrapping optional values:
let str: String?
if let ptr = ptr {
str = String(cString: ptr)
} else {
str = nil
print("got \(str ?? "nil")")
Another technique is the function:
let str = { String(cString: $0) }
print("got \(str ?? "nil")")
You can check if the address of the pointer is set
let textIsSet = Int(bitPattern: data.text) != 0
let text: String? = textIsSet ? String(cString: data.text) : nil

How do I convert a C string into a Rust string and back via FFI?

I'm trying to get a C string returned by a C library and convert it to a Rust string via FFI.
const char* hello(){
return "Hello World!";
extern crate libc;
use libc::c_char;
#[link_args = "-L . -I . -lmylib"]
extern {
fn hello() -> *c_char;
fn main() {
//how do I get a str representation of hello() here?
The best way to work with C strings in Rust is to use structures from the std::ffi module, namely CStr and CString.
CStr is a dynamically sized type and so it can only be used through a pointer. This makes it very similar to the regular str type. You can construct a &CStr from *const c_char using an unsafe CStr::from_ptr static method. This method is unsafe because there is no guarantee that the raw pointer you pass to it is valid, that it really does point to a valid C string and that the string's lifetime is correct.
You can get a &str from a &CStr using its to_str() method.
Here is an example:
extern crate libc;
use libc::c_char;
use std::ffi::CStr;
use std::str;
extern {
fn hello() -> *const c_char;
fn main() {
let c_buf: *const c_char = unsafe { hello() };
let c_str: &CStr = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(c_buf) };
let str_slice: &str = c_str.to_str().unwrap();
let str_buf: String = str_slice.to_owned(); // if necessary
You need to take into account the lifetime of your *const c_char pointers and who owns them. Depending on the C API, you may need to call a special deallocation function on the string. You need to carefully arrange conversions so the slices won't outlive the pointer. The fact that CStr::from_ptr returns a &CStr with arbitrary lifetime helps here (though it is dangerous by itself); for example, you can encapsulate your C string into a structure and provide a Deref conversion so you can use your struct as if it was a string slice:
extern crate libc;
use libc::c_char;
use std::ops::Deref;
use std::ffi::CStr;
extern "C" {
fn hello() -> *const c_char;
fn goodbye(s: *const c_char);
struct Greeting {
message: *const c_char,
impl Drop for Greeting {
fn drop(&mut self) {
unsafe {
impl Greeting {
fn new() -> Greeting {
Greeting { message: unsafe { hello() } }
impl Deref for Greeting {
type Target = str;
fn deref<'a>(&'a self) -> &'a str {
let c_str = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(self.message) };
There is also another type in this module called CString. It has the same relationship with CStr as String with str - CString is an owned version of CStr. This means that it "holds" the handle to the allocation of the byte data, and dropping CString would free the memory it provides (essentially, CString wraps Vec<u8>, and it's the latter that will be dropped). Consequently, it is useful when you want to expose the data allocated in Rust as a C string.
Unfortunately, C strings always end with the zero byte and can't contain one inside them, while Rust &[u8]/Vec<u8> are exactly the opposite thing - they do not end with zero byte and can contain arbitrary numbers of them inside. This means that going from Vec<u8> to CString is neither error-free nor allocation-free - the CString constructor both checks for zeros inside the data you provide, returning an error if it finds some, and appends a zero byte to the end of the byte vector which may require its reallocation.
Like String, which implements Deref<Target = str>, CString implements Deref<Target = CStr>, so you can call methods defined on CStr directly on CString. This is important because the as_ptr() method that returns the *const c_char necessary for C interoperation is defined on CStr. You can call this method directly on CString values, which is convenient.
CString can be created from everything which can be converted to Vec<u8>. String, &str, Vec<u8> and &[u8] are valid arguments for the constructor function, CString::new(). Naturally, if you pass a byte slice or a string slice, a new allocation will be created, while Vec<u8> or String will be consumed.
extern crate libc;
use libc::c_char;
use std::ffi::CString;
fn main() {
let c_str_1 = CString::new("hello").unwrap(); // from a &str, creates a new allocation
let c_str_2 = CString::new(b"world" as &[u8]).unwrap(); // from a &[u8], creates a new allocation
let data: Vec<u8> = b"12345678".to_vec(); // from a Vec<u8>, consumes it
let c_str_3 = CString::new(data).unwrap();
// and now you can obtain a pointer to a valid zero-terminated string
// make sure you don't use it after c_str_2 is dropped
let c_ptr: *const c_char = c_str_2.as_ptr();
// the following will print an error message because the source data
// contains zero bytes
let data: Vec<u8> = vec![1, 2, 3, 0, 4, 5, 0, 6];
match CString::new(data) {
Ok(c_str_4) => println!("Got a C string: {:p}", c_str_4.as_ptr()),
Err(e) => println!("Error getting a C string: {}", e),
If you need to transfer ownership of the CString to C code, you can call CString::into_raw. You are then required to get the pointer back and free it in Rust; the Rust allocator is unlikely to be the same as the allocator used by malloc and free. All you need to do is call CString::from_raw and then allow the string to be dropped normally.
In addition to what #vladimir-matveev has said, you can also convert between them without the aid of CStr or CString:
extern crate libc;
use libc::{c_char, puts, strlen};
use std::{slice, str};
#[link_args = "-L . -I . -lmylib"]
extern "C" {
fn hello() -> *const c_char;
fn main() {
//converting a C string into a Rust string:
let s = unsafe {
let c_s = hello();
str::from_utf8_unchecked(slice::from_raw_parts(c_s as *const u8, strlen(c_s)+1))
println!("s == {:?}", s);
//and back:
unsafe {
puts(s.as_ptr() as *const c_char);
Just make sure that when converting from a &str to a C string, your &str ends with '\0'.
Notice that in the code above I use strlen(c_s)+1 instead of strlen(c_s), so s is "Hello World!\0", not just "Hello World!".
(Of course in this particular case it works even with just strlen(c_s). But with a fresh &str you couldn't guarantee that the resulting C string would terminate where expected.)
Here's the result of running the code:
s == "Hello World!\u{0}"
Hello World!
